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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 362及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.Health conditions improve with time spent watching healthy programs.B.Comedy videos can cure most people of chronic heart attacks.C.Chances of having heart attacks re

2、duce with those amused daily.D.Most patients cant survive once they suffer from a second heart attack.A.Laughing is a learned behavior.B.Laughing is a good medicine to patients.C.Laughing is easier than battling with an illness.D.Laughing is something people can do without effort.A.A fitness program

3、 offered to the general public.B.A physical exercise to build up muscles.C.A program that makes people keep laughing.D.A situation where you have no mood to smile.A.Youd better smile or laugh from the bottom of your heart.B.You cant fool your body by pretending to be happy.C.A smart mind cant tell t

4、he difference between a fake one and a real one.D.Even a fake one can benefit people physiologically just as well as a real oneA.He is not following the complete recipe.B.He is missing the right pan to cook the pizza.C.He is using the directions for a different food.D.He is mixing up all the ingredi

5、ents at hand.A.He tells her honestly what he thinks about it.B.She can tell by his nonverbal expressionsC.He throws it away after making it.D.She finds he doesnt touch it at all.A.He added more salt to make it taste better.B.He added some cold cereal to the pizza.C.He burned it longer than instructe

6、d.D.He put some pumpkin in the pizza.A.They decide to go out to eat.B.They eat something different at home.C.They eat at friends house.D.They eat pumpkins as dessert.3.Section B_A.Because we might be offered a dish of insects.B.Because nothing but freshly cooked insects are served.C.Because some yup

7、pies like to horrify guests with insects as food.D.Because we might meet many successful executives in the media industry.A.From yuppie clubs.B.In the seafood marketC.In the supermarket.D.On the Internet.A.Its easy to prepare.B.Its tasty and healthful.C.Its exotic in appearance.D.Its safe to eat.A.I

8、t will be consumed by more and more young people.B.It will become the first course at dinner parties.C.It will have to be changed to suit local tastes.D.It is unlikely to be enjoyed by most people.A.Their business hours are limited.B.Their safety measures are inadequate.C.Their banking procedures ar

9、e complicated.D.They dont have enough service windows.A.People who are in the habit of switching from one bank to another.B.Young people who are fond of modern technology.C.Young people who are wealthy and well-educated.D.People who have computers at home.A.To compete for customers.B.To reduce the s

10、ize of their staff.C.To provide services for distant clients.D.To expand their operations at a lower cost.4.Section C_A.How 724 people lived for the past 75 years.B.What keeps people happy and healthy in life.C.The meaning of wealth and hard work for life.D.Three big lessons about social relationshi

11、ps.A.Social connections are good for lonely people.B.Less socially connected people do not enjoy their life.C.The health of lonely people decline earlier in midlife.D.Loneliness only affects ones mental health.A.Numbers of people involved.B.Quality of this relationship.C.Commitment of this relations

12、hip.D.Members being relatives.A.Small quarrels do not harm their health.B.Small quarrels are good for a close relationship.C.They know they could count on each other in tough days.D.Small quarrels do protect their bodies and brains.A.More than half of the respondents dont pay for ATM fees.B.Most Ame

13、rican people disagree with the charge of ATM fees.C.Respondents think the proper fee for an ATM transaction is $2-3.D.77% of Americans are okay with the charge of ATM fees.A.Advertising coupon.B.15-inch video screen.C.Restaurant coupon.D.Promotional video.A.15.B.25.C.1.D.2.A.They have broken $100.B.

14、They kept falling for 103 months.C.They were up over 63%.D.They were up 8.1% every year.A.Adding new restaurants.B.Delivering food by bicycle.C.Decorating exterior of restaurants.D.Offering new type of ice-cream.A.Offer free desserts.B.Promote with advertising.C.Sell high-margin items.D.Provide new

15、menus.大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 362答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.Health conditions improve with time spent watching healthy programs.B.Comedy videos can cure most people of chronic heart attacks.C.Chances of having heart

16、 attacks reduce with those amused daily. D.Most patients cant survive once they suffer from a second heart attack.解析:解析:从选项可以看出问题与 heart attack有关,听到相关话题时注意后面的数据反映的事实:每天看半小时喜剧的心脏病患者中只有 10%再次发作,而不看的人中有 30%再次发作,因此可以推断,每天都开心的人心脏病发作率降低,即 C。A 中的 healthy programs太笼统,且对话中并未提及健康状况随着看有益于健康的节目的时间增长而改善的信息。A.Lau

17、ghing is a learned behavior.B.Laughing is a good medicine to patients. C.Laughing is easier than battling with an illness.D.Laughing is something people can do without effort.解析:解析:对话中提到 Laughter is really a good medicine to patients.之后,举了 Norman作为例子,故答案为 B。A.A fitness program offered to the general

18、 public. B.A physical exercise to build up muscles.C.A program that makes people keep laughing.D.A situation where you have no mood to smile.解析:解析:对话先提到 fitness program,然后女士问“有没有 such a program”,男士说“有,叫做Smile Time-Out”,故选 A。A.Youd better smile or laugh from the bottom of your heart.B.You cant fool y

19、our body by pretending to be happy.C.A smart mind cant tell the difference between a fake one and a real one.D.Even a fake one can benefit people physiologically just as well as a real one 解析:解析:选项与真笑假笑有关,D 是最后句的同义表达。选项 C与原文意思相悖。A.He is not following the complete recipe. B.He is missing the right pa

20、n to cook the pizza.C.He is using the directions for a different food.D.He is mixing up all the ingredients at hand.解析:解析:男士说自己是按照一个老食谱做 pizza的,但女孩说“你漏了一页”,说明他的食谱不完整,故答案为 A.A.He tells her honestly what he thinks about it.B.She can tell by his nonverbal expressions C.He throws it away after making it

21、.D.She finds he doesnt touch it at all.解析:解析:男士自告奋勇品尝了一块 pizza,女孩问“你为什么做鬼脸?”说明她从男士的面部表情(即非语言表达)中得知他不喜欢自己做的 pizza。此题关键在于听懂习惯表达 make faces“扮鬼脸”。A.He added more salt to make it taste better.B.He added some cold cereal to the pizza.C.He burned it longer than instructed.D.He put some pumpkin in the pizza

22、. 解析:解析:女士问那是什么,男士回答说那是他对食谱调整的一部分,他加了些南瓜。可见他对食谱的调整体现在加了南瓜在里面,故答案为 D。A.They decide to go out to eat.B.They eat something different at home. C.They eat at friends house.D.They eat pumpkins as dessert.解析:解析:最后女孩建议喝点冷的麦片粥,男士欣然应允,可知他们放弃了 pizza,而吃了别的,故选B。3.Section B_解析:A.Because we might be offered a dish

23、 of insects. B.Because nothing but freshly cooked insects are served.C.Because some yuppies like to horrify guests with insects as food.D.Because we might meet many successful executives in the media industry.解析:解析:录音提到,若第一道菜是刚烹制的昆虫,你不要感到惊讶。故选 A。A.From yuppie clubs.B.In the seafood marketC.In the su

24、permarket.D.On the Internet. 解析:解析:根据“这些吃起来很安全的昆虫能从网上找到和订购”,选 D。A.Its easy to prepare.B.Its tasty and healthful. C.Its exotic in appearance.D.Its safe to eat.解析:解析:根据“据爱吃昆虫的人所说,昆虫不仅高蛋白低脂肪,而且很美味”,可以知道人们爱吃昆虫的原因是出于好吃和健康,所以选 B。A.It will be consumed by more and more young people.B.It will become the firs

25、t course at dinner parties.C.It will have to be changed to suit local tastes.D.It is unlikely to be enjoyed by most people. 解析:解析:录音提到,但除非我们对食物的观念有了根本的改变,否则仍然只有少数人会吃昆虫。由此可判断人们不太可能接受吃昆虫,故选 D。A.Their business hours are limited. B.Their safety measures are inadequate.C.Their banking procedures are comp

26、licated.D.They dont have enough service windows.解析:解析:根据“他们对银行有限的营业时间不满意”,故选 A。A.People who are in the habit of switching from one bank to another.B.Young people who are fond of modern technology.C.Young people who are wealthy and well-educated. D.People who have computers at home.解析:解析:根据“网上银行的方便吸引

27、了银行最想留住的那类客户,即那些受过良好教育、高收入的年轻人”,故选 C。A.To compete for customers. B.To reduce the size of their staff.C.To provide services for distant clients.D.To expand their operations at a lower cost.解析:解析:根据“一个原因是银行必须竞相争夺客户”,故选 A。4.Section C_解析:A.How 724 people lived for the past 75 years.B.What keeps people h

28、appy and healthy in life. C.The meaning of wealth and hard work for life.D.Three big lessons about social relationships.解析:解析:录音开头提到,这项研究长达 75年,试图找出一个问题的答案:是什么令人们活得更健康、更快乐(What keeps us healthy and happy),所以 B项正确。A 项“这 724人过去 75年的生活”并不是研究目的,而是研究内容。C 项“财富与勤奋工作在生命中的意义”未在录音中提到。D 项“三个关于人际关系的教训”是研究的结果,但并

29、非其初衷。A.Social connections are good for lonely people.B.Less socially connected people do not enjoy their life.C.The health of lonely people decline earlier in midlife. D.Loneliness only affects ones mental health.解析:解析:演讲人指出,孤独感对健康有害,离群索居的人快乐感不高,中年时较早出现健康问题(their health declines earlier in midlife),

30、C 项与最后一点相符,故正确。录音中提到第一个研究结果是人际关系对人非常有益,但 A项说的是“人际关系对孤独的人有好处”,意思有所偏差。B 项“与社会联系不多的人不能享受生活”没有在讲座中提到。录音有提到与家人、朋友、社会联系更多的人身体也更健康(physically healthier),所以说孤独也会影响生理健康,D 项“孤独只会影响心理健康”错误。A.Numbers of people involved.B.Quality of this relationship. C.Commitment of this relationship.D.Members being relatives.解

31、析:解析:根据第二个研究结果,亲密的人际关系不在于朋友数量以及是否对彼此作出承诺,它取决于这段关系的质量(quality of your close relationships),所以 B项正确。A 项“一段关系中所涉及的人的数量”和 C项“一段关系中承诺的义务”都是研究结果所否定。D 项“互为亲属关系”没有在演讲中提到。A.Small quarrels do not harm their health.B.Small quarrels are good for a close relationship.C.They know they could count on each other in

32、 tough days. D.Small quarrels do protect their bodies and brains.解析:解析:演讲人提到,有些 80、90 岁的夫妇整天吵架,但只要他们认为对方是可靠之人,就不会对感情造成很深的伤害,C 项抓住了关键词 count on,与录音内容相符,是正确选项。A 项“小吵小闹不会伤害健康”没有提到。虽然演讲中有提到良好的关系没有必要一直是平稳的(dont have to be smooth all the time),但并没有说小吵小闹对亲密关系有益,B 项过度推断。录音说既能保护我们的身体,又能保护大脑的是良好的关系(good relat

33、ionships),而不是吵嘴,故 D项错误。A.More than half of the respondents dont pay for ATM fees.B.Most American people disagree with the charge of ATM fees. C.Respondents think the proper fee for an ATM transaction is $2-3.D.77% of Americans are okay with the charge of ATM fees.解析:解析:Ally Bank 的一项最新调查显示,77的美国人对银行

34、ATM收费持反对态度,56的受访者认为 ATM交易的合理收费是 0美元,所以 B项“大部分美国人不同意 ATM收费”与调查结论相符。A 项“一半以上的受访者不付 ATM费”和 C“受访者认为合理的 ATM交易费为 2-3美元”利用录音个别单词设置干扰。D 项“77的美国人觉得 ATM费用可以接受”与录音内容相反。A.Advertising coupon. B.15-inch video screen.C.Restaurant coupon.D.Promotional video.解析:解析:选项提到的都是优惠券或商品,要注意录音中是否出现相关词汇。录音提到,交易完成后,客户可得到一张收条,另有

35、一张带广告或促销性质的优惠券,例如附近餐馆提供的打折优惠等,所以 A项“广告优惠券”正确。B 项“15 英寸电视屏幕”是在 ATM交易过程中用来播放广告的。C 项只是介绍优惠券的一个例子,并非只有餐厅优惠券。D 项“促销视频”未在录音中出现。A.15.B.25.C.1. D.2.解析:解析:录音提到,迄今为止,在布鲁克林区只有一台这样的 ATM,哪怕在纽约市乃至全美国也只有一台,C 项是正确答案。A 项数字 15是 ATM上方播放广告的电视屏幕尺寸。B 项数字 25是广告 ATM机的发明者的年龄。A.They have broken $100.B.They kept falling for 1

36、03 months.C.They were up over 63%. D.They were up 8.1% every year.解析:解析:麦当劳的股价在过去三年内上涨了 63,C 项的表述与此一致,是正确答案。A 项“已过了100美元大关”与事实不符,该公司现在估价是 9848 美元,分析家预测很快将会突破 100美元。B 项“连续 103个月下跌”与事实不符。D 项数据错误,其中的 81是麦当劳在亚太地区、中东和非洲上个月的销量增长。A.Adding new restaurants.B.Delivering food by bicycle. C.Decorating exterior

37、of restaurants.D.Offering new type of ice-cream.解析:解析:麦当劳为招徕顾客,提供多种便利性服务(compelling customer conveniences),包括麦当劳甜品窗(dessert windows)、自行车送外卖等服务,B 项与录音内容相符。A 项“新增餐馆”在录音中并无提及。录音中提到麦当劳在店外新增售卖雪糕等的窗口,而不是 C项所说的“装修外观”。麦当劳新增的是甜品店,并无直接说明提供了雪糕新品,故 D项错误。A.Offer free desserts.B.Promote with advertising.C.Sell high-margin items.D.Provide new menus. 解析:解析:麦当劳为吸引各式各样的顾客,提供了许多价格不一的新菜单(added a lot of new menus items that are priced relatively high,low and in-between),D 项表述一致,为正确答案。美国麦当劳餐厅提供小甜品吸引客户,并非 A项“免费甜品”。录音中没有提及 B项“广告宣传手法”。C 项“高利润商品”是麦当劳在提供大量优惠的情况下的获利手段。


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