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1、大学英语四级-89 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:3,分数:100.00)Last year“s economy in the United States should have won the Oscar for best picture. Growth in gross domestic product was 4.1 percent profits 1 up exports flourished and inflation (通货膨胀) stayed around 3 percent for the third

2、 year. So why did so many Americans give the picture only a B rating? The answer is jobs. The macroeconomic (宏观经济的) situation was good, but the microeconomic (微观经济的) numbers were not. Yes, 3 million new jobs were there, but not enough of them were 2 , good jobs paying enough to support a family. Job

3、 insecurity was serious. Even as they 3 higher sales and profits, corporations acted as if they were operating at a 4 , cutting 516,069 jobs in 1994 alone, almost as many as in the bad year of 1991. Yes, unemployment went down. But over 1 million workers were so 5 they left the labor force. More tha

4、n 6 million who wanted full time work were only partially 6 and another large group was sheltered behind serf-employment. We lost a million good manufacturing jobs between 1990 and 1995, continuing the 7 that has reduced the blue-collar work force from about 30 percent in the 1950s to about half tha

5、t today. White-collar workers found out they were no longer 8 . In 1995, for the first time, they were let go in numbers 9 equal to those for blue-collar workers. Many turn to 10 workwith lower pay, fewer benefits and less status. All this is a country where people meeting for the first time say, “W

6、hat do you do?“ A. announced B. trend C. performed D. temporary E. permanent F. virtually G. technical H. employed I. exposure J. originally K. soared L. significance M. secure N. discouraged O. loss(分数:30.00)They call them the new bread earners. They are women, and they are set to take over. Women

7、are beginning to rise 11 to the top in the workplace all over the developed world. New figures show that in almost a third of American 12 with a working wife, the woman brings home more money than her husband and that they now occupy half the country“s “high-paying, executive, administrative and 13

8、occupations“, compared with 34 per cent 20 years ago. The trend is 14 by two main factors, experts saya 15 acceptance of men as househusbands and mass unemployment of male white-collar workers from the technology, finance and media industries in the last three years. The University of Maryland has 1

9、6 a report that shows women to be the chief earner in 11 per cent of all US marriages. Pushing a buggy (婴儿车) on a sunny afternoon in New York“s Central Park last week, Jonathan Blinderman, 33, said, he was 17 he had been able to see every moment of his daughter Lindsay“s first six months of life whi

10、le his wife, Sage, was out working. It is a sign of these times of 18 that when he mentions his status at parties he is either praised as a saint or 19 as a slave-cure-freeloader (爱占便宜的奴隶). For the revolution is nowhere near complete. But Maria Cancian, an economist at the University of Wisconsin, s

11、aid 20 women were increasingly looking for househusbands. A. caused B. proud C. carelessly D. mocked E. produced F. managerial G. greedy H. precaution I. argued J. transition K. ambitious L. tackled M. growing N. steadily O. households(分数:30.00)Sarr Elyse took a sip from a plastic cup. Like a practi

12、sed wine taster, she swilled the dark liquid around in her mouth then swallowed. “I love Coca-Cola and this is not Coca-Cola,“ she said with a slight grimace (鬼脸). It certainly wasn“t and that“s the point of Mecca-Colaa soft drink named after Islam“s holiest land and created to protest against US fo

13、reign policy in the Middle East. Senegal is one of the first sub-Saharan African countries to put Mecca-Cola on the market, and it“s an obvious choice. The population is 95 percent Muslim and opposition to the war in Iraq has been more 21 here than elsewhere in the region. Thousands took to the stre

14、ets to protest against the fighting in Iraq and now Mecca-Cola, which has sales of about five million bottles in Europe, will gives thirsty Senegaiese a thought-provoking, 22 thirst reliever to the US brand. “Being a Muslim, I was attracted by the name Mecca-Cola,“ said Hassane Brahim Fardoun, the b

15、usinessman behind the drink“s distribution in Senegal. “I will do my best to 23 the Senegalese market with this new product.“ The drink“s launch 24 with increasing popular opposition to US foreign policy and the first six- packs of Mecca-Cola were delivered to two shops in Senegal“s capital Dakar th

16、e same week US troops stormed Baghdad. More will follow if it sells well. He says the advertising 25 has not yet started because posters have not arrived from France, but he has high hopes for word of mouth marketing. Elyse is one of the first to taste the new drink at a tiny shop in the city centre

17、. Unfortunately for Fardoun, she is Catholic, and a little reserved about whole-heartedly 26 the political viewpoints behind Mecca-Cola“s existence. Mecca-Cola has already found fans in Africa, as well as in Europe. The cola with a crusade (改革运动) is the 27 of French businessman Tawfik Mathlouthi, wh

18、o launched the drink last November in France as a protest against US foreign policy. Mecca-Cola is not unique. There is a wide range of similar 28 drinks, like Muslim Up or British-based Qibla-Cola, whose website cries “Liberate your taste“. 29 , the drink that typifies the American way of life was

19、flavoured originally with cola nuts, widely prized in West Africa as a 30 and a dowry gift at weddings. A. injected B. alternative C. racially D. brainchild E. constituent F. vocal G. campaign H. ironically I. optimum J. backing K. coincided L. ideological M. penetrate N. stimulus O. inherently(分数:4

20、0.00)大学英语四级-89 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:3,分数:100.00)Last year“s economy in the United States should have won the Oscar for best picture. Growth in gross domestic product was 4.1 percent profits 1 up exports flourished and inflation (通货膨胀) stayed around 3 percent for the t

21、hird year. So why did so many Americans give the picture only a B rating? The answer is jobs. The macroeconomic (宏观经济的) situation was good, but the microeconomic (微观经济的) numbers were not. Yes, 3 million new jobs were there, but not enough of them were 2 , good jobs paying enough to support a family.

22、 Job insecurity was serious. Even as they 3 higher sales and profits, corporations acted as if they were operating at a 4 , cutting 516,069 jobs in 1994 alone, almost as many as in the bad year of 1991. Yes, unemployment went down. But over 1 million workers were so 5 they left the labor force. More

23、 than 6 million who wanted full time work were only partially 6 and another large group was sheltered behind serf-employment. We lost a million good manufacturing jobs between 1990 and 1995, continuing the 7 that has reduced the blue-collar work force from about 30 percent in the 1950s to about half

24、 that today. White-collar workers found out they were no longer 8 . In 1995, for the first time, they were let go in numbers 9 equal to those for blue-collar workers. Many turn to 10 workwith lower pay, fewer benefits and less status. All this is a country where people meeting for the first time say

25、, “What do you do?“ A. announced B. trend C. performed D. temporary E. permanent F. virtually G. technical H. employed I. exposure J. originally K. soared L. significance M. secure N. discouraged O. loss(分数:30.00)解析:K解析 此处需填不及物动词,可以和 up 构成词组。上下文都在讲经济发展良好,所以该词应表积极意义,词库中符合条件的词是 soared。soared up 意为“高涨,

26、剧增”。解析:E解析 此处需要形容词,与 good 并列修饰 jobs。由此可知该词与 good 一样表积极意义,可先排除 temporary。词库中符合条件的形容词有 secure 和 permanent。secure 不能如此搭配,用法不对;permanent 较为合适,表明薪水高的、稳定持久的工作。解析:A解析 此处需要及物动词的过去式,作谓语。Even 在这里有转折之意,所以根据主句中的谓语动词 acted(行动,表现)可知该动词与言语行为有关,由此可知 announced 一词比较合适,意为“宣布”。解析:O解析 此处需填可数名词,能与 at a 一起连用。根据句首的 Even,可知

27、此处应该与前面的higher sales and profits 相反,由此很容易确定 loss 最为合适。at a loss 意为“亏损”。解析:N解析 此空在 were 后面,且由副词 so 修饰,所以有两种可能性,一种是形容词,另一种是分词。前文说到失业率下降,此处的形容词是 100 多万工人自己离职的原因,由此可确定该词表消极意义。词库中的四个形容词都不合适,而动词的过去分词形式中,discouraged 符合条件,意为“灰心的,丧气的”。解析:H解析 此空在 were 后面,且由副词 partially 修饰,所以为形容词或动词过去分词。上文提到unemployment 下降,联系下

28、文提到的 self-employment,可知此处指“就业”,由此可确定答案为employed。解析:B解析 此处需填可数名词。根据其后的 that 定语从句,显然 trend 最为合适,意为“趋势,势头”。解析:M解析 此处需要形容词或动词过去分词。上下文都在说工作不稳定,所以答案显然是 secure(安全的,有安全感的)。解析:F解析 此处需要副,修饰 equal to.。比较词库中的两个副词 virtually 和 originally,显然virtually 比较合适,意思是“实际上,事实上”。解析:D解析 此处需要填入形容词。根据破折号后面对 work 的解释,可知该词表消极意义。上

29、下文都在说工作不稳定,被裁员,所以可确定答案为 temporary(临时的)。They call them the new bread earners. They are women, and they are set to take over. Women are beginning to rise 11 to the top in the workplace all over the developed world. New figures show that in almost a third of American 12 with a working wife, the woman b

30、rings home more money than her husband and that they now occupy half the country“s “high-paying, executive, administrative and 13 occupations“, compared with 34 per cent 20 years ago. The trend is 14 by two main factors, experts saya 15 acceptance of men as househusbands and mass unemployment of mal

31、e white-collar workers from the technology, finance and media industries in the last three years. The University of Maryland has 16 a report that shows women to be the chief earner in 11 per cent of all US marriages. Pushing a buggy (婴儿车) on a sunny afternoon in New York“s Central Park last week, Jo

32、nathan Blinderman, 33, said, he was 17 he had been able to see every moment of his daughter Lindsay“s first six months of life while his wife, Sage, was out working. It is a sign of these times of 18 that when he mentions his status at parties he is either praised as a saint or 19 as a slave-cure-fr

33、eeloader (爱占便宜的奴隶). For the revolution is nowhere near complete. But Maria Cancian, an economist at the University of Wisconsin, said 20 women were increasingly looking for househusbands. A. caused B. proud C. carelessly D. mocked E. produced F. managerial G. greedy H. precaution I. argued J. transi

34、tion K. ambitious L. tackled M. growing N. steadily O. households(分数:30.00)解析:N解析 此处需要副词作状语,修饰动词 rise。根据其谓语动词 are beginning,可知 steadily较合适。rise steadily 意为“稳步上升”。解析:O解析 此处需要名词作介词 of 的宾语。根据下文的 the woman 和 her husband,可知答案为households。解析:F解析 此处需要形容词作定语,且与 and 前面的 executive,administrative 形成并列关系,因此答案为 m

35、anagerial。managerial occupations 意为“经理的职位”。解析:A解析 此处需要动词的过去分词,作谓语的一部分。根据其后的 factors(因素),可得出答案为caused。be caused by two main factors 意为“由两个主要因素引起”。解析:M解析 此处需要形容词作定语。前文提到“女性开始在工作场所稳步上升到高层位置”,所以可推断男性逐步接受做家庭主男,因此 growing 最为合适。a growing acceptance 意为“越来越接受”。解析:E解析 此处需要及物动词的过去分词。文章前面已经指出女性是新的 bread earner,

36、本句提到有报告进一步证实,因此可知 produced 显然更合适。produced a report 意为“拿出报告”。解析:B解析 此处需要积极意义的形容词作表语。本句是家庭主男的一个例子,根据上下文语义的逻辑性,可知答案为 proud。解析:J解析 此处需要名词作介词 of 的宾语。根据上下文语义搭配,可知 transition 正确。times of transition 意为“过渡时期”解析:D解析 此处需要动词的过去分词,和 praised 并列作谓语的一部分,而且两者是反义关系。mocked 显然最合适。解析:K解析 此处需要形容词作定语,修饰主语 women。根据下文“寻找家庭主

37、男”,可知这个形容词是肯定意义的,所以选用 ambitious。ambitions women 意为“有抱负的女性”。Sarr Elyse took a sip from a plastic cup. Like a practised wine taster, she swilled the dark liquid around in her mouth then swallowed. “I love Coca-Cola and this is not Coca-Cola,“ she said with a slight grimace (鬼脸). It certainly wasn“t an

38、d that“s the point of Mecca-Colaa soft drink named after Islam“s holiest land and created to protest against US foreign policy in the Middle East. Senegal is one of the first sub-Saharan African countries to put Mecca-Cola on the market, and it“s an obvious choice. The population is 95 percent Musli

39、m and opposition to the war in Iraq has been more 21 here than elsewhere in the region. Thousands took to the streets to protest against the fighting in Iraq and now Mecca-Cola, which has sales of about five million bottles in Europe, will gives thirsty Senegaiese a thought-provoking, 22 thirst reli

40、ever to the US brand. “Being a Muslim, I was attracted by the name Mecca-Cola,“ said Hassane Brahim Fardoun, the businessman behind the drink“s distribution in Senegal. “I will do my best to 23 the Senegalese market with this new product.“ The drink“s launch 24 with increasing popular opposition to

41、US foreign policy and the first six- packs of Mecca-Cola were delivered to two shops in Senegal“s capital Dakar the same week US troops stormed Baghdad. More will follow if it sells well. He says the advertising 25 has not yet started because posters have not arrived from France, but he has high hop

42、es for word of mouth marketing. Elyse is one of the first to taste the new drink at a tiny shop in the city centre. Unfortunately for Fardoun, she is Catholic, and a little reserved about whole-heartedly 26 the political viewpoints behind Mecca-Cola“s existence. Mecca-Cola has already found fans in

43、Africa, as well as in Europe. The cola with a crusade (改革运动) is the 27 of French businessman Tawfik Mathlouthi, who launched the drink last November in France as a protest against US foreign policy. Mecca-Cola is not unique. There is a wide range of similar 28 drinks, like Muslim Up or British-based

44、 Qibla-Cola, whose website cries “Liberate your taste“. 29 , the drink that typifies the American way of life was flavoured originally with cola nuts, widely prized in West Africa as a 30 and a dowry gift at weddings. A. injected B. alternative C. racially D. brainchild E. constituent F. vocal G. ca

45、mpaign H. ironically I. optimum J. backing K. coincided L. ideological M. penetrate N. stimulus O. inherently(分数:40.00)解析:F解析 此处应为形容词。原文该段首先指出麦加可乐的目的是为了反对美国在中东的对外政策,然后提到塞内加尔是麦加可乐最早开发的市场之一,本题所在的句子解释了选择塞内加尔为最早的市场的原因:因为它的人口大多数信奉伊斯兰教(和中东国家一样),所以,它的人民也像中东人民一样对伊拉克战争有强烈的反对情绪,由此可见,空白处的单词应表明塞内加尔人反对伊拉克战争的态度“鲜

46、明”,“直接”或“强烈”,在形容词词库中,vocal 是最合适的单词。解析:B解析 此处应为形容词。根据空白处后的内容可以推断该词应表明麦加可乐给塞内加尔人带来了美国饮料品牌“以外的选择”,因此 altenative 为本题答案。在语义上,形容词词库中的 optimum 也可能适合,但是 optimum 不会用于 optimum.to.这样的结构中,只有 alternative 可以用于alternative.to.,意为“除了之外的选择”。解析:M解析 空白处应为原形动词。Fardoun 作为分销商,他所说的话应该表明他要尽力“占领”塞内加尔的市场,使他的产品遍布塞内加尔,带有“占领、遍布”

47、之义的只有 penetrate。在动词词库中,injected 可表示“进入”,在词义上适合于上下文,但原文需要的是原形动词,injected 为动词过去式,不合适。解析:K解析 此处应为动词,而且为动词过去式,可与 with 搭配。根据该句的内容可推断该动词与with 构成的动词词组表明麦加可乐的推出与反美情绪“相适应”,动词词库中,coincided 在词型和词义上都符合要求,为本题答案。解析:G解析 此处可为由 advertising 修饰的名词,或为修饰动词的副词。先看副词词库,三个副词在语义上都不能与动词搭配,由此可确定此处应为名词,表示推广麦加可乐的“行动”或“计划”等,因此本题答

48、案为 campaign。解析:J解析 此处应为动名词,作 about 的宾语,但从其后的 the political viewpoints 可以推断该动词是及物动词,the political viewpoints 是它的宾语。该句中的 she 指的是前一句提到的 Elyse,她信奉天主教,因此可以推断她不可能全心全意“支持”麦加可乐及这种饮料代表的政治态度,在动词词库中,可找到表示“支持”的单词为 backing。解析:D解析 此处应为名词。从原文该句中的定语从句可知 Mathlouthi 是“发明”麦加可乐的人,空白处的单词表明麦加可乐是 Mathlouthi“发明的产品”,“构想的产品”

49、,brainchild 就具有这种语义,为本题答案。解析:L解析 此处应为形容词。根据该段首句及该句中的 similar,该句所举的例子可以推断作者想要指出与麦加可乐均有相同“理念”的产品有不少,ideological 与“想法”、“理念”、“意识形态”等意思相关,为本题答案。解析:H解析 此处应为副词,作为整句的状语。该句表示可乐这种典型的美国饮料最早来自西非的一种可乐果,空白处的副词应表示作者认为美国饮料的先祖来自西非这一事实是人们始料不及的,在副词词库中,只有 ironically 带有“与原意或期望相反”的意思,因此,本题答案为 ironically。解析:N解析 此处应为单数名词。此名词应该与其后的 a dowry gift at weddings 并列,表明可乐果在西非的用处,在名词词库中,只有 stimulus 适合,表示可乐果有提神的作用。


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