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1、大学英语四级听力-47 及答案解析(总分:252.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section A(总题数:4,分数:105.00)(分数:35.00)A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D.(分数:21.00)A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D.A.B.C.D.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:28.00)(1).A. Two different types of bones in the human body.B. How bones help

2、 the body move.C. How bones continuously repair themselves.D. The chemical composition of human bones.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(2).A. They defend the bone against viruses.B. They prevent oxygen from entering the bone.C. They break down bone tissue.D. They connect the bone to muscle tissue.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(

3、3).A. To learn how to prevent a bone disease.B. To understand differences between bone tissue and other tissue.C. To find out how specialized bone cells have evolved.D. To create artificial bone tissue.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(4).A. He thinks it is impossible. B. He thinks it is attractive.C. He thinks it

4、is too specializing. D. He thinks it will not come true.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:21.00)(1).A. A story in prose.B. A poem that rhymes.C. A translation of a short literary work.D. A journal about the process &writing.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(2)

5、.A. Because the class has been assigned to read French books.B. Because he was able to read it in French.C. Because he isnt sure its available in English.D. Because he thinks its an example of what the professor wants.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(3).A. Its pronounced differently in French and in English.B. To

6、write without using it is difficult both in English and in French.C. Every word in the French authors book contains it.D. Its commonly used in English to make poetry rhyme.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.二、Section B(总题数:3,分数:70.00)Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数:21.00)(1).A. Nic

7、otine. B. Ashes.C. Smoke. D. Tar.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(2).A. To keep selling them to people by producing cigarettes with less tar.B. To persuade people to give up smoking entirely.C. To reduce the risk to peoples health.D. To let people know the risk to peoples health.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(3).A. Smoking. B.

8、 Smokers.C. Why Do People Smoke? D. The Tar.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数:21.00)(1).A. A box. B. A book.C. A young tree. D. Apples.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(2).A. Because the farmer planted the tree near the road.B. Because the farmer planted the tree o

9、n one of his fields.C. Because the farmer planted the tree near his house.D. Because the farmer planted the tree in the woods.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(3).A. The Farmer and the Apple Tree.B. How to Plant an Apple Tree.C. A Friends Gift.D. An Apple Tree.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the pa

10、ssage you have just heard.(分数:28.00)(1).A. 776 B.C. B. 667 B.C.C. 766 B.C. D. 676 B.C.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(2).A. 1769. B. 1876.C. 1896. D. 1886.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(3).A. In Athens. B. In New York.C. In Paris. D. In Moscow.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(4).A. Because of the rulers of Rome.B. Because of the decline of

11、ancient Greek civilization.C. Because of the World Wars.D. Because of renewal of those ideals.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.三、Section C(总题数:1,分数:77.00)Many young people believe good grades, (26) internships will land them their ideal job. Also, (27) to what they think, often their major will have little (28) ove

12、r the person who is hiring them for a position. Young adults need to have a (29) view in order to survive in corporate America.When you apply at a major corporation, do not be surprised if you end up with an entry level position. You usually do not start at the top, but work your way up. It is all a

13、bout “paying your dues“. Hard work and being in the corporation for some time may lead to greater earning (30) . If you are unable to get a (31) after eighteen months, depending on the position, it may be time to move on.In (32) , young adults often boast of their majors. Unless you are going into a

14、 (33) field where an accounting or science degree is needed, no one really cares as much as you may think. You are there to prove why you can do the position applied for. (34) .It usually does not hurt to ask for more work. (35) . It can often help you expand your leadership role at work. (36) .(分数:

15、77.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_大学英语四级听力-47 答案解析(总分:252.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section A(总题数:4,分数:105.00)(分数:35.00)A.B.C. D.解析:解析 W: Here is the yearly report about our production.M: Thank you. But I wonder whether these statistical figures are correct.Q:

16、What does the man really mean?解析 选 C,综合推断题。男士先是表示感谢,进而用 but表转折,表示想知道这些数据是否正确。由此可以推断男士怀疑这些数据的正确性,故选 C。考点 whether 与 if作连词时,主要区别如下:if 作状语从句的连词时,意为“如果”。whether 则引导一个让步状语从句,意为“不管,无论”,如:Whether he comes or not,the result will be the same无论他来与否,结果都是一样的。当这两个词作宾语从句的连词时,一般可以互换,但 if不能连接 or not,而 whether可以。A.B.

17、C. D.解析:解析 W: I have been thinking about my uncle a lot these days.M: Why not go over for a visit?Q: What does the man mean?解析 选 C,建议题。当女士提到近来她总想自己的叔叔时,男士建议她去看看他(go over for a visit),故选 C。考点 a lot 的用法:与动词连用:可指“很,非常”,如:She cares about me a lot她对我非常关心。还可指“常常”,如:I swim quite a lot in the summer夏天我经常游泳。

18、与形容词和副词连用,意为“很,非常”,如:Im feeling a lot better today我今天身体好多了。A.B.C. D.解析:解析 M: What languages does Jane speak?W: Besides English she also speaks Spanish, German and French.Q: What do you learn from this conversation?解析 选 C,综合推断题。女士介绍到詹妮除了会说英语,还会说西班牙语、德语和法语,即四种语言,故选 C。考点 有关“语言”的词汇:American,Australian,B

19、razilian,Canadian,Chinese,Czech(捷克语),Danish(丹麦语),Dutch,Egyptian,English,Finnish(芬兰语),French,German,Greek,Indian,Irish,Italian,Japanese,Korean,Polish,Portuguese(葡萄牙语),Spanish,Swedish 等。A. B.C.D.解析:解析 W: John, I dont know what I can get for your father. He has just about everything, doesnt he? Do you

20、have any suggestions?M: Why dont you get him a pocket calculator?Q: Why doesnt the woman know what she should get for the mans father?解析 选 A,信息明示题。女士不知道给男士的父亲送什么,因为她认为男士的父亲什么都有,故选 A。考点 关于 pocket的惯用表达有:pocket book 小笔记本;pocket calculator 小计算器;pocket handkerchief手帕;pocket knife 小折刀;pocket money 零花钱;poc

21、ket piece 吉利钱。A.B.C. D.解析:解析 W: Its surprising that Tom came out of the accident alive.M: Thats true. The car crashed into the wall and was completely damaged.Q: What was the consequence of the accident?解析 选 C,信息明示题。对话开始,女士对汤姆能在事故中幸存下来表示惊讶,所以事故的结果是虽然车被毁了,但是汤姆还活着,故选 C。考点 alive/live/living 作形容词时的比较:li

22、ve通常只作前置定语,且一般用于动物;alive 和 1iving不仅可作定语(alive 只能置于名词后,living一般置于名词前,也可置于名词后),也可以作表语。如:This is a live(=living)fish=This is a fish alive这是条活鱼。(注:指动物,且作定语时,三者均可用)Whos the greatest man alive(=living man)?谁是当今最伟大的人物?(注:指人时,不能用 live)The fish is still alive (=living)那条鱼还活着。(注:作表语时,不能用 live)(分数:21.00)A.B.C.

23、 D.解析:解析 M: I sent a letter to make reservation for a single room a few days ago.W: Im sorry. Your request arrived too late. There are some conferences in town this week, and rooms were completely full.Q: Are there any spare rooms at the hotel?解析 选 C,信息明示题。男士想订房间,但是女士表示抱歉,说男士预订得太晚了,并说由于本周有会议,房间已满,即没

24、有空房了,故选 C。考点 有关“房间”的词汇:apartment,furniture,double room,single room,occupy,book up(订满),room service客房服务(部),living room,bedroom ceiling,broken tiles,solid building,shower pipe,kitchen sink 等。A.B.C. D.解析:解析 W: You wanted to see me, Mr. Wright?M: Yes, Miss Gray. Youll have to start getting to work on ti

25、me, or your services will no longer be needed here.Q: What happened to Miss Gray?解析 选 C,综合推断题。男士对女士说她以后必须准时上班,否则将被开除,由此可知,女士是由于迟到而被批评了,故选 C。考点 有关“工作”的词汇:work,office,routine,boring,interesting,stimulating,important,promote,make the effort,gains and loses,make a decision,complain,stay late,work overti

26、me,extra hours,type letters,business trip,be through with,the next item,out of work 等。A.B. C.D.解析:解析 M: You know, Im just not too sure if the new salary will be high enough or even the new position is really what I want. Besides, I like the work that I am doing now.W: It sounds as though youve alrea

27、dy made up your mind about what you are going to do.Q: What is the man thinking about?解析 选 B,综合推断题。男士表示对新工作的薪水高低不确定,同时表示喜爱当前工作,由此可见他是在考虑是否要换新工作,故选 B。考点 as though/if 的用法:引导的从句常用虚拟语气,如:Sometimes she acted as though she didnt have a brain in her head她有时做事像没脑子似的。当说话者认为 as though/if引导的从句内容可能是事实,或可能成为事实时,

28、这时从句动词用直陈语气,如:It looks as if its going to rain看起来要下雨了。Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:28.00)(1).A. Two different types of bones in the human body.B. How bones help the body move.C. How bones continuously repair themselves.D. The chemical composition of human b

29、ones.(分数:7.00)A.B.C. D.解析:解析 9-12W: OK, last night you were supposed to read an article about human bones. Are there any comments about it?M: Well, to begin with, I was surprised to find out there was so much going on in bones. I always assumed they were pretty lifeless.W: Well, thats an assumption

30、many people make. But the fact is bones are made of dynamic living tissue that requires continuous maintenance and repair.M: Right. Thats one of the things I found so fascinating about the article the way the bones repair themselves.W: OK. So can you tell us how the bones repair themselves?M: Sure.

31、See, there are two groups of different types of specialized cells in the bone that work together to do it. The first group goes to an area of the bone that needs repair. This group of cells produces the chemical that actually breaks down the bone tissue, and leaves a hole in it. After that the secon

32、d group of specialized cells comes and produces the new tissue that fills in the hole that was made by the first group.W: Very good. This is a very complex process. In fact, the scientists who study human bones dont completely understand it yet. They are still trying to find out how it all actually

33、works. Specifically, because sometimes after the first group of cells leaves a hole in the bone tissue, for some reason the second group doesnt completely fill in the hole. And this can cause real problems.It can actually lead to a disease in which the bone becomes weak and is easily broken.M: OK, I

34、 get it. So if the scientists can figure out what makes the specialized cells work, maybe they can find a way to make sure the second group of cells completely fills the hole in the bone tissue every time.Thatll prevent the disease from ever occurring.Q: What is the discussion mainly about?解析 选 C,主旨

35、题。对话中两者围绕人类骨骼如何进行自我修复,并对自我修复不成功时的影响和科学界还无法解释的一些问题展开了讨论。可见整个讨论都在围绕骨骼的自我修复进行,故选 C。(2).A. They defend the bone against viruses.B. They prevent oxygen from entering the bone.C. They break down bone tissue.D. They connect the bone to muscle tissue.(分数:7.00)A.B.C. D.解析:解析 Q: What is the function of the fi

36、rst group of specialized cells discussed in the talk?解析 选 C,信息明示题。文中指出在骨组织中存在两组细胞,第一组细胞产生一种化学物质破坏骨组织,并在上面留下一个洞,故选 C。(3).A. To learn how to prevent a bone disease.B. To understand differences between bone tissue and other tissue.C. To find out how specialized bone cells have evolved.D. To create arti

37、ficial bone tissue.(分数:7.00)A. B.C.D.解析:解析 Q: According to the student, what is one important purpose of studying specialized cells in human bones?解析 选 A,信息明示题。对话最后说道,学生在听完老师的解释后认为一旦了解了第二组细胞的运动过程后,就可以阻止骨骼疾病的发生,故选 A。(4).A. He thinks it is impossible. B. He thinks it is attractive.C. He thinks it is t

38、oo specializing. D. He thinks it will not come true.(分数:7.00)A.B. C.D.解析:解析 Q: How does the student think about the article?解析 选 B,观点态度题。当老师谈到骨骼进行自我修复的方式时,学生也认为文章介绍这一点非常有趣(fascinating),可见学生对这篇文章很感兴趣,故选 B。考点 to begin with 的两个含义:首先,第一,如:I cant goTo begin with,I dont have money and secondly I am not in

39、terested in the film我不去。首先我没钱,其次我对这部电影不感兴趣。起初,如:To begin with he disliked that color,but later he loved it起初他并不喜欢这个颜色,但后来还是喜欢上了。Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:21.00)(1).A. A story in prose.B. A poem that rhymes.C. A translation of a short literary work.D. A

40、journal about the process &writing.(分数:7.00)A. B.C.D.解析:解析 13-15M: I didnt see you in creative writing class today. What happened?W: Oh, just a dentist appointment. Thats all. Say, did we get a new assignment for next week?M: Yeah, a really interesting one, actually. Were supposed to write a short s

41、tory that has some sort of limitation or.or constraints imposed on it.W: What do you mean? Like rhyming in a poem?M: Well, thatll be the idea. But what we write has to be prose, as prose poetry. Just to make rhyme in a poem is too easy, I guess. I think the professor really wants to challenge us, an

42、d to put our creativity to the testW: Well, did she give any hints about whats on her mind?M: Not really, but I may have an idea about the kind of thing shes looking for. I just finished a really strange book by some French guy. He wrote a whole book without even using a single E.W: A whole book wit

43、hout a single E? Hows that possible? But, wait a minute. I didnt know you can read French.M: I cant. I read the English translation, but get this. Theres not one E in that either.W: No way. Think of the words you couldnt use.M: I know, but that translator manages it. I got the book at home if you wa

44、nt to check out for yourself. Whats really amazing to me is that leaving E in English is going to involve a complete different group of words in French.W: Sometime you have to show me that book. But right now Id better get going on the writing for next week. I already have a couple of ideas thanks t

45、o you. And I think I just might be able to work it into something interesting.Q: What is the students assignment to write?解析 选 A,综合理解题。男士说他们要写的是一个小故事,但要像散文诗那样写成散文的形式,故选A。(2).A. Because the class has been assigned to read French books.B. Because he was able to read it in French.C. Because he isnt sur

46、e its available in English.D. Because he thinks its an example of what the professor wants.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:解析 Q: Why did the man mention a book by a French author?解析 选 D,综合理解题。男士说自己可能清楚教授想要什么样的文章,然后就提到自己读了一本法国人写的书,由此推断,他提到这本书是因为它可能是教授想要的文章的类型,故选 D。(3).A. Its pronounced differently in French and

47、 in English.B. To write without using it is difficult both in English and in French.C. Every word in the French authors book contains it.D. Its commonly used in English to make poetry rhyme.(分数:7.00)A.B. C.D.解析:解析 Q: What point does the man make about the letter E?解析 选 B,综合理解题。男士觉得那本法国人写的书很奇怪,里面没有出现

48、一个字母 E,而其英文译本里也没有字母 E,他和女士都认为这很难做到,他还说英语中没有 E的单词和法语中没有 E的单词完全不同,综合推断可知,B 正确。考点 put sthto the test 此处意为“考验某事物”,还可表示“对某事物的真实性加以检验”,与其同义的还有:put sb/sthto the proof,如:Lets put his theory to the proof让我们来检验一下他的理论吧。二、Section B(总题数:3,分数:70.00)Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数:21.00)(1).A. Nicotine. B. Ashes.C. Smoke. D. Tar.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:解析 16-18Smoking can be harmful to your health. But why do people smoke?One reason is that people become addicted to cigarettes. To be addicted means that your body c


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