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1、翻译二级口译实务-38 及答案解析(总分:102.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPart /B(总题数:2,分数:52.00)1.My wife Nane and I are both extremely happy to be with you today. I feel truly proud to belong to this extraordinary class of 2004, and I am pleased to see that so many parents and family members were here today. The day belongs to t

2、hem, too. Without their constant support, understanding and sacrifice, none of us could have achieved what we have. For me, to receive a degree from Harvard is a very great honor indeed. There are few countries in the world whose leaders in public life, business, science and the humanities have not

3、had some association with Harvardand no country that has not benefited from Harvards outstanding contributions to human knowledge. /You have invited me, I know, not as an individual, but as Secretary-General of the United Nations. You are saying that the United Nations matters, and that you want to

4、hear what we have to say. Are you fight in believing that the UN matters? I think you are, because the UN offers the best hope of a stable world and a broadly equitable world order, based on generally accepted rules. That statement has been much questioned in the past year. But recent events have re

5、affirmed, and even strengthened, its validity. A rule-based system is in the interest of all countriesespecially today. Globalization has shrunk the world. The very openness, which is such an important feature of todays most successful societies, makes deadly weapons relatively easy to obtain, and t

6、errorists relatively difficult to restrain. /Today, the strong feel almost as vulnerable to the weak as the weak feel vulnerable to the strong. So it is in the interest of every country to have international rules and to abide by them. And such a system can only work if, in devising and applying the

7、 rules, the legitimate interests of all countries are accommodated, and decisions are reached collectively. That is the essence of multilateralism, and the founding principle of the United Nations. All great American leaders have understood this. That is one of the things that make this country such

8、 a unique world power. America feels the need to frame its policies, and exercise its leadership, not just in the light of its own particular interests, but also with an eye to international interests, and universal principles. /Among the finest examples of this was the plan for reconstructing Europ

9、e after World War , which General Marshall announced here at Harvard in 1947. That was one part of a larger-scale and truly statesmanlike effort, in which Americans joined with others to build a new international systema system which worked, by and large, and which survives, in its essentials, nearl

10、y 60 years later. During those 60 years, the United States and its partners developed the United Nations, built an open world economy, promoted human rights and decolonization, and supported the transformation of Europe into a democratic, cooperative community of states, such that war between them h

11、as become unthinkable. / (分数:27.00)_2.If you thought multimedia was something to be enjoyed in the privacy of your home, think again. Banks are on the frontier of the “information superhighway“ because they spend more on the technology than any other type of civilian business.Take the case of J. P.

12、Morgan, Americas fourth largest bank by assets. It has developed a system whereby deals and documents can be finalized quickly on the computer screen with the help of an electronic pen. Its securities analysts in London and traders in Tokyo can talk to each other via the same screen. And clients tru

13、st can be built up, and deals completed, faster than via a telephone line which carries no pictures.The new electronic gizmos are currently being introduced into Morgans trading departments in New York, but eventually they will be used around the world-Aisa included. They make it economically possib

14、le to establish small dealing rooms in capitals such as Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok, while concentrating Morgans expensive back-office functions in Singapore.Morgans pioneering effort illustrates how United States banks are using high technology and large amounts of capital to lever their way into Asia

15、n markets.Rivals in Europe and Japan are doing so too, but they do not have the same access to the vast pool of saving available to American banks. US Pension Fund assets, for example, total US $4. 4 trillion, more than three times the size of Japans.US institutions are in the best position to act a

16、s a bridge between the growing capital demands of Asia and the supply of investment from the rest of the world. The bridge, of course, could wobble badly, as it did in the Latin American debt crisis of the 1980s, but this is hard to imagine in the 1990s when the economic fundamentals in Asia look so

17、 favorable.It took American banks almost a decade to emerge from the Latin American rubble, but they are now formidable competitor. They have written off nonperforming loans and cut payrolls far more boldly than their Japanese counterparts, which are still dogged by soured loans to spendthrift prope

18、rty speculators in Japan.The US commercial banks toughest rivals in Asian cross-border business are more likely to be their investment-bank compatriots rather than the Japanese, and the capital markets of Asia, as elsewhere, will be their battleground.The big five US banks Citibank, Bank of America,

19、 Chemical, Morgan and Chase Manhattan, enjoy the advantage of being big. Compared with firms such as Salomon Brothers and Goldman Sachs, the big five are bigger in most senses of the word. They have more capital, more staff and more branches worldwide through which to distribute corporate issues.Wha

20、t remains to be seen is whether they have trading and deal-making ability to compete with investment hanks. (分数:25.00)_二、BPart /B(总题数:2,分数:50.00)3.下面你将听到一段回忆邓小平同志的发言。上个世纪 70 年代末,我参加了第四次全国文代会,大会上小平同志致辞时获得的长时间的热烈掌声给我留下了极深的印象。这次大会是文艺界经历十年浩劫后的第一次盛会,也是小平同志复出后第一次代表党中央、国务院同广大文艺工作者见面。1960 年的第三次文代会后,文艺界一直处于“


22、听说,有些不完全符合事实。但是,用这些词形容小平同志的讲话,确实是一点也不过分,那些掌声确实是非常真诚和由衷的。 (分数:25.00)_4.当今是法行天下的时代。国运之兴盛,政治之昌明,社会之稳定,经济之发展,民族之团结,文化之繁荣,人民之安居乐业,都离不开法律之维系和法律之保障。中国也不例外。 一个国家采取什么样的治国方略,关系着国家的前途和命运。20 世纪末,拥有十二亿人口的中国向全世界宣示了它的治国方略依法治国,并在此道路上迈出了坚实的步伐:一个适应社会主义市场经济的法律体系正在发育成熟;一个转变政府职能、严格依法行政的变革正在有序进行;一场围绕公正与效率的司法体制改革正在不断深化;一项

23、把法律交给亿万人民的宏大社会工程正在深入持久地进行。诸位知道,实现经济发展,宪法是最重要最根本的法律保障。新中国成立初期,对农业、手工业和资本主义工商业完成社会主义改造后,公有制成了主要所有制模式,私有经济没有合法的地位;计划经济成了主要的经济体制模式,企业自身没有经营的自主权;按劳分配成了主要的分配模式,公民没有按劳分配收入外的其他收入。在这种经济制度下,中国的经济发展非常缓慢。1978 年,中国开始实行改革开放。1988 年,中国对现行宪法进行第一次修正,确认了私有经济的合法地位;1993 年,中国对现行宪法又进行了修正,明确国家实行社会主义市场经济。宪法的变革,促进了公有经济和私有经济的

24、共同发展,促进了国家综合国力的增强和人民生活的改善,给中国的政治、经济、社会生活带来了深刻变革。 (分数:25.00)_翻译二级口译实务-38 答案解析(总分:102.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPart /B(总题数:2,分数:52.00)1.My wife Nane and I are both extremely happy to be with you today. I feel truly proud to belong to this extraordinary class of 2004, and I am pleased to see that so many paren

25、ts and family members were here today. The day belongs to them, too. Without their constant support, understanding and sacrifice, none of us could have achieved what we have. For me, to receive a degree from Harvard is a very great honor indeed. There are few countries in the world whose leaders in

26、public life, business, science and the humanities have not had some association with Harvardand no country that has not benefited from Harvards outstanding contributions to human knowledge. /You have invited me, I know, not as an individual, but as Secretary-General of the United Nations. You are sa

27、ying that the United Nations matters, and that you want to hear what we have to say. Are you fight in believing that the UN matters? I think you are, because the UN offers the best hope of a stable world and a broadly equitable world order, based on generally accepted rules. That statement has been

28、much questioned in the past year. But recent events have reaffirmed, and even strengthened, its validity. A rule-based system is in the interest of all countriesespecially today. Globalization has shrunk the world. The very openness, which is such an important feature of todays most successful socie

29、ties, makes deadly weapons relatively easy to obtain, and terrorists relatively difficult to restrain. /Today, the strong feel almost as vulnerable to the weak as the weak feel vulnerable to the strong. So it is in the interest of every country to have international rules and to abide by them. And s

30、uch a system can only work if, in devising and applying the rules, the legitimate interests of all countries are accommodated, and decisions are reached collectively. That is the essence of multilateralism, and the founding principle of the United Nations. All great American leaders have understood

31、this. That is one of the things that make this country such a unique world power. America feels the need to frame its policies, and exercise its leadership, not just in the light of its own particular interests, but also with an eye to international interests, and universal principles. /Among the fi

32、nest examples of this was the plan for reconstructing Europe after World War , which General Marshall announced here at Harvard in 1947. That was one part of a larger-scale and truly statesmanlike effort, in which Americans joined with others to build a new international systema system which worked,

33、 by and large, and which survives, in its essentials, nearly 60 years later. During those 60 years, the United States and its partners developed the United Nations, built an open world economy, promoted human rights and decolonization, and supported the transformation of Europe into a democratic, co

34、operative community of states, such that war between them has become unthinkable. / (分数:27.00)_正确答案:(今天,我和我的夫人娜内非常高兴与各位共聚一堂。成为出色的 2004 届学生中的一员,我非常自豪,也很高兴在这里见到这么多家长和亲友。这个日子也属于他们。如果没有他们不断支持、理解和牺牲,我们没有人会取得今天的成绩。对我来说,获得哈佛大学学位实在是莫大的荣誉。世界上没有几个国家的政界、商界、科学界和人文学科领导人与哈佛毫无联系,没有哪个国家未曾受益于哈佛对人类知识的杰出贡献。/ 我知道,我不是以个

35、人身份,而是作为联合国秘书长受到邀请的。你们是在表明联合国至关重要,你们想听到我的讲话。你们认为联合国至关重要,这样想对吗?我认为是对的,因为联合国给了我们最大的希望来缔造一个基于公认规则的稳定世界和广泛公平的世界秩序。在过去的一年中,这个说法颇受质疑。但是,我认为,最近发生的一些事件再次证明甚至增强了这一说法的正确性。一个基于规则的体系符合所有国家的利益,在今天更是如此。全球化使世界变小。正是“开放”这个当今最成功社会的重要特征导致致命武器比较容易获得,恐怖分子相对难以控制。/ 今天,弱者觉得容易受到强者的伤害,而强者几乎同样觉得容易受到弱者的伤害。因此,拥有并恪守国际规则符合每个国家的利益

36、。在制定和运用规则时,要兼顾各国的合法利益,集体做出决定,唯有如此,这一体系才能起作用。这是多边主义的实质所在,也是联合国的创建原则。所有伟大的美国领导人都认识到这一点。这个国家成为了独一无二的世界强国,原因之一即在于此。美国感到需要在制定政策和发挥领导作用时不仅考虑到自身的特殊利益,还要着眼于国际利益和普遍原则。/ 在这方面最好的例证就是第二次世界大战之后的欧洲重建计划,而马歇尔将军 1947 年就是在哈佛宣布这一计划的。这个计划属于一个规模更大且真正具有政治家风范的举措,美国与其他国家携手创建了新的国际体系,这个体系总体而言行之有效,其核心内容近六十年后仍具生命力。在这六十年里,美国及其合

37、作伙伴创建了联合国,构建了开放的世界经济,倡导人权,推动非殖民化,支持欧洲转变成国家间的民主合作共同体。于是,这些国家之间爆发战争已成为不可思议的事情。/)解析:2.If you thought multimedia was something to be enjoyed in the privacy of your home, think again. Banks are on the frontier of the “information superhighway“ because they spend more on the technology than any other type

38、 of civilian business.Take the case of J. P. Morgan, Americas fourth largest bank by assets. It has developed a system whereby deals and documents can be finalized quickly on the computer screen with the help of an electronic pen. Its securities analysts in London and traders in Tokyo can talk to ea

39、ch other via the same screen. And clients trust can be built up, and deals completed, faster than via a telephone line which carries no pictures.The new electronic gizmos are currently being introduced into Morgans trading departments in New York, but eventually they will be used around the world-Ai

40、sa included. They make it economically possible to establish small dealing rooms in capitals such as Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok, while concentrating Morgans expensive back-office functions in Singapore.Morgans pioneering effort illustrates how United States banks are using high technology and large am

41、ounts of capital to lever their way into Asian markets.Rivals in Europe and Japan are doing so too, but they do not have the same access to the vast pool of saving available to American banks. US Pension Fund assets, for example, total US $4. 4 trillion, more than three times the size of Japans.US i

42、nstitutions are in the best position to act as a bridge between the growing capital demands of Asia and the supply of investment from the rest of the world. The bridge, of course, could wobble badly, as it did in the Latin American debt crisis of the 1980s, but this is hard to imagine in the 1990s w

43、hen the economic fundamentals in Asia look so favorable.It took American banks almost a decade to emerge from the Latin American rubble, but they are now formidable competitor. They have written off nonperforming loans and cut payrolls far more boldly than their Japanese counterparts, which are stil

44、l dogged by soured loans to spendthrift property speculators in Japan.The US commercial banks toughest rivals in Asian cross-border business are more likely to be their investment-bank compatriots rather than the Japanese, and the capital markets of Asia, as elsewhere, will be their battleground.The

45、 big five US banks Citibank, Bank of America, Chemical, Morgan and Chase Manhattan, enjoy the advantage of being big. Compared with firms such as Salomon Brothers and Goldman Sachs, the big five are bigger in most senses of the word. They have more capital, more staff and more branches worldwide thr

46、ough which to distribute corporate issues.What remains to be seen is whether they have trading and deal-making ability to compete with investment hanks. (分数:25.00)_正确答案:(如果你认为多媒体只是可以在家中单独享用的东西,你应该再想一想。银行处在“信息高速公路”的前沿,因为它们对这种技术比任何其他类型的民用企业投资更多。 以资产在美国银行中排列第四的摩根公司为例。它开发了一种系统,借助一支电子笔就能在计算机屏幕上快速完成交易和文件。

47、公司在伦敦的证券分析员以及在东京的交易商可以通过同一屏幕进行交谈。建立客户信用、成交都比通过电话线路要快,何况电话还无法传送图像。 这种电子新玩意儿,目前正被引入到摩根公司在纽约的交易所采用,最终会在包括亚洲在内的全球范围内使用。这样一来,就可以在吉隆坡和曼谷等首都建立较经济的小型交易室,而把摩根公司开销大的事务部门集中在新加坡。 摩根公司开拓性的举措表明,美国银行正在利用高科技和大量资金来打开亚洲市场。 欧洲和日本的竞争对手们也在这么干,但它们不像美国银行那样,能够得到大量的储蓄资金。例如,美国养老基金资产总计达四万四千亿美元,是日本的三倍多。 美国机构在亚洲日益增长的资金需求和世界其他地区可提供的资金之间充当桥梁最为合适。当然,这座桥梁也可能摇晃,就像二十世纪八十年代拉美债务危机发生时那样,但在二十世纪九十年代亚洲经济基本条件如此良好的情况下,难以想象这种类似事情还会发生。 美国银行花了近十年的时间才从拉丁美洲的窘境中逃脱出来,但它们现在已经成为强大的竞争者。它们处理了坏账,削减员工,做得比日本同行们更大胆。日本银行因无法从挥金如土的房地产投机商那儿收回贷款而陷入了困境。 美国商业银行在亚洲跨境业务中最棘手的竞争对手很可能不是日本人,而是它们本国投资银行的同胞。亚洲的资本市场,像其他地方一样,将成为他们争夺的战场。 美国最大的五家银行花旗银行、美洲银行、美华银


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