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1、高级口译第二部分口试-19 及答案解析(总分:5.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、口语题(总题数:1,分数:1.00)1.It is proposed that the practice of separating students into science and liberal arts classes in senior high schools should be banned. The divided syllabus of liberal arts and science doesnt conform to the policy of nurturing students with

2、 comprehensive abilities.Topic: Is a divided syllabus reasonable?Questions for Reference:1. Different students have different strong subjects and weak ones. Is it reasonable to make all the students learn the same subjects at the same level? Whats your suggestion?2. What are the advantages and disad

3、vantages of the division?3. What will the students in the senior high schools feel about it?(分数:1.00)_二、口译题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_四、Part B(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_高级口译第二部分口试-19 答案解析(总分:

4、5.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、口语题(总题数:1,分数:1.00)1.It is proposed that the practice of separating students into science and liberal arts classes in senior high schools should be banned. The divided syllabus of liberal arts and science doesnt conform to the policy of nurturing students with comprehensive abilitie

5、s.Topic: Is a divided syllabus reasonable?Questions for Reference:1. Different students have different strong subjects and weak ones. Is it reasonable to make all the students learn the same subjects at the same level? Whats your suggestion?2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the divisio

6、n?3. What will the students in the senior high schools feel about it?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(略)解析:二、口译题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(在整个澳大利亚,义务教育的年龄为 6到 15岁。然而,大多数孩子上学比法定的年龄要早些。全国有统一的学校教育规划,旨在提高学生对澳大利亚人口多文化背景的认识,帮助少数民族保护他们的语言和文化。母语为非英语的学生得到帮助以提高其英语水平,从而增强他们平等接受教

7、育和参与社会的机会。在整个教育体系中还包括函授课程,这主要是面向那些因疾病、残疾或住得偏远而无法上学的人群。此外还有广播学校,通过双向无线电网络为边远地区的学生提供课堂教学。在有些州,那些因居住地离中学太远而无法每天回家的学生可住在政府提供资助或补贴的青年旅馆。在智力、身体、情感、社交或学习上有缺陷的儿童可以得到专门的教育服务。)解析:听力原文Throughout Australia, schooling is compulsory between the age of six and fifteen years. However, most children begin school ear

8、lier than the law requires. There is a nationwide school program designed to increase students sensitivity to the populations multicultural background and to help ethnic communities maintain their languages and cultures. Students from non-English speaking backgrounds are helped to develop their Engl

9、ish to enhance their equality of opportunity in education and participation in society.Included in the entire system are the correspondence courses for students prevented by illness, disability or residential isolation from attending schools. There are also schools of the air, which use two-way radi

10、o networks to provide classroom experience to students in isolated places. In some states, children living too far from a secondary school to travel daily may live in government funded or subsidized hostels. Children with intellectual, physical, emotional, social or learning disabilities are provide

11、d with special educational services.(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(我听说有来自约 50个不同国家的代表聚集于此。对你们来说,这是一个很好的机会,可以向不同文化、不同背景、不同宗教和价值观的人学习。你们可能想要在一些国际组织中发展你们的事业,例如联合国、国际货币基金或是世界银行。你们可能想在商界或学术界取得成功。那很好,努力去实现你们的梦想吧。然而,我想提醒你们一个重要的方面,那就是对整个人类社会有一个正确理解。全人类需要的是一个和平、富足、可持续发展的社会。如果没有整个社会为此共同目标而努力的话,那么个人长期的幸福和成功也是无法达

12、到的。只有社会和平,个人才有机会长期获得幸福。我相信一个健康健全的社会与个人的幸福是紧密相连,互相依存的。)解析:听力原文I have heard that about 50 different countries are represented here. This is a great opportunity for you to learn from people of different cultures, backgrounds, religions and values. You may be dreaming of developing a professional career

13、 in international organizations such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank. You may be considering becoming successful in the business world or in academic circles. Thats fine and try hard to accomplish it.I would like to remind you, however, of one important facto

14、r. That is, to establish a sound vision for the “entire human society“, a society which is peaceful, comfortable and sustainable for all human beings on earth. An individuals long-term happiness and success are not possible without the entire society striving toward a united vision. The society must

15、 be at peace in order for an individual to have any chance of happiness on a long-term basis. I believe a healthy and sound society and an individuals happiness are closely connected and interdependent.四、Part B(总题数:1,分数:2.00)(分数:2.00)(1).Passage 1(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(The software industry is the core of

16、the information industry and its forceful development bears great significance. First, the software industry has become the focus of international competition and cooperation. The software industry underpins the sustainable and speedy economic development of various countries in the world and has tu

17、rned out to be a new growth point of their national economy. The development of the software industry will impose far-reaching impact on the development of global economy and society.A backward software industry is bound to lead to backward economy, science and technology and military strength acros

18、s the board. Therefore, all the developed nations and many developing countries have identified the software industry as a prioritized strategic industry. In the new century, China has to energetically advance its software industry to obtain greater competitiveness in its comprehensive national stre

19、ngth.)解析:听力原文软件产业是信息产业的核心,大力发展软件产业具有十分重要的意义。首先,软件产业已成为国际竞争与合作的重点。软件产业对世界各国经济的持续高速发展起到了重要的支撑作用,已经成为国民经济新的增长点,软件产业的发展将深刻地影响全球经济与社会的发展。软件产业的落后必将导致经济、科技、军事的全面落后。因此,世界各发达国家与许多发展中国家都把软件产业作为其优先发展的战略性产业。新的世纪,中国要在综合国力方面具有更大的竞争力,必须大力发展软件产业。(2).Passage 2(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(Shanghai Museum attaches great importance

20、 to international cultural exchanges, and has held 39 art exhibitions of Chinese cultural relics in 16 countries and regions and hosted 18 art exhibitions from foreign countries and regions. These activities have played a positive role in promoting the Chinese culture in the world and providing chan

21、nels for the Chinese to know about foreign cultures.Actively engaged in international academic exchanges, it has sent more than one hundred specialists and scholars to participate in international academic conferences and seminars. It boasts a modern film center equipped with an advanced video proje

22、ction system and a large high-definition display screen, through which visiting researchers of cultural relics will have a better idea of the best collection with the museum.)解析:听力原文上海博物馆重视对外文化交流活动,在 16个国家和地区举办了 39次中国艺术文物展览,引进了不同国家和地区的 18次艺术展览。这对弘扬中华民族文化、了解世界各国文化起到了积极作用。它积极开展国际学术交流活动,派出专家、学者参加国际学术会议和专题交流达 100多人次。它拥有一个现代化的影视中心,配有先进的放映设备和高清晰度的大屏幕,通过视屏向文物研究者播放珍藏的文物精品。


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