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1、上海市中级口译第一阶段笔试真题 2017 年 03 月及答案解析(总分:250.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、SECTION 1: LISTENING(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、A: Spot Dictation(总题数:1,分数:30.00)There is an increasing need for more food worldwide. According to the projections by the United Nations Population Division, the world population will increase from 6.8 billi

2、on today to 9 billion 1 . Sixty-five to ninety percent of the inland capture fish production 2 in the developing and low-income food-deficit countries. 3 for 2020 suggests that 826 million people, or 12. 8 percent, of developing country citizens 4 US $1.25 a day or less and that there will be almost

3、 2 billion poor people living at or below the US $2 a day 5 . The growing population will need significant increase in food production 6 . More land, including wetlands will be used, and some will be used 7 , as agricultural food production expands during decades. This will 8 increased use of agroch

4、emicals with serious negative consequences for inland fisheries. 9 for both irrigation and domestic purposes will continue to increase, leading to 10 of water for fisheries, especially during the dry season. There will be attempts to 11 water between separate basins, with unpredictable consequences

5、for biodiversity. There are also already plans 12 and transform them into shipping lanes 13 , provinces and countries in areas with poorly developed rail and road infrastructure. There is expected to be increased demand for energy, including hydropower 14 further damming of rivers. The need for anim

6、al protein, including fish, 15 . Most marine fish stocks are already exploited. 16 increases in aquaculture production, 17 will increase on inland fish stocks, and there will probably be a rise in unsustainable fishing methods, such as the use of 18 , electrofishing and dry pumping of 19 . These met

7、hods are all capable of killing 20 indiscriminately. (分数:30.00)三、B: Listening Compreh(总题数:0,分数:0.00)(分数:5.00)A.He has often thought deeply.B.He has seldom read widely.C.His knowledge is not profound.D.His learning is apparently not practical.A.The workers protested as working hours remained unchange

8、d.B.The workers were not satisfied with the result.C.The company did not increase the workers“ wages but cut working hours.D.The company satisfied the workers by raising wages and reducing working hours.A.Mr. Johnson now rarely smokes.B.Mr. Johnson is a heavy smoker.C.Mr. Johnson disapproves of smok

9、ing.D.Mr. Johnson is never seen smoking.A.Being inventive and original is not necessary in his work.B.He is not recommended for promotion because of his work.C.He is commended for his creative and original work.D.His work is recommended as inventive and original.A.He will likely quit his job no matt

10、er whether he gets a pay rise.B.It seems very likely that he will get a pay rise.C.He seems likely to keep his job if he gets a pay rise.D.He will probably give up his job unless he gets a pay rise.(分数:5.00)A.Despite the bad weather we have more tourists from European countries.B.We have managed to

11、attract a lot of tourists from Europe and North America.C.The bad weather is the chief reason why we lost tourists and made no profit at all.D.We have made a profit despite the falling number of tourists and bad weather.A.You“ll encounter careless drivers on busy roads.B.Defective brakes need fixing

12、 before you drive.C.Driving for hours without a break puts all road users in danger.D.It is dangerous driving with faulty brakes.A.The proposal to start the sale of soft drinks, biscuits and sweets was dismissed.B.A considerable majority of people brought forward the proposal.C.School kids welcomed

13、the sale of soft drinks, biscuits and sweets on campus.D.The proposal was unanimously rejected by those who discussed it.A.The ordered goods have not been delivered as expected.B.Please dispatch the goods immediately as they are needed urgently.C.Please cancel the order if the goods are not the type

14、 that we want.D.The call to cancel the order has not been received.A.Our market share is sure to reach 25% despite the strong competition.B.Our market share is aimed to reach 25%, but the goal is not easy to reach.C.Our market share has already increased to around 25% so far.D.Our market share will

15、not reach 25% because of the domestic competition.(分数:4.00)A.Farmer and landlord.B.Employer and tractor driver.C.Host and visitor.D.Husband and wife.A.Expand it.B.Furnish it.C.Fix it up.D.Put up a fence around itA.He likes potatoes better.B.Potatoes do not need a lot of work.C.The garden is not big

16、enough.D.The weather is favorable for potatoes.A.She does not care about it.B.She feels happy about it.C.It is not worthwhile.D.It is nothing but a dream.(分数:4.00)A.Decorating the house.B.Furnishing the house.C.Altering the structures of the house.D.Fencing the house with bushes.A.To save time.B.To

17、save money.C.To enjoy solitude.D.To de housework.A.They can have breakfast with the family.B.They will feel at home in no time.C.They can learn cooking.D.They pay less for it.A.Getting lodgings with a landlady.B.Renting a bed-sitting room.C.Sharing a rented flat or house with other students.D.Living

18、 at home and commuting to and from school.(分数:4.00)A.His apartment was broken into.B.His office was ransacked.C.He was mugged on a street.D.He had his callphone stolen.A.A camera.B.A laptop.C.A TV set.D.Paperwork.A.Scared that someone had broken into his private space.B.Angry because he would never

19、find out the truth.C.Uncertain whether he could get his stuff back.D.Sure that the police could catch the thief.A.He hoped to get back as many of his own things as possible.B.He thought it could help the police to catch the thief.C.He felt that he had lost some irreplaceable personal items.D.He coul

20、d have a record of what was stolen for tax purposes.(分数:4.00)A.A speech should be made interesting to attract listeners.B.A speech should be rehearsed before it is actually delivered.C.The effective use of voice is important in speech making.D.It is desirable to use a microphone to a large audience.

21、A.Use a microphone to make his voice heard to every listener.B.Adjust his voice to the size of the room and the audience.C.Speak loudly without using a microphone.D.Speak in a natural tone pleasing to listeners.A.To emphasize important points.B.To signal a transition to the next topic.C.To stimulate

22、 interest from listeners.D.To keep listeners in suspense.A.Watch and listen to a video disc.B.Rate the voice of effective speakers.C.Record a good speaker“s voice.D.Evaluate their own voice in a recorder.(分数:4.00)A.$25.B.$27.C.$30.D.$32.A.15 days.B.25 days.C.27 days.D.30 days.A.Two percent.B.Five pe

23、rcent.C.Ten percent.D.Fifteen percent.A.Timely delivery.B.Product discount.C.Early payment.D.After-sale service.六、C: Listening Transla(总题数:0,分数:0.00)Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences only once. After you have heard each sentence,

24、translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space on your Answer Sheet. (分数:20.00)(1)._(分数:4.00)_(2)._(分数:4.00)_(3)._(分数:4.00)_(4)._(分数:4.00)_(5)._(分数:4.00)_Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. You will hear the passages only once. Afte

25、r you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space on your Answer Sheet. You may take notes while you are listening. (分数:10.00)(1)._(分数:5.00)_(2)._(分数:5.00)_九、SECTION 2: STUDA SKI(总题数:6,分数:60.00)Need a ride home for the holidays? Hitchhiking ma

26、y have fallen out of favor, but a new form of ride sharing has emerged to replace it onwhere else?the Web. Today tens of thousands of Americans go online every month to stick a virtual thumb out in cyberspace, especially during holiday travel seasons. Craigslist.orgthe largest ride-sharing forumexpe

27、cts to receive a 50% increase in requests from users hoping to catch a ride home for Thanksgiving dinner. And why not? As a mode of travel, it“s cheap, fuel efficient and relatively safe. Besides, says Jim Buckmaster, CEO of Craigslist, “it“s an adventure.“ Ride sharing on Craigslist is basically an

28、 electronic version of the bulletin boards you find on most college campuses. People seeking rides say where they want to go, and drivers with room to spare arrange a place to meet. Craigslist, which requires no membership and charges no fee, fields 20,000 ride-sharing posts in a typical month, a nu

29、mber that swells to 30,000 during peak travel times. To meet the growing demand, more than a dozen major ride-sharing sites have sprung up, many of them quite sophisticated. At C you enter your destination, and the site spits out a list of registered users headed your way. R, one of the fastest-grow

30、ing sites with 11,000 unique users since August, will send you a text message when a potential match arises. It will also bit you with a $2 surcharge for each transaction and take 9.5% off the driver“s fee. How much arc those fees? That depends on what kind of deal you can strike. Ride sharing gener

31、ally affords more companionship than a train or bus trip. A disclaimer on eRideShare, corn reads, “While the American Automobile Association (AAA) encourages carpooling with someone you know, it warns against ride sharing when you don“t know who is behind the wheel. Ride-sharing sites like Ridester

32、have tried to alleviate safety concerns by requiring users to register and instituting a feedback system in which passengers can rate the quality of their driver. The site also offers an escrow account that holds a passenger“s carpooling fee until the transaction is completed. For now the best advic

33、e is the one your mother would give: Don“t get into a car with perfect strangers, and if their driving makes you uncomfortable, ask them to drop you at the nearest bus or train station.(分数:10.00)(1).“Hitchhiking may have fallen out of favor,.“ (para. 1) means_.(分数:2.00)A.hitchhiking may not be as po

34、pular as beforeB.the passengers want the drivers to do them a favorC.the drivers no longer welcome the hitchhikersD.more and more people like to hitchhike now(2).Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of hitchhiking in cyberspace?(分数:2.00)A.It is fuel efficient.B.It is inexpensive.C.It is

35、relatively safe.D.It is rather romantic.(3).Which site will send you a text message when a potential match arises?(分数:2.00)A.Craigslist.org.B.C.C.eRideS.D.R.(4).Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?(分数:2.00)A.C is one of the fastest-growing sites.B.The fee Craigslist charges can be very

36、high.C.Ride sharing provides more companionship than public transport.D.Ride-sharing sites discourage carpooling with perfect strangers.(5).What do ride-sharing sites like Ridester do to alleviate safety concerns?(分数:2.00)A.They try to encourage users to take buses or trains.B.They ask users to regi

37、ster and then give a feedback.C.They try to persuade the users to travel with those they know.D.They charge high fees from both drivers and hitchhikers.All living cells on earth require moisture for their metabolism. Cereal grains when brought in from the field, although they may appear to be dry, m

38、ay contain 20 per cent of moisture or more. If they are stored in a bin, there is sufficient moisture in them to support several varieties of insects. These insects will, therefore, live and breed and, as they grow and eat the grain, it provides them with biological energy for their life processes.

39、This energy will, just as in man, become manifest as heat. Since the bulk of the grain acts as an insulator, the temperature surrounding the colony of insects will rise so that, not only is part of the grain spoiled by the direct attack of the insects but more may be damaged by the heat. Sometimes,

40、the temperature may even rise to the point where the stored grain catches fire. For safe storage, grain must be dried until its moisture content is 13 per cent or less. The direct drying of other foods has also been used. Fish has been dried in many parts of the world besides Africa. Slices of dried

41、 meat are prepared by numerous races. Biltong, a form of dried meat, was a customary food for travelers. The drying of meat or fish, either in the sun or over a fire, quite apart from the degree to which it exposes the food to infection by bacteria and infestation by insects, tends also to harm its

42、quality. Proteins are complex molecular structures which are readily disrupted. This is the reason why dried meat becomes tough and can, with some scientific justification, be likened to leather. The technical process of drying foods indirectly by pickling them in the strong salt solutions commonly

43、called “brine“ does less harm to the protein than straightforward drying, particularly if this is carried out at high temperatures. It is for this reason that many of the typical drying processes are not taken to completion. That is to say, the outer parts may be dried leaving a moist inner section.

44、 Under these circumstances, preservation is only partial. The dried food keeps longer than it would have undried but it cannot be kept indefinitely. For this reason, traditional processes are to be found in many parts of the world in which a combination of partial drying and pickling in brine is use

45、d. Quite often the drying involves exposure to smoke. Foods treated in this way are, besides fish of various sorts, bacon, hams and numerous types of sausages.(分数:10.00)(1).According to the passage, insects also spoil stored cereals by _.(分数:2.00)A.consuming all the grain themselvesB.raising the sur

46、rounding temperatureC.increasing the moisture content in the grainD.attacking each other for more grain(2).Direct drying affects the quality of meat or fish because _.(分数:2.00)A.it exposes them to insectsB.it makes them softerC.it damages the proteinD.it develops bacteria(3).It can be inferred from

47、the passage that salting preserves food by _.(分数:2.00)A.destroying the proteinB.drawing away moistureC.drying the food in the sunD.dressing the food(4).The word “pickling“ (para. 3) means _.(分数:2.00)A.exposing to the sunB.smoking directlyC.baking in an ovenD.keeping in salted water(5).What does the passage mainly discuss?(分数:2.00)A.Food Preservation.B.Biological Energy.C.Moisture Content.D.Molecular Structures.School bullying has


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