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1、托福分类模拟题 18及答案解析(总分:99.97,做题时间:90 分钟)一、READING(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、TEST 1-1(总题数:1,分数:52.00)American Poets of the Twentieth CenturyTwentieth century poetry represents many schools of writing. During this century poetry incorporated traditional ideas as well as modern thinking. American writers began devia

2、ting from traditional 19th century style to create a new style which provided an enormous shower of verse reflective of New World, rather than Old World, ideas. ? Robert Frost was one of America“s leading twentieth century poets. Many of Frost“s poems focused on rural New England but his poems also

3、contained philosophical ideas that encompassed all regions of America. He wrote traditional verse but he also used rhythm and meter and vocabulary of everyday speech. As a result, Frost“s poetry is thought to be both traditional and experimental. Frost was born in California but moved to Massachuset

4、ts as a young man when his father died. Frost wrote for several years on a part-time basis, supplementing his income by teaching school and operating a farm which his grandfather had purchased for him. Although he wrote numerous poems during this time, rarely were any of his writings published. At t

5、he age of 38, he sold the farm and devoted his time to full-time writing. Successful results were almost immediate. Frost moved to England and continued writing. A London publisher purchased his book A Boy“s Will, and it was this book“s publication that gained Frost recognition as a poet in the Unit

6、ed States and abroad. Frost returned to America, taught and lectured at universities, served as “poet in residence“ at a university in Canada, and continued publishing poetry. He was awarded four Pulitzer Prizes for his poetry. The Road Not Taken and Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening are two poem

7、s which demonstrate Frost“s ability to combine visions of rural settings and philosophical ideas into beautiful lyrical verse. ? Carl Sandburg, another twentieth century poet, was the second of seven children born to a working class family of Swedish immigrants who lived in Illinois. Carl completed

8、eight years of school before he began working to support himself. He delivered milk, threshed wheat, laid brick, shined shoes and then began traveling as a hobo. At the age of twenty, Sandburg volunteered to serve in the Spanish-American War and was sent to Puerto Rico where he battled mosquitoes an

9、d heat rather than enemy soldiers. When he returned to Illinois, he entered college and worked as a fireman to support himself. Sandburg left school in his senior year but his college years were instrumental in helping him shape his political views and literary talents. Adopting socialist views, San

10、dburg was concerned about the plight of the American worker and the poor. He worked as a reporter for the Chicago Daily News for several years and covered the current labor issues. Sandburg did not become well known as a writer until 1914 when several of his poems appeared in a national poetry magaz

11、ine. Two years later his book of Chicago poems was published and he found himself in the international spotlight. A book that Sandburg wrote about fanciful children“s tales prompted his publisher to suggest he write a biography of Abraham Lincoln for children. The result was a well-researched two-vo

12、lume biography of Lincoln for adult readers. His second volume, Abraham Lincoln, The War Years , won him a Pulitzer Prize. Sandburg completed four more volumes in the Lincoln series and continued to publish poems, a novel, volumes of folk songs, and an autobiography. Sandburg died in 1967. ? Langsto

13、n Hughes, a black American writer and another prolific twentieth century writer, also died in 1967. Hughes was born in Missouri into an abolitionist family and grew up in Kansas and Ohio. As an eighth grader, Hughes was selected as the “Class Poet“ because of the many poems he had written. Hughes lo

14、ved writing but his father encouraged him to pursue the more practical career of engineering. Hughes began the study of engineering and, although he was an excellent student, he dropped out of Columbia University to continue writing his poetry. The Negro Speaks of Rivers was Hughes“ first published

15、poetry and it was one of his most famous. Hughes enjoyed music, especially blues and jazz. During the 1920s, he traveled to Africa and Europe. When he returned to Harlem, New York in 1924, he wrote poetry which reflected on his earlier experiences. Hughes returned to college and graduated in 1929 an

16、d devoted his life to writing and lecturing. He wrote sixteen books of poems, two novels, several collections of short stories, editorial and documentary fiction, plays, operas, and three autobiographies. As one of the most important writers of the Harlem Renaissance, Hughes“ writings promoted Afric

17、an American culture and spirituality. Glossaryverse: a poem, or piece of poetry volume: a collection of written sheets bound together and constituting a book autobiography: a history of a person“s life written or told by that person(分数:52.00)(1).The phrase for several years in paragraph 3 of the pas

18、sage refers to(分数:4.00)A.pre 1914B.post 1914C.1914D.1917(2).The word enemy in paragraph 3 of the passage is closest in meaning to(分数:4.00)A.allyB.opponentC.friendlyD.fighting(3).What is Harlem Renaissance believed to indicate?(分数:4.00)A.a type of writing which developed in New YorkB.a type of writin

19、g Carl Sandburg found interestingC.a type of writing developed in the eighteenth centuryD.a type of writing typical of New England(4).Why does the author make reference, in paragraph 2, to A Boy“s Will?(分数:4.00)A.It was awarded a Pulitzer Prize.B.It made Langston Hughes famous.C.It made Carl Sandbur

20、g wealthy.D.It brought recognition to Robert Frost.(5).What can be inferred from paragraph 2 about Robert Frost?(分数:4.00)A.He wrote in free verse.B.He wrote about southern regions in the U.S.C.He wrote about rural areas.D.He wrote during the time he lived in France.(6).Why does the author mention th

21、at twentieth century writers represented many schools of writing?(分数:4.00)A.to explain that some wrote in the traditional mannerB.to explain that some shifted from traditional writingsC.to explain that new writing ideas were being used during this centuryD.all of the above(7).The word incorporated i

22、n the passage is closest in meaning to(分数:4.00)A.excludedB.includedC.associatedD.molded(8).According to paragraph 4, what is the significance of the word “abolitionist“?(分数:4.00)A.Hughes was a black writer.B.Hughes“ family opposed slavery.C.Hughes writing theme was influenced by it.D.Hughes grew up

23、in Ohio and Kansas.(9).According to paragraph 2, why was Frost a leading twentieth century poet?(分数:4.00)A.He wroteThe Road Not Taken.B.He wroteStopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.C.He combined his experience and idea into verse.D.He wrote in lyrical verse.(10).According to paragraph 3, Carl Sandbu

24、rg succeeded as a writer because(分数:4.00)A.He worked during his college years.B.His college years shaped his literary talents.C.He became well known during his college years.D.none of the above.(11).According to paragraph 4, why did Hughes study engineering?(分数:4.00)A.to please his motherB.to learn

25、exact sciences which would later help him develop skills in writingC.to please his fatherD.to have a degree which would earn him a living(12).Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. He attended college for a short time but quit school to tea

26、ch and work part-time for a newspaper. Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.(分数:4.00)(13).Directions: Complete the table by matching the phrases below, Select the appropriate phrases from the answer choices and match them to the appropriate poet. TW

27、O of the answer choices will NOT be used. This question is worth 4 points. Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong. To remove an answer choice, click on it. To review the passage, click on View Text. Carl Sandburg Langston Hughes Answer Choices: A. writing for children B. the writer

28、 of The Road Not Taken C. ambivalent qualities of poetry D. influence of race E. finally graduating from college F. an important figure of a college literary trend G. having a part-time job while in college H. winning a prestigious award(分数:4.00)三、TEST 1-2(总题数:1,分数:48.00)OrchidMillions of years ago

29、when dinosaurs inhabited the earth, a beautiful flowering plant called the orchid came into existence. Throughout the span of time some plants have seen their demise through evolution, but the orchid has continued to grow, survive, and thrive in the wild in all areas of the world except Antarctica.

30、Orchids have adapted to a multitude of environments and grow in areas such as steaming jungles and tropical rain forests, meadows, mountainsides, woodlands, barren tundra. They even grow on rocks and some have been reported to grow underground. Today, more than 35,000 species of orchids, divided int

31、o around 850 genera, thrive throughout the world. ? People have been intrigued with orchids for centuries. During the times of Confucius, the Chinese people called orchids the “plant of the king“s fragrance“ and during the Middle Ages, orchids were used as important ingredients in herbal remedies. T

32、hroughout history orchids have been regarded as symbolsof love, beauty, wealth, and virilityand have been used as an aphrodisiac in love potions. Orchids, considered attractive and unusual flowers, have been collected since the early 1700s. Botanists and amateur growers considered orchids a curiosit

33、y when these plants were introduced in Britain by sea ship captains who had traveled to faraway lands. In 1818, William Cattley, an English patron of horticulture and a sea ship captain, accidentally introduced the orchid to Britain when he nurtured a bulb-like item he found in packing material surr

34、ounding the tropical plants he had imported from Brazil. A gorgeous, large-flowered, lavender orchid which is commonly referred to as a “corsage orchid“ and the “queen of flowers“ was the result of Cattley“s planting. Collecting orchids became so popular by the late 1800s that many species of orchid

35、s were put on an “endangered“ list in Britain because collectors had stripped entire forests of the desired plants. Cultivating orchids, which has been done in Europe for almost three hundred years, is still being done today but most species are now being cultivated from seed. Growing orchids may no

36、t be easy for everyone but it need not be difficult, either. Most species of orchids will grow under normal household conditions if they receive the proper care. Plants need to be potted correctly. The orchid“s bare roots should be placed in the smallest pot the roots will fit into. Orchids may not

37、need to be repotted for as long as two to three years. Most, but not all orchids, show better growth in clay pots. Bark or potting medium should be packed around the roots tightly. Fir bark, cypress bark, and peat moss serve as good potting mediums. Coconuts also make an excellent potting choice. Po

38、tting mixtures should hold moisture, allow the orchid roots to “breathe“ by providing adequate air space, and not decompose in a short period of time. Coconuts are considered to be a perfect growing mixture because they are durable, environmentally friendly, extremely absorbent, and hold enormous am

39、ounts of air at the same time they hold water. ? Proper lighting is also important in growing orchids. Some plants require indirect light and other require filtered sunlight. Plant leaves should not be warm, and plants with medium green leaves are healthy plants. All orchids need to be fed to help t

40、hem grow. Fertilizers with balanced or high amounts of phosphorous produce healthy, blooming plants. Most orchids like temperatures of 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity in the range of 50 to 60 percent. Good air circulation is important for plant growth and thorough watering should take place

41、 once or twice each week. When, and if, orchids attract pests such as mites or aphids, the plants should be dusted or cleaned. ? Throughout history the orchid has symbolized romance. Chocolatiers decorate luscious, beautiful candies with this amazing flower. Greeting card companies attractively port

42、ray the loveliness of orchids on their cards and gift wraps, and florists prepare elegant orchid corsages and wedding bouquets. Orchids, once considered to be symbols of wealth and viewed as exotic, rare plants which were only able to be admired in botanical gardens, are no longer placed in those ca

43、tegories. Today orchids are affordable and offer a modem, contemporary look for weddings and home decorating. Orchid growers have obtained permission from several administrations to honor Bess Truman, Pat Nixon, Mamie Eisenhower, Nancy Reagan, and Hillary Rodham Clinton, former First Ladies, by nami

44、ng orchids after them. The tiny, unknown bulb taken to England in plant packing material in error in 1818 has presented to the world a special, stylish, and prized flower the world can appreciate. Glossarygenera: the usual major subdivision of a family or subfamily in the classification of organisms

45、 aphrodisiac: arousing sexual desire bark: the external covering of the woody stems, branches, and roots of plants aphid: any of numerous tiny soft-bodied insects of the family Aphididae of worldwide distribution(分数:47.97)(1).The word result in the passage refers to(分数:3.69)A.bulbB.corsageC.productD

46、.orchid(2).The word bare in the passage is closest in meaning to(分数:3.69)A.mereB.uncoveredC.unadornedD.very least(3).What is the people“s intrigue with orchids believed to indicate?(分数:3.69)A.Sea captains brought home exotic plants.B.People wanted to learn how to grow orchids.C.For centuries individ

47、uals have been interested in the plant.D.Orchids existed when dinosaurs roamed the earth.(4).Why does the author mention in paragraph 2, that orchids have been collected since the 1700s?(分数:3.69)A.to suggest that people who were not rich wanted to grow the plantsB.to support the idea that orchids di

48、d not have to be grown in the wildsC.to give an example of how people cleared the forests in EnglandD.to contrast the ideas of the wealthy and the common people(5).What can be inferred from paragraph 2 about William Cattley?(分数:3.69)A.He enjoyed plants.B.He unknowingly made a wonderful, lasting cont

49、ribution to society.C.He caused English forests to become barren.D.His expedition to South America made him wealthy.(6).Why does the author mention conditions under which orchids can grow?(分数:3.69)A.to present a program which interested people can followB.to show that orchids can continue to be an important part of floral historyC.to explain the process Cattley must have followed to make his orchid growD.to suggest that orchids no longer need to fear extinction(7).The word Bark in the passage is closest in meaning to(分数:3.69)A.chips of a tre


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