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1、雅思-44 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Module(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、SECTION 1Questions 1(总题数:2,分数:10.00)Questions 1-5Complete the form below.Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Hotel Arbitrage Booking FormBooking #: (1) Vehicle Registration #: (2) Date of Arrival: 21 MayRoom

2、#: 501Type of room:Standard? Deluxe ? Suite ? (3) Extra requirements: (4) Identification: Drivers LicenceLength of stay: (5) (分数:5.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_Questions 6-10Complete the map below.Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.(分数:5.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_三、SECT

3、ION 2Questions 1(总题数:2,分数:10.00)Questions 11-13Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.(分数:3.00)(1).The SIS isAa non-profit making organization.Bowned by an international corporation.Ca collective owned by ordinary people.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.(2).The SISAhas no fees.Bhas low fees.Cavoids paying fees.(分数:1.00

4、)A.B.C.(3).SIS accounts with the same customer numberAwill be charged for setting up automatic payments.Battract no service charges.Cmust have a minimum balance.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.Questions 14-20Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDOR A NUMBER for each answer.SAVINGS OPTIONSSavings A

5、ccount Minimum balance Interest Information AccessInternet Account NoneEarn good rate from first dollor. Calculated daily andaid monthlyVia Internet, TXT,telephone. No account or (14) feesIStairs SaverINone-but higherrates for biggerbalances3 tiers plus (15) Calculated daily and paidmonthlyUnlimited

6、 withdrawals but better to limit to once a month(16) NoneOne interest rate, calculated daily and paid on (17) Anytimeno penalty for withdrawalsINVESTMENT OPTIONSInvestment Account Minimum depositInterest Information AccessTerm Deposit-safe and(18) ,low risk$1,000Calculated daily and paidmonthly, qua

7、rterly, orat maturityOnly at maturity(19) longer term but$5,000Calculated daily and Only at maturitybetter returns compounded or paid outquarterlyRetirement Funda certain percentage of (20) before taxDifferent levels of risk and return At 60(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_四

8、、SECTION 3Questions 2(总题数:2,分数:10.00)Questions 21-23Answer the questions below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.(分数:3.00)(1).What period of English literature will the conference cover?(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_(2).How many panel discussions have been arranged?(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_(3).W

9、hat is the aim of a panel discussion?To present _(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_Questions 24-30Complete the notes below.Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.Procedure (dealt with by prof.)Identify topic of interest involving some (24) Invite panellistsSelect a (25) Decide on (26) Guidelineslntrocluction of topic se

10、alersset (27) information From proof.Each panelist speaks For Z rainsmake a hand (28) to show time is upPrimary function = panel discussion (about 40 mines)Close cJiscussion give (29) Seconclary Function = question time (about 15-20 rains)At end of question time, panel is thanked and audience shows

11、appreciation by (30) . (分数:7.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_五、SECTION 4Questions 3(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Questions 31-35Complete the notes below.Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.HydropowerRenewableconstant source (31) from natural hydrologic cyde(32) 90% of hydro energyelectricityCl

12、eanno air or (33) pollution(34) and the other increase was in the outlay for childcare. In 1970 about a quarter of the household income was spent on mortgage payments whereas, by 2004, this had doubled to account for half of all expenditure. The 1970 family spent only one percent of income on childc

13、are while the 2004 family allocated ten times more of the budget to this.Expenditure on entertainment remained the same at 13% but the percentage spent on food halved from 25% to 12%; and 8% less of the total income was taken up by transport costs in 2004 (only 5%). Clothing costs consumed more of t

14、he budget in 1970, at 22%, but this fell to only 10% in 2004.)解析:2.WRITING TASK 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:More and more prisons are being built to house the worlds criminals and many people believe long-term imprisonment is the answer to solving

15、the crime problem. However, others feel that medical and psychological assistance is what is required. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.(分数:5.00)_正确答案:(Imprisonme

16、nt has long been the most popular form of punishment for criminals in society, but many believe also that rehabilitation should take the form of psychological and medical treatment.Those in favor of long term imprisonment argue that criminals are not fit to live alongside normal members of society.

17、The obvious reason for this is that they represent a danger to others personal safety and it is tree that society would not tolerate violent criminals living in its midst. The thinking behind imprisonment is to take away prisoners rights to individual freedom: this is their punishment. In addition,

18、it is thought that prisoners use their time in prison to reflect on and consider their illegal behavior, hopefully regretting and feeling remorseful about their crimes.However, some people argue that prisons are not the best place for all criminals. Advocates for psychological rehabilitation believe

19、 that therapy and medication may be a better alternative to imprisonment for some offenders. Psychological therapy may address the root causes of the criminal behavior and offer strategies and possibilities for change in the future. This approach may be more successful in preventing re-offending in

20、the long run because it does not assume the same solution (that is, prison) works for all.On the whole, I believe prison definitely has its place as a form of pun is honest, as no one would wish to live in fear of violent crime and criminals need to be removed from society for this reason. However,

21、I think a combined approach which has a strong focus on psychological treatment is essential in addressing the core causes of crime, as prison alone offers no hope for future change and eventually, almost all criminals are released back into society.)解析:十一、Speaking Module(总题数:3,分数:10.00)3.Part 1 Int

22、roduction and Interview (4-5 minutes)Introduction (compulsory)Interview (choose 1 )Lets talk about where you live.Tell me about your neighborhood.Which are some of your favorite areas in the neighborhood? Why?What type of people tend to live in your neighborhood?Lets talk about your studies.Tell me

23、about your studies.Are you a full-time student or a part-time student?What are your goals after completing your studies?Interview (choose 2)Now, lets talk about news.How do you find out about news?Do you always use the same method of accessing news7 Why?Which type of news do you enjoy reading the mo

24、st7 Why?Which type of news do you enjoy the least7 Why?Lets talk about things which make you feel happy.What kind of things make you feel happy? Why?What do you tend to do when you feel this way? Why?Have similar things always made you happy?Do you feel its important to feel happy every day? Why?Now

25、 lets talk about holidays.Where do you typically go on holiday?What kinds of things do you enjoy doing on holiday? Why?What form of transport do you usually use to get to your holiday destinations? Why?Do you prefer to travel in a large group or a small group? Why?(分数:4.00)_正确答案:(My neighborhood is

26、pretty quiet, with lots of apartment blocks and high rise buildings. It also has lots of parks and green areas, which is nice.My favorite area is probably the shopping mall because it has so many great stores and I love to shop whenever I can!Its mainly families with children and retired couples. Lo

27、ts of young people like to live closer to the city centre so its not very popular with them.Im studying at senior high school and then I hope to enter university to study architecture and town planning.Full time, of course, because Im still at school. When I start university Ill also be full time be

28、cause my parents will support me while Im studying.After completing my architecture degree I hope to study at postgraduate level in either Spain or Italy. Thats my dream anyway.I read the national newspaper every day or every second day. I like to keep up with whats going on here and overseas so I m

29、ake an effort to buy it and read it quite often.Yes, actually I do. I think its because I have become used to this way and I know where to fad my favorite columnists and articles, as well as the TV listings. Its familiar.I like international news, and analysis. Then for fun I enjoy the magazine lift

30、 out section which has all sorts-recipes, fashion, feature articles and so on. Its more magazine style but it comes free with the newspaper so thats a bonus.Well, I have to say I dont really enjoy the motoring or finance sections, but then Im not really interested in either of those topics. Also I d

31、ont really enjoy sports news either.Um, I guess the kinds of things which make me feel happy are mainly when Im with people that I care about. Oh and I love hiking and enjoying nature so if Im outside in the forest or the mountains Im usually pretty happy. And I love chocolate: that makes me pretty

32、happy.Well I suppose I just enjoy it while it lasts and try to make it last for a long time!Now that I think about it, yes. Ive always been happy when Im around people and just relaxing and talking. Of course when I was a child I wasnt able to go off hiking or anything but I still used to enjoy beac

33、hes and parks so I enjoyed the outdoors that way.Definitely. I mean not all day, every day, but I do think its important to have some happiness in a small part every day. Otherwise life can get you down a bit so I think its good to know what makes you happy and seek it out.Oh, I like a bit of excite

34、ment on my holidays, so I prefer to go somewhere where there are lots of young people and activities to do, and also some night life for the evenings. I dont really care where it is, as long as its fun!I like adventure sports, like bungee jumping or white water rafting. I love the adrenaline rush fr

35、om these things and its such a change from a 9 to 5 office job, isnt it? And then, in the evenings l like to go somewhere where theres a good band and I can have a few drinks with my friends and maybe some dancing. I like my holidays to be full of action! oh, and I love shopping, too so if there are

36、 some nice clothes shops nearby thats always a bonus.Oh, plane is definitely best. Its so much quicker than driving, and I love it when the weather is a bit windy and the plane bumps along. Its like an exciting start to the holiday! It makes me feel like I have left home and I have gone somewhere ne

37、w, with no responsibilities for a few days.Well, I think on balance I prefer a smallish group, but not just one person. I find that a bit intense. Three or four good friends are ideal, because I can be by myself for a while if I want or I can join in the group if I want company. I dont like large gr

38、oups much; it feels too much like a package holiday then.)解析:4.Part 2 Individual Long TurnNow, Im going to give you a topic and Id like you to talk about it for one to two minutes. Before you talk. youll have one minute to think about what youre going to say. You can make some notes if you wish. Do

39、you understand?Heres some paper and a pencil for making notes and heres your topic:Id like you to describe a famous person who you would like to meet.Describe a famous person whom you would like to meet.You should saywho the person is and why he/she is famouswhy you would like to meet him/herwhat ty

40、pe of questions you would askand say whether it is likely that you would ever meet this person.Rounding off questions:Have you ever met a famous person?Do you like to read about famous people?(分数:4.00)_正确答案:(I havent ever really thought about this type of question, but I would probably say that the

41、famous person I would most like to meet is the lead singer from the band U2, Bono. Ive always really loved this band, ever since I was just a kid, and I think that his campaigns for social change are quite inspiring. Its nice to see someone who is using their fame for good and I have a lot of respec

42、t for that. So hes famous for his music and also for the work that he does, including his work with Oxfam and the make poverty history campaign. He combines the two activities well and some of U2s music has quite strong messages. So yes, Id like to meet him because I think he is an inspirational per

43、son. As for what questions I would ask him, Im not really sure. Id like to know a bit about his private life, I guess, as hes always been very private and guarded about his family and wife and children, so Id be interested to hear about them. I guess Id also be curious about how the band has managed

44、 to stay together for so long in an industry which is renowned for break-ups and instability, because theyve been together for over twenty years and through several big changes in music style. So Id be interested in the dynamics of the band and how they all get along, and what their creative process

45、 is like. And why they think their music resonates with so many people. Yes, actually Id have a lot of questions! But Id also want to know his ideas about ending poverty and how he thinks that might happen within our lifetime, and to learn a bit about that. However, I dont think it is particularly r

46、ealistic that I would ever get to meet Bono, but I have been to one of the concerts and seen him on stage quite close up. In saying that my best friend is a music journalist, so who knows, maybe one day Ill get a V1P backstage pass and get to chat with him. I hope so! I think Id be quite nervous but

47、 then famous people are just people like everybody else, arent they?Yes, a few local celebrities but nobody really famous.Not especially, just if Im reading a magazine in line at the supermarket or something.)解析:5.Part 3 Two-way DiscussionWeve been talking about a famous person whom you would like to meet and now Id like to discuss with you one or two more general questio


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