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1、雅思口语-练习五及答案解析(总分:9.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Animals and Pets(总题数:3,分数:9.00)PART 1(分数:5.00)(1).Do you have any pets?(分数:1.00)_(2).What pet is most popular in your country?(分数:1.00)_(3).What wild animals do you find most interesting? Why?(分数:1.00)_(4).Do you like going to the zoo?(分数:1.00)_(5).Do Chinese like

2、or dislike animals? What animals do Chinese like or dislike7 Why?(分数:1.00)_1.PART 2Describe an AnimalDescribe an animal/pet that you like.You should say:What it is.What it looks like.What its living habit is.And explain why you like this animal/pet.(分数:1.00)_PART 3(分数:3.00)(1).How can pets help peop

3、le emotionally?(分数:1.00)_(2).A lot of medical experiments are done in animals. What do you think of it?(分数:1.00)_(3).How should we protect animals?(分数:1.00)_雅思口语-练习五答案解析(总分:9.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Animals and Pets(总题数:3,分数:9.00)PART 1(分数:5.00)(1).Do you have any pets?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(A. Yes, I have a small

4、 dog which is quite attached to me. It is black all over except for some white hair behind its neck. I got it two years ago.B. No, I dont. Although I like small animals, I am afraid my time available is not enough to keep a pet at home. I go out to work in the morning and dont go back till as late a

5、s 7pm.)解析:如回答有,则隐藏问题为 What is it/What are they?如果回答没有,则稍加说明。(2).What pet is most popular in your country?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(I guess dog is the most popular pet in our country. Dogs in peoples eyes are the symbol of honest and duteous and have human feelings. People in China have a long history of keepi

6、ng them as watchdogs. Today, people keep them mostly as pets.)解析:如前面几章中的问题,在回答后附带说明。(3).What wild animals do you find most interesting? Why?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(To me, the most interesting wild animal may be koala, which lives in Australia. It has a large round head and large round furry ears with its bo

7、dy covered with thick ashy-grey fur. It looks just like a teddy bear. The most interesting is that baby koalas live in their mothers pouch till they are almost one year old.)解析:如果谈到野生动物,考生应选择一个比较熟悉的动物来进行描述。(4).Do you like going to the zoo?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(Yeah, I like it very much. There is a big zoo

8、 in the city where I live, and it is just within walking distance from my home. You can find a big variety of animals there, from terrestrial to marine animals. For people who live in the city and dont have time for wild land travel, going to the zoo is a convenient way to get close to feel the natu

9、re.)解析:该问题牵涉到一些关于动物的词汇。在回答中应列举一些在动物园中可以看到的动物。(5).Do Chinese like or dislike animals? What animals do Chinese like or dislike7 Why?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(Yes. We Chinese take animals as our friends, so we love animals. Most Chinese like giant panda, because it is known as national treasure. Some people like

10、 dogs or cats. So it just depends on different personality.)解析:重点是后面两个问题。第一个问题有时会被省略掉。1.PART 2Describe an AnimalDescribe an animal/pet that you like.You should say:What it is.What it looks like.What its living habit is.And explain why you like this animal/pet.(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(Magic is a parrot. I got

11、 it several months ago from my friends as a birthday gift. It is a green bird with a gray head and different colored belly and has piercingly bright yellow iris. Some expert told me that it was imported from some African country and such birds originally live in moist woodland and on the edges of th

12、e savannah feeding on seeds, fruit and grain. This little bird makes a good pet. It is so small that I can handle and accommodate it in a medium sized parrot cage. Apart from its original place, it feeds mainly on oats now. It is never too noisy and learns to talk and imitate sounds such as the crea

13、k of the garage door, the ping of the microwave, the ring of the telephone etc. Such a clever creature! I have also found this bird can be attached to some people, but can also change their affection to someone else according to the mood. It is much attached to me in particular as we stay together m

14、ost of the time. My friends like to call it Rainbow because of its beautiful iris, but I call it Magic, as it wonderful imitating ability is just like magic to me. I really love this little lovely bird.)解析:该卡片问题对动物的描述。问题分解:What it is(所描述动物的名称)What it looks like(该动物的外形特征)What its living habit is(生活习性

15、,包括在哪里生活,以什么为食物,有什么区别于其他动物的地方 personality traits)Why you like this animal. (意为: What is it special to you? /Why are you interested in this animal?)PART 3(分数:3.00)(1).How can pets help people emotionally?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(Experts think that pets are so good for us, physically and emotionally, because t

16、heir love, loyalty, consistency, and forgiving and nonjudgmental natures offer people great comfort. “A pet is an island of sanity in what appears to be an insane world,“ noted a New York psychologist who pioneered animal-assisted therapy in the 1950s by using his dog, Jingles, to help treat emotion

17、ally disturbed children.Pets can help us relax and focus our attention away from our problems and worries. Watching fish in an aquarium, or the activity of birds can be very soothing. You have had a bad day at school or office, and you are in a foul mood. You enter your home and there waiting for is

18、 your pet dog who is absolutely overjoyed to see you. Can you help but respond to the joyful barks, loving licks and eyes full of admiration that say “you are the best master in the world“? There is absolutely no better way to lift your spirits.Pets can help alleviate feelings of loneliness and isol

19、ation. The elderly or those who are sick in bed, tend to feel isolated, in this situation, having a pet at their side keeps them company and makes them feel better. Everyone needs to feel needed and have someone to care for. Many elderly citizens or persons living alone will tell you their pet gives

20、 them a reason for living.Pets also help their owners adjust to serious illness and death. Children often turn to their pet for comfort if a friend or family member dies or leaves the family. Grieving adults who did not have a close source of human support were also found to have less depression if

21、they had a pet.Having a pet can help us be more active. We may not only get more exercise from walking a dog, but we also increase our activity through feeding, grooming and otherwise caring for our pet.)解析:(2).A lot of medical experiments are done in animals. What do you think of it?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:

22、(Medical researchers need to understand health problems before they can develop ways to treat them. Some diseases and health problems involve processes that can only be studied in a living organism. Animals are necessary to medical research when it is impractical or unethical to use humans.Animals m

23、ake good research subjects for a variety of reasons. Animals are biologically similar to humans. They are susceptible to many of the same health problems, and they have short life-cycles so they can easily be studied throughout their whole life-span or across several generations. In addition, scient

24、ists can easily control the environment around the animal (diet, temperature, lighting, etc.), which would be difficult to do with people. However, the most important reason why animals are used is that it would be wrong to deliberately expose human beings to health risks in order to observe the cou

25、rse of a disease.A few experiments do involve painful procedures because pain is being studied or drugs would interfere with the research. In such cases, scientists are morally and legally obligated to ensure that the procedures are necessary.Those who work with research animals scientists, veterina

26、rians, and animal care technicians should care about the animals. They should recognize that using animals in research is a privilege that carries with it the responsibility to treat those animals humanely. Furthermore, pain and distress can literally change how the body functions, so it is also in

27、the best interest of science to provide good animal care.)解析:(3).How should we protect animals?(分数:1.00)_正确答案:(Generally, such measures could be taken to protect animals:The government should enact and enforce the laws of animal protection. Catching and killing rare species is prohibited severely. H

28、eavy fin and even imprisonment is the 0nly solution to the problem.The government should set up large-scale national zoos and some reserves for wild animals, where all the native species of animals can live freely and be protected against harm.People should be educated to understand the importance of animal conservation. And measures could he taken to shift those hunters to other jobs.)解析:


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