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1、中级口译真题 2007 年(秋季)及答案解析(总分:240.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BSECTION 1: LIST(总题数:1,分数:20.00)What is distance learning? It means that you study on your own, at home or wherever suits you. Recently, the world famous Open University in the United Kingdom has designed a new style of distance learning, which is called

2、U (1) /U. The phrase “Open Learning“ means you studyU (2) /U. You read course material, work on course activities, and writeU (3) /U. The word “Supported“ means you have helpU (4) /U, the student services staff at regional centres, and centralized areas such asU (5) /U. You can also contact other st

3、udents through tutorials andU (6) /U, the Universitys online conferencing system, and events and clubs organized byU (7) /U. Most distance learning courses use printed paper materials. They also include someU (8) /Umaterials such as a CD, DVD or video. Many courses have a web site and anU (9) /U. Yo

4、ull need access to a computerU (10) /Uto make use of these. The Open University can help its students buy a computer andU (11) /Uthe cost of accessing the Internet.With most distance learning courses, noU (12) /Uare required to study. of course, you have to be aged 18 when your course starts but the

5、re is noU (13) /U. Currently the Open University has aroundU (14) /Uundergraduate and more than 30,000 postgraduate students, of which 10,000 haveU (15) /U. Nearly all students are studyingU (16) /U. About 70 per cent of undergraduate students are inU (17) /U. More than 50,000 studentsU (18) /Uby th

6、eir employers for their studies. Most distance learning coursesU (19) /U. Some of them are even available in other parts of the world. With over 25,000 of its students living outside the UK, the Open University is theU (20) /Uthat offers distance learning throughout the world.(分数:20.00)(1).(分数:1.00)

7、填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_二、BB: Listening Co(总题数:2,分数:10.00)(分数:5.00)A.(A) Miss Allan has just inherited a fortune.B.(B) Miss Allan doesnt like her colleague.C.(C) Miss Allan prefers to

8、share the room with her colleague.D.(D) Miss Allan has moved into a new apartment.A.(A) My friends try to persuade me to invest in the stock market.B.(B) My friends talk a lot about investing in the stock market.C.(C) My friends say that investing in the stock market is crazy.D.(D) My friends and I

9、have different opinions about the stock market.A.(A) The candidate is definitely well qualified, whether we check with his references or not.B.(B) The candidate needs to be checked by the finance manager, even though he has work experience.C.(C) We are satisfied with the candidates references, who r

10、ecommended him for the job.D.(D) We should find more about the candidate, though he is apparently eligible for the post.A.(A) I am interested in your new techniques and I want to make an appointment.B.(B) I want to talk to our technician to see if he is interested in your new products.C.(C) I can as

11、k some of our staff to give you information about our new products.D.(D) I hope you understand that I have to attend a meeting about our new products.A.(A) I dont think we should open our local branch here in Shanghai.B.(B) I cannot appoint Mr. Brown to the post although he was born in Shanghai.C.(C

12、) I believe Mr. Brown can easily be connected as he is now living in Shanghai.D.(D) I recommend that Mr. Brown be in charge of our local branch in Shanghai.(分数:5.00)A.(A) Insurance is unnecessary for the transportation of goods.B.(B) Insurance is a factor that affects the price of goods.C.(C) Insura

13、nce contributes to reducing the price of goods.D.(D) Insurance helps improve the quality of goods.A.(A) Some people prefer to live in dry places, as they dislike wet climate.B.(B) Water is in short supply in some regions, so people there rely a lot on rains.C.(C) It is not surprising to see torrenti

14、al rains in some areas during dry seasons.D.(D) In some dry areas, it seldom rains, but when it rains, it pours.A.(A) If you are too aggressive, you will find it difficult to become successful in your city life.B.(B) Your personality has nothing to do with your competitiveness when you choose to wor

15、k in a big city.C.(C) Living and working in a large city demands certain personal traits and qualifications.D.(D) If you live in an impersonal and competitive world, you are more likely to be successful.A.(A) With such a big order, our side demands a discount which is 10% or over.B.(B) At least 10%

16、of the expenses should be devoted to solving the problem.C.(C) Although we have spent much on the project, a 10% increase in our budget is necessary.D.(D) We asked for a 10% discount, which has caused all the trouble on our side.A.(A)Many animals and plants would die because they cannot survive the

17、changing environment.B.(B) Many animals would be slaughtered, since they fail to adapt themselves to the existing outside world.C.(C) Most peoplewould feel sorry for the destiny of endangered species, if they become extinct on earth.D.(D) Most species would react fast enough to adapt themselves to t

18、he ever-changing conditions of nature.三、BTalks and Conve(总题数:5,分数:20.00)BQuestions 11-14/B(分数:4.00)A.(A) They bought some worthless souvenir.B.(B) They did some manual work.C.(C) They went on a company trip.D.(D) They wrote a guidebook.A.(A) She dislikes the mans wife.B.(B) She enjoys spending money

19、 on cosmetics.C.(C) She is married to a poor man.D.(D) She is economical with her money.A.(A) They are friendly neighbors.B.(B) They are company colleagues.C.(C) They are husband and wife.D.(D) They are guide and tourist.A.(A) He does not have the right digging tools.B.(B) He believes selling typewr

20、iters will make him rich.C.(C) He is not physically strong enough.D.(D) He is dedicated to becoming a cleaner.BQuestions 15-18/B(分数:4.00)A.(A) A temporary condition where you dont feel any progress in learning.B.(B) A flat and smooth spot in your study where you make fewer mistakes.C.(C) A long-term

21、 struggle which does not bring you any tangible rewards.D.(D) An educational research on language learning that is unusual and advanced.A.(A) Try another approach.B.(B) Give yourself some time for sleeping.C.(C) Keep on learning and practicing.D.(D) Reward yourself from time to time.A.(A) A foreign

22、language is very useful in getting a job with decent pay.B.(B) We use a foreign language to communicate freely with a native speaker.C.(C) It may be of help in negotiating a business contract with a foreign firm.D.(D) We can travel around different countries in a less expensive way.A.(A) Some cash.B

23、.(B) Language skills.C.(C) A stained certificate.D.(D) A business contract.BQuestions 19-22/B(分数:4.00)A.(A) Five years.B.(B) Fifteen years.C.(C) Fifty years.D.(D) A hundred years.A.(A) To study a subject or to join in a cultural activity.B.(B) To become a member of the government appointed by the pa

24、rliament.C.(C) To demand more financial support from the government.D.(D) To upgrade their knowledge at school.A.(A) 200,000.B.(B) 35O,0OO.C.(C) 2,500,000.D.(D) 15,000,000.A.(A) To raise funds for the disadvantaged.B.(B) To further individuals own creativity.C.(C) To broaden participants interest in

25、 culture.D.(D) To narrow and bridge educational gaps.B Questions 23-26/B(分数:4.00)A.(A) They think whales are their friends.B.(B) They believe whales can save humans.C.(C) They wanted to ban whale-hunting.D.(D) They enjoy watching whales in an aquarium.A.(A) The increase of human population.B.(B) The

26、 extinction of dinosaurs.C.(C) The cutting down of forests.D.(D) The great demand for animal parts.A.(A) In the f9th century.B.(B) In 1973.C.(C) In 1998.D.(D) In the 21st century.A.(A) Their survival is closely related to numerous other species living in the same habitats.B.(B) Their enormous size m

27、akes them the king animals superior over numerous other species.C.(C) They usually live on top of the mountains so that it is difficult for humans to hunt.D.(D) They enjoy privileges as with special measures and extra protection from human beings.BQuestions 27-30/B(分数:4.00)A.(A) He was attending a w

28、edding ceremony.B.(B) He was on his way to Edinburgh.C.(C) He was in the football stadium.D.(D) He was in the cinema, with the woman.A.(A) He has done the right thing.B.(B) He has had some bad misses.C.(C) He was overactive.D.(D) He was smart and clever.A.(A) Leeds United 2; York City 1.B.(B) Leeds

29、United 3; York City 2.C.(C) Leeds United 1; York City 3.D.(D) Leeds United 2; York City 3.A.(A) Sometime later next Sunday.B.(B) Next Sunday as usual in the mans home.C.(C) Before the football stadium opens next Saturday.D.(D) During the football match next Saturday.四、BC: Listening Tr(总题数:1,分数:20.00

30、)(分数:20.00)(1).(分数:4.00)_(2).(分数:4.00)_(3).(分数:4.00)_(4).(分数:4.00)_(5).(分数:4.00)_五、BPassage Transla(总题数:1,分数:10.00)(分数:10.00)(1).(分数:5.00)_(2).(分数:5.00)_六、BSECTION 2: STUD(总题数:6,分数:60.00)Researchers have known that secondhand smoke can be just as dangerous for nonsmokers as smoking is for smokers, b

31、ut now theres fresh evidence quantifying just how hazardous the after-burn from cigarettes can be, and how quickly it affects your body. Scientists at the Oregon Department of Health documented for the first time an hourly buildup of a cancer-causing compound from cigarette smoke in the blood of non

32、smokers working in bars and restaurants in the state.Reporting in the American Journal of Public Health, the researchers found that waiters and bartenders working a typical night shift gradually accumulated higher levels of NNK, a carcinogen in cigarette smoke, at the rate of 6 % each hour they work

33、ed. NNK is known to be involved in inducing lung cancer in both lab rats and smokers.“We were somewhat surprised by the immediacy of the effect and the fact that we could measure the average hourly increase,“ says Michael Stark, the lead author of the study and a principal investigator at the Mulmom

34、ah County Health Department in Oregon.The authors are confident that the increases in NNK in the workers they tested most likely came from their exposure to smoke - the study included a control group of similar subjects in restaurants where no smoking was allowed. “There is experimental evidence fro

35、m studies where you put nonsmokers in a room, blow smoke into the room and measure their artery function, that you see the platelets get sticky, which can cause clots and lead to a heart attack, and the ability of the arteries to dilate decreases very rapidly,“ says Dr. Matthew McKenna, director of

36、the office on smoking and public health for the Centers for Disease Control.All of which could mean more time loitering outside buildings and in alleyways for smokers intent on grabbing a puff. Thirteen states now prohibit smoking in restaurants altogether (most of these include bars as well), and w

37、hile 11 states still put no restrictions on lighting up, individual cities within those states - such as Austin in Texas, for example - have passed legislation banning smoking in eating establishments and other public areas.Its just getting harder to refute the scientific evidence; in a study done i

38、n Scotland several months after that nation instituted a ban on smoking in public places, researchers found that following the ban, bar patrons showed stronger lung capacity and reduced levels of inflammation (a red flag for a number of chronic diseases, including heart disease and asthma). “We made

39、 it pretty clear that the science on this is pretty irrefutable,“ says McKenna. And if smokers have fewer places to smoke, that message may finally get heard.(分数:10.00)(1).According to the passage, the scientists carried out their researches on _.(分数:2.00)A.(A) smokers from different parts of the wo

40、rldB.(B) smokers from different states in the United StatesC.(C) actors and actresses who smoke a lotD.(D) waiters and bartenders(2).NNK is usually considered to be one of the direct causes of _.(分数:2.00)A.(A) asthmaB.(B) lung cancerC.(C) heart attacksD.(D) high blood pressure(3).What, according to

41、the passage, makes the research conducted by the scientists at the Oregon Department of Health so unique?(分数:2.00)A.(A) The fact that the scientists managed to measure the average hourly increase of NNK.B.(B) The fact that the scientists succeeded in making more people realize the harm of smoking.C.

42、(C) The fact that the scientists did a lot of experiments on smokers in public areas.D.(D) The fact that the scientists discovered NNK, a carcinogen in cigarette smoke.(4).As is used in Paragraph 4, the phrase “a control group“ refers to _.(分数:2.00)A.(A) people working at the Oregon Department of He

43、althB.(B) people investigating at the Mulmomah County Health Department in OregonC.(C) people serving as a standard of comparison for checking test resultsD.(D) people involved in passing legislation banning smoking in eating establishments(5).How many states in the United States have banned smoking

44、 in restaurants?(分数:2.00)A.(A) 12.B.(B) 13.C.(C) 14.D.(D) 15.In its everyday life, Italy is very much the mans world. However, because of the Italians understanding of foreigners, the woman tourist is able to invade many of the male places that are prohibited to Italian women. These places include t

45、he caf and the wine shop.In the large cities the caf is a combination of club and office. Here, for the price of a coffee, an Italian can read all the newspapers brought to him. And he can transact business, with the waiter producing pen, ink, and stamps as needed. Or if he wants, he can sit outside under a canvas covering before the door and enjoy the sight of beautiful women passing by.The wine shop, as a rule, is a more vigorous place than the caf6, and is filled almost exclusively with men. Wandering singers, generally in groups of two or three, add to the noise of the


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