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1、专业八级-320 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.我想不起来哪一个熟人没有手机。今天没有手机的人是奇怪的,这种人才需要解释。我们的所有社会关系都储存在手机的电话本里,可以随时调出使用。古代只有巫师才能拥有这种法宝。 手机刷新了人与人的关系。会议室门口通常贴着一条通告:请与会者关闭手机。可是会议室里的手机铃声仍然响成一片。我们都是普通人,并没有多少重要的事情。尽管如此,我们也不会轻易关掉手机。打开手机象征我们与这个世界的联系。手机反映出我们的“社交饥渴症”。最为常见的是,一个人走着走着突然停下来,眼睛盯着手机屏幕发短信。他不在乎停在马路中央还是厕所旁边。 为什么对于手机

2、来电和短信这么在乎?因为我们迫切渴望与社会保持联系。 (分数:12.50)_2.朋友关系的存续是以相互尊重为前提的,容不得半点强求、干涉和控制。朋友之间,情趣相投、脾气对味则合、则交;反之,则离、则绝。朋友之间再熟悉、再亲密,也不能随便过头、不恭不敬。不然,默契和平衡将被打破,友好关系将不复存在。每个人都希望拥有自己的私密空间,朋友之间过于随便,就容易侵入这片禁区,从而引起冲突,造成隔阂。待友不敬,或许只是一件小事,却可能已埋下了破坏性的种子。维持朋友亲密关系的最好办法是往来有节,互不干涉。 (分数:12.50)_3.现代社会无论价值观的持有还是生活方式的选择都充满了矛盾。而最让现代人感到尴尬

3、的是,面对重重矛盾,许多时候你却别无选择。匆忙与休闲是截然不同的两种生活方式。但在现实生活中,人们却在这两种生活方式间频繁穿梭,有时也说不清自己到底是“休闲着”还是“匆忙着”。譬如说,当我们正在旅游胜地享受假期,却忽然接到老板的电话,告诉我们客户或工作方面出了麻烦现代便捷先进工具在此刻显示出了它狰狞、阴郁的面容搞得人一下子兴趣全无,接下来的休闲只能徒有其表,因为心里已是火烧火燎了。 (分数:12.50)_4.爸爸的治家方法比外祖母民主一些,他虽秉承祖训,不听“妇人之言”,可是他对妈妈的言论自由却没有什么钳制的举动,换句话说,妈妈能以在野之身批评爸爸。通常是在晚饭后,妈妈展开她一连串、一系列的攻

4、击,历数爸爸的“十大罪”:说他如何刚愎自用,如何治家无方听久了,千篇一律总是那一套。而爸爸呢,却安坐在大藤椅里,一面洗耳恭听,一面笑而不答。 (分数:12.50)_5.冬天,在四周围都是山地的这里,看见太阳的日子真是太少了。今天,难得雾是这么稀薄,空中融融地混合着金黄的阳光,把地上的一切,好像也罩上一层欢笑的颜色。 我走出了这黝黯的小阁,这个作为我们办公的地方(它整年关住我!),我扬着脖子,张开了我的双臂,恨不得要把谁紧紧地拥抱起来。 由一条小径,我慢慢地走进了一个新村。这里很幽静,很精致,像一个美丽的园子。可是那些别墅的窗帘和纱门都垂锁着,我想,富人们大概过不惯冷清的郊野的冬天,都集中到热闹

5、的城市里去了。 我停在一座小木桥上,眺望着对面山上的一片绿色,草已经枯萎了,唯有新生的麦苗,占有着冬天的土地。(分数:12.50)_6.那还是几年前的一个早晨,在太阳刚刚升起来的时候,踏着熹微的晨光,到一个离旅馆不远的菜市场去。到了邻近菜市场的地方,市场的气氛就逐渐浓了起来。熙熙攘攘的人群,摩肩擦背,来来往往。许多老大娘的菜篮子里装满了蔬菜海味鸡鸭鱼肉。有的篮子里活鱼在摇摆着尾巴,肥鸡在咯咯地叫着。老大娘带着一脸笑意,满怀愉快,走回家去。 (分数:12.50)_7.小时候我害怕狗。记得有一回在新年里,我到二伯父家去玩。在他那个花园内,一条大黑狗追赶我,跑过几块花圃。后来我上了洋楼,才躲过这一场

6、灾难,没有让狗嘴咬坏我的腿。以后见着狗,我总是逃,它也总是追,而且屡屡望着我的影子狺狺狂吠。我愈怕,狗愈凶。怕狗成了我的一种病。我渐渐地长大起来。有一天不知道因为什么,我忽然觉得怕狗是很可耻的事情。看见狗我便站住,不再逃避。我站住,狗也就站住。它望着我狂吠,它张大嘴,它做出要扑过来的样子。但是它并不朝着我前进一步。 (分数:12.50)_8.书籍到了我的手里,我的习惯是先看序文,次看目录。页数不多的往往立刻通读,篇幅大的,只把正文任择一二章节略加翻阅,就插在书架上。除小说外,我少有全体读完的大部的书,只凭了购入当时的记忆,知道某册书是何种性质,其中大概有些什么可取的材料而已。什么书在什么时候再

7、去读再去翻,连我自己也无把握,完全要看一个时期一个时期的兴趣。 (分数:12.50)_专业八级-320 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)1.我想不起来哪一个熟人没有手机。今天没有手机的人是奇怪的,这种人才需要解释。我们的所有社会关系都储存在手机的电话本里,可以随时调出使用。古代只有巫师才能拥有这种法宝。 手机刷新了人与人的关系。会议室门口通常贴着一条通告:请与会者关闭手机。可是会议室里的手机铃声仍然响成一片。我们都是普通人,并没有多少重要的事情。尽管如此,我们也不会轻易关掉手机。打开手机象征我们与这个世界的联系。手机反映出我们的“社交饥渴症”。最为常见的是,一个人走着走着突

8、然停下来,眼睛盯着手机屏幕发短信。他不在乎停在马路中央还是厕所旁边。 为什么对于手机来电和短信这么在乎?因为我们迫切渴望与社会保持联系。 (分数:12.50)_正确答案:()解析:Cell phone has altered the relationship among people. There is usually a notice on the door of the meeting room, which reads, “Please turn off your cell phone.“ However, phones ring now and then when the meetin

9、g goes on. We are but ordinary people and have few urgencies to tackle with. Nevertheless, we will not switch off our phones easily. Phones-on symbolizes our connecting with this world. Obviously, cell phones have been reflecting our “thirst for socialization“. We are very familiar with the scene th

10、at a person suddenly stops his or her steps to edit short messages with eyes glued at the phone screen, not caring about his or her stopping in the road center or beside the restroom.2.朋友关系的存续是以相互尊重为前提的,容不得半点强求、干涉和控制。朋友之间,情趣相投、脾气对味则合、则交;反之,则离、则绝。朋友之间再熟悉、再亲密,也不能随便过头、不恭不敬。不然,默契和平衡将被打破,友好关系将不复存在。每个人都希望

11、拥有自己的私密空间,朋友之间过于随便,就容易侵入这片禁区,从而引起冲突,造成隔阂。待友不敬,或许只是一件小事,却可能已埋下了破坏性的种子。维持朋友亲密关系的最好办法是往来有节,互不干涉。 (分数:12.50)_正确答案:()解析:Friends tend to become more intimate if they are congenial; otherwise they will separate or break with each other. However familiar and close they are, friends cannot be too casual and

12、behave too freely towards each other. Otherwise the harmony and balance will be broken, and the friendship will no longer exist. Everyone hopes to have their own private space, and too casual relationship among friends will mislead them to invade this piece of restricted areas easily with the result

13、 of conflicts and alienation. Furthermore, it may be not a big matter to treat friends in a disrespectful manner; however, it is likely to plant the devastating seeds. The best way to keep the close relationship between friends is to keep contacts with restraint and mutual non-interference.3.现代社会无论价

14、值观的持有还是生活方式的选择都充满了矛盾。而最让现代人感到尴尬的是,面对重重矛盾,许多时候你却别无选择。匆忙与休闲是截然不同的两种生活方式。但在现实生活中,人们却在这两种生活方式间频繁穿梭,有时也说不清自己到底是“休闲着”还是“匆忙着”。譬如说,当我们正在旅游胜地享受假期,却忽然接到老板的电话,告诉我们客户或工作方面出了麻烦现代便捷先进工具在此刻显示出了它狰狞、阴郁的面容搞得人一下子兴趣全无,接下来的休闲只能徒有其表,因为心里已是火烧火燎了。 (分数:12.50)_正确答案:()解析:People always spend their earthly existence in shuttlin

15、g between haste and leisuretwo distinct life styles, thoughsometimes even hardly conscious of which way they are on. For instance, while still vacationing at the resort, we receive a call from the boss all of a sudden, knowing that some troubles are with the clients or the work. At this moment, the

16、handy cell phone is exposed as an evil and dismal device more than a modern and advanced tool. The subsequent leisure is merely showy as such a call has shadowed our leisure tour and made us restless with anxiety.4.爸爸的治家方法比外祖母民主一些,他虽秉承祖训,不听“妇人之言”,可是他对妈妈的言论自由却没有什么钳制的举动,换句话说,妈妈能以在野之身批评爸爸。通常是在晚饭后,妈妈展开她

17、一连串、一系列的攻击,历数爸爸的“十大罪”:说他如何刚愎自用,如何治家无方听久了,千篇一律总是那一套。而爸爸呢,却安坐在大藤椅里,一面洗耳恭听,一面笑而不答。 (分数:12.50)_正确答案:()解析:Father is more democratic in running the household than grandmother does. Although he follows the example of the forefathers and defies “women“s shortsighted opinions“, he seldom muzzles mother“s fre

18、edom of speech. In other words, mother can blame father although she is not in office. It usually takes place after dinner when morn launches a succession of attacks by enumerating his “ten terrible sins“ of being self-willed or managing the family improperly. As time goes by, rebuke of this kind re

19、peats. As for my father, he sits leisurely in the big cane chair with all ears, smiling wordlessly.5.冬天,在四周围都是山地的这里,看见太阳的日子真是太少了。今天,难得雾是这么稀薄,空中融融地混合着金黄的阳光,把地上的一切,好像也罩上一层欢笑的颜色。 我走出了这黝黯的小阁,这个作为我们办公的地方(它整年关住我!),我扬着脖子,张开了我的双臂,恨不得要把谁紧紧地拥抱起来。 由一条小径,我慢慢地走进了一个新村。这里很幽静,很精致,像一个美丽的园子。可是那些别墅的窗帘和纱门都垂锁着,我想,富人们大概过

20、不惯冷清的郊野的冬天,都集中到热闹的城市里去了。 我停在一座小木桥上,眺望着对面山上的一片绿色,草已经枯萎了,唯有新生的麦苗,占有着冬天的土地。(分数:12.50)_正确答案:()解析:I stepped out of the small loftour dimly-lit officewhich cooped me up all the year round! I lifted my head and stretched out my arms as if to hold someone in tight embrace. I ambled along a narrow path and c

21、ame to a new village. It was a tranquil place, as elegant as a beautiful garden. But the curtains of the villas there were drawn and the screen doors locked. I guessed the wealthy residents, probably not accustomed to the chilly and lonesome winter in the countryside, must have flocked to the bustli

22、ng city. Stopping on a small wooden bridge, I looked out across the patch of green on the opposite hill. The grasses there had withered, but new wheat was sprouting up on the wintry hillside.6.那还是几年前的一个早晨,在太阳刚刚升起来的时候,踏着熹微的晨光,到一个离旅馆不远的菜市场去。到了邻近菜市场的地方,市场的气氛就逐渐浓了起来。熙熙攘攘的人群,摩肩擦背,来来往往。许多老大娘的菜篮子里装满了蔬菜海味鸡鸭

23、鱼肉。有的篮子里活鱼在摇摆着尾巴,肥鸡在咯咯地叫着。老大娘带着一脸笑意,满怀愉快,走回家去。 (分数:12.50)_正确答案:()解析:It was on an early morning of several years ago, when it was just dawning, that I went in the twilight to a food market near the hotel where I was staying. The closer I went, the more liveliness of the market hung over me. The bustl

24、ing crowd elbowed their way back and forth at the market. Many senior housewives filled their baskets with vegetables, poultry, meat and various aquatic food. Those satisfied housewives smiled all the way back, some with energetic fish wagging tails in their baskets, and some with plump chicken chuc

25、kling along with them.7.小时候我害怕狗。记得有一回在新年里,我到二伯父家去玩。在他那个花园内,一条大黑狗追赶我,跑过几块花圃。后来我上了洋楼,才躲过这一场灾难,没有让狗嘴咬坏我的腿。以后见着狗,我总是逃,它也总是追,而且屡屡望着我的影子狺狺狂吠。我愈怕,狗愈凶。怕狗成了我的一种病。我渐渐地长大起来。有一天不知道因为什么,我忽然觉得怕狗是很可耻的事情。看见狗我便站住,不再逃避。我站住,狗也就站住。它望着我狂吠,它张大嘴,它做出要扑过来的样子。但是它并不朝着我前进一步。 (分数:12.50)_正确答案:()解析:From then on, I always ran away

26、 once seeing a dog. It would always run after me and bark furiously at the sight of my shadow. And the more scared I was, the fiercer it became. I developed a canine phobia. As I was growing up, one day it suddenly dawned on me somehow that it was shameful to be afraid of a dog. Hence, instead of sh

27、ying away in fear, I stood confronting it. I stood firm and so did it. It yapped with its mouth wide open as if it were about to pounce on me, while it never moved a single step towards me.8.书籍到了我的手里,我的习惯是先看序文,次看目录。页数不多的往往立刻通读,篇幅大的,只把正文任择一二章节略加翻阅,就插在书架上。除小说外,我少有全体读完的大部的书,只凭了购入当时的记忆,知道某册书是何种性质,其中大概有些

28、什么可取的材料而已。什么书在什么时候再去读再去翻,连我自己也无把握,完全要看一个时期一个时期的兴趣。 (分数:12.50)_正确答案:()解析:As soon as a new book-comes to my hand, I always read the preface first and then the table of contents. If it happens to be a thin one, I often finish reading it at one sitting. Otherwise, I often browse through one or two chapt

29、ers or sections before putting it onto my bookshelf. I seldom read a thick book from cover to cover unless it is a novel. By dint of the first impression it made on me at the time of buying, I have a rough idea of what a book is about and what useful materials in it are available to me. But I have little idea which book is to be read or looked over again at what time. It is completely subject to the whims of the moment.


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