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1、专业英语八级(作文)-试卷82及答案解析 (总分:10.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、WRITING(总题数:5,分数:10.00)1.PART V WRITING(分数:2.00)_2.Along with the widespread use of the Internet comes the cyber language, which arouses a bitter controversy. Experts denounce that cyber language is diluting the quality of language. Internet users, however,

2、 think that language is evolving all the time and rigid standards should not be enforced in the daily use of language. What is your view on this? The following are excerpts about this issue. Read it carefully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefl

3、y both articles; 2. give your comment.Excerpt 1 Is Internet English Debasing the Language? Online writing, you see, is destroying the purity of English as we know it and threatening to dumb us all down into a herd of screen-jabbing illiterates. Some people are worried about the abuse and impoverishm

4、ent of English online (notably, in blogs and emails) and the overall crassness of English prose in the age of global communications. But is it really true that English is being abused and impoverished in blogs and emails? I suppose it depends what kind of blogs one readsthe New Yorkers Page Turner b

5、log or Crooked Timber seem pretty well-writtenand what kind of email correspondents one is blessed with. As for the overall crassness of internet prose, there is an increasing amount of very fine essay-writing going on for online-only publications such as Aeon magazine and Matter. Of course theres a

6、 lot of bad writing on the web, but theres a lot of very good writing too. Theres just more writing at all levels of quality. Arguably, thanks to internetworked electronic communications, people are writing more than ever before in history. This does not by itself seem adequate cause for dejection a

7、mong the literati. Moreover, against the claim that the internet is impoverishing our language must be set the truth that it is expanding it with new and entertaining means of expression. Take, for instance, the facepalm. This splendidly economical way of indicating ironic despairsometimes accompani

8、ed by an image of Captain Jean-Luc Picard covering his face with his handis just one of the useful lexical innovations the internet offers to those who actually read it.Excerpt 2 Cyber Words Make Language Lively Cyber language is popular among Chinese netizens, who create Chinglish words to reflect

9、phenomenon in society. One example is antizen, which refers to college graduates who earn a meager salary and live in small rented apartments, like tiny and laborious ants. David Tool, a professor in the Beijing International Studies University, said its very interesting to combine Chinese with Engl

10、ish to create new words. Sergey Dmitriev, a senior student from Russia studying at Liaoning University, believed the words are a way to learn more about Chinese society. In Russia, similar words were created, as well, he said, adding that creation of new words showed greater influence and more of an

11、 opening of China to the world. Netizens also created Chinese words and expressions. Take Suan Ni Hen for example. This three-character expression originally meant you win. However, as the first character carried the same pronunciation as garlic in Chinese, netizens used it to satirize the soaring g

12、arlic and food prices this winter. Some of these words and expressions were even used in serious media reports. On November, Peoples Daily carried a front-page news story with the headline Jiangsu geilivable cultural province. Wu Zhongmin, a professor at the Party School of the Central Committee of

13、the Communist Party of China, saw the phenomenon of word creation as a natural response of young people to social issues. Cyber language is more vivid and it shortens the distances between people, he said.(分数:2.00)_3.A new survey shows that social networks have become a hotbed of offensive words and

14、 name calling. Is social networking making us rude? The following are opinions about this issue. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the opinions; 2. give your comment. Mario Canseco (vice-president, public affairs

15、at Insights West) Technology was blamed by more than 80 percent of people surveyed by Insights West as the cause of our growing incivility, making it the No. 2 reason that people think we are becoming less civil to each other. When we didnt have this type of technology, we seemed to get along much b

16、etter. We were probably saying good morning to the guy at the coffee shop. Instead were hidden behind our cellphones and other gadgets, tweeting, posting, texting and SnapChatting with our virtual friends while ignoring the world around us. Or worseletting the door slam in their face.Dr. Joti Samra

17、(adjunct professor in psychology at Simon Fraser University) When were not face-to-face, there is much lost in our interactions. The predominant component of our communication is non-verbal. It could be the tone of our voice, body posture, or other signals that can only be picked up when we are talk

18、ing, not texting, tweeting or interacting online. Added to that is the speed and brevity of texts and online posts. In the Twitter age we are communicating a message in 140 characters. We are losing the art of conversation, were learning to communicate in very short sound bites. All of these factors

19、 can contribute to incivility and disrespect.Erinne Paisley (16, user of several social softwares) When youre on social media youre not saying something to a persons face, so its a lot easier to be rude. I dont think we can blame social media for peoples rudeness. Its not like those thoughts are cre

20、ated from social media but they are voiced through social media, which gives an easier platform to voice those thoughts.Peter Chow-White (communication professor from Simon Fraser University) Social media just give us a forum to show our true colours. I bet people who are jerks online are jerks in r

21、eal life. It says more about the personality than it does about the communication itself. Rather than being separate from the way people behave in real life, online behaviour only reflects attitudes that are now more hidden. But social media give more avenues for people to express meanness, absolute

22、ly. Peoples perception that technology and social media are eroding our civility also reflects the fact that the technological changes are still fairly new to us.Naima Salemohamed (a student at the University of Victoria) When it comes to our obsession with technology, behaviours that once might hav

23、e been considered rude are now the norm. If you are sitting in a class at university and texting or using your phone, nobody is going to say anything to you, it has just become the norm. We are so attached to technologyI dont think its us being rude, its just how the culture has become.(分数:2.00)_4.I

24、t has been reported that the government of Kunming is considering levying a 10-yuan pollution fee per day on tourists in the area near the Dianchi Lake. From the excerpts, you can find that this practice has achieved much applause, but there have also been doubt and criticism. Write an article of NO

25、 LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize the opinions from both sides, and then 2. express your opinion towards this practice, especially whether it can achieve the due result.Yu Xiangrong from Its somewhat reasonable to solve the pollution problem through economic means. Natural res

26、ources are limited, and you have to pay for your use of the resources. Those who pollute should be held accountable in treating pollution, so its all right to charge the tourists. In addition, collecting pollution fees from tourists does not mean not to punish polluting factories. The pollution of t

27、he Dianchi Lake has long been a problem. In recent years, the pollution is becoming increasingly worse and is listed among the State Councils major pollution treatment programs. Although the government has already spent billions of yuan to deal with the problem, together with a series of treatment m

28、easures, there are still no notable achievements. Since the source of pollution is industrial and daily sewage, the key to controlling pollution is to curb the discharge of wastewater from the two sources. In recent years, pollution treatment is consistently outpaced by pollution, so its important t

29、o change the old mindset in the real practice of pollution treatment. Prevention is much more effective and important than clean-up. The plan to collect pollution fees might be regarded as part of prevention. However, still we must make it clear that tourists are not the major cause of the pollution

30、 of the lake. Though economic means may not be the most effective way to prevent pollution, there must be some rigid rules. To some extent, charging pollution fees is only a supplement to the many ways of pollution prevention, and local authorities have missed a key part of pollution treatment by ta

31、rgeting tourists alone.Fan Zijun from China Business Herald When tourists come to the Dianchi Lake, they are already contributing to local hotels, restaurants and scenic spots. They are the source of money for the local tourism, so its unreasonable to ask them to pay extra money when they have alrea

32、dy paid for every service theyve got. In the name of protecting local ecological environment, the fee collection plan covers six counties and districts around the lake. Every tourist is supposed to pay 10 yuan for each days stay. Such an ambitious fee collection program is astonishing. The local gov

33、ernment should not use environmental protection as an excuse to make money. They should allocate some of the tourism incomes to local ecological and environmental improvement, so that they can attract more tourists in the future. Now, however, they want to transfer the environmental cost to tourists

34、 when it is the locals themselves who should be responsible for the result. Such a short-sighted plan could drive potential tourists away. The deterioration of the local ecological environment is caused by illegal commercial development and improper disposal of wastewater by some companies. If the l

35、ocal government targets tourists instead of the real troublemakers, its unfair and will do nothing to help the local ecological environment.(分数:2.00)_5.Love is romantic, this is the common truth believed by most people who have not married. But, marriage means a couple binds into a family, which dis

36、tracts the romance to everyday daily life. The following are opinions from netizens of various countries on whether marriage is worth it. Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the arguments on both sides; 2. give your comment.Riz (Pakistan) Make a wise

37、 choice. Live the way you want to because life is not rehearsal. Being single doesnt mean you have no responsibilities. Marriage can be fun if you know how to make it fun. I think there are more advantages to being married. It matures you!Laowai2? (UK) Being married doesnt only mean sharing your soc

38、ial life and having consideration for someone else. It also requires compromise and perhaps patience. Having kids is a whole different ball game. You need to be prepared to dedicate your life to them and put your own needs in second (or third or fourth) place. They are your responsibility, dont assu

39、me that others will always be there to help and dont expect to be appreciated. If you choose a spouse well, the responsibilities will be shared.blu535 (US) Marriage is what you make of it. Its different for everyone, but one thing is for sure: it takes a lot of work!St_George (UK) Its all testostero

40、ne to start with, but when that subsides you find out if its really love. You must have an emotional attachment to somebody youve lived with every day, regardless, and divorce is the next worst thing to death for most people. The emotional baggage afterwards is a big barrier to loving again. If you

41、say marriage is the grave of love, youre just a coward not to embrace its pain, challenges and hardships. You only want the easy way out. Sad, isnt it? But sometimes, its true. Marriage has many pains, but celibacy has no pleasures.Smaug (US) If you find the right person, being married is great Gett

42、ing up and seeing this person you love is a great thing. Even cooking and watching TV together is sometimes great. But you have to make sure the guy you find is a guy you can talk with. Work out difficult issues. If you cannot really communicate with your beloved one well, then it will be nothing bu

43、t misery.xilaren (China) Is marriage the grave of love? It depends on the couples behaviors. Women play an important role in keeping the marriage alive and not boring.Symondsez (Expat in China)Marriage is a kind of sweet - You eat it, you will regret. you dont eat it, you will still regret it. This

44、institution called marriage in todays society is a failure.gulfalco (US) Before I was married I thought I never would be. And now that I am divorced it feels weird not to be married. You spend a decade with one person, it really changes you I guess.bdfuns Actually, marriage is a vital content for a

45、person in this world. Do you know what does it means Marriage? My knowledge says that marriage is a result of human nature. We need marriage for complete our general needs. By the way, I will also marry in very early future.(分数:2.00)_专业英语八级(作文)-试卷82答案解析 (总分:10.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、WRITING(总题数:5,分数:10.00)1

46、.PART V WRITING(分数:2.00)_解析:2.Along with the widespread use of the Internet comes the cyber language, which arouses a bitter controversy. Experts denounce that cyber language is diluting the quality of language. Internet users, however, think that language is evolving all the time and rigid standard

47、s should not be enforced in the daily use of language. What is your view on this? The following are excerpts about this issue. Read it carefully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly both articles; 2. give your comment.Excerpt 1 Is Internet English Debasing the Language? Online writing, you see, is destroying the purity of English as we know it and threatening to dumb us all down into a herd of screen-jabbing illiterates. Some people are worried about the abuse and impoverishment of E


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