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1、专业英语四级-23及答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、完型填空题(总题数:3,分数:100.00)In September, more than a dozen whales beached themselves in the Canary Islands. Rescuers tried to water down the whales and keep them cool. But all of them 1 died. Nearby, NATO naval forces were 2 echo sounding devices meant to 3 an enemys

2、 submarines, and public 4 of the deaths ultimately came to 5 suspicions of a link between whale distress and loud ocean noises. The theory is 6 the mammals seek to 7 the roar of the deep, rush toward the surface and in some cases end up going ashore. For decades, environmentalists have worked to red

3、uce the undersea noiseusually with 8 success, given the growing industrialization and militarization of the oceans. They have 9 suits and waged letter-writing campaigns, 10 a recent petition that asks the United States Navy to 11 its testing of underwater sound equipment. The discovery by biologists

4、 in Hawaii that whales can 12 the sensitivity of their hearing to protect their ears from loud noise 13 another dimension to the debate. Michael Jasny, a senior policy analyst, called the research fascinating and said he hoped it would prove 14 in protecting whale hearing from these threats. But he

5、15 the finding as a work in 16 that posed many unanswered questions. A lot more work needs 17 , he said. Could it be replicated in the wild? Its a huge question. 18 whales could learn to decrease the sensitivity of their hearing, Mr. Jasny said, that would 19 only a relatively small part of the ocea

6、nic noise problem. Its important to understand that its 20 , he said of the proposed method. It wont be a silver bullet.(分数:30.00)A.inevitablyB.eventuallyC.surprisinglyD.immediatelyA.developingB.installingC.testingD.checkingA.detectB.catchC.discloseD.revealA.knowledgeB.debateC.mourningD.receptionA.r


8、.effectiveC.successfulD.sufficientA.denouncedB.acceptedC.characterizedD.justifiedA.demandB.contextC.actionD.progressA.to be doingB.doneC.to doD.to be doneA.Even ifB.If onlyC.Despite thatD.Now thatA.exposeB.identifyC.addressD.raiseA.trueB.uselessC.limitedD.riskyWhen shopkeepers want to lure customers

9、 into buying a particular product, they typically offer it at a discount. According to a new study to be published in the Journal of Marketing , they are 21 a trick. A team of researchers, led by Akshay Rao of University of Minnesota, looked at consumers 22 to discounting. Shoppers, they found, much

10、 prefer getting something extra free to getting something cheaper. The main reason is that most people are 23 at fractions. Consumers often struggle to realise, 24 , that a 50% increase in 25 is the same as a 33% discount in price. They 26 assume the former is better value. In an experiment, the res

11、earchers sold 73% more hand lotion when it was offered in a 27 pack than when it carried an equivalent discount. This numerical blind 28 remains even when the deal 29 favours the discounted product. In another experiment, this time on his undergraduates, Mr. Rao offered two deals on loose coffee bea

12、ns: 33% extra free or 33% 30 the price. The discount is 31 the better proposition, but the experiment shows the supposedly clever students viewed them 32 equivalent. Marketing types can draw lessons 33 just pricing, says Mr. Rao. When advertising a new cars efficiency, for example, it is more 34 to

13、talk about the number of extra miles per gallon it does, 35 the equivalent percentage fall in fuel 36 . There may be lessons for officials 37 regulate prices too. Even well-educated shoppers are easily 38 . Sending everyone back to school for math seems out of the question. 39 more prominently displ

14、ayed unit prices in shops and advertisements would be a great 40 .(分数:30.00)A.playingB.missingC.workingD.wastingA.resistanceB.dispositionC.attitudesD.tendenciesA.quickB.skillfulC.dumbD.weakA.for exampleB.as a resultC.in particularD.by contrastA.weightB.quantityC.volumeD.sizeA.undoubtedlyB.implicitly

15、C.immediatelyD.overwhelminglyA.bonusB.bubbleC.singleD.bigA.trackB.traceC.spotD.pointA.partiallyB.brightlyC.vividlyD.clearlyA.aboveB.offC.ofD.onA.in allB.at bestC.by farD.for allA.toB.asC.forD.intoA.beyondB.fromC.inD.onA.professionalB.accurateC.convincingD.difficultA.other thanB.more thanC.rather tha

16、nD.better thanA.pricesB.consumptionC.supplyD.chargesA.whoB.whatC.whomD.whichA.persuadedB.distractedC.foxedD.impressedA.ThenB.OrC.SoD.ButA.reliefB.surpriseC.helpD.successWho hasnt wanted to master not just two languages but 10? Take Giuseppe Mezzofanti, a 19th-century priest who was said to be 41 in

17、as many as 50 languages. Native speakers came from all over the world to test his 42 , and many left astonished. In Babel No More , Michael Erard investigates the legend of Mezzofanti and 43 linguistic geniuses. 44 on Erard asks what it means to really know a language. Claire Kramsch tells him the q

18、uestion 45 not be How many languages do you know? but rather In how many languages do you live? Understanding the 46 cultural difference of a language requires extensive and 47 contact with its speakers, and for that reason Kramsch 48 that anyone could ever live in more than four or five languages.

19、Fair enough, 49 what about the astonishing feats of memory and calculation that people display when they 50 up a new language, or eight? Erard points out that, for no good reason, this question has been 51 by science. After all, we study extraordinary 52 in mathematics and music; why not linguistic

20、geniuses? Erard 53 down Mezzofantis papers, speaks to many language experts and even learns that some bilingual people experience mental illness in one 54 but not another. Most interestingly, he 55 a group of modern linguistic geniuses. Memory, motivation and practice are all important, they say, bu

21、t 56 is a practical strategy. 57 who claimed to speak 11 languages did not much care about 58 like a native. Unlike Mezzofanti, their goal was not to 59 but to dosee the world, read the local paper and not get 60 .(分数:40.00)A.fluidB.fluentC.smoothD.flowingA.strengthB.reactionsC.abilitiesD.knowledgeA

22、.anotherB.one anotherC.the otherD.otherA.EarlyB.LaterC.FurtherD.ShortlyA.winB.mightC.shouldD.mustA.prominentB.majorC.subtleD.basicA.directB.continuousC.activeD.exclusiveA.deniesB.countersC.doubtsD.debatesA.butB.becauseC.andD.orA.giveB.pickC.makeD.setA.answeredB.tackledC.neglectedD.rejectedA.phenomen


24、(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、完型填空题(总题数:3,分数:100.00)In September, more than a dozen whales beached themselves in the Canary Islands. Rescuers tried to water down the whales and keep them cool. But all of them 1 died. Nearby, NATO naval forces were 2 echo sounding devices meant to 3 an enemys submarines, an

25、d public 4 of the deaths ultimately came to 5 suspicions of a link between whale distress and loud ocean noises. The theory is 6 the mammals seek to 7 the roar of the deep, rush toward the surface and in some cases end up going ashore. For decades, environmentalists have worked to reduce the underse

26、a noiseusually with 8 success, given the growing industrialization and militarization of the oceans. They have 9 suits and waged letter-writing campaigns, 10 a recent petition that asks the United States Navy to 11 its testing of underwater sound equipment. The discovery by biologists in Hawaii that

27、 whales can 12 the sensitivity of their hearing to protect their ears from loud noise 13 another dimension to the debate. Michael Jasny, a senior policy analyst, called the research fascinating and said he hoped it would prove 14 in protecting whale hearing from these threats. But he 15 the finding

28、as a work in 16 that posed many unanswered questions. A lot more work needs 17 , he said. Could it be replicated in the wild? Its a huge question. 18 whales could learn to decrease the sensitivity of their hearing, Mr. Jasny said, that would 19 only a relatively small part of the oceanic noise probl

29、em. Its important to understand that its 20 , he said of the proposed method. It wont be a silver bullet.(分数:30.00)A.inevitablyB.eventuallyC.surprisinglyD.immediately解析:解析 上文提到鲸鱼搁浅,句首的But转折表明尽管救援人员尽力抢救,鲸鱼还是全都死了。因此填入eventually“最终”合适。inevitably“不可避免地”;surprisingly“令人惊讶地”;immediately“立刻”。A.developingB.

30、installingC.testingD.checking解析:解析 此处要表达的意思是“NATO海军部队正_回声测探设备”,根据后文“以敌人的潜艇”,可知填入testing“测试”最合适。developing“开发”,installing“安装”,checking“检查”。A.detectB.catchC.discloseD.reveal解析:解析 此处要填入动词,其逻辑主语是echo sounding devices“回声设备”,用detect“侦查”最合适,表明用回声设备来“侦查”敌人的潜艇。catch指“捕捉”或“无意中发现”,而此处是有目的的行为,故不选;disclose揭露”;re

31、veal“透露”。A.knowledgeB.debateC.mourningD.reception解析:解析 上文提到鲸鱼死亡,此处要表达“公众对鲸鱼死亡原因的最终让人们怀疑鲸鱼的不幸与海洋噪音之间有一定联系”,故填入knowledge,表示公众的认知。而debate“争论”,mourning“哀悼”和reception“接待”在上下文没有相关线索。A.reduceB.removeC.avertD.strengthen解析:解析 上文提到海军用回声没备监测潜艇,这会造成大量的噪音,人们怀疑鲸鱼死亡与此相关,因此,这种怀疑会因鲸鱼死亡进一步“加剧”,故填入strengthen。A.whichB.

32、whetherC.whatD.that解析:解析 空格后的句子结构、意思完整,故用that引导该表语从句。A.resistB.escapeC.silenceD.stop解析:解析 上文提到鲸鱼搁浅与海洋噪音有关联,空格后的“海洋深处的咆哮”指的就是噪音。鲸鱼无法resist“阻止”、silence“使静止”或stop“停止”噪音,合乎逻辑的是escape“逃离”。A.fewB.muchC.manyD.little解析:解析 空格后的条件状语“不断发展的工业化和军事化”表明环保人士取得的成功不大,success是不可数名词,故填入little。A.friedB.facedC.wonD.defen

33、ded解析:解析 filed意为“提出(申请等)”,能与空格后的suits搭配,表示他们提出诉讼。A.incorporatingB.includingC.comprisingD.containing解析:解析 空格后半句为前面campaigns的具体内容,including“包含”起着列举的作用,故选B。incorporating侧重于一物对另一物的“吸收”;comprising表示部分组成整体;containing指被作为组成部分而被“包含”或“容纳”在内,通常用于具体物品。A.reportB.completeC.dropD.improve解析:解析 公众认为噪音对鲸鱼有害,故选择drop“

34、放弃”。A.remainB.varyC.increaseD.decrease解析:解析 空格后的目的状语to protect.(保护耳朵不受吵闹噪音的伤害)表明鲸鱼要“降低”听觉的敏感性才可达到,故选择decrease。A.addsB.addC.addingD.added解析:解析 本句的主语是the discovery,其后的that whales.noise是修饰主语的同位语从句。故空格处填入的动词应为句子谓语。上下文使用的是一般时态,所以答案为adds。A.efficientB.effectiveC.successfulD.sufficient解析:解析 此处应表达Michael希望研究

35、结果能证明鲸鱼可以保护自己的听觉不受噪音威胁,effective“有效的”,符合句意逻辑。A.denouncedB.acceptedC.characterizedD.justified解析:解析 characterize.as.“认为是”。符合语境要求。denounced“谴责”和accepted“接受”都不与as搭配,意思也不对;justified“证明是正当的”意思不对。A.demandB.contextC.actionD.progress解析:解析 空格后的定语从句that.questions(它提出了许多尚未解答的问题)表示这项工作是in progress“进行中”,下一段说“还有很多

36、工作要做”可进一步印证。A.to be doingB.doneC.to doD.to be done解析:解析 need后可接不定式或动名词,主语work和动作do之间是被动关系,可填入动名词doing或不定式的被动语态to be done。A.Even ifB.If onlyC.Despite thatD.Now that解析:解析 鲸鱼能否降低听觉的敏感性并没有定论,且本句使用了虚拟语气could learn to.,因此空格要填入的连词应表虚拟条件,故Even if“即使”正确。If only“只要”也可以接虚拟,但语义不通;Despite that“尽管”和Now that“既然”在意

37、思和用法上都可排除。A.exposeB.identifyC.addressD.raise解析:解析 空格处的动词与后面problem构成动宾搭配,如果鲸鱼能降低听觉敏感性,这是解决了问题,故用address“探讨(如何处理)”。expose“揭露,曝光”;identify“鉴别”;raise“引发”。A.trueB.uselessC.limitedD.risky解析:解析 后文的silver bullet字面意思是“银色子弹”,指“良方”。空格处应与silver bullet语义相反,故填入limited“有限的”。useless“无用的”过于绝对。When shopkeepers want

38、to lure customers into buying a particular product, they typically offer it at a discount. According to a new study to be published in the Journal of Marketing , they are 21 a trick. A team of researchers, led by Akshay Rao of University of Minnesota, looked at consumers 22 to discounting. Shoppers,

39、 they found, much prefer getting something extra free to getting something cheaper. The main reason is that most people are 23 at fractions. Consumers often struggle to realise, 24 , that a 50% increase in 25 is the same as a 33% discount in price. They 26 assume the former is better value. In an ex

40、periment, the researchers sold 73% more hand lotion when it was offered in a 27 pack than when it carried an equivalent discount. This numerical blind 28 remains even when the deal 29 favours the discounted product. In another experiment, this time on his undergraduates, Mr. Rao offered two deals on

41、 loose coffee beans: 33% extra free or 33% 30 the price. The discount is 31 the better proposition, but the experiment shows the supposedly clever students viewed them 32 equivalent. Marketing types can draw lessons 33 just pricing, says Mr. Rao. When advertising a new cars efficiency, for example,

42、it is more 34 to talk about the number of extra miles per gallon it does, 35 the equivalent percentage fall in fuel 36 . There may be lessons for officials 37 regulate prices too. Even well-educated shoppers are easily 38 . Sending everyone back to school for math seems out of the question. 39 more

43、prominently displayed unit prices in shops and advertisements would be a great 40 .(分数:30.00)A.playingB.missingC.workingD.wasting解析:解析 上文提到店主会打折吸引顾客,下一段提及研究表示顾客更喜欢免费的赠品,空格后的trick指“诀窍”,由此可推断本句应表达店主失算的意思,故miss正确。A.resistanceB.dispositionC.attitudesD.tendencies解析:解析 后一句说到研究团队得出的结论,此处应表达消费者如何对待打折,故填入att

44、itudes“态度”。相对打折,消费者更喜欢赠品,但他们对打折并不抵触,故resistance“抵抗”不对;disposition和tendencies与to连用,都表示“倾向”,不符合上下文语境。A.quickB.skillfulC.dumbD.weak解析:解析 打折实际上是更省钱的,但人们不爱打折爱赠品,此处说明原因,空格后的fractions本指“分数”,这里引申为算术,故填入weak“弱的”,指大部分人不擅长数学。quick“迅速的”;skillful“熟练的”;dumb“笨的”则过于绝对。A.for exampleB.as a resultC.in particularD.by c

45、ontrast解析:解析 上文提及与fractions有关的主要原因,本段用具体的事例说明,提及50%,33%,73%等多个数据。因此此处是支持上一句观点的具体例子,故A项for example符合语义。暑as a result“结果是”;in particular“特别”;by contrast“相反”。A.weightB.quantityC.volumeD.size解析:解析 前文说到赠品,也就是消费者拿到的东西更多,因此本句是对买到的商品“数量”价格和折扣进行对比,故quantity正确。此处并未指明是什么商品,因此weight“重量”,volume“体积”和size“大小”都不如quantity准确。A.undoubtedlyB.implicitlyC.immediatelyD.overwhelmingly解析:解析 此处需填入副词,表明消费者对赠品的肯定态度,overwhelmingly“压倒性地”语气最强,故正确。undoubtedly“无庸置疑地”过于绝对;implicitly“含蓄地”;immediat


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