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1、1998年6月英语六级真题答案真题 120Part Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there wil

2、l be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A、B、C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.第1题:参考答案:D答案解析:W: Fridays speaker is supposed to be wonderful. Are you going to attend

3、the seminar on that clay? M: Yes. But I havent been able to get the ticket yet. Since the lecture is open to the public, I imagine that the tickets may have already been sold out. Q: Why is the man afraid he wont be able to attend the seminar?第2题:参考答案:A答案解析:M: I wonder what makes mother so upset the

4、se days. W: Father is canceling his vacation trip. He promised to take her abroad last year. But the company is asking father to postpone his vacation. Q: Why is their mother unhappy?第3题:参考答案:B答案解析:W: How did you do on the maths exam, John? M: I barely made it. It was just a passing score but better

5、 than I had expected. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?第4题:参考答案:A答案解析:W: During the last thunderstorm I noticed several leaks in my bedroom ceiling and they really caused a mess. M: Maybe you have some broken tiles. I have the phone number of a good roofing company that could do a good repa

6、ir job for you at a reasonable price. Q: What can we conclude from this conversation?第5题:参考答案:A答案解析:W: The report says all the departments are making a profit except the Asian Department. M: Well, Mr. Smith seems to be the wrong person to head that department. One more wrong step and he would be rem

7、oved from that office. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?第6题:参考答案:B答案解析:M: Could you give me your office phone number or fax number so that we can contact each other more often? W: But Ive been trying to find a new job in another company. You see, Ive worked here for 3 years without a raise.

8、 Thats unfair to me. Q: What does the woman mean?第7题:参考答案:C答案解析:W: Could you help me, Sir? My flight got in 15 minutes ago. Everyone else has picked up the luggage but mine hasnt come through. M: Im sorry, Madam, Ill go and find out if there is any more to come. Q: Whats the womans problem?第8题:参考答案:

9、C答案解析:W: Was Robert elected to the committee? M: Yes. In fact he was made chairman. But he only agreed to take the job if they let him have the final say. Q: What does Robert intend to do?第9题:参考答案:B答案解析:M: Has todays mail arrived? Im anxious to know about the result of my application. W: Ill check t

10、he mailbox. There is nothing in it but a post-card from our daughter. Q: What do we learn from this conversation?第10题:参考答案:A答案解析:M: This machine has so many buttons. I cant figure out which one makes it run. W: Youd better read the instructions first. Pressing the buttons randomly may cause the mach

11、ine to break down. Q: According to the woman, what should the man do first?Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must

12、 choose the best answer from the four choices marked A、B、Cand D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.听力原文Its 8 oclock on Tuesday, May 1st. Here is the news: Between the hours of 7:00 and 8:00 P.M. last night, five thieves broke into the countr

13、y house of Lord and Lady Chestfield on an island. They entered by a window at the rear of the house and surprised the owners who were watching television in the drawing room. After disconnecting the telephone and tying up Lord and Lady Chestfield, the thieves escaped with 16 precious paintings. The

14、market value of such art works has been estimated at somewhere around 4 million pounds. Lord and Lady Chestfield were not seriously harmed but have been treated for shock in the hospital. Early this morning a woman with a Scottish accent telephoned the Thames in London to say that the Chestfield Org

15、anization for Freedom claimed responsibility for the theft. This is the third time this year that this organization has claimed responsibility for an act of this kind. The organization defends all the farmers on island. The farmers were forced to leave their lands when Lord Chestfield, their landlor

16、d, refused to renew their traditional lease last year in order to extend the reservation area for birds. 第11题:参考答案:B答案解析:What were lord and Lady Chestfield doing when the thieves broke into their house?第12题:参考答案:D答案解析:What did the five thieves do?第13题:参考答案:C答案解析:What did Lord Chestfield do to the fa

17、rmers?第14题:参考答案:A答案解析:Whats the organizations purpose in breaking into lord Chestfields house?听力原文A deadly infectious outbreak swept through a small city in Zaire, Africa last spring, killing more than one hundred people. The killer was a rare virus that caused most victims to bleed to death. As sci

18、entists rushed to control the outbreak, people in the U.S. wondered, Could it attack here?We are foolish if we think it couldnt come to our country, say doctors. The virus can be highly infectious. If you come in contact with a victims blood or other body fluids, you can get sick, too. All it takes

19、is one infected person to start such a disease. Thats what scientists believe has happened in Zaire. The healthcare workers who treated the first victims there soon fell ill, too. The problem was that they had no protective equipment to prevent themselves from being infected. International rescue wo

20、rkers brought equipment to Zaire soon after the outbreak occurred. Now the disease appears to be under control. One big mystery is that no one knows where the virus comes from or where it will strike next. ome scientists say that the virus lies inactive in the cells of some kind of plant, insect or

21、other animals. Then it somehow finds a way to infect humans. Scientists are now headed into the jungles of Africa to find out where the virus lives. Once they find the virus, they also hope to find ways to come at it. 第15题:参考答案:D答案解析:How does the disease mentioned in the passage spread?第16题:参考答案:B答案

22、解析:What happened to most of the victims stricken with this disease?第17题:参考答案:C答案解析:Why are the scientists going to the African jungles?听力原文A team of scientists recently began a project to measure the effects of loud noises on sea animals. If the sounds dont harm the animals, then the researchers can

23、 go ahead with a plan to transmit sound waves through the Pacific Ocean to take the earths temperature. Sound travels faster through warm water than cold water. By analyzing the speed of sound through the ocean over a time, the scientists will be able to determine if our planet is warming up. The ex

24、periment was nearly cancelled more than a year ago because environmental groups feared that the sound would confuse or harm the sea animals. So, scientists are conducting tests on the animals first. The researchers lowered a loud speaker that emits low frequency sound about 1000 meters beneath the o

25、cean. Scientists at the site transmit sound waves into the ocean. Radio transmitters attached to some of the sea animals help the researches keep track of the animals movements. If sea-animals are distressed by the sounds, they would swim away from the speakers. So far, there arent any signs that th

26、e animals are being harmed. Researchers at the site noticed that large numbers of sea animals swim near the speaker whether it was turned on or off, but it is still too soon to know for sure, the scientists admit. The test will continue through September. If all goes well, they say, we can begin mea

27、suring temperature changes on our planet. 第18题:参考答案:A答案解析:What is the purpose of analyzing the speed of sound through the Pacific-Ocean?第19题:参考答案:D答案解析:What was the reaction of the sea animals to the sound tests?第20题:参考答案:C答案解析:For what purpose were radio transmitters used?Part II Reading Comprehens

28、ion Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or un- finished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A、B、C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through

29、the centre.第21题:参考答案:A答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问现代信息技术的发展对谁有利。根据文章第1段和第2段:人们并不重视现代信息技术对贫穷国家的影响,贫穷国家的利益未受重视。而由现代信息技术引发 的电子经济则有利于富裕国家加强对全球经济市场的控制,并使穷国长期依赖于富国。因此,A与题意相符,故正确。第22题:参考答案:B答案解析:推断题。题目询问从文中我们可以得出什么结论。A应该扩大国际贸易,文中只提到信息技术的发展能扩大贸易的区域性,但并没有倡导扩大国际间的贸易交往;B没有 充分考虑到贫穷国家的利益,这正是本文的主旨所在,在文章第1段作者就已提出;C应该加强贫穷国家的出口量

30、,这一信息在文中并没有进行阐述;D发展中国家应 实现信息技术的现代化,文中提到购买现代化的信息技术会导致发展中国家对发达国家的技术依赖,并会因此而束缚自己经济的发展,这显然与文章的意思不符。第23题:参考答案:A答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问为什么电子经济会给发展中国家带来毁灭性的影响。根据文章第2段:现代信息技术,引发的电子经济有利于发达国家加强对世界经济市场的控制,发展中 国家却越来越不能掌握自己的命运。A与此观点一致;B破坏经济平衡,这一点并没有在文中进行阐述;C破坏发展中国家的疆域,在文中并没有涉及;D束缚发 展中国家的工业增长,这只是发达国家控制全球市场导致一个后果而已。第24题:参

31、考答案:D答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问发展中国家现代通讯技术的发展会导致什么后果。根据文章第4段:发展中国家向发达国家购买通讯技术会使他们长期依赖发达国家,也许还会使他们永远 受制于发达国家。因此,A明显与题意不符;B使他们失去贸易控制权,这并不是通讯技术发展的结果;C迫使他们减少出口份额,并没有在文中进行阐述;D使 他们付出经济独立的代价,与文中所提及的内容一致。第25题:参考答案:B答案解析:题目询问作者对通讯革命的态度。从全文来看,尤其是在文章第1段和第2段,作者指出西方国家漠不关心通讯革命为谁服务的问题,并提出通讯革命不仅很少关注发展中国家的利益,而且还会给它们带来毁灭性的影响,故不

32、难看出作者对此是持批评态度的。因此,只有B正确。第26题:参考答案:B答案解析:推断题。题目询问home schoolers是群什么人。根据全文,尤其是文章第2段:许多公立学校倡导者对家庭教育的倡导者态度尖刻,并把他们的行为看作是对公立学校最大的打 击。因此,可得知:home schoolers是与 public school advocates(公立学校倡导者)相对立的一群人,故此,home schoolers是指提倡把孩子放在家里接受教育的社会群体。因 此,B是正确的,与文中之意相符。第27题:参考答案:A答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问公立学校对家庭教育态度变柔和的原因。根据文章第3段:公

33、立学校官员意识到如果他们继续对家庭教育采取敌对态度,他们将一无所获,因此,他们的态 度柔和了一点。A对目前的局势他们不能改变太多,与文中所提及的内容一致;B对不同教育体系的容忍;C家庭教育提供了一种新的教学模式;D公立学校 不能为所有的孩子提供适当的教育,均与文中所陈述之意明显相背。第28题:参考答案:C答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问提倡把孩子放在家里接受教育的社会群体所持的观点。根据文章第5段和第6段: home schoolers认为他们的教学方式是最好的,而且他们希望能继续保持 这种方法。A在文中并没有提及; B与文中的信息相背;C与文中所提及的内容一致;D在文中并没有出现此类的信息。第

34、29题:参考答案:D答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问大多数home schoolers反对公立学校教育的原因是什么。根据文章第6段和第7段: home schoolers之所以坚持自己的教育方法,有85%是由于宗教的原因, 而且他们希望孩子们学习严格的宗教教义和保守的政治和社会观点。A是部分home schoolers的意见,但并不代表大多数人的观点;B也如此;C的信息在文中并没有提及; D是正确的,与文中之意相符。第30题:参考答案:C答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问根据Van Galen的说法,部分home schoolers的观点是什么。根据文章最后两段:有些 home schoolers认

35、为孩子们不仅应该学习传统的课程,还要学习严格 的宗教教义和保守的社会和政治观,而家庭是社会上最重要的教育场所;有些则认为学校并不一定要教异端邪说,但学校的教育方法是不恰当的。因此,A公立学校采取放牧 的方式教育学生,这显然不是Galen的说法,因而与题意不符;B公立学校教师不够负责,文中并没有提到此类信息;C公立学校不能为孩子们提供较好的教育,这 与文章的意思一致的;D公立学校是现代社会官僚习气和低效率的根源,这显然歪曲了Galen所陈述之意。第31题:参考答案:A答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问根据作者的观点,广告的最高音量和其他节目音量的关系。根据文章第1段和第2段:联邦法令严禁广告的声音高

36、出普通节目的音量,而NBC高层人员也认为 广告和普通节目的最高音量之间并不存在任何差别,而且广告的音量通常都一直保持在最高峰值或接近于最高峰值。因此,A是正确的,与文中之意相符。第32题:参考答案:B答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问商业广告能保持较高音量的原因。根据文章第2段:商业广告声音较大的主要原因是商业广告的音量变化比较少。在普通节目中,音量的变化范围较广,但 技术人员却使广告的音量一直保持在最高峰值或接近于最高峰值。由此可知,A电视台总是以最高的音量播出节目,但这种音量既指普通节目的音量,也指广告节目的音 量,因而这一信息与题意不符;B与文中之意一致,因而正确;C和D均与文中所陈述之意明

37、显相背。第33题:参考答案:C答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问很多商业广告都以某种类型的悦耳的歌曲开场的理由。根据文章第3段:由于人们都已适应了某种节目所特定的声音,所以节目的音质如果突然发生戏剧性 的变化将吸引观众的注意,而商业广告即是其中的一例。因此,A与文中所陈述之意不符;B与文中信息相背;C与文中的观点一致,因此正确; D的信息在文中并没有进 行阐述。第34题:参考答案:D答案解析:推断题。题目询问商业广告吸引观众注意力的原因。根据文章第3段:商业节目的制造者采用与其他节目截然不同的音响效果制作商业广告以吸引人们的注意力。而最后一段也指 出广告独特的音质能立即吸引人们的注意。A人类声音能

38、产生更好的听觉效果和C用高频率的声音掩盖主要信息量的声音,文中只提及这些是使音量一直保持在峰值上 下的技巧,因而与题意不符;B公众喜欢音质能发生戏剧性变化的悦耳的歌曲,显然与文中所给的信息相背;D商业广告的音量变化使观众感觉到发生了不寻常的事情, 由此可推断出,它能吸引观众的注意力,因此与题意相符。第35题:参考答案:D答案解析:主旨题。题目询问作者的写作意图。从全文来看,作者一开始就提出为什么商业广告的声音听起来那么大的问题,然后剖析了其原因,说明技术人员是怎样利用有特质的声音 来制作广告的。因此,D是正确的。第36题:参考答案:C答案解析:辨认事实题。题目询问作者认为保护濒临灭绝的动植物品

39、种是一件很有争议的事情,其原因是什么。根据文章第1段:旨在保护某些濒危物种生存区域的法规和政策与某些人的经 济利益相冲突。因此,C这影响到某类人的经济利益,与文中所提的内容一致,故而正确。第37题:参考答案:A答案解析:推断题。题目询问保护热带雨林会引起什么。根据文章第2段:由于人口的急剧增加,发展中国家可能会愈加贫困,而开垦森林是一条暂时摆脱贫困和饥饿的方法。由此可推断: A可能会妨碍发展中国家与贫穷作战,与文中所提及的内容一致;B中的信息并没有在文中进行阐述C应该比人口控制享有优先权,在文中没有出现此类信息;D 提高发展中国家的生存环境,明显与文中所陈述之意相背。第38题:参考答案:B答案

40、解析:辨认事实题。题目询问砍伐树木种植粮食的后果如何。根据文章第2段:发展中国家由于人口急剧增加可能会更贫困,而砍伐热带雨林是一条暂时摆脱贫穷和饥饿的权宜之计。A 在文中并没有提及;B只是短期解决粮食问题的方法,与文章的意思相符;C几乎不能减轻粮食短缺问题和D都明显与文中所陈述的意思相背。第39题:参考答案:C答案解析:推断题。题目询问在人类现存的问题中,科学家最为关注的问题是什么。根据文章第3段:目前科学家关注的人类给地球带来的所有变化都是在掠夺地球富饶的生物资源,不管是 臭氧层的破坏、全球气候变暖还是人口膨胀最终都会导致物种不断减少乃至灭绝。由此可见,C生物物种的减少,与文中意思相符,故而

41、正确;其他三项均是科学家所关心 的问题,但都不是最主要的问题。第40题:参考答案:D答案解析:主旨题。题目询问作者写此文的意图。主题段落在文章最后一段。根据此段文章:只有世界各国联合起来努力控制人口数量、稳定大气质量、保护地球复杂的生态系统,才能最终 保护环境,解决人类所面临的环境危机。由此可见,D与作者的写作意图一致。其他三项均是作者写此文时提到的内容,但都不是本文的中心思想,注章阅读文章时,不要发生 理解偏差。Part Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. F

42、or each sentence there are four choices marked A、B、C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.第41题:参考答案:D答案解析:句意:指令很不明确,根本无法完成任务。 形容词辨义:ingenious有发明才能的,机灵的;ambitious野心勃勃的;notorious臭名昭著的

43、;ambiguous模棱两可的,含糊不清的。故此,应选D。第42题:参考答案:B答案解析:句意:拥有名牌大学的学位有利于找到一份好工作,因此在日本人的生活中,教育是最具竞争性的领域之一。 形容词辨义:sophisticated复杂的;competitive竞争(性)的,与句意相符;considerate体贴的,考虑周到的;superficial表面的,肤浅的。第43题:参考答案:C答案解析:句意:一个人在谈论他自身的弱点时,都期望听众能说几句鼓励性的话语。 名词辨义:persuasion劝说;remedy治疗,矫正;encouragement鼓励,激励;compromise妥协,折中,因此,C

44、正确。第44题:参考答案:D答案解析:句意:她对重新装饰这栋大房子很有兴趣,这使她整整忙碌了一个星期。 近义动词辨析:constrained强迫,压制;dominated统治,控制;restricted约束,限制;occupied占领,使忙碌,因此,应选D。第45题:参考答案:C答案解析:句意:如果终止与那个国家的关系,我们就必须寻找另外的原料供应国。 动词辨义:diffuse散发,传播;diminish减少,变少;terminate终止,结束,与句意相符;preclude排除,阻止。第46题:参考答案:D答案解析:句意:电影导演使用音乐使银幕上的表演更趋完美。 动词辨义:contaminat

45、e污染,弄脏;compliment恭维,赞扬;contemplate沉思,考虑;complement相辅相承,与结合,与句意相符。第47题:参考答案:C答案解析:句意:发生了一起可怕的交通事故,人们在电视上看到其悲惨的情景时都很悲伤。 形似形容词辨义:panic由恐慌引起的;patriotic爱国的;pathetic可怜的,悲惨的,与句意相符;periodic定期的,周期的。第48题:参考答案:B答案解析:句意:很多旅游者被这个城市复杂的交通系统搞得晕头转向。 动词辨义:degraded降级,贬损;bewildered使迷惑,使晕头转向;evoked引起,唤起;diverted使转向,消遣,因

46、此,B正确。第49题:参考答案:B答案解析:句意:在过去的15年里,跑步已成为一种流行的消遣活动,不同年龄的参与者达3000万。 名词辨义:fantasy幻想;pastime消遣;symposium研讨会;penalty惩罚,因此,B正确。第50题:参考答案:A答案解析:句意:有些人认为直译,或者说逐字逐句的翻译,比意译容易。 形似形容词辨义:literal依照字面的,逐字的,与句意相符;literary文学的;liberal自由的,不拘泥于字面意思的liberal线性的,线形的。第51题:参考答案:A答案解析:句意:许多试图描写现实世界的小说确实反映了它们所呈现的事物的真实性。 名词辨义:reflections反射,表现;demonstrations证明,展示;illuminations阐明;reproductions再现,复制,因此,A正确。第52题:参考答案:D答案解析:句意:只有通过学习,个人才能获得处理各种情况的惯常的方法。 近义词辨析:retains保持,保留;gains获得,赢得(财产、名誉、地位等想要的东西);achieves(通过持久的努力、勇气)达到(目的),获得;acquires (幕自己的能力一点点地)获得,习得,根据句意,D正确。第53题:参考答案:C答案解析:句意:一般来说


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