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1、翻译三级口译综合能力模拟4答案模拟 120Part A听力原文1-10 Mr. Hooper, I have been with this company now for seven years. And Ive always been very loyal to the company. And I feel that Ive worked quite hard here. And Ive never been promoted. Its getting to the point now in my life where, you know, I need more money. I wou

2、ld like to buy a car. Id like to start a family, and maybe buy a house, all of which is impossible with the current salary you are paying me. You told me to earn a raise I need to take more initiative and show more enthusiasm for the job. Maybe I could show a little more enthusiasm. I still think th

3、at I work hard here. But a company does have at least an obligation to pay its employees enough to live on. And the salary Im getting here isnt enough. I can barely cover my expenses. And its absolutely necessary for me to have a raise or I cannot justify keeping this job any more. 第1题:参考答案:B答案解析:特定

4、信息的找寻和判断。 根据原文MrHooper,I have been with this company now for seven years可知某人在向 MrHooper陈述已在公司工作了七年这一事实。由此可见题干的说法与原文不符,因此是错误的。 解题关键 根据称呼,判断谁是讲话者。根据文中称呼MrHooper可知讲话者并非 MrHooper。第2题:参考答案:B答案解析:特定信息的找寻和判断。 根据原文Ive always been very loyal to the company可知讲话者认为自己对公司忠心耿耿。 由此可见题干的说法与原文不符,因此是错误的。 解题关键 理解人称代词I

5、的指代对象。第3题:参考答案:A答案解析:因果关系的找寻和判断。 根据原文I need more moneyI would like to buy a carId like to start a family,and maybe buy a house可知讲话者需要更多的钱买车、养家和买房子。由此可见题干的说法与原文相符,因此是正确的。 解题关键 根据句间语义逻辑判断因果关系。第4题:参考答案:A答案解析:推理判断题。 根据原文all of which is impossible with the current salary you are paying me及And the salary

6、Im getting here isnt enoughI can barely cover my expenses可推断该员工对公司给的薪水不满意。由此可见题干的说法与原文相符,因此是正确的。 解题关键 将词汇归类进行简单推理。原文中表示否定概念的词,如impossible、isnt enough和barely等均传递出该员工不满的信息。第5题:参考答案:B答案解析:语义理解题。 根据原文Maybe I could show a little more enthusiasm可知讲话者认识到自己对工作的热情程度还需提高。由此可见题干的说法与原文不符,因此是错误的。 解题关键 理解虚拟语气的用法。

7、这里could是虚拟表达,说明实际情况是讲话者对工作热情不足。第6题:参考答案:A答案解析:事实细节的找寻和判断。 根据原文But a company does have at least an obligation to pay its employees enough to live on可知,公司至少有义务付给员工足够薪水维持生计。由此可见题干的说法与原文相符,因此是正确的。 解题关键 A定位原文相关信息。第7题:参考答案:B答案解析:事实细节的找寻和判断。 根据原文And the salary Im getting here isnt enoughI can barely cover

8、my expenses可知讲话者认为薪水不够,无法满足日常开支。但题干却错把Mr. Hooper当作雇员,因此是错误的。 解题关键 理解人称代词I的指代对象。第8题:参考答案:A答案解析:推理判断题。 根据原文中雇员对薪水的抱怨,可推断MrHooper给雇员的薪水过少。由此可见题干的说法与原文相符,因此是正确的。 解题关键 根据原文相关信息进行简单推断。第9题:参考答案:B答案解析:推理判断题。 原文是雇员向MrHooper抱怨,希望增加工资。因此可推断MrHooper应为雇主。由此可见题干的说法与原文不符,因此是错误的。 解题关键 根据原文信息进行简单推断。第10题:参考答案:B答案解析:事

9、实细节的找寻和判断。 根据原文And its absolutely necessary for me to have a raise or I cannot justify keeping this job any more可知讲话者认为为自己涨工资很有必要,否则讲话者找不出在公司呆下去的理由了。由此可见题干说该雇员没能涨成工资决定辞职,与原文不符,因此是B的。 解题关键 根据语义进行判断。文中its absolutely necessary for me to表明了一种请求,因此题干说failed是错误的。B第11题:参考答案:C答案解析:听力原文As I walked into this

10、old haunted house, I heard this terrible scream and my blood ran cold when I saw this figure in white rushing straight at me. 语义理解题。 原文意思是“我走进这所鬼屋时,听到一声惨叫,当一个白衣之物径直朝我冲来时,我吓呆了。”由此可见C项“他吓得魂飞魄散”与原文相符,该项是正确答案。 解题关键 理解my blood ran cold的含义。其意为“吓呆了”,与C项意思相当。第12题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文Hi, Jim! You look pretty good

11、 today. Everybody at the office says hello - Were all praying for you to pull through this operation and get back to work as soon as you can. 语义理解题。 原文意思是“嗨,Jim你今天看上去很好,办公室所有人都问候你。大家都在为你祈祷,希望你能从手术中康复,尽快回来工作。”由此可见,A项“他刚做完手术”与原文相符,该项为正确答案。 解题关键 理解上下文内逻辑关系,此外理解pull through含义为“从恢复”。第13题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文O

12、kay, this is our last dry run - the show opens tomorrow. So come on, people, be serious! 词义理解题。 原文意思是“好了,今天是最后一次练习,明天正式演出。来吧,认真些!”由此可见 B项与原文相符,该项为正确答案。 解题关键 理解dry run的含义,通过上下文可判断该词组意为“练习”,与B项中 practice同义。第14题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文Jack, youre talking big about how great your team is and how bad theyll beat

13、 my team on Saturday. Lets bet fifty dollars on who win. Lets see you put your money where your mouth is. 词义理解题。 原文相关部分意思是“Jack你就吹吧你们队有多厉害,你们周六会把我们队打得多惨。我们赌50元看谁赢”。由此可见,说者认为Jack在夸口。因此A项是正确答案。 解题关键 理解talk big的含义。该词组意为“说大话,夸口”,与A项中boast意思相同。第15题:参考答案:D答案解析:听力原文Im afraid Ill be at loose ends this weeke

14、nd. My fiance is going on a fishing trip with his buddies, and all my girlfriends are away on vacation. 语义理解题。 原文意思是“我这个周末恐怕很闲,我未婚夫和朋友们要去钓鱼,而我所有的女友都去度假了。”由此可见我们并不知说者周末的安排。因此D项是正确的。 解题关键 理解at loose ends的含义。该词组意为“闲散的”。第16题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文We could take the train, but a direct flight will be a lot less

15、complicated.第17题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文If you cant do better in this course, Im afraid you will have to drop it.第18题:参考答案:C答案解析:听力原文Excuse me, do you have any apartments available for under $ 500 a month?第19题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文Professor Sinclair says that he will give us one week extension on our economic pap

16、ers.第20题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文Bill gave a diamond ring to Linda. It must have cost him an arm and a leg.Part Listen to the following passages and then choose the best answer to each question by blackening the corresponding circle. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satis

17、factorily. There are three passages in this part, each with five questions. And each question carries two points. You will hear the passages only once. 听力原文31-35 Travelers are booking hotel rooms in cities closer to home this summer, with the exception of two European magnets, according to a new sur

18、vey. Las Vegas scored the most July and August room reservations for the second year in a row, while another gambling Mecca, Reno, along with Honolulu moved onto the top 10 list for the first time, according to a tally of seasonal bookings from Hotels. com. Las Vegas has successfully pitched itself

19、as an alternative family destination even in the desert s hottest months. Its like a theme park city. Almost every hotel has a theme park inside it, so theres a lot to do for families. Orlando displaced the Big Apple in the No. 2 spot, San Francisco moved up a notch into fifth place and Miami droppe

20、d out of the running, probably because of a decline in international tourism, Hotels. com president Bob Diener said. Pariss slip to No. 10 from No. 5 last year wasnt surprising given some Americans resentment of Frances lack of support for U.S. policy in Iraq, Diener said. But the omission of Boston

21、 was unexpected, especially in a year in which patriotism is a resounding theme in travel marketing, he said. Overall summer travel is expected to rise 2.5 percent this year, with 83 percent of Americans planning at least one trip and 28 percent planning to travel more than last year, according to s

22、tudies from the Travel Industry Association. 第21题:参考答案:C答案解析:细节信息。 题干:哪个城市的房间预定是最多的?根据原文“Las Vegas scored the most July and August room reservations for the second year in a row”,译文为:拉斯维加斯第二年的房间预定数是最多的。所以选c。第22题:参考答案:B答案解析:细节信息。 题干:拉斯维加斯为什么能成功地吸引游客?根据原文“Las Vegas has successfully pitched itself as a

23、n alternative family destination even in the deserts hottest months”,译文为:拉斯维加斯成功地让自己成为家庭目的地的选择,即便是在沙漠最炎热的日子里。所以应选b。第23题:参考答案:C答案解析:细节信息。 题干:去年夏天哪个城市的房间预定数排在第二名?根据原文“Orlando displaced the Big Apple in the No.2spot”,译文为:奥兰多取代Big Apple排在了第二名。所以选c。第24题:参考答案:B答案解析:细节信息。 题干:以下哪个城市的房间预定受到伊拉克战争的影响?根据原文“Pari

24、ss slip to No.10 from No.5 last year wasnt surprising given some Americans resentment of Frances lack of support for U.S.policy in lraq”,译文为:去年巴黎从第5名跌至第10名,这并不让人感到吃惊,考虑到法国不支持美国对伊拉克的政策,美国对法国此举的痛恨。所以选b。第25题:参考答案:A答案解析:细节信息。 题干:下面哪项是今年整个夏天旅游的预期目标?根据原文“Overall summer travel is expected to rise 2.5 perce

25、nt this year”,译文为:总体来说,今年夏天旅游预计会上升2.5%。所以应选a。听力原文26-30 There are new findings that people with inadequate sleep are likely to gain weight. Researchers say a lack of sleep can produce hormonal changes that increase feelings of hunger. In one study, researchers from Stanford University in California a

26、nd the University of Wisconsin examined information on more than one thousand people. The people had taken part in a long-term study of sleep disorders. Some people slept less than five hours a night. They had fifteen percent higher blood levels of a hormone called ghrelin than people who slept eigh

27、t hours. And they had fifteen percent less of the hormone leptin. Experts say ghrelin helps make people feel hungry; leptin makes you feel full. The results were not affected by how much people exercised. People who are awake longer have more time to burn energy. But the researchers say loss of slee

28、p may increase hunger especially for high-calorie foods, so people gain weight. Researchers found that the best amount of sleep for weight control is seven-point-seven hours a night. Researchers at the University of Chicago did a smaller study. They found that people who slept just four hours a nigh

29、t for two nights had an eighteen percent reduction in leptin. And they had a twenty-eight percent increase in ghrelin. The young men in that study also appeared to want more sweet and starchy foods. Researchers from Columbia University in New York did a third study. They found that people who got le

30、ss than four hours of sleep a night were seventy-three percent more likely to be overweight. This was compared to people with seven to nine hours of sleep. The researchers say that for survival, the body may be designed to store more fat during times with less sleep. 第26题:参考答案:A答案解析:归纳总结。 题干:根据文章,美国

31、有几所大学参与了该项研究?原文提到的大学有: Stanford University,University of Wisconsin,University of Chicago,Columbia University。所以选a。第27题:参考答案:B答案解析:原因结果。 题干:为什么缺乏睡眠会导致人们变胖?根据原文“Researchers say a lack of sleep can produce hormonal changes that increase feelings of hunger”,译文为:研究人员说缺乏睡眠会导致荷尔蒙的变化,这种变化会增强饥饿感。所以选c“因为人们缺乏睡

32、眠时会感到饥饿。”。a选项为“因为在清醒的时候燃烧的卡路里较少。”,c选项为“因为他们的荷尔蒙没有改变。”,d选项为“因为人们睡眠不足时不运动。”第28题:参考答案:D答案解析:是非判断。 题干:根据文章,关于第一次研究,哪个说法不正确?a选项为“超过 1,000人参与了该研究。”;根据原文“researchersexamined information on more than one thousand people”,译文为;研究人员调查了超过1,000人的信息,所以该选项是正确的。b选项为“睡眠较少的人ghrelin的血压高。”,根据原文“Some people slept lessTh

33、ey had fifteen percent higher blood levels of a hormone called ghrelin”,译文为:睡眠较少的人他们的一种荷尔蒙ghrelin的血压高出15 %。所以该选项是正确的。c选项为“睡眠较多的人leptin的血压高。”,根据原文“people slept lessthey had fifteen percent less of the hormone leptin”,译文为:睡眠较少的人荷尔蒙leptin低于正常人15%。由此可以推断睡眠多的人该项指标高,所以该选项正确。d选项为“运动量能够影响研究的结果。”,根据原文“The re

34、sults were not affected by how much people exercised”,译文为:结果并不受人们运动量的影响。所以该选项是错误的。第29题:参考答案:B答案解析:数字信息。 题干:控制体重需要的最佳睡眠量是多少?根据原文“Researchers found that the best amount of sleep for weight control is seven-point-seven hours a night”,译文为:研究人员发现控制体重所需要的最佳睡眠量为一个晚上7.7个小时。所以选b。第30题:参考答案:C答案解析:细节信息。 题干:在第三项

35、研究中,两组人做了对比,这两组人分别是?根据原文“They found that people who got less than four hours of sleep a nightThis was compared to people with seven to nine hours of sleep”,译文为:他们发现一个晚上睡眠少于4小时的人这和睡眠7到9小时的人做了对比。所以选c。听力原文26-30 Another problem with children involved is child abuse. Child abuse covers a wide range of pa

36、rental actions that result in harm being inflicted on children of all ages. The kind of abuse, however, varies with age. Infants and pre-school children are most likely to suffer deliberately inflicted fractures, bums, and braises. This is known as the battered-child syndrome, first identified durin

37、g the 1960s. Historically, reported cases of sexual abuse, ranging from molestation to incest, primarily involve male perpetrators and school-aged or adolescent female victims. More recently, however, a growing number of pre-school Victims and male victims have been identified. Some states have broa

38、dened their statutory definitions of abuse to specifically include emotional or mental injury. Constant parental rejection, for example, can permanently cripple a childs personality. Perhaps the most prevalent type of abuse is neglectthat is, physical or emotional harm resulting from their failure t

39、o provide children with adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education, and moral training. A common consequence of neglect among young children is underfeeding; an undernourished infant often falls to thrive and may even die. In the age range between eight and 17 years, neglect, as oppos

40、ed to physical or sexual abuse, was involved in about 70 percent of all validated reports of child mistreatment in the U.S. in a recent year. 第31题:参考答案:B答案解析:根据上下文推断。 题干:本段之前作者讨论了什么问题?根据原文第一句“A problem with which many children must deal is child abuse”,译文为:许多孩子必须应对的一个问题是虐待儿童问题。据此可以推断作者在本段文字之前也在讨论“孩子

41、面临的问题”,前后应是并列关系。所以选b。a选项是“孩子们的福利计划”,c选项是“虐待儿童的案例”,d选项是“虐待儿童的定义”,这三个选项和该段的逻辑关系并不是并列关系。第32题:参考答案:C答案解析:根据上下文推断。 题干:本段之后作者将要讨论什么问题?文章的三个段落介绍了虐待儿童的不同表现形式:生理上的虐待physical abuse,情感上的伤害emotional or mental injury,以及抚养中的疏忽neglect,并论述了其中一些虐待形式带来的后果。段落之间是顺承关系,根据推理,作者之后很可能继续讨论虐待儿童所导致的后果,所以选c。第33题:参考答案:D答案解析:细节信息

42、。 题干:下面哪一群体的孩子最容易遭受受疟儿童综合病症?根据原文“Infants and pre-school children are most likely to suffer deliberately inflicted fractures, bums,and bruisesThis is known as the battered-child syndrome”,译文为:婴儿和学龄前儿童最容易遭受故意的人为造成的骨折、烧伤和擦伤。这种被称做受疟儿童综合病征。所以选d。第34题:参考答案:D答案解析:细节信息。 题干:在美国最为常见的虐待儿童的形式是什么?根据原文“Perhaps the

43、 most prevalent type of abuse is neglect”,译文为:大概最普遍的虐待形式是忽视。所以选d。第35题:参考答案:A答案解析:细节信息。 题干:忽视在孩子中引起的最常见的症状是什么?根据原文“A common consequence of neglect among young children is underfeeding”,译文为:忽视在孩子中所引起的最常见的后果是吃不饱,所以选a。Part Parts of the following text are missing. While listening to the tape, complete th

44、e passage by filling in each blank space with an appropriate word or words. There are 20 blanks, each carrying one point. You will hear the passage only once.听力原文1-20 As always, I am pleased to be here at the National Press Club for my Annual Back-to- School Speech. This is the seventh time I have h

45、ad the opportunity to give this speech, and over the years I have talked about a wide range of issues: family involvement, reading, setting high expectations, improving the teaching profession, and reforming the American high school - to name just a few. I have just returned from a five-day, seven-s

46、tate tour of schools in rural America. We started in Monroe, Louisiana, and finished 20 stops later in Paducah, Kentucky. What I noticed most about the trip was the weather. Every time I stepped off my Success Express School Bus, the local people who came to greet me announced that the record for he

47、at had just been broken in their community. In each place, the temperature was always between 103 and 112 degrees. Now, I have very good people on my staff. But the next time we plan a bus trip, Im going to have a weatherman on my staff. I took this bus trip through rural America to make an important point that the education of children in our nations small towns cannot be ignored. Twenty-five percent of all our school children live in small towns


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