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1、翻译三级笔译实务模拟4答案模拟 120Section English Chinese Translation Translate the following two passages into Chinese .第1题:参考答案:按照法律规定,在英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士,家长一定要使自己的孩子在5岁至16岁期间在学校或其它地方接受全日制教育,在北爱尔兰则为4岁至16岁。大约93%的学生享受公家提供经费的免费教育,其他学生上独立学校,这种学校靠学生家长缴费来筹措经费。 许多三、四岁的孩子上幼儿园和幼儿班(在英格兰还有小学校里的小班)。某些民办的日托幼儿园和学前游戏小组(大都是家长组织的)也提供学前

2、教育。 政府已作出承诺,要大力发展学前教育,使所有的儿童在开始上学的时候在识字和识数方面都有一点基础。在英格兰和威尔土,政府从1998年9月开始为所有4岁的孩子提供免费幼儿教育,如果他们的父母需要的话。政府还承诺,随后要分阶段实现为三岁的孩子提供免费幼儿教育的目标。为达到这些目标,地方教育当局与民间志愿办学者合作,已制定出“早期教育发展计划”。制订这类计划意在表明民办幼儿园、游戏小组和学校可以怎样通过合作来最好地为孩子和家长服务。从1999年4月起,早期教育发展组织和发展计划将扩大范围,以提供与早期教育相结合的优良的儿童保健。此外,政府还在英格兰与地方当局以及其它部门合作建立“优秀早期教育中心

3、”,以展示教育与儿童保健方面的好的做法。 在苏格兰,地方教育当局一直领导这方面的工作。1998年8月以来,他们与民间志愿办学者合作,进行规划,协调学前教育,提供更多名额。政府计划在1998年冬季前使所有的儿童在上学前一年享受到良好的非全日制教育。 北爱尔兰义务教育入学年龄较低,为4岁,每年9月学生按统一日期入学。一项由教育局与图书馆管理局、其它法定办学单位和民间志愿办学者联合执行的学前教育发展计划已经增加了学前教育学生的名额。详细解答:采分点解析 1see that务必使,保证,注意,专心 分析 理解结构采分点。 短语see that:make sure;take care务必使,保证,注意,

4、专心在本文中表示“要确保,(务必)使” 2full-time education全日制教育 分析 基本素质采分点。 full-time(工作、学习等)全部规定时间;(足球等的)比赛结束 full-time education是固定的专有名词,要用公认的名称来译。 对照part-time education非全日制教育;compulsory education义务教育; free education免费教育 3Parents are required by law to see that their children receive full-time education,at school o

5、r elsewhere,between the ages of 5 and 16 in England,Scotland and Wales and 4 and 16 in Northern Ireland按照法律规定,在英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士,家长一定要使自己的孩子在5岁至16岁期间在学校或其它地方接受全日制教育,在北爱尔兰则为4岁至16岁。 分析 理解结构采分点。 此句是个复合句。主句是个被动语态结构,that引导一个宾语从句,之后又分别带有地点状语和时间状语。要分析其语法结构来理解词义,但翻译时要根据汉语的语言习惯来译,词序也要作相应的调整:汉译时,英语中的一些状语可放到主句之前,被动语

6、态有时在汉语中不必译出。 4About 93 percent of pupils receive free education from public funds,while the others attend independent schools financed by fees paid by parents大约93%的学生享受公家提供经费的免费教育,其他学生上独立学校,这种学校靠学生家长缴费来筹措经费。 分析 理解结构采分点。 这是一个由连词while连接的并列句。independent schools后有分词短语financed by fees paid by parents,可将句

7、子断开来译。另外还要注意英语中有些词用法很活,要根据上下文的不同而变换译法和词性;此外还要根据汉语习惯来扩展释义,将话说完整。本句中的receive译成“享受”,from不要译成“来自”而是译成“由”,中间可增加“提供的”,funds可译成“投资或经费”;前半句即可译成:享受由公家(政府)提供的免费教育。finance在此不是名词“财政,金融”,而是动词,译成“负担经费”,fees paid by parents译成:靠学生家长交费。 5The Government has stated its commitment to a major expansion of pre-school edu

8、cation and wants all children to begin school with a basic foundation in literacy and numeracy政府已作出承诺,要大力发展学前教育,使所有的儿童在开始上学的时候在识字和识数方面都有一点基础。 分析 理解结构采分点。 翻译此句时要根据汉语的语言习惯来译,词性要作相应的转换,如将名词译作动词:a major expansion of pre-school education大力发展学前教育;介词译作动词,而将原来的动词不定式译成介词短语:wants all children to begin school

9、with a basic foundation使所有的儿童在开始上学的时候都有一点基础。并将 in literacy and numeracy译作“在识字和识数方面”。 6and is committed to staged targets for provision for 3 year olds thereafter政府还承诺,随后要分阶段实现为三岁的孩子提供免费幼儿教育的目标。 分析 用词选词采分点。 根据上下文staged targets在此译作:分阶段实现的目标。 7Local education authorities,in partnership with private and

10、 voluntary providers,have drawn up“early years development plans”for securing these objectives,地方教育当局与民间志愿办学者合作,已制定出“早期教育发展计划”。 分析 用词选词采分点。 in partnership with在此译作:与合作;providers供应者,提供者,在此译作“志愿(协助政府的)办学者”。 8The plans are designed to show how co-operation between private nurseries,playgroups and schoo

11、ls can best serve the interests of children and their parents制订这类计划意在表明民办幼儿园、游戏小组和学校可以怎样通过合作来最好地为孩子和家长服务。 分析 理解结构采分点。 英译汉时,经常根据汉语的习惯把英语的被动语态转为主动或反过来。本句应译为:制订这类计划旨在表明。 9From April 1999,early years development partnerships and plans will be expanded to deliver quality childcare integrated with early e

12、ducation从1999年4月起,早期教育发展组织和发展计划将扩大范围,以提供与早期教育相结合的优良的儿童保健。 分析 理解结构采分点。 本句中的integrated with early education是分词短语作定语,在翻译时只需将它放到所修饰的中心词前即可,(提供)与早期教育相结合的(儿童保健)。 10In Scotland,local education authorities have been taking the leading role,from August 1998,in planning and co-ordinating pre-school education

13、and in providing places,working in partnership with voluntary and private providers在苏格兰,地方教育当局一直领导这方面的工作。1998年8月以来,他们与民间志愿办学者合作,进行规划,协调学前教育,提供更多名额。 分析 理解结构采分点。 本句虽是个简单句,但带有许多短语(状语):我们翻译时,常常将这些短语转化成汉语中的句子,同时注意为了意思的连贯和通顺,要变换译法和顺序。如上面:in planning and co-ordinating pre-school education and in providing

14、places, working in partnership with voluntary and private providers可译成:(他们)与民间志愿办学者合作,进行规划,协调学前教育,提供更多名额。 11The Government planned to give all children in the pre-school year access to quality, part- time education by the winter of 1998 分析 用词选词采分点。access to有权使用,常与get, have,give等词连用,在此 give access to

15、可译作:使享受到。 12Northern Ireland has a lower compulsory school age of 4 and a single school entry date in September each year北爱尔兰义务教育入学年龄较低,为4岁,每年9月学生按统一日期入学。 分析 理解结构采分点。 此句又为转性译法_在翻译过程中将原文的词性进行转换。将原文中的形容词lower变成副词“较低”,将名词短语译成动词短语:a single school entry date按统一日期入学。 13A pre-school education expansion pro

16、gramme,undertaken through partnership between the education and library boards,other statutory providers and the private and voluntary sectors,has provided additional pre-school places一项由教育局与图书馆管理局、其它法定办学单位和民间志愿办学者联合执行的学前教育发展计划已经增加了学前教育学生的名额。 分析 理解结构采分点。(参见上面第九句) 本句是断句译法。句中的划线部分是个分词短语,在翻译时将它译成定语,并将它

17、放到所修饰的中心词前即可。本句中other statutory providers不译作“其它法定的提供者”,而是根据上下文译成“其它法定办学单位”。Section Chinese-English Translation Translate the following passage into English .第2题:参考答案:In 2006, the GDP of our province came to 749.3 billion RMB yuan, an increase of 12.1% over the previous year. Its per capita total out

18、put value was 11,830 yuan, equivalent to about US 1,500. It is entering a new stage of accelerated development. Its agriculture is developed. The output of its major farm products has remained in the front rank in the country. It has a wide range of industries and basically formed 10 major advantage

19、ous industries and 77 large industrial parks with different characteristics. Its outputs of about 30 industrial products remain in the first ten places in the country. Its tertiary industry expands rapidly. Commerce, trade, logistics, telecommunications, radio, film, TV, tourism, publishing, animati

20、on, cartoon and other industries maintain a good momentum in their development and are of importance to some extent in the country. Our province is a large one with a population of 67.74 million. Its consumer market is dynamic and has great potential. If investment is made here to build factories, t

21、heir products can be sold in the southeastern coastal market, the market in the central and western parts of the country and the market at home and abroad. The comprehensive operating costs are relatively low, and prices for labor, water, electricity and land use are about one-third lower than those

22、 of the coastal region. In recent years, it has accelerated the development of supporting industries and modem logistics industry. Enterprises operating costs will further fall. So it shifts from a place of strategic importance in history to a region of modern business competition.详细解答:采分点解析 1国内生产总值

23、GDP。 分析 基本素质采分点。 “国内生产总值GDP”是常用时事词汇。另一个类似的时事词汇是“国民生产总值GNP”,gross national product。 22006年我省实现国内生产总值7 493亿元,增长12.1%,人均生产总值11 830元,约合1 500美元,正处于加速发展的新阶段。In 2006,the GDP of our province came to 749.3 billion RMB yuan,an increase of 12.1% over the previous year. Its per capita total output value was 11,

24、830 yuan,equivalent to about US 1,500It is entering a new stage of accelerated development 分析 理解结构采分点。 原句是个多个分句组成的复合句,需要断句来译。根据句意将句子分译成三句话。“2006年我省实现国内生产总值7 493亿元,增长12.1%”译成“In 2006,the GDP of our province came to 749.3 billion RMB yuan,an increase of 12.1% over the previous year”,其中,原文中主语是“我省”,改成“我

25、省的国内生产总值the GDP of our province”,原文谓语“实现”也不必直译成realize,而译成come to达到。动词的“增长”译成名词。“人均生产总值11 830元,约合1 500美元”译成第二个单句Its per capita total output value was 11,830 yuan,equivalent to about US 1,500。“约合1 500美元”就是等于1 500美元之意,因此译成equivalent to,在句中作定语。动宾结构“正处于加速发展的新阶段”要增加主语,翻译为:It is entering a new stage of ac

26、celerated development。 3位居全国前列remained in the front rank in the country。 分析 选词用词采分点。 in the front rank 是固定词组,意思是:在前列,著名。 4工业门类齐全,已基本形成10大优势产业集群和77个初具规模、各具特色的工业园区,全省有近30种工业产品产量居全国前10位。It has a wide range of industries and basically formed 10 major advantageous industries and 77 large industrial parks

27、 with different characteristicsIts outputs of about 30 industrial products remain in the first ten places in the country. 分析 理解结构采分点。 原句是个复合句,需要用断句译法。根据句意在最后一个逗号处,将句子断开,其中“门类齐全”译成“有广泛的工业门类”,即:a wide range of industries。“居全国前10位”译成:in the first ten places in the country 或者译成rank top ten in the countr

28、y。 5第三产业tertiary industry 分析 基本素质采分点。 “第三产业”属于常用经济词汇。 6在我省投资设厂,可以辐射东南沿海市场、中西部地区市场以及国内外市场。If investment is made here to build factories,their products can be sold in the southeastern coastal market,the market in the central and western parts of the country and the market at home and abroad. 分析 选词用词采分

29、点。 原句的谓语是“辐射”,但根据句意则不能直译成radiate,所以需要意译进行解释,这里所指的“辐射这些市场”,其实是“设厂生产的产品可以在这些市场销售”,因此译成:their products can be sold in the southeastern coastal market,the market in the central and western parts of the country and the market at home and abroad。 7兵家必争之地a place of strategic importance in history。 分析 基本素质采分点。 兵家必争之地是常见中国古语,可译成:a place of strategic importance in history 或者place of conflict,但此处强调的是重要作用,因此译成前句。更多试卷请见麦多课文库


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