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1、翻译三级笔译实务模拟12答案模拟 120Section English Chinese Translation Translate the following two passages into Chinese .第1题:参考答案:酸雨是一种空气污染,正引起激烈的争论,因为人们把广泛的环境破坏归咎于酸雨。酸雨是这样形成的:硫和氮的氧化物与空气中的水蒸气相结合而产生硫酸和硝酸,硫酸和硝酸可以在空气中漂浮到距离产生地很远的地方,然后随雨水落下。污染物可能采取雪或雾的形式,也可能以干燥的形式落下。其实,“酸雨”一词虽已用了一个多世纪这个词是从英国曼彻斯特地区进行的大气研究工作中产生的更为精确的科学术

2、语应当是“酸降”。这种以干燥的形式和液体形式落下的东西具有同样的破坏力,对树木和建筑物来说尤其是这样。此外,有些与酸雨有关的污染物本身并无酸性。 酸雨问题可以说起源于工业革命,从那时起就越来越严重。酸雨的严重性,在局部地区早就为人们所认识,工业化程度较高的地区不时出现的酸性烟雾就是明证。然而,酸雨具有广泛的破坏性,只是在近几十年才为人们所认识。曾在一片很大的地区进行广泛的研究,那就是北欧。在那里,酸雨腐蚀了建筑物,损害了农作物和林木,危及甚至已经灭绝了淡水湖泊里的生物。例如,有公开发表的报告说,1983年西德森林覆盖的地方,有34受到酸雨的破坏。美国东北部和加拿大东部地区也都受到这种污染,两国

3、的其它地区也有迹象受到日益严重破坏的迹象,世界上其它地区也是这种情况。 人们认为工业废气是产生酸雨的主要原因。由于在大气层形成酸雨所涉及的化学作用是复杂的,而且人们至今知之甚少,工业部门对上述评价一直持有异议,并强调需作进一步的研究。同时由于减轻污染耗资巨大,政府部门也一向支持这种态度。然而美国政府于二十世纪八十年代初发表的研究报告强调指出工业部门是产生酸雨的主要来源。详细解答:采分点解析 1acid rain 分析 基本素质采分点。 acid rain直接按照字面意思译成“酸雨”即可。 2It forms when oxides of sulfur and nitrogen combine

4、with atmospheric moisture to yield sulfuric and nitric acids, which may then be carded long distances from their source before they are deposited by rain. 酸雨是这样形成的:硫和氮的氧化物与空气中的水蒸气相结合而产生硫酸和硝酸,硫酸和硝酸可以在空气中漂浮到距离产生地很远的地方,然后随雨水落下。 分析 理解结构采分点。 原句是个复合句,在翻译成汉语时,采用断句的方法。It forms可以翻译成“它是这样形成的”,后面接着详细列出。Which引导

5、的非限定性定语从句可以单独翻译,which所代的先行词要译出:硫酸和硝酸可以在空气中漂浮到距离产生地很远的地方。从句before they are deposited by rain不翻译成状语从句,连词也不译成“在之前”,这不符合汉语习惯,考虑与句子前半部分的连贯,译成“然后随雨水落下”。在选词上应该注意:不译成moisture“潮湿,湿度”; source不译成“根源”;deposit“堆积,沉淀”,指通过雨来进行沉淀,译成“降下酸雨”。 oxides of sulfur and nitrogen属于基本素质采分点,译成“硫和氮的氧化物”。 Oxide:氧化物。Sulfur:硫磺,Nitr

6、ogent:氮。 3The pollution may also take the form of snow or fog or be precipitated in dry forms. 污染物可能采取雪或雾的形式,也可能以干燥的形式落下。 分析 选词用词采分点。 precipitate指“沉淀,猛地落下”。这里也是指以干燥的形式降落到地面上。 4Furthermore, some of the pollutants also associated with acid rain are not themselves acidic. 此外,有些与酸雨有关的污染物本身并无酸性。 分析 理解结构采

7、分点。原文的associated with acid rain作为pollutants的定语,说明此种污染物是与酸雨有关的,在译文中翻成“的”。 5it has been growing ever since从那时起就越来越严重 分析 理解表达采分点。 grow一词指的是酸雨逐渐变得厉害,严重,所以,这里不能翻成“变得、增长”,要用“严重”表达为佳。 6The severity of its effects has long been recognized in local settings, as exemplified by the spells of acid smog in heavi

8、ly industrialized areas. 在局部地区早就为人们所认识,工业化程度较高的地区不时出现的酸性烟雾就是明证。 分析 理解表达采分点。 as exemplified by the spells of acid smog in heavily industrialized areas可以从后面往前翻译,即工业化程度较高的地区不时出现的酸性烟雾就是明证。setting指“环境”,但根据上下文,该词实际上指的是“地区,区域”,所以译成“局部地区”。 spells指“断断续续的,不时的”。 7One large area that has been studied extensivel

9、y is northern Europe, where acid rain has eroded structures, injured crops and forests, and threatened or depleted life in freshwater lakes曾在一片很大的地区进行广泛的研究,那就是北欧。在那里,酸雨腐蚀了建筑物,伤害了农作物和林木,危及甚至已经灭绝了淡水湖泊里的生物。 分析 理解结构采分点。 该句采用断句的方法翻译。前半句为一个that引导的定语从句:那被广泛研究的大面积土地;.where acid rain.后面半句是由where引导的地点状语从句,说明在

10、北欧这片土地上酸雨所造成的危害。因此翻译的时候要分成两个句子来译。即,that has been studied extensively is northern Europe“曾在一片很大的地区进行广泛的研究,那就是北欧”。where acid rain has eroded structures, inured crops and forests. and threatened or depleted life in freshwater lakes译成“在那里,酸雨腐蚀了建筑物,损害了农作物和林木,有可能危及甚至已经灭绝了淡水湖泊里的生物”。 8.showing increasing si

11、gns of damages, as are other regions of the world.也有迹象受到日益严重的破坏,世界上其它地区也是这种情况。 分析 选词用词采分点。 increasing指“逐渐增多的”。因后面跟的是signs of damage,因此,“逐渐增多的破坏”即为“破坏日益严重”。 9industrial emissions工业废气 分析 选词用词采分点。 emission,指(光,热等的)“散发,发射”。这里的“工业散发”应该就是指工业所排放的废弃物。而能够排放到空中导致酸雨产生的废弃物,应该以废气为主,因此,译成“工业废气”为宜。 10Because the c

12、hemical reactions involved in the production of acid rain in the atmosphere are complex and as yet little understood, industries have tended to challenge such assessments and to stress the need for further studies; and because of the cost of pollution reduction, governments have tended to support th

13、is attitude, 由于在大气层形成酸雨所涉及的化学作用是复杂的,而且人们至今知之甚少,工业部门对上述评价一直持有异议,并强调需作进一步的研究。同时由于减轻污染耗资巨大,政府部门也一向支持这种态度。 分析 选词用词采分点。 .industries have tended to challenge such assessments and to stress the need for further studies中的rand to和challenge一般指“倾向于”;“向挑战”。在本文中tend to challenge such.表达倾向于挑战这些评价时,实际上指的是“不相信或不支持这

14、些评价或怀疑此类评价”,所以可以翻成“对上述评价表示怀疑或持有异议”。 11Studies released by the U.S. government in the early 1980s, however, strongly implicated industries as the main source of acid rain. 然而美国政府于二十世纪八十年代初发表的研究报告强调指出工业部门是产生酸雨的主要来源。 分析 选词用词采分点。 release指“释放,放弃,免除”。在这里根据文意翻译成“发表或发布”更为贴切。Section Chinese-English Translati

15、on Translate the following passage into English .第2题:参考答案:Deng Xiaoping was the chief architect of Chinas reform and opening-up policies. He put forward the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, supported the implementation of the household responsibility system with remuneratio

16、n linked to output in the countryside, the introduction of various forms of responsibility system aimed at breaking the practice of everyone eating from the same big pot, and the establishment of a socialist market economy system on the basis of public ownership. At the same time, he advocated refor

17、m of the political system, such as by separating the functions of the Party and the government, delegating power to lower levels, develaping a democratic style of work, etc. He advocated combining reform with opening-up and establishing special economic zones (SEZs). In July 1979 the State Council d

18、ecided to set up SEZs in Guangdong and Fujian provinces on a trial basis. In 1992, he made an inspection tour of southern China and issued important instructions, emphasizing that it was necessary to seize the opportunities and take economic development as the key. He pointed out that science and te

19、chnology are the primary productive forces, and urged that it was necessary to show respect for knowledge and talented people and develop education. To achieve the reunion of Hong Kong and Macao with the motherland, he put forth the idea for realizing the reunification of the country on the principl

20、e of one country, two systems.详细解答:采分点解析 1邓小平是中国改革开放的总设计师。Deng Xiaoping was the chief architect of Chinas reform and opening-up policies. 分析 基本素质采分点。 “改革开放政策”是常见的时事词汇。“总设计师”译为the chief architect。 2邓小平提出了“建设有中国特色社会主义”的理论;支持在农村实行联产承包责任制,在城市推行打破“大锅饭”的各种经济责任制,建立公有制基础上的社会主义市场经济体制。He put forward the theor

21、y of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, supported the implementation of the household responsibility system with remuneration linked to output in the countryside, the introduction of various forms of responsibility system aimed at breaking the practice of everyone eating from the same

22、big pot, and the establishment of a socialist market economy on the basis of public ownership. 分析 理解结构采分点。 首先了解句子主干,主干是邓小平提出了理论,支持两类责任制,和体制的建立。其中,“建设有中国特色社会主义”,“联产承包责任制”,“大锅饭”都是常用的时事词汇。 31992年,邓小平视察南方,发表重要讲话,强调要抓住时机,关键是经济发展。 In 1992, he made an inspection tour of southern China and issued important

23、instructions, emphasizing that it was necessary to seize the opportunities and take economic development as the key 分析 理解结构采分点。 原文是几个单句组成的复句,译文将后两个小分句译成现在分词引导的定语,使得句子结构更紧凑。 4科技是第一生产力。Science and technology are the primary productive forces。 分析 基本素质采分点。 “科技是第一生产力”是常见的时事词汇。 5一国两制one country, two systems 分析 基本素质采分点。 “一国两制”亦是常见的时事词汇。更多试卷请见麦多课文库


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