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1、翻译二级口译综合能力模拟2答案模拟 120Part Listen to the short passages and then decide whether the corresponding statements below are true or false. After hearing a short passage, blacken the circle of True on the answer sheet below if you think the statement is true, or blacken the circle for False if it is false.

2、 There are ten questions in this part of the test, two points for each question.第1题:参考答案:A答案解析:? Bioinformatics is the name given to the computer software technologies that are being devised to manage information overload. The field includes everything from storage to classification, analysis and di

3、stribution of gene and protein sequence data. Bioinformatics tools have moved genetic research out of the laboratory and transferred it to computer databases for use by anyone with access to the Internet. ? ?bioinformatics?,?搈ove genetic research out of the laboratory and transferred it to computer

4、databases for use by anyone with access to the Internet?,?,?,? ? 1) ?,?;2) ?with access to?第2题:参考答案:B答案解析:? Foreign laborers, especially Asian ones earning low wages, are pictured as working willingly for American capitalists abroad who pay slightly better than average wages; while the former learn

5、otherwise inaccessible technology and produce sophisticated goods that compete with domestic American goods, even allowing for shipping charges and import duties. ? ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? ? ?揳llowing for.?厖?搕he exemption of?第3题:参考答案:A答案解析:? It is significant that those who regard international law as a for

6、m of morality usually speak of it as mere morality. Although experienced diplomats do not often share the popular skepticism about international law, there is a danger that the popular attitude may affect inexperienced officials and pressure groups within a state, and that the state may, as a result

7、, be pushed into breaking international law. ? ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? ? ?,?揳s a result?第4题:参考答案:B答案解析:? Asking for a WTO focused on its trade mission is not to neglect the importance of the other problems the institution has been asked to deal with. But the balance that many countries expect to see in th

8、e economic global governance agenda should not be pursued solely at the WTO. The international community should create effective ad-hoc instruments to confront the other challenges. ? ?揷reate effective ad-hoc instruments to con front the other challenges?搃n establishing economic global governance.?厖

9、?,?,? ? ?,?;?in?第5题:参考答案:B答案解析:? Economists say that the main spur to the global soybean boom is the emergence of a middle class in China, much of whose newly disposable income has been spent on a richer, more varied diet. Over the past decade, China has been transformed from a net exporter of soybe

10、ans to the worlds largest importer in some years of whole soybeans as well as oil and meal byproducts. ? ?,?搕he emergence of a middle class in China?搕he rise in soybean production in China and its increased export of related products?,?,? ? ?,?,?attribute to (?)?第6题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文 John Ciardi was b

11、orn in 1916 in Boston, Massachusetts, the child of Italian immigrants. He attended Bates College and Tufts College and received his masters degree from the University of Michigan in 1939. He is the author of more than forty volumes of poetry. 事实细节的找寻和判断。 将题干中的细节信息与原文对照,发现原文说John Ciardi写诗的数量为“more th

12、an forty volumes of poetry”即“四十多卷诗歌”,而不是题干所言的四十多首(more than forty poems)。因此,该题的说法是错误的。 解题关键 注意数字后面的量词。量词经常会成为听力考查的对象。第7题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文 Most NASA spacecraft rely on some form of chemical propellant to push themselves through space. But at the Marshall-based center, researchers are studying a range

13、of future propulsion methods, including propellant-less systems, simulated fission engines that could one-day lead to the real thing and the basic technologies necessary for future antimatter drives. 语义推断题。 该段主要讨论宇宙飞船的动力系统。根据原文我们知道如今大部分飞船靠化学物质作为动力,但如今研究者们正在研制一系列的未来动力措施。由此可推测,未来飞船不会使用化学物质作为动力。因此,该题的说

14、法是正确的。 解题关键 注意文中信号词的使用。文中第二句使用but实现了前后部分的转折,前部分说飞船使用化学推动力, 自然该词后部分应该是说飞船不再会使用化学物质为动力。第8题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文 I just got out of a history class. Im sure I made a fool of myself. I just got so embarrassed and nervous whenever Ive to speak in front of a group of people. I stand up and my face gets red and

15、then I get even more nervous because I know everyone can see me blushing. 语篇逻辑结构的判断。 原文是说话者谈自己上历史课的表现。中心词使用了embarrassed and nervous,后面以具体事例说明他是如何embarrassed and nervous。因此题目总结他的表现是embarrassed与原文相符,是正确的说法。 解题关键 判断中心句和支持性细节的关系。一般而言,中心句的用词较为抽象、具有概括性,如文中所用的embarrassed,而支持性细节的用词较为生动具体,如文中的具体事例。第9题:参考答案:B

16、答案解析:听力原文 The company, which was not the sole source of the pollution but is the only business working on the cleanup, has already spent several million dollars installing ventilation systems and creating a network of wells, pumps and filters to extract chemical contaminants from groundwater. The va

17、por problem came to light in 2003 as a result of air-quality tests sought by residents. 事实细节的找寻和判断。 根据文章语义因果关系可推断地下水中的污染物蒸发造成空气污染,这一点与题干说法相符,但就地下水的来源,通过原文“The company, which was not the sole source of the pollution”可推测,被污染的地下水并非只来自该公司一家,因此,该题的说法是错误的。 解题关键 对关键词的正确理解有助于解题,如原文相关处一词“sole”意为“唯一的”,可帮助听者推测

18、既然该公司不是唯一的污染源,那么被污染的地下水就不会只来自该公司一家。第10题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文 Faced with a problem that could break the budget, Maryland is joining a growing number of states by looking for private partners to help improve school facilities. A law that took effect July 1 allows Marylands school systems to fund school con

19、struction and renovation projects using alternatives to traditional financing, which usually comes from the sale of bonds by public agencies to banks and investors. 特定信息的找寻和判断。 根据题干中提供的特定信息Maryland, school和construction and renovation,找到原文相关处,可知“A law.allows Marylands school systems to fund school co

20、nstruction and renovation projects using alternatives to traditional financing, which usually comes from the sale of bonds.”即“该法规允许马里兰州的学校使用非传统的方式解决其用于校舍建设和翻新的资金,比如可以出售债券”,由此可见,该题的说法是正确的。 解题关键 搞清句子成分有助于解题,如原句说到解决资金使用非传统手段时,使用了which引导的非限定性定语从句,具体说明了bonds这一形式。Part Listen to the following short passage

21、s and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each passage by blackening the corresponding circle. There are ten passages in this part of the test, with one question each, which carries two points.第11题:参考答案:C答案解析:听力原文 Ever since the Apollo moon landings, the idea of human expedi

22、tions to the Mars has come up repeatedly as the kind of grand adventures that would give focus, purpose, and inspirational lift to the space program. But confronted with the costestimated at $150 billion last weekpresidents starting with Richard Nixon and others have flinched and resorted to halfway

23、 measures tike the shuttle. 因果关系的判断。 根据原文,人类梦想去火星探险,但是“confronted with the cost.presidents. have flinched and resorted to halfway measures like the shuttle”即“面临经费问题,美国总统们畏缩了,不得不做出妥协,先发展航天飞机”。由此可见,发展航天飞机只是人类去火星探险梦想的妥协。只有选项c符合这种判断,因此该项的说法是正确的。 解题关键 掌握因果关系的表达法,可快速理解原文。文中使用了过去分词短语 (confronted with)的形式来表

24、示因果关系。第12题:参考答案:D答案解析:听力原文 More difficult for foreign managers to grasp are the intricacies of culture, such as the advertising staple of humor. In southern China humour is more slapstick and physical, like you find in Hong Kong movies, Taw says. In the north, people love clever wordplays, a legacy

25、of traditional Chinese opera and verbal sparring. For national campaigns, the challenge is to tap into a universal interest. 比较结构的识别和理解。 关于中国的幽默,原文将南方和北方作了比较。发现南方幽默“more slap stick and physical”即“更为打闹滑稽,强调形体动作”,而北方则“love clever wordplays”即“更喜欢口齿伶俐的文字游戏”。由此可见,只有选项d的说法与原文含义相符,因此,选项d的说法是正确的。 解题关键 1) 掌握

26、比较表达的结构,本文在平行结构中使用反义词,以提起读者注意:2) 掌握近义词替换,原文中wordplays与选项中verbal act (言辞)意思相近。第13题:参考答案:C答案解析:听力原文 Its amazing what you can see when you dont look. Astronomers often practice a technique known as averted vision to see very faint things. By looking to the side rather than straight on, they avoid using

27、 receptors in the eyes center, which are more sensitive to dim light. So canny stargazers try to see the wonders of the cosmos out of the corners of their eyes. 比较结构的识别和理解。 同原文“they avoid using receptors in the eyes center, which are more sensitive to dim light”比较中看,显然选项c的说法正好与此相背,因此,选项c是正确答案。 解题关键

28、掌握所比较的对象之间的关系是该题解题的关键。第14题:参考答案:C答案解析:听力原文 Swedens rejection of the European Unions common currency was a coldly rational statement of mistrust in the euro. It distanced itself from the stagnant economic performance of the euro zone, and flatly refused to place its monetary future under the sway of

29、big countries like France and Germany, who have bent the euros rules to suit themselves. 事实细节的理解和判断。 将各选项中关键词与原文对比,发现选项a的说法可与原文第一句“Swedens rejection of the European Unions common currency.”相对应;选项 b的说法可与原文“.big countries like France and Germany, who have bent the euros rules to suit themselves”相对应:选项

30、d的说法可与原文“It distanced itself from the stagnant economic performance of the euro zone”相对应;只有选项c的说法在原文中找不到对应,因此该项的说法是错误的。 解题关键 掌握同义词的替换可快速解题。如原文中rejection与选项中 refuse同义;bent the rule to suit themselves与tailor the rule to their own benefit同义,均指为自己利益而调整规则;sluggish与stagnant同义,均指经济的不景气。第15题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文

31、 Stem cells are undeveloped human cells that can grow into many or all of the different specialized cells in the human body. Although stem cells have been harvested from adults, the most versatile stem cells come from embryos. The main source of embryos is fertility clinics. Vitro fertilization, the

32、 process that produces test-tube babies, involves the fertilization of eggs to produce embryos outside the womans body. 语义逻辑关系的识别。 本题要求识别原文的逻辑结构。原文主要讨论的是stem cells(干细胞),如干细胞的定义、起源等,fertility clinics(人工受精)虽有提及,但不属于主要讨论的话题。因此选项a的说法符合题义,是正确答案。 解题关键 掌握主题及支持性细节是解题的关键。本文主题是干细胞,支持性细节是干细胞的定义(原文第一句)及起源(第二句至最

33、后一句)。显然,选项b、c和d的说法均围绕这一框架。第16题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文 Most people think of astronomers as people who spend their time in cold observatories peering through telescopes every night. In fact, a typical astronomer spends most of his/ her time analyzing data and may only be at the telescope a few weeks of the y

34、ear. Some astronomers work on purely theoretical problems and never use a telescope at all. You might not know how rarely images are viewed directly through telescopes. The most common way to observe the skies is to photograph them. 观点意见的判断。 根据题干要求注意文中大多数人的观点,发现原文的第一句提供了相关信息“Most people think of ast

35、ronomers as people who spend their time in cold observatories peering through telescopes every night.”即“大多数人认为天文学家每天在冰冷的天文台用望远镜观测夜空”,由此可判断选项a的说法与原文相符,是正确答案 解题关键 掌握文中哪些是一些人的观点,哪些是文章的观点对解题很重要。听者可通过信号词或常用表达法来帮助判断。如文中使用most people think of.的方式表示一些人的观点,而用in fact形式来表述作者认为正确的观点。第17题:参考答案:C答案解析:听力原文 Lufthan

36、sa said Tuesday that traffic in the first seven months of this year rose 16.8 percent, helped by increased demand on Asia-Pacific routes, as well as gains in Europe and on African and Middle East routes. The German carder swung to a first-half net profit of 39 million euros from a loss of 392 millio

37、n in the first half of 2003. This too was below an average analyst forecast of 105 million euros. 数字信息的找寻和判断。 根据题干中关键词first-half net profit在原文中找寻相关信息,发现“The German carrier swung to a first-half net profit of 39 million euros.”,将数字与各选项对照可知,只有选项c与原文相符,是正确答案。 解题关键 通过题干关键词的引导,排除干扰项。原文中关于数字的信息颇多,更需要听者抓住这

38、一技巧。第18题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文 The most spectacular thing about the sea cucumber is the way it defends itself. Its major enemies are fish and crabs, when attacked, it squirts all its internal organs into the water. It also casts off attached structures such as tentacles. The sea cucumber will eviscerate a

39、nd regenerate itself if it is attacked or even touched; it will do the same if the surrounding water temperature is too high or if the water becomes too polluted. 事实细节的找寻和判断。 根据题干要求可在文中发现以下内容“The sea cucumber will eviscerate and regenerate itself if it is attacked or even touched; it will do the sam

40、e if the surrounding water temperature is too high or if the water becomes too polluted.”即“若海参遭到攻击或碰触,它就会将自己的内脏抛出,再生出一副来;若海水温度过高或水质污染严重,海参也会这样做”,显然只有b的说法与原文不符,因此该项是正确答案。 解题关键 掌握同义词替换,有助于迅速定位原文相关信息。如原文中单词eviscerate与题干中单词release意思在此文中相同,都有“取出内脏”的含义。第19题:参考答案:C答案解析:听力原文 One of the worst typhoons to hit

41、 China in several years has killed 63 people and injured more than 1,800 as it battered southeastern Zhejiang Province. Most of the casualties occurred when homes collapsed. Officials had evacuated 400,000 people to escape the typhoon that was forecast to be the worst since 1997 when a storm ripped

42、into China, killing nearly 250 people and causing 19.8 billion yuan in economic losses. 数字信息的找寻和判断。 根据原文“Officials has evacuated 400,000 people to escape the typhoon that was forecast to be the worst.”可知政府在作出台风预报后就疏散了人们,而不是如选项d所言疏散是为了避免更大的灾害,暗示疏散是台风发作之后才进行的,根据原文关于1997年台风的描述“.killing nearly 250 peopl

43、e and causing l9.8 billion yuan in economic losses.”可知选项a中数字前more than与原文nearly不符,而19.8与选项b中90.8不符;根据原文“injured more than 1,800 as it battered southeastern Zhejiang Province”,选项C内容与之相符,因此该项是正确答案。 解题关键 掌握与数字及其相关的信息,可帮助正确判断选项。本题较为复杂,既考查听者听数字的能力,又考查听者对数字相关信息,如原文数字前的nearly等注意情况。第20题:参考答案:D答案解析:听力原文 Seve

44、nteenth-century houses in colonial North America were simple structures that were primarily functional, carrying over traditional designs that went back to the Middle Ages. During the first half of the eighteenth century, however, houses began to show a new elegance. As wealth increased, more and mo

45、re colonists built fine houses. 因果关系的判断。 根据原文有关18世纪北美殖民地建筑风格改变的描述是“As wealth in creased, more and more colonists built fine houses.”由此可见财富的增长是其原因。因此,选项d的说法是正确的。 解题关键 掌握表因果关系的信号词,有助于迅速在原文定位信息点,并作出正确的因果关系判断,该文中使用了信号词as。Part Listen to the following longer passages and then choose the best answer to each of the questions by blackening the corresponding circle. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are 20 questions in this part of the test, two points for each question. Passage One听力原文36-40 Italian scientists have raised new health concer


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