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1、翻译二级口译综合能力模拟5答案模拟 120Part Listen to the short passages and then decide whether the corresponding statements below are true or false. After hearing a short passage, blacken the circle of True on the answer sheet below if you think the statement is true, or blacken the circle for False if it is false.

2、 There are ten questions in this part of the test, two points for each question.第1题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文The modern Olympic Games began in Athens in 1896 as a result of the initiative of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a French educator whose desire was to promote international understanding through athletics.

3、 Nine nations participated in the first Games; over 100 nations currently compete. 特定信息的找寻和判断。 现代奥运会始于1896年,由法国教育家Baron Pierre de Coubertin 倡导进行,其宗旨是 to promote international understanding through athletics,即通过运动员促进各国间的理解交流。由此可见,题干中认为举行奥运会的目的是as an international competition“作为国际竞争”的说法与原文不符,因此是错误的。 解

4、题关键 在围绕中心话题的纷繁信息中把握重要人物的主要观点和主张。根据信号词desire找到重要人物Baron Pierre de Coubertin的主张是解题的关键。第2题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文 The Clinton administration has signaled its opposition to a 1985 law that bans most US aid to Pakistan because of its nuclear program. A US State Department spokesman said the law does not advance

5、 the US goal of stopping the spread of nuclear weapons in South Asia. 语义理解判断。 题干中提出了克林顿政府关于禁止向巴基斯坦提供援助的命令,原文认为该禁令does not advance the US goal of stopping the spread of nuclear weapons in South Asia,即没能推进美国制止南亚核武器传播的目标,由does not advance可判断题干中successfully stopped 的说法与原文不符,因此题干的说法是错误的。 解题关键 能够正确找到指示代词所

6、指对象是解题关键。原文该发言人所提的没能推进美国制止南亚核武器传播的目标的法律,就是指禁止向巴基斯坦提供援助的命令。第3题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文Inflation stems from the instability of capitalist economic systems. That this instability no longer creates cumulative depressions is due to the intervention of the government sector. Increased institutional rigidity also

7、limits downward price adjustment. 因果关系的找寻和判断。 题干认为政府部门干涉资本主义经济制度时,通货膨胀便会发生。而原文认为Inflation stems from the instability of capitalist economic systems,即通货膨胀源于资本主义经济制度的不稳定性。由此可见,题干的说法与原文不符,是错误的。 解题关键 1)掌握表示因果关系的信号词,可以帮助听者作出正确的判断。题干中 occur表明该题重点在于找寻和判断inflation的原因,由此可使听者将重点放在找寻原文关于inflation的原因上;2)同义词替换。本

8、题需掌握stem from与题干中的occur同义,均是表示因果关系的信号词。第4题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文 Our discussion of earthquakes would be incomplete if we didnt raise the possibility of their being caused by external forces. As you know there are increases and decreases in episodes of seismic activity, but there is no regular or predictab

9、le pattern. 特定信息的找寻和理解。 本题要求理解seismic activity(地震活动)。根据相关原文可知As you know there are increases and decreases in episodes of seismic activity,but there is no regular or predictable pattern,即地震活动周期有起有伏,没有规律可言,也无法预测其态势。而题干认为地震活动周期越来越复杂,可能会引起地球的颤动,显然与原文不符,因此是错误的。 解题关键 识别听力材料中的关键信息,并对其上下文充分理解,是解答本题的关键。如本题中

10、的关键信息是seismic activity,如果对有关该词部分的内容充分理解,便能作出正确的判断。第5题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文 It is already known that incorrect usage of combination lap and shoulder seat belts can lead to injuries of the spine, neck and pelvis. Now, evidence from three case reports suggests that individuals who ride in a reclined positio

11、n while wearing these safety belts may place themselves at additional risk of injury. 语义理解题。 关于安全带、坐姿和驾车安全的关系,根据原文evidence from three case reports suggests that individuals who ride in a reclined potation whilewearing these safety belts may place themselves at additional risk of injury可知,三起事故的报道表明身系

12、安全带,但斜倚在座位里开车的驾驶员受伤的可能性更大。由此可推测,如果系上安全带,再保持笔直坐姿,驾驶的安全性应有所提高。因此题干说系安全带并保持笔直坐姿,会使驶员受伤的可能性更大,与原文不符,是错误的。 解题关键 理解关键单词和短语的含义是解题的关键。本题原文中recline意思是“斜倚着的”,与题于中sit upright 意思相反;at additional risk of injury意思为“受伤可能性加大”,与题干中less protection相呼应。第6题:参考答案:A答案解析:? Bioinformatics is the name given to the computer s

13、oftware technologies that are being devised to manage information overload. The field includes everything from storage to classification, analysis and distribution of gene and protein sequence data. Bioinformatics tools have moved genetic research out of the laboratory and transferred it to computer

14、 databases for use by anyone with access to the Internet. ? ?bioinformatics?,?搈ove genetic research out of the laboratory and transferred it to computer databases for use by anyone with access to the Internet?,?,?,? ? 1) ?,?;2) ?with access to?第7题:参考答案:B答案解析:? Foreign laborers, especially Asian ones

15、 earning low wages, are pictured as working willingly for American capitalists abroad who pay slightly better than average wages; while the former learn otherwise inaccessible technology and produce sophisticated goods that compete with domestic American goods, even allowing for shipping charges and

16、 import duties. ? ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? ? ?揳llowing for.?厖?搕he exemption of?第8题:参考答案:A答案解析:? It is significant that those who regard international law as a form of morality usually speak of it as mere morality. Although experienced diplomats do not often share the popular skepticism about international la

17、w, there is a danger that the popular attitude may affect inexperienced officials and pressure groups within a state, and that the state may, as a result, be pushed into breaking international law. ? ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? ? ?,?揳s a result?第9题:参考答案:B答案解析:? Asking for a WTO focused on its trade mission is

18、 not to neglect the importance of the other problems the institution has been asked to deal with. But the balance that many countries expect to see in the economic global governance agenda should not be pursued solely at the WTO. The international community should create effective ad-hoc instruments

19、 to confront the other challenges. ? ?揷reate effective ad-hoc instruments to con front the other challenges?搃n establishing economic global governance.?厖?,?,? ? ?,?;?in?第10题:参考答案:B答案解析:? Economists say that the main spur to the global soybean boom is the emergence of a middle class in China, much of

20、 whose newly disposable income has been spent on a richer, more varied diet. Over the past decade, China has been transformed from a net exporter of soybeans to the worlds largest importer in some years of whole soybeans as well as oil and meal byproducts. ? ?,?搕he emergence of a middle class in Chi

21、na?搕he rise in soybean production in China and its increased export of related products?,?,? ? ?,?,?attribute to (?)?Part Listen to the following short passages and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each passage by blackening the corresponding circle. There are ten passage

22、s in this part of the test, with one question each, which carries two points.第11题:参考答案:C答案解析:听力原文 Culture can be defined as behavior that is learned and transmitted to members of a group. A child learns a particular behavior through observation as well as through positive and negative feedback from

23、his/her family and peers. A minor point to remember is that this feedback can be overt or covert. Much covert feedback involves nonverbal cues that an outsider to that culture would not understand. 主旨题。 题干要求找出本段讨论的主要内容。原文第一句阐明Culture can be defined as behavior that is learned and transmitted to memb

24、ers of a group即文化可以定义为被群体成员学习并传播的行为,接着以儿童学习某种行为的方式来具体说明第一句的观点。由此可见,选项C“行为作为文化构建”的内容与原文相符,因此该项是正确答案。 解题关键 一般段落首句是中心句,点明全段的主要内容,因此注意听中心句的主干部分的内容,可迅速判断本段的主旨大意。第12题:参考答案:C答案解析:听力原文Most waves are caused by winds, though earthquakes on the ocean bed can also cause them, and tides are caused by the effect

25、of the gravity of the moon on the earth and also, although to a lesser extent, the suns gravity. One bulge of water is drawn upon the side of the earth actually facing the moon; another bulge of water is drawn on the earths far side. 事实细节的找寻和判断。 题干问潮水形成的原因。根据原文tides are caused by the effect of the g

26、ravity of the moon on the earth and also. the suns gravity可知,C的说法“月亮和太阳的引力引起潮水”与原文相符,因此该项是正确答案。 解题关键 1)根据题干中关键词判断听的重点。本题中的关键词是tides和caused by,由此可迅速排除第一句和最后一句;2)绝对化的表达一般是错误的,如A和B中 alone的使用,使全句过于绝对化,因此是错误的。第13题:参考答案:D答案解析:听力原文Many drivers do little more than look over the hood while driving. You must

27、train yourself to fix your eyes so that they can see not only the road ahead of you but objects on each side of you and behind you. Concentration is one of the most important elements in safe driving. The drivers seat is no place for window-shopping, nor it is a place for a tired driver or worried o

28、ne. Driving an automobile is a full-time job. 语义推理判断。 题干问许多司机会出什么错误?根据原文The drivers seat. nor it is a place for a tired driver or worried one可推断,若司机疲劳或烦恼焦虑时驾驶会引发事故。因此D说许多司机常犯的错误是疲劳驾车或焦虑驾车是正确的。 解题关键 1)有关汽车驾驶的常识有助于正确解题;2)根据各个选项中关键词定位到原文相关处,可帮助听者做出迅速判断。第14题:参考答案:D答案解析:听力原文The cowbird is an unusual Amer

29、ican bird, which builds no nest. Instead, a female lays an egg in the nest of another bird and leaves the chicks to be hatched and raised by the adopted parents. Usually, these adopted parents dont seem to notice anything strange about the young cowbird. Even though it may be twice size of their own

30、 chicks. 特定信息的找寻和判断。 根据题干中关键词remarkable可定位到首句The cowbird is an unusual American bird, which builds no nest 由此可知,D说这种鸟不筑巢,与原文相符,是正确答案。 解题关键 能够正确找到题干中关键词在原文中的同义替换,有助于迅速定位原文相关句。本题中原文unusual与题干中remarkable是同义替换。第15题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文The dramatic critic, on the other hand, has no such advantage. He cannot b

31、e selective; he must cover everything that is offered for public scrutiny in the principal playhouse of the city where he works. The column space that seemed, yesterday, so pitifully inadequate to contain his comments on Long Days Journey Into Night is roughly the same as that which yawns today for

32、his verdict on the latest scrap of milk-fed Kitsch that has chanced to find for itself a numbskull backer with a hundred thousand dollars to lose. 观点态度题。 首先原文提出He cannot be selective;he must cover everything that is offered for public scrutiny in the principal playhouse of the city where he works即戏剧

33、评论家没有选择的余地,需要就所有该城市主要票房作品作出评论,以飨公众。又根据原文The column space that seemed,yesterday,so pitifully inadequate to column his comments on Long Days Journey Into Night is roughly the same as that which yawns today for his verdict on the latest scrap of milk-fed Kitsch.,即昨天他们对Long Days Journey Into Night的评论洋洋洒

34、洒,今天也得为一部俗不可耐的作品长篇大论。综上所述,可推测戏剧评论家们得受其专栏的某些要求的限制。 解题关键 能够从某些词语的内涵中探察作者的观点态度。第16题:参考答案:D答案解析:听力原文Investment in the public sector, such as electricity, irrigation, quarrying, public services and transport increased by about 10%, although the emphasis moved to transport and away from the other sectors

35、mentioned. Trade and services recorded a 16- 17% investment growth, including a 30% increase in investment in business premises. Industrial investment is estimated to have risen by 8%. 数字信息的辨别和比较。 根据原文数字信息的比较可知,以下各方面投资增长的分布情况:the public sector. about 10,trade and services. 16-17 (30increase in inves

36、tment in business premises),industrial investment. 8。这里注意business premises(商业性楼字)投资增长的30是包含在贸易和服务业增长的16-17内的。由此可知,D“投资额最大的是贸易和服务业”的说法与原文相符,是正确答案。 解题关键 把握与数字有关的短语表达是解题的关键。本题中30是听到的最高投资增长额度,但注意该数目前的including短语的使用,说明该数是被包含在16-17之中的。因此B项不是正确答案。第17题:参考答案:D答案解析:听力原文There are exceptions to the rule of male

37、 insects being smaller than the females, and some of these exceptions are intelligible. Size and strength would be advantage to the males which fight for the possession of the females, and in these cases, as with the stag-beetle, the males are larger than the females. There are, however, other beetl

38、es which are not known to fight together, of which the males exceed the females in size. But in some of the other cases, as with the huge Dynastes and Megasoma, we can see that there would be no necessity for the males to be smaller in order to be matured before them, for these beetles are not short

39、-lived. 特定信息的找寻和理解。 关于Dynastes和Megasoma两种昆虫,文中说these beetles are not short-lived,由此可见, D“长寿是两种昆虫的特点”与原文相符,是正确答案。 解题关键 能够利用信号词判断段落的脉络主线,可以有效帮助识别正确答案。如本题中原文第一句点明了全段中心There are exceptions to the rule of male insects being smaller than the females,即谈论雄性昆虫比雌性昆虫个头小这一规律有特例。然后根据某些短语如in these cases. There ar

40、e,however,other beetles. But in some of the other cases. 等发出的信号,可判断文章基本结构是以三种昆虫的例子来说明中心,这样可迅速排除与原文中心意思不符的A和并非本文谈论中心的B和C。第18题:参考答案:D答案解析:听力原文The world is going through the biggest wave of mergers and acquisitions ever witnessed. The process sweeps from hyperactive America to Europe and reaches the em

41、erging countries with unsurpassed might. Many in these countries are looking at this process and worrying wont the wave of business concentration turn into uncontrollable anticompetitive force? 主旨题。 原文首句点明全段中心The world is going through the biggest wave of mergers and acquisitions ever witnessed,结尾句W

42、ont the wave of business concentration turn into uncontrollable anti-competitive force?又对全段进行了概括。综合首尾句,可得出全文主旨,由此可见D项说全球商业发展趋势是商业机构相互兼并,更具有竞争力,与原文相符,是正确答案。 解题关键 正确识别段落的中心句。一般首句点明全段中心,结尾句概括段落主要内容。第19题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文 Today in the techno-society there is an almost ironclad consensus about the future o

43、f freedom. Maximum individual choice is regarded as the democratic ideal. Yet most writers predict that we shall move further and further from this ideal. They conjured up a dark vision of the future, in which people appear as mindless consumer creatures, surrounded by standardized goods, educated i

44、n standardized schools, fed a diet of standardized mass culture, and forced to adopt standardized styles of life. Such predictions have spawned a generation of future haters and technophobes, as one might expect. 观点态度的判断。 题干要求判断作者对多数作家关于未来的预测所持的态度。根据原文Yet most writers predict that we shall move furt

45、her and further from this idealThey conjured up a dark vision of the future. 然而大多数作家预言我们的未来生活将越来越偏离这一理想,他们认为未来是黑暗的。显然,作者认为那些作家对未来的预测持悲观态度。因此,A项内容与原文相符合,是正确答案。 解题关键 1)通过表示转折关系的信号词,如本题原文中的yet可判断作者的观点态度;2)能够把握某些短语隐含的意义,如本题中dark vision传递出的一种对未来的悲观态度。第20题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文President Clinton was born in the

46、little southern town of Hope, Arkansas, on August 19, 1946. But his name was not Bill Clinton. It was William Jefferson Blythe. His mother named him for his father, who had been killed in a car accident a few months earlier. When Bill was four years old, his mother married Roger Clinton who then legally became Bi

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