GB T 16559-1996 船舶溢油应变部署表.pdf

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1、ICS 47. 020 R 09 G昌中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 1 6559 - 1 996 船舶溢油应变部署表Emergency I ist f or shipboard oil spill age 1996-10-09发布1997-06-01实施国家技术监督局发布GB/T 16559- 1996 前MARPOL 73/78公约(国际防止船舶造成污染公约附则I第26条要求凡150总吨及150总吨以上的油船和400总吨及400总吨以上的非油船备有船上油污应急计划。它用于帮助船员处理意外的排泊,其主要目的是采取必要措施以控制或减少排放或减轻其危害。本标准规定了当船舶发生溢油时,全体船员应变

2、反应分工部位和职责,以便能迅速作出反应,最大限度地减小溢油引起的污染灾害和损失。它是根据国际公约的要求做出的具体的溢油应变部署,具有实用性和可操作性。本标准由中华人民共和国交通部提出。本标准由交通部环境保护标准化技术委员会归口。本标准主要起草单位:交通部水运科学研究所、中国远洋运输(集团)总公司、大连远洋运输公司。参加起草单位:广州海运(集团)公司、上海海运(集团公司、长江轮船总公司、南京长江油运公司。本标准主要起草人:孙安利、吴唏初、于海洋。中华人民共和国国家标准GBjT 1 6559 -1 996 船舶溢油应变部署表Emergency list for shipboard oil spil

3、lage 1 范围本标准规定了当船舶发生溢油时,全体船员应变反应分工部位和职责。本标准适用于150总吨及150总吨以上的油船和400总吨及400总吨以上的非油船。特种船舶如装载类油物质的船舶及海上设施等可参照执行。2 术语2. 1 油船oil tankers 指装运散装油类的船舶。2.2 非油船non-oil tankers 指不是装运散装油类的船舶。2. 3 货油cargo oil 指油船中载运的原油或成品油。2.4 船用油oils used on shipboard 指船舶自身运行所用油,包括燃料油、润滑油、液压油等。3 要求3. 1 对于非油船和油船在发生船用油溢油时,使用船用油溢油应变

4、部署表,见表1。3. 2 对于油船在发生货油溢油时,使用货油溢油应变部署表,见表2。3. 3 船员职务称谓与表中有不同时,按相应职务履行职责。3.4 船员人数和职务与表中有不同时,按实际人数和职务安排职责。3. 5 本标准实施要求在船上相应位置如驾驶台、机舱、餐厅、居住区等公共场所张贴相应的表l及表2。国家技术监督局1996-10-09批准1997-06-01实施1 GB/ T 16559- 19 96 表1船用油溢油应变部署表Emergency list for shipboard oil spillageCOils used on shipboard) 溢油报警信号:.一一集合地点:主甲板

5、Spillage alarming signal: .一一Muster station: Main deck 编号职务姓名负责部位职责No. Rank Name Locations in charge of Duties 1 船长驾驶台/溢泊现场总指挥,执行船上油污应急计划Captain Bridge or site of oil spillage General commander, carry out 2 政委溢泊现场副总指挥,动员组织人员清除溢泊Political commissar Site of oil spillage Deputy general.organize all cre

6、w to remove the spilled oil 3 大副溢泊现场协助轮机长做好滋泊现场指挥工作Chief officer Site of oil spillage Assist chief engineer to command crew at the site of oil spillage 4 二副驾驶台/溢汹现场值班,采取应急措施,做好现场记录Second officer Bridge of site of oil spillage On duty and take emergency measures. respon-sible for making spot records

7、5 三副溢泊现场/回收艇现场提供并携带消防器材。艇长,指挥放艇,回收清Third officer Site of oil spillage or in the oil-re-除溢泊moving boat Provide and distribute fire extinguishing appli-ances. Director of the boat .lower the boat .clean and remove spilled oil 6 报务员无线电室/溢泊现场对外通讯,回收清除溢泊Radio officer Radio rm or si te of oil spillage Res

8、ponsible for communications with the out-side or clean and remove the spilled oil 7 水子长溢汹现场/回收艇现场提供并携带防污器材,协助指挥放艇,回收清Boatswain Site of oil spillage or in the oil re-除溢泊moving boat Provide and distribute oil pollution prevention supplies to crew and assist the lowering of the boat. clean and remove t

9、he spilled oil 8 木匠溢汹现场检查甲板出水孔,关闭有关通道,回收清除溢Carpenter Site of oil spillage 油Check scuppers and shut up all passages con-cerned .clean and remove the spilled oil 9 水手溢汹现场/回收艇现场艇员,放艇,随艇下。回收清除溢泊Sailor Site of oil spillage or in the oil re- Sailor of the boat .lower the boat and get down moving boat with

10、 it. Clean and remove the spilled oil 10 水手溢油现场/回收艇现场艇员,放艇,随艇下.回收清除溢泊Sailor Site of oil spillage or in the oil re- Sailor of the boat .lower the boat and get down moving boat with it. Clean and remove the spilled oil 2 GB/ T 1 6559 -1 996 表l(续编号职务姓名负责部位职责No. Rank Name Locations in charge of Duties 1

11、1 水手溢汹现场携带防污器材,回收清除溢汹Sailor Site of oil spillage Carry oil pollution prevention supplies ,clean and remove the spilled oil 12 水手溢汹现场携带防污器材,回收清除溢泊Sailor Site of oil spillage Carry oil pollution prevention supplies ,clean and remove the spilled oil 13 轮机长溢泊现场现场指挥Chief engineer Site of oil spillage Com

12、mander at the site of oil removal 14 大管轮机舱/溢泊现场管理机舱设备,回收清除溢汹Second engin回rEngine rm of site of oil spillage In charge of the equipments in the engine rm, clean and remove the spilled oil 15 二管轮溢油现场采取应急措施,控制有关阀门,防止溢汹扩散,Third engineer Site of oil spillage 做好现场记录Take emergency measures , control all va

13、lves concerned . Prevent the spilled oil from spreading and make spot rocords 16 三管轮溢泊现扬/回收艇现场协助放艇,随艇下,操作艇马达,回收消除溢油Fourth engineer Site of oil spillage or in the oil Assist to lower the boat and get down with it removing boa t and operate the boat motor. clean and remove the spilled oil 17 泵浦员溢汹现场防止

14、溢泊扩散,回收清除溢泊Pumpman Site of oil spillage Prevent the spilled oil from spreading ,clean and remove the spilled oil 18 电机员机舱/溢泊现场管理电站,负责照明,回收消除溢汹Electrical engineer Engine rm or site of oil spillage In charge of electrical panel and lighting, clean and remove t he spilled oil 19 机工长溢泊现场提供并携带应急工具和防污器材,回

15、收清除溢Chief motor man Site of oil spillage 油Provide and distribute emergency tls and oil pollution prevention supplies , clean and remove the spilled oil 20 机工机舱机舱值班,协助大管轮管理机舱设备Motor man Engine rm On duty and assist second engineer to manage the equipments in the engine room 21 机工机舱机舱值班,协助大管轮管理机舱设备Mot

16、or man Engine rm On duty and assist second engineer to manage the equipments in the engine room 3 GB/ T 1 655 9 -1 9 96 表l(完)编号职务姓名负责部位职责No. Rank Name Locations in charge of Duties 22 机工溢泊现场防止溢泊扩散,回收清除溢泊Motor man Site of oil spillage Prevent the spilled oil from spreading .clean and remove the spi!l

17、ed oil 23 机工溢汹现场防止溢泊扩散,回收消除溢汹Motor man Site of oil spillage Prevent spilled oil from spreading. clean and re-move the spilled oil 24 管事船员居住区/溢泊现场检查居住区火惰,关闭有关通道,回收清除溢Purser Accommodations or site of oil 油spillage Watch fire for accommodations and shut up the passageways concerned. clean and remove th

18、e spi!led oil 25 炊事员厨房/溢泊现场检查厨房火惰,关闭有关通道,回收清除溢汹Cook Galley or site of oil spillage Watch fire in the galley.shut up the galleyways concerned .clean and remove the spilled oil 26 服务员溢汹现场回收清除溢汹Steward Site of oil spillage Clean and remove the spilled oil 27 医生溢泊现场携带急救医疗器械、药品Doctor Site of oil spillage

19、 Carry the first-aid medical devices and medicine 28 实习生溢油现场回收清除溢油Apprentice Site of oil spillage Clean and remove the spilled oil 29 30 31 32 33 34 船名:船长:制表:日期:一一一年一一一月一一一日M/V(T) : Master: L ay down: Date: 4 GB/T 16559- 1996 表2货油溢油应变部署表Emergency list for shipboard oil spillage(Cargo oil) 溢油报警信号.一一集

20、合地点:货油总管处Spillage alarming signal: .一一岛1usterstation : Mainfold of loading and unloading 编号职务姓名负责部位职责No. Rank Name Locations in charge of Duties l 船长驾驶台/溢泊现场总指挥,执行刊山污应急计划l Captain Bridge or site of oil spillage General commander, carry out ( shipboard oil pollution emergency plan ) 2 政委溢泊现场副总指挥,动员组织

21、人员清除溢汹Political commissar Si te of oil spillage Deputy general, organize all crew to remove the spilled oil 3 大副溢汹现场现场指挥Chief officer Si te of oil spillage Commander at the site of oil spillage 4 二副货泊控制室/溢泊现场采取应急措施,控制有关阀门、管线,做好现场Second officer Cargo oil control rm or site 记录of oil spillage Take em吨e

22、ncymeasures and control the I valves and pipelines concered , responsible for making spot records 5 二副溢油现场/回收艇现场提供并携带消防器材。艇长,指挥放艇。回收清Third officer Site of oil spillage or in the oil-除溢泊removing boat Provide and distribute fire extinguishing appli ances. Director of the boat, lower the boat , clean a

23、nd remove the spilled oil 6 报务员无线电室/溢油现场对外通讯,回收清除溢油Radio officer Radio room or site of oil Responsible for communications with the out-spillage side or clean and remove the spi1led oil 7 水手长溢油现场/回收艇现场提供并携带防污器材,协助指定放艇,回收清Boatswain Site of oil spillage or in the oil 除溢油removing boat Provide and distri

24、bute oil pollution prevention supplies to crew and assist the lowering of the boa t ,clean and remove the spilled oil 8 木匠溢油现场检查甲板出水孔,关闭有关通道,回收清除溢Carpenter Site of oil spillage 汹Check scuppers and shut up all passages con-cerned ,clean and remove the spilled oil 9 水手溢汹现场/回收艇现场艇员,放艇,随艇下。回收清除溢泊Sailor

25、Site of oil spillage or in the oil Sailor of the boat , lower the boat and get down removing boat with it. Clean and remove the spilled oil 5 G/ T 16559-1996 表2(续)编号职务姓名负责部位职责No. Rank Name Locations in charge of Duties 10 水手溢汹现场/回收艇现场艇员,放艇,随艇下。回收消除溢泊Sailor Si te of oil spillage or in the oil Sailor

26、of the boat , lower the boat and get down removing boat with it. Clean and remove the spil1ed oil 11 水手溢汹现场携带防污器材,回收清除滋汹Sailor Site of oil spil1age Carry oil pol1ution prevention supplies , clean and remove the spil1ed oil 12 水手溢泊现场携带防污器材,因收消除溢泊Sailor Site of oil spil1age Carry oil pollution prevent

27、ion supplies,clean and remove the spilled oil 13 轮机长机舱/溢汹现场轮机部指挥Chief engineer Engine rm or site of oil Commander of the engine department spillage 14 大管轮机舱/溢泊现场管理机舱设备,回收清除溢汹Second engineer Engine rm or site of oil In charge of the equipments in the engine rm, spillage clean and remove the spil!ed o

28、il 15 二管轮溢汹现场防止溢泊扩散,回收消除溢汹Third engineer Site of oil spillage Prevent the spil!ed oil from spreading ,clean and remove the spilled oil 16 三管轮溢汹现扬/回收艇现场协助放艇,黯艇下,操作艇马达,回收消除溢汹Fourth engineer Site of oil spillage or in the oil- Assist to lower the boat and get down with it removing boat and operate the

29、boat motor , clean and remove the spilled oil 17 泵浦员泵浦间/溢泊现场管理泵浦,开关阀门,回收清除溢泊Pumpman Pump rm or site of oil In charge of the operation of pumps, open and spillage shut up the valves, clean and remove the spilled oil 18 电机员机舱/溢泊现场管理电站,负责照明,回收清除溢汹Electrical engineer Engine rm or site of oil In charge o

30、f electrical panel and lighting , clean spillage and remove the spilled oil 19 机工长溢泊现场提供并携带应急工具和防污稽材,回收清除溢Chief motor man Site of oil spil1age 油Provide and distribute emergency tIs and oil pollution prevention supplies, clean and remove the spilled oil 20 机工机舱机舱值班,协助大管轮管理机舱设备Motor man Engine rm On d

31、uty and assist second engineer to manage the equipments in the engine rm 6 编号职务姓名No. Rank Name 21 机工Motor man 22 机工Motor man 23 机工Motor man 24 管事Purser 25 炊事员Cook 26 服务员Steward 27 医生Doctor 28 实习生Apprentice 29 30 31 32 33 34 船名:船长:M / T: 岛1aster:G/T 16559- 1996 表2C完负责部位职责Locations in charge of Duties

32、 机舱机舱值班,协助大管轮管理机舱设备Engine rm On duty and assist second engineer to manage the equipments in the engine rm 溢泊现场防止溢汹扩散,回收清除溢泊Site of oiI spillage Prevent the spilled oil from spreading. clean and remove the spilled oiI 溢泊现场防止溢泊扩散,回收清除溢泊Site of oi1 spillage Prevent the spilled oil from spreading. clean

33、 and remove the spilled oil 船员居住区/溢汹现场检查居住区火惰,关闭有关通道,回收清除溢Accommodations or site of oi1 泊spillage 厨房/溢泊现场Galley or site of oil spillage 溢汹现场Site of oiI spillage 溢油现场Site of oiI spilJag 溢汹现场Site of oi1 spillage L. 制表:. L ay down: Watch fire for accominodations and shut up the passageways concerned. c

34、lean and remove the I spilled oil 检查厨房火惰,关闭有关通道,回收清除溢泊Watch fire in the galley, shut up the galJeyways concerned .clean and remove t he spilled oil 回收清除溢汹Clean and remove the spilled oil 携带急救医疗器械、药品Carry the first吐idmedical devices and medicine 回收清除溢泊Clean and remove the spiUed oi1 日期:一一一年一一一月一一一日Date: Fl的的F回筒。国华人民共和国家标准船舶溢油应变部署表GB/ T 16559- 1996 中峰中国标准出版社出版北京复兴门外三里河北街16号邮政编码,100045电话,68522112中国标准出版社秦皇岛印刷厂印刷新华书店北京发行所发行各地新华书店经售版权专有不得翻印* 开本880X12301/ 16 印张3/4字数18千字1997年4月第一版1997年4月第一次印刷印数1一1500 * 定价6.00元308-30 书号,155066 1-13658 * 标目


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