DL T 1033.5-2014 电力行业词汇第5部分 核能发电.pdf

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1、h .& ICS 29.020 K01 备案号:47913-2015中华人民共和国电力行业标准DL/T 1033.5 - 2014 代替DLIT 1033.5 - 2006 电力行业词汇第5部分:核能发电Electric power standard thesaurus Part 5: Nuclear power genera世on2014-10-15发布2015-03一01实施国家能源局发布DL/T 1033.5-2014 目次冒l11IA且TAU吨,hzJfoo理统护处系保后和和川和行料全u环运材安护循和、防设备测射产建设监辐生厂厂厂厂料电电电电燃因汇核核核核核喇J;- 1范词J23A5阮

2、忡E匀,“。,“匀,“句7uiAEd前12参索 DL/ T 1033.5- 2014 刚吕本部分依据GB/T1.1-2009标准化工作导则第1部分:标准的结构和编写的规则起草。DL厅1033电力行业词汇分为12个部分。一一第1部分z动力工程。一一第2部分:电力系统。一一第3部分:发电厂、水力发电。一一第4部分z火力发电。一一第5部分z核能发电。一一第6部分z新能源发电。一一第7部分z输电系统。一一第8部分z供电和用电。一一第9部分z电网调度。一第10部分z电力设备。一一第11部分:事故、保护、安全和可靠性。一一第12部分z电力市场。本部分为DL厅1033的第5部分,修订后共收录640条词汇。此


4、I r ) 1 范围电力行业词汇第5部分:核能发电本部分规定了电力行业核能发电的名词词汇。DL/ T 1033.5-2014 本部分适用于电力行业工作人员、高等院校师生在对外交流、定货、签订合同、设备验收和学术交流时,使用规范的中、英文名词词汇。2 词汇2.1 核电厂建设和运行2.1.1 安全停堆safe shutdown 2.1.2 安全停堆地震safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) 2.1.3 参考电厂设计reference plant design 2.1.4 厂址选择site selection 2.1.5 初步安全分析报告preliminarysafety an

5、alysis report 2.1.6 单一故障准则single failure criteria 2.1.7 地震反应分析seismic response analysis 2.1.8 地震反应谱seismic response spectrum 2.1.9 电厂运行目标plant opera岱ongoal 2.1.10 定期检修time based maintenance (TBM)/ periodic maintenance 2.1.11 2.1.12 2.1.13 2.1.14 2.1.15 2.1.16 2.1.17 2.1.18 2.1.19 2.1.20 2.1.21 2.1.2

6、2 2.1.23 2.1.24 2.1.25 2.1.26 2.1.27 2.1.28 2.1.29 堆芯熔融物熔渣)corium 堆芯寿期reactor core lifetime 多重性冗余性和多样性redundancy and diversity 反应堆拆除reactor dismantling 反应堆毒物排除reactor poison removal 反应堆分批装料reactor batch loading 反应堆工艺reactor technology 反应堆换料reactor refueling 反应堆结构reactor structure 反应堆紧急停堆reactor仕ip/e

7、mergencyshutdown/scram 反应堆控制reactor control 反应堆冷却剂压力边界reactor coolant pressure boundary 反应堆模拟机reactor simulator 反应堆屏蔽reactor shielding 反应堆启动reactor start-up 反应堆热工水力设计reactor thermo-hydraulic design 反应堆审批reactor licensing 反应堆退役reactor decommissioning 反应堆卸料reactor discharging DL/T 1033.5-2014 2.1.30 反

8、应堆运行reactoroperation 2.1.31 反应堆运行人员reactor operator 2.1.32 反应堆瞟声reactor noise 2.1.33 反应堆中毒reactor poisoning 2.1.34 反应堆周期reactor period 2.1.35 反应堆装料reactor fueling 2.1.36 反应性引入reactivity h随时ion2.1.37改进性检修proactivemaintenance灿吗2.1.38 核材料管理nuclear material management 2.1.39核电厂nuclear pow“ plant (NPP) 2

9、.1.40 核电厂防火fire protection of nuclear power plant 2.1.41 核电厂分区管理zonecontrol of nuclear power plant 2.1.42 核电厂设计nuclearpower plant design 2.1.43 核电厂施工nudear power plant cons仿UC“on2.1.44 核电厂退役mrclear power plant decommissioning 2.1.45 核电厂源项source term from nuclear power plant 2.1.46 核电厂运行nuclear power

10、 plant operation 2.1.47 核电厂运行管理operationalmanagement of nuclear power plant 2.1.48 核电厂正常启动normal start-up of nuclear power plant 2.1.49核电厂正常停闭normal shutdown of nuclear power plant 2.1.50 核毒物nuclear poison 2.1.51 核反应nuclear reaction 2.1.52 核燃料管理nuclear fuel management 2.1.53 核燃料利用率nuclear fuel utili

11、za伽n2.1.54 核燃料转换nuclear fuel conversion 2.1.55 核设施nuclear facility 2.1.56 环境影晌评价envjronmental impact assessment 2.1.57 换料方案refueling scheme 2.1.58 换料停堆refueling shutdown 2.1.59 计划维修scheduled maintenance 2.1.60 建造construction2.1.61 降功率运行operation at reduced power 2.1.62 可能最大风暴潮probable maximum storm

12、s盯ge伊MSS)2.1.63 可能最大洪水probable maximum flood (PMF) 2.1.64 空间分布space distribution 2.1.65 控制棒价值controlrod worth 2.1.66控制棒可插入性controlrod insertab由ty2.1.67 控制棒效率control rod effectiveness 2.1.68 快速停堆scram 2.1.69 冷启动cold start-up 2.1.70 冷停堆cold shutdown 2.1.71 裂变毒物fission poison 2.1.72 落棒rod drop 2 t J 2.

13、1.73 膜态沸腾fllm boiling 2.1.74 配置控制configuration control 2.1. 75棚化boronation2.1.76 棚注入boroninjection 2.1.77 谱漂移控制spectral shift control 2.1.78 燃料扫描fuel scanning 2.1.79 燃料致密化fuel densification 2.1.80 燃料组件拆卸fuel assembly dismantling 2.1.81 热启动hot start-up 2.1.82 热停堆hot shutdown 2.1.83 烧干dryout 2.1.84 烧毁

14、burnout 2.1.85 设计基准事故design basis accident 2.1.86 设计基准事件design basis events (DBE) 2.1.87 实体分隔physical separation 2.1.88 示踪气体trace gas 2.1.89 事故停堆emergency shutdown 2.1.90 逃脱共振几率resonance escape probability 2.1.91 调试commissioning 2.1.92 停堆reactor shutdown 2.1.93 停堆砌浓度shutdown boron concentration 2.1.

15、94 停堆深度shutdown margin 2.1.95 维修冷停堆maintenance cold shutdown 2.1.96 误停堆spuriousshutdown 2.1.97 稀释dilution 2.1.98 缸效应xenon effect 2.1.99 项目前期和施工前期工作pre-project and preconstruction ac伽ity2.1.100 压力释放pressure release 2.1.101 液态毒物控制fluid poison control 2.1.102 役前检查pre-service inspec筒。n2.1.103应急emergency

16、 2.1.104余热导出residual heat removal/ after-heat removal 2.1.105 运行基准地震opera伽gbasis earthquake 2.1.106 再湿rewetting 2.1.107 在役检查in-serviceinspection 2.1.108增压比superchargingpressure ratio 2.1.109 正常冷停堆normal cold shutdown 2.1.110 正常停堆normal shutdown 2.1.111 主控制室人因工程main control room human factor engineer

17、ing 2.1.112转换比conversionratio 2.1.113 状态检修condition based maintenance (CBM) 2.1.114 最终热阱ultimate heat sink DL/T 1033.5-2014 3 DL/T 1033.5-2014 2.2 核电厂设备、材料和系统2.2.1 安全棒safety rod 2.2.2 安全壳containment2.2.3 安全壳隔离系统containment isolation system 2.2.4 安全壳贯穿区containment penetration areas 2.2.5 安全壳壳体contain

18、ment shell 2.2.6 安全壳空气过滤系统containment air filtration system (VFS) 2.2.7 安全壳排水地坑containment drainage sump 2.2.8 安全壳喷淋系统containment spray system 2.2.9 安全壳氢复合系统消氢系统)containment hydrogen recombination system 2.2.10 安全壳氢气控制系统containment hydrogen control system (VLS) 2.2.11 安全壳疏水系统containment drain system

19、 2.2.12 安全壳通风净化系统containment ventilation and purge system 2.2.13 安全壳系统containment system 2.2.14 安全壳循环冷却系统containment recirculation cooling system (VCS) 2.2.15 安全注射系统safety i时ectionsystem (SIS) 2.2.16 半速发电机balspeed generator 2.2.17 半速汽轮机halfspeed steam turbine 2.2.18 包壳材料cladding material 2.2.19饱和蒸汽汽

20、轮机saturatedsteam turbine 2.2.20 备用电源standbypower supply 2.2.21 泵房通凤系统pump house ventilation system (VPS) 2.2.22 补偿棒shim rod 2.2.23 坏生产堆plutoniumproduction reactor 2.2.24材料曲率material buckling 2.2.25 柴油发电凯厂房diesel generator building 2.2.26 柴油发电机厂房供暖与通风系统diesel generator building hea出gand ventilation s

21、ystem (VZS) 2.2.27 常规岛conven筒。nalisland (Cl) 2.2.28 常规余热排出系统normal residual heat removal system 2.2.29 厂外辅助电源。ffsiteau垣liarypower source 2.2.30 厂用水系统service water system (SWS) 2.2.31 超热中子堆epithermal reactor 2.2.32 池式堆pool type reactor 2.2.33 除盐水处理系统demineralized water treatment system (DTS) 2.2.34 除

22、盐水输送与存储系统demineralizedwater transfer and storage system(DWS) 2.2.35氨冷堆nitrogencooledreactor 2.2.36 低压安全注射系统low pressure safety injection system 2.2.37 低压冷却剂注入系统low pressure coolant i时ectionsystem 2.2.38 电厂供气系统plant gas systems (PGS) 2.2.39 电厂配套设施balance of plant (BOP) 2.2.40 电厂照明系统plant ligh伽gsystem

23、 2.2.41 堆内构件reactor internals 2.2.42 堆内回路in-pileloop 4 2.2.43 2.2.44 2.2.45 2.2.46 2.2.47 2.2.48 2.2.49 2.2.50 2.2.51 2.2.52 2.2.53 2.2.54 2.2.55 2.2.56 2.2.57 2.2.58 2.2.59 2.2.60 2.2.61 2.2.62 2.2:63 2.2.64 2.2.65 2.2.66 2.2.67 2.2.68 2.2.69 2.:a. 70 2.2.71 2.2.72 2.2.73 2.2.74 2.2.75 2.2.76 2.2.7

24、7 2.2.78 2.2.79 2.2.80 2.2.81 2.2.82 2.2.83 2.2.84 2.2.85 DL/T 1033.5-2014 堆芯reactorcore 堆芯捕集器core catcher 堆芯结构材料core structural material 堆芯晴淋系统corespray system 堆芯淹没系统coreflooding system 堆芯再淹没系统core reflooding system 堆殖区breedingblanket 多样化驱动系统diverse actuation system (DAS) 二次冷却剂回路二回路seconda叮coolantc

25、ircuit/ secondary circuit 二回路取样系统secondary sampling system (SSS) 发电机氢气与二氧化碳系统generator hydrogen and C02叮stems(HCS) 乏燃料池冷却系统spent fuel pool cooling system (SFS) 乏燃料元件spent fuel element 反应堆reactor 反应堆部件reactorcomponent 反应堆材料reac阳rmaterial 反应堆除气系统reactor degasifi侃侃侃system 反应堆第二停堆系统second reactor trip s

26、ystem 反应堆结构材料reactor structural material 反应堆孔道reactor channel 反应堆控制材料reactor control material 反应堆控制系统reactor control system 反应堆冷却剂reactor coolant 反应堆冷却剂泵主泵)reactor coolant pump 反应堆冷却剂补给系统reactor coolant supply system 反应堆冷却剂材料reactorcoolant material 反应堆冷却剂除气系统reactor coolant degasification system 反应堆

27、冷却剂管道主管道)reactor coolant piping 反应堆冷却剂环路reactor coolant loop 反应堆冷却剂系统reactor coolant system (RCS) 反应堆冷却系统reactor cooling system 反应堆慢化剂reactor moderator 反应堆慢化剂材料reactor moderator material 反应堆屏蔽材料reac阳rshielding material 反应堆燃料reactor fuel 反应堆燃料元件reactor fuel element 反应堆实验装置reactor experimental facilit

28、y 反应堆停堆系统reactor trip system 反应堆系统reactorsystem 反应堆压力容器reactor pressure vessel (RPV) 反应堆压力容器材料materialsfor reactor pressure vessel 反应堆压缩机reactor compressor 反应堆栅格reactorlattice 5 DL/T 1033.5-2014 2.2.86 反应堆栅元reactorcell 2.2.87 反应堆振荡器reactor oscillator 2.2.88 反应堆主管道材料reactor coolant piping material 2.

29、2.89 防腐层anticorrosion coating 2.2.90 放射控制区通风系统radiologically controlled area ven侃ationsystem 2.2.91 放射性废物厂房radwaste building 2.2.92 放射性废液排放系统radioactive waste drain system 2.2.93 非能动安全壳冷却系统passive containment cooling systemCS) 2.2.94 非能动部件passive component 2.2.95 非能动堆芯冷却系统passive c&re cooling sys臼m2

30、.2.96 非能动主控室安全适留系统main control room emergency habitability system 2.2.97 废气处理系统ga蹄侧sradwaste system 2.2.98 废液处理系统liquid radwaste system 2.2.99 沸水堆boiling water reactor (BWR) 2.2.100 辐照过的核憾料元件irradiated nuclear fuel element 2.2.101 辐照孔道irradiationchannel 2.2.102 辅助厂房auxiliarybuilding 2.2.103 辅助给水系统au

31、xiliary feedwater system 2.2.104 辅助蒸汽供应系统auxilia叮steamsupply system (ASS) 2.2.105 附属辅助厂房非放射性通风系统annex/auxiliary building nonradioactive ventilation system 2.2.106 附属厂房annex building 2.2.107 干曝装置drysipping fac出ty2.2.108 高温气冷堆high回tempera阳regas-cooled reactor (HTGR) 2.2.109 高压冷却剂注入系统high嗣press町ecoolan

32、t injection system 2.2.110 隔膜diaphragm 2. 2.111 宗冷堆mercury cooled reactor 2.2.112 供热堆process heat reactor 2.2.113 固废处理系统”lidradwaste system 2.2.114 核材料nuclearmaterial 2.2.115核岛nuclearisland 仰。2.2.116核岛非放射性通风系统nuclear isJand nonradioactive ventil捕。nsystem 2.2.117核电厂安全级电气设备随fetyrelated electrical equi

33、pment for nuclear power plant 2.2.118 核电厂厂用电系统house power甜pplyof nuclear power plant 2.2.119 核电厂汽轮发电机turbogenerator for nuclear power plant 2.2.120 核电汽轮机nuclear steam turbine 2.2.121 核燃料nuclear fuel 2.2.122核燃料元件nuclearfuel element 2.2.123核燃料装卸与换料系统fuelhandling and refueling system (FHS) 2.2.124核石墨nu

34、clear graphite 2.2.125核碎片nuclear fragment 2.2.126核蒸汽供应系统nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) 2.2.127 化学与容积控制系统chemical and volume control system (CVS) 2.2.128环状燃料元件annular fuel element 6 2.2.129 2.2.130 2.2.131 2.2.132 2.2.133 2.2.134 2.2.135 2.2.136 2.2.137 2.2.138 2.2.139 2.2.140 2.2.141 2.2.142 2.2

35、.143 2.2.144 2.2.145 2.2.146 2.2.147 2.2.148 2.2.149 2.2.150 2.2.151 、2.2.152 2.2.153 2.2.154 2.2.155 2.2.156 2.2.157 2.2.158 2.2.159 2.2.160 2.2.161 2.2.162 . 2.2.163 2.2.164 2.2.165 2.2.166 2.2.167 2.2.168 2.2.169 2.2.170 2.2.171 DL/T 1033.5-2014 机械搬运系统mechanical handling system。但IS)加热器疏水系统heater

36、drain system (HDS) 拥冷堆potassium cooled reactor 紧急停堆棒scram rod 进出水口inlet/outlet 进水口结构waterintake structure 聚变堆fusion reactor 空间反应堆space reactor 空间核电力装置space nuclear power unit 空气冷却堆air-cooled reactor 空心燃料棒hollow fuel rod 控制棒control rod 控制棒驱动机构control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) 控制棒驱动装置controlrod drive

37、 控制棒组件control rod assembly/rod cluster control assembly (RCCA) 快堆fastreactor 冷凝器管道清理系统condenser tube cleaning system 冷凝器空气排放系统condenser air removal system 冷凝水系统condensate system 冷却剂净化系统coolant purifica侃侃system 励磁与电压调节系统excitation and voltage regulation system 裂变产物fission product 裂变一聚变混合堆fission-fusi

38、on hybrid reactor 裂变碎片fission fragment 纳;令堆sodium-cooled reactor 内衬liner 能动部件active component 凝结水净化系统condensate polishing system (CPS) 培训堆trainingreactor 棚回收系统boron recycle system 删酸制备箱boric acid batching tank 唰酸贮存箱boric acid storage tank 气冷堆gas-cooled reactor(GCR) 气体冷却剂gas coolant 汽轮机厂房turbine buil

39、ding 汽轮机厂房化学药品补给系统turbineisland chemical feed system (CFS) 汽轮机厂房通风、排水和溢流系统turbineisland vents, drains and relief systemDS) 汽轮机厂房通风系统”rbine building ven侃ationsystem 汽轮机厂房循环冷却水系统turbine building closed cooling water system (TCS) 汽水分离再热器moisture separa仙r-reheater轻水堆light-water reactor (LWR) 氢冷堆hydrogen

40、-cooled reactor 氢气密封油系统hydrogen seal oil system (HSS) 7 DL/T 1033.5-2014 2.2.172 燃料板fuel plate/fuel slab 2.2、173燃料棒fuel rod 2.2.174 燃料棒包壳材料fuel rod cladding material 2.2.175 燃料棒束fuel bundle 2.2.176 燃料包壳fuel can/fuel cladding 2.2.177 燃料管道fuel channel 2.2.178 燃料浆液fuel slur 2.2.179 燃料颗粒fuel par伽le2.2.1

41、80 燃料孔道fuel channel 2.2.181 燃料块fuel slug 2.2.182 燃料片fuel sheet 2.2.183 燃料球fuel sphere 2.2.184 燃料细棒fuel pin 2.2.185 燃料悬浮液fuelsuspension 2.2.186 燃料元件fuel element 2.2.187 燃料元件稳流套shroud2.2.188 燃料装卸系统fuel handling system 2.2.189 燃料组件fuel assembly 2.2.190 燃料组件结构材料structural material of fuel assembly 2.2.1

42、91 热传输介质heat transport medium 2.2.192 热传输介质净化系统heat transport medium purification system 2.2.193 热传输介质压力和装量控制系统heat transport pressure and inventosystem 2.2.194 热堆thermalreactor 2.2.195 热核堆thermonuclear reactor 2.2.196 热离子燃料元件thermionicfuel element 2.2.197 热水供热系统hot water heating system 2.2.198 热通道h

43、ot channel 2.2.199 热柱thermal column 2.2.200 熔盐冷却剂molten salt coolant 2.2.201 设备冷却水系统componentcooling water system (CCS) 2.2.202 生产堆productionreactor 2.2.203 生水系统raw water system (RWS) 2.2.204 温暖装置wet sipping facility 2.2.205 石墨堆graphite reactor 2.2.206 实验堆experimental reactor 2.2.207 实验孔道experimenta

44、l channel 2.2.208 试验堆test re饵”r2.2.209 输电开关站与厂外电源系统transmissionswitchyard and offsite power system 2.2.210 束孔beam hole 2.2.211 数据显示与处理系统datadisplay and processing system (DDS) 2.2.212 双循环冷却系统dualcycle cooling system 2.2.213 水处理厂房water service building 2.2.214 水构筑物water structures 8 、 DL/T 1033.5-201

45、4 2.2.215 水冷堆water-cooledreactor 2.2.216 四极汽轮发电机four-pole steam turbine generator 2.2.217 特殊工艺伴热系统special process beat tracing system 2.2.218 调节棒regulating rod 2.2.219停堆冷却系统shutdowncooling system 2.2.220 卫生排水系统sanitary drainage system (SDS) 2.2.221 稳压器pr四”rizer2.2.222 污水系统wastewatersystem何嘀嘀2.2.223

46、屋顶排污收集系统gravity and roof drain collection system (RDS) 2.2.224 现场备用电力系统onsite standby power system 2.2.225 消防系统fireprotection systemPS) 2.2.226 行波堆travelingwave reactor (TWR) 2.2.227 小型堆small reactor 2.2.228 小型模块堆small modular reactor (SMR) 2.2.229 循环水系统circulating water system (CWS) 2.2.230 训练模拟机厂房

47、training/simulator building 2.2.231 压空与仪表空气系统compressed and instrument air systems (CAS) 2.2.232 压水堆pressurizedwater reactor (PWR) 2.2.233 研究堆research reactor 2.2.234 液态金属冷却堆liquid metal cooled reactor 2.2.235 一次冷却剂primary coolant 2.2.236 一次冷却剂回路一回路primarycoolant circuit/primary circuit 2.2.237 一次冷却

48、剂系统primacoolant system 2.2.238 一回路取样系统primary sampling system (PSS) 2.2.239 一回路卸压设备primary circuit pressure relief equipment 2.2.240 一体化冷却系统integrated cooling system 2.2.241 阴极保护系统cathodic protection system 2.2.242 饮用水系统potablewater system (PWS) 2.2.243 应急棒emergency rod 2.2.244 应急柴油机与辅助锅炉燃油系统standby

49、 diesel and auxiliary boiler fuel oil system (DOS) 2.2.245 应急堆芯冷却系统emergency core cooling system (ECCS) 2.2.246 应急给水系统emergency feedwater system 2.2.247 应急通风系统emergency ventilation system (EVS) 2.2.248 余热排出系统residual beat removal system 2.2.249 雨水排放系统storm drain system (DRS) 2.2.250 原型堆prototype reactor 2.2.251 运行与控制中心opera悦。nand control centers (OCS) 2.2.252 增殖堆breeder reactor 2.2.253增殖区breedingblanket 2.2.254增殖芯块breedingpellet 2.2.255 真空系统vacuumsystem 2.2.256 蒸汽发生器steam generator 2.


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