1、中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫行业标准SN/T 0306. 1-2006 代替SN0306 1993 , SN 0545 1996 出口烟花爆竹检验规程第1部分:总则Rules for the inspection of export fireworks and firecracker一Part 1 General 2006-01-26发布中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检瘦总局2006-08皿16实施。60831000147中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫行业标准出口烟花爆竹检验规程第1部分:总则SN/T 0306. 1-2006 中国标准出版社出版北京复兴门外三里河北街16号邮政编码:100045
2、网址电话:6852394668517548 中国标准出版社秦皇岛印刷厂印刷峰开本880X 1230 1/16 印张1.5字数40千字2006年5月第一版2006年5月第一次印刷印数1-2000峙书号:155066. 2-16830 定价13.00元目。昌SN/T 0306(出口烟花爆竹检验规程分为五个部分:一一第1部分z总则;一一第2部分:玩具烟花爆竹交收检验;一一第3部分:大型烟花交收检验;一一第4部分z安全性检验;一一第5部分:型式试验。本部分为SN/T0306的第l部分。SN/T 0306.1-2006 SN/T 0306(出口烟花爆竹检验规程代替SN0306-1993(出口烟花爆竹检验
3、规程和SN0545-1996 出口烟花爆竹烟火药剂安全检验规程。本部分与SN0306一1993,SN0545-1996的关系如下:一一新增4产品分类和分级;一一一将SN0306-1993的5.1 批的组成、5.2抽样数量、6检验的检验项目和检验环境,并入本部分的5检验,并进行全面修改;取消了6.8.2吐珠类产品底塞(简体)耐压例行试验;新增5.2.3.2大型烟花爆竹抽样方案和5.4型式试验气一-SN0545-1996的表l验收试验项目,并入本部分的5检验飞并进行全面修改;一一保留了SN0306一1993的术语、定义和符号25条(SN0306-1993的4.1. 14. 1. 25;本部分的3.
4、23.25和3.30).对个别条进行了文字修改;取消2条(SN306-1993的4.1. 26、4. 1. 27) ,新增6条(本部分的3.1、3.263. 29、3.31)。本部分由国家认证认可监督管理委员会提出并归口。本部分起草单位:中华人民共和国湖南出入境检验检疫局。本部分主要起草人:刘劲彪、谭爱喜、罗武、范晓林、邓年祥。本部分所代替标准的历次版本发布情况为:一一-SN0306-1993 , SN 0545-1996。I SN/T 0306.1-2006 1 范围出口烟花爆竹检验规程第1部分:总则SN/T 0306的本部分规定了出口烟花爆竹的术语、定义和符号、产品分类和分级、检验、结果评
5、定。本部分适用于出口烟花爆竹的检验。2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过SN/T0306的本部分的引用而成为本部分的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本部分,然而,鼓励根据本部分达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本部分。GB/T 2828. 1一2003计数抽样检验程序第1部分:按接受质量限(AQL)检索的逐批检验抽样计划GB 10631-2004烟花爆竹安全与质量GJB 50089 民用爆破器材工厂设计安全规范3 术语和定义GB/T 2828. 1-2003、GB10631-2004确立
6、的及下列术语和定义适用于SN/T0306的本部分。3.1 引火线fuse 烟花爆竹中用于点火或传火的线状物。3.2 亮珠balls 用烟火药剂为主要原料制成的,被点燃后能产生烟花效应的颗粒,又称亮子、光珠。3.3 全长whole span 烟花爆竹的实际总长度,包括安装好的手柄、底座、稳定杆等附设部件,但不包括引火线、护引纸和筒标的超长部分。3. 4 底座(插座)base(socket) 为使立于地面燃放的烟花产品在燃放时不倒筒而设计安装的附件。3.5 底塞end c10sure 为防止烟火药剂燃烧、发射、速燃时,火焰、气体等从底部喷出而设计筑填在底部(或中间)的泥土、纸板、塑料(包括水泥、木
7、粉)等。3.6 部件ancillary equipment 烟花主体筒壳以外所设计的各种附件,如稳定杆、尾翼、旋翼、手柄等。1 SN/T 0306. 1-2006 3. 7 3. 8 3. 9 3.10 3. 11 3. 12 3. 13 稳定杆stabilization pole 为稳定产品在空中运动的方向而设计安装的竹杆、木杆、塑料杆等。尾翼empennage 为稳定产品在运动中的方向而设计安装在尾部的翼片。旋翼spinning wing 旋转升空类产品部件,手柄handle 护引纸fuse protecting paper 引火时间ignition 从点燃引火线至引燃燃放检验functi
8、on 将烟花爆竹引燃所进行的燃烧、旋转、飞翔、升空、爆炸或发烟等各种检验。3. 14 燃烧burning 燃放时,装有烟火药剂的烟花、火苗等现象。3. 15 3. 16 3. 17 速燃rapid burning 烟火药剂以大于设计爆燃deflagration 燃放时,烟火药剂以爆炸和爆炸音燃放时,烟火药剂发生变同时而爆发的音响,称为爆炸音。3. 18 发烟smoking 以发烟为效果而进行燃烧发出的烟雾现象。3. 19 色火burning matter 各种色彩的火焰、火星、燃烧的亮珠或带火残渣等。2 量能量的现象。因爆炸的SN/T 0306. 1-2006 3. 20 火险burning
9、risk 升空产品爆发的色火,在离燃放点规定距离之外,下落到离地面规定高度以下尚未熄灭的现象。3.21 3.22 3. 23 3.24 3.25 急炸burnout 升空产品在点燃引火线时,产品未飞离地面而发生爆炸的现象。flf炸lowexplosion 燃放时,主体或部件在j中筒blowout 燃放时,产生不应有的将产品冲不可修复的致命缺陆(对降低烟花爆竹性能(进或修复。用al表示。3.26 可修复的致命缺陷(a2,且难以通过工艺进行改对降低烟花爆竹性能(含安全)可能产生严重影响或造成严重故障的缺陷,但可以通过工艺进行改进修复。用a2表示。3. 27 3. 28 3.29 3. 30 3.3
10、1 严重缺陆(b)major defect 对降低烟花爆竹性能(含轻缺陷(c)minor 对降低烟花爆竹性能大型烟花display fi 烟花单个药量大于玩具烟花爆竹共同检验项目mutual 。用b表示。用c表示。烟花爆竹一般都具有的且检验内容基本相同的检验项目,包括内、外包装、外观及规格尺寸、底座、底塞、部件安装、牢固性、引火线检验。4 产晶分类和分级4. 1 分类4. 1. 1 按烟花爆竹主要的运动形式和燃放效果对产品进行分类,见表1。3 SN/T 0306. 1-2006 表1烟花爆竹分类原则表产品类别描述运动形式燃放效果备注喷花类简体内装有喷射烟火简体无运动,烟火从喷喷射火苗、火星、火
13、火药剂。喷出。爆竹类在卷紧的纸筒内装入筒体本身破碎或者产生爆炸音、问光等,有单个和结编两烟火药剂。爆裂。以听觉效果为主。种形式。4 SN/T 0306. 1-2006 表1(续)产品类别描述运动形式燃放效果备注内装爆炸药,效果药或弹体从发射筒中发射爆发出各种花型图案礼花弹类零部件的弹体,以球形与到空中或水面。或其他效果。圆柱形两种为主。以上各类烟花中的两组合类种或两种以上效果组合产生上述的多种效果。成一个整体。4. 1. 2 爆竹类产品的分类按表2确定。表2爆竹类产晶分类表单位为克含药量分类氯酸盐炮高氯酸盐炮硝酸盐炮小炮含药量0.18g 含药量0.18g 含药量0.40g 4.2 分级按单个产
14、品含药量分级,分为玩具烟花爆竹和大型烟花,分级参数见表3。表3烟花爆竹分级参数表产品类别玩具烟花爆竹大型烟花喷花类500 g 吐珠类三三4g/发4 g/发礼花弹类主三50g 50 g 火箭类发射药量主主20g 发射药量20g 地面礼花类主三30g/发30 g/发旋转类20 g/单筒注1:爆竹类、线香类、摩擦炮类、烟雾类、旋转升空类、造型玩具类为玩具烟花爆竹。注2:组合类以所包含类别的级别确定。5 检验5.1 一般要求烟花爆竹的检验类型包括产品的交收检验、型式试验和安全性检验。交收检验应在型式试验合格的前提下进行。5.2 交收检验5.2.1 批的组成提交的检验批应由相同的产品结构、技术要求、工艺
15、条件和大致相同的时间内生产的一定数量产品所组成。5 SN/T 0306. 1-2006 5. 2. 2 检验项目检验项目类别分为共同检验项目和燃放检验。5.2.3 抽样方案5.2.3.1 玩具烟花爆竹抽样方案玩具烟花爆竹抽样采用一次抽样方案,按表4、表5执行。表4玩具烟花爆竹检验水平确定表检验项目类别共同检验项目2. 5 燃放检验5. 2. 3.2 大型烟花爆竹抽样方大型烟花抽样方案按表6、表7执行。6 检验项目类别共同检验项目燃放检验表6大型烟花检验水平确定表一次抽样一次抽样检验水平5-3级,-次抽样5-4级,二次抽样轻缺陷c6. 5 2. 5 4. 0 4.0 SN/ T 0306. 1-
16、2006 表7大型烟花接受质量限CAQL)检索表检验项目类别共同检验项目燃放检验5. 3 安全性检验5.3. 1 抽样根据产品特性和测试5. 3.2 检验项目检验项目见表8。组别第1组试验第2组试验第3组试验第4组试验第5组试验5.4 型式试验5.4. 1 检验周期检验项目名称外包装内包装b 2. 5 1. 5 接受质量限CAQL)c 6. 5 6. 5 4.0 2.5 检验目的烟火药剂或制品是否符合出口烟和含药量要求。剂是否对热不稳定,在受试险以及使用是否安全。包装后的烟火药剂制品对验后,判定该批烟火药剂或标准要求。品是否满足出口摩擦炮类产品要求。型式试验包括交收检验、安全性检验适用项目以及
17、其他特定的安全、质量检验项目,周期为一年。遇有下列情况之一时必须进行型式试验:a) 新产品投产前;7 SN/T 0306.1一2006b) 烟火原材料、药物配方发生改变的;c) 仲裁、索赔案中,双方提出需作型式试验鉴定时pd) 生产企业停止生产6个月以上,再恢复生产时pe) 生产、贮存、运输、使用过程中发生重大事故的pf) 其他有必要时。5.4.2 抽样根据产品特性和测试要求抽取固定样本量的检验样品。5.4.3 检验项目按产品类别确定本部分5.2.2、5.3.2规定的项目,以及火焰感度、静电感度、震动试验、高植高湿、冲击试验、低温试验和运输危险性分级。5.4.4 检验环境应光线充足或照明良好,
18、无火惊、无直射光或电磁场干扰,检验场地符合安全条例及GJB50089的规定。6 结果评定结果评定应根据本部分规定的产品分类和分级原则、检验类型及本标准各部分结果评定准则进行。8 SN/T 0306. 1一2006Preface SN/T 0306 Rules of the inspection for export fireworks and firecracker consists of following five parts: Part 1 : Genenal ; 一一一Part2: Batch test for consumer fi reworks and fi recracker;
19、 一-Part3: Batch test for displafireworks; 一一-Part4: Test for Safety performance; 一一-Part5: Type test. This section is Part 1 of SN/T 0306. SN/T 0306 Rules of the inspection for export fireworks and firecracker substituting SN 0306-1993 Rules of Inspection for Export Fireworks& Firecracker and SN 054
20、5-1996 Rules of safety inspection for pyrotechnic reagent of export fireworks and firecracker. The differecnces between this part and SN 0306-1993,SN 0545-1996 are as follows: 一一-Added4 Product type and category; Incorporated 5. 1 Test group ,5.2 Sampling size ,testing item and testing environment o
21、f 6 Testing勺nSN 0306-1993 into 5 Testingof this part , and thoroughlrevised; removed 6.8.2 Regular test for plug (tube) of a candle resistance to press; Added5. 2. 3. 2 Sampling plan for displafireworks and firecrackerand5. 4 Type test; 一一一IncorporatedTable1 Acceptance testing itemin SN 0545-1996 in
22、to 5 Testingof this part and thoroughly revised; Reserved 25 terms of Nomenclature,definition and symbol in SN 0306一1993(4. 1. 1 to 4. 1. 25 in SN 0306-1993; 3. 2 to 3. 25 and 3. 30 in this part) , and made revisions on certain terms; Re moved 2 terms (4.1.26 and 4. 1.27 in SN 0306-1993) and at the
23、same time added 6 terms (3.1 ,3.26 to 3.29 and 3.31 in this part). The explanation and revision of this standard was supervised by CNCA. This part is drawn up by Hunan Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. Draftsman of this part: Li u Jinbiao,Tan Aixi , Luo Wu , Fan Xiaolin and Deng Nianxiang
24、. This part is the replacement of former editions of SN 0306-1993、SN0545-1996. Note: This English version , a translation from the Chinese text , is solely for guidance. 9 SN/T 0306. 1-2006 Rules for the inspection for export fireworks and fi recracker-Part 1 : General 1 Scope This part specifies th
25、e well as assessment of 2 Normative Reference These following normative subsequent amendments apply to this part , new edition of the catego时,mspectlonas these publications do not to study whether the , the latest edition of GB/ T 2828. 1- 2003 Sampling procedures for inspection by counting-Part 1 :
26、Sampling schemes in dexed by acceptance quality limit CAQL) for lot-by-GB 10631 - 2004 Firewor GJ B 50089 Satety 3 Nomenclature,d GB/ T 2828.1-2003 , G applicable to this part. 3. 1 fuse 咽The cord-like object which runs throughout the fireworks 3.2 balls ives for Public Use. lature and definition ar
27、e A grain mainly composed of protechnic composition which , upon functioning , will produce pyrotech nic effect. 10 SN/T 0306. 1-2006 3.3 whole span Exact overall length of fi reworks or fi recracker , it includes the length of the handle , base , stick as well as other attachment , but excludes the
28、 length of the fuse , fuse protecting paper and the overlapping of tube label. 3.4 base ( socket) Attachment designed for 3. 5 end closure composition occurs burning , emiting an 3.6 ancillary component Attachment excepting so on. 3. 7 stabilization pole while lit. cement , sawdust) which is de m of
29、 the device while protechnic inning wing , handles , and Bamboo ,wooden or plastic stick which is designed to stabilize the flight direction in the air. 3.8 empennage Wing which is fixed to 3. 9 spmnmg wmg Wing of a spinning and direction. 3. 10 handle Attachment of a device whi 3. 11 fuse protectin
30、g paper Paper sticking on the tube to protect the fuse. 3. 12 gntlon tme and stablize the spinning r during functioning. 11 SN/T 0306. 1-2006 Intervals of the time which is from ignition of the tip of the fuse to the start of function of the main body. 3.13 function test Test for fireworks or firecr
31、ackers burning ,spinning ,flight , rising ,report or smoking and etc. 3. 14 burning Fierce chemistry and physics change of the ignited pyrotechnic composition , with burning outcome flowing or/and creating flames ,sparks or fire and etc. 3. 15 rapid burning Burning which occurs quicklier than design
32、ed. 3.16 deflagration Fierce burning which is approaching explosion. 3. 17 explosion and report The phenomenon of the pyrotechnic composition speeding up reaction continuously and sudden re leasing of a large number of energy. And the bursting sound in the explosion is called report. 3.18 smoking Sm
33、oke is the principal effect when burning. 3. 19 burning matter Coforfuf flames ,sparks ,burning stars or burning debris ,etc. 3.20 burning risk Colorful fire of a aerial product is still burning when it flight more than the decided distance horizon tally away from functioning point and less than the
34、 decided height. 3.21 burnout Aerial product explodes before taking off whife being ignited. 12 SN(T 0306. 1-2006 3.22 low explosion The main body or component of the device explodes within decided height from the ground while functioning. 3.23 break off Burning of main body abnormally extinguished
35、while functioning or a meaning of having pyrotechnic composition without being ignited after funtioning. 3.24 blowout While functioning , develops an undesired reaction which blows tube off the functioning point or blows out the base. 3.25 unrepairable criti臼Idefect Defect may have more severe influ
36、ences on or cause more severe malfunction to decrease the per formance (including safety) of the fireworks and firecracker.and is impossible to be improved or re paired by using techniques , in a1. 3.26 repairable critical defect Defect may have more severe influences on or cause more severe malfunc
37、tion to decrease the per formance (including safety) of the fireworks and firecracker, and can be improved or repaired by using techniques , in a2. 3.27 major defect Defect mahave severe influences on or cause severe malfunction to decrease the performance (in cluding safety) of the fireworks and fi
38、recracker, in b. 3.28 minor defect Defect mahave certain influences on or cause certain malfunction to decrease the performance (in cluding safety) of the fireworks and firecracker, in c. 3.29 display fireworks Product with individual powder weight exceeding stipulated value and applicable to displa
39、y for pro fessional. 13 SN/T 0306. 1-2006 3.30 consumer fireworks and firecracker Product with individual powder weight less than stipulated value and applicable for consumers. 3.31 mutual inspection outer package ,appear-ance, specification, base, 4 Product tpe and 4.1 Tpe 4. 1. 1 This standard cat
40、egorizes the fi r according to its main actions and per-formance effects, see Table 1. Type Fountain Spinner Spinning Aerial Rocket Candle 14 Description Tube contains fl position. Tube contains nlCmposltlon. Tubentalns S阳rk-pr创ucingnlClIT1posltlon, without d创With propellant equipped with Each tube
41、containing alt enate propellant charge and pyrotechnic unit. and banger such pyro Ejection of pyrotechic I technic unit in rule and effects with rhythm. I intervals from a tube , with visual andj or aural effect Remark Handheld and non handheld fountain. Witht axis spinner, With string spinner, 阳ndh
42、eldspinner and nail-fixed spinner. Table 1 ( continued) Type Description Actions Cake Each tube containing in- I Ejection of indivial aerial dividual propellant charge I effect unit from each S阳rklerFrictional Fireworks Novelty and pyrotechnic unit. I tube. stick or paper泪tedwith pyrot制miccompositi1
43、, forming into wirelike stick. With sensitive pyrotech-composltlon. Case without shape. Smoke I smoke-producing technic Cracker I taining position. effect charge or Shell Impone肌mainlySl咱S阱ericalor cyl shel l. Assemblymprisi咱twoor阿lOrety阳sof above mentioned fireworks. Performance effects Eruption of
44、 enjoyment effect in the ai r, such as crackling , banger , flute or floating animals etc. Producing above men tioned multiform effects. SN/T 0306. 1-2006 Remark :ni:lration在虫E胃.15 SN/T 0306.1一20064. 1. 2 The category of cracker is defined as Table 2. Table 2 Category list of cracker expressed in gr
45、am Powder weight Category chlorate bangs perclorate bangs Nitrate bangs Large Powder weight:S;:O. 05 9 powder weight:S;:O. 05 9 powder weight:S;: O. 10 9 bangers Middle bangers 0.05 gO. 18 9 powder weightO. 18 9 powder weightO. 40 9 4. 2 category Product is classified into consumer fireworks and fir
46、ecracker and display fireworks according to the individual powder weight.丁hecategory parameter defined in Table 3. Table 3 Category parameter list of fireworks and firecracker Type Consumer Fireworks & Firecracker Display Fireworks Fountain 三三5009 500 9 Candle 主三4g/shot 4 g/shot Shell 三三509 50 9 Roc
47、ket Propellant charge:S;:20 9 Propellant charge20 9 Cake 主二30g/shot 30 g/shot Spinner 三三20g/individual tube 20 g/individual tube Note1: Cracker , sparkler , frictional firewor恼,smoke,spinning aerial and novelty belong to consumer fireworks and firecracker. Note 2: The grade of combination is determi
48、ned according to its grade of comprising type. 5 Testing 5.1 Common r明uirementsThe testing for fireworks and firecracker includes batch test, Type test and safety performance test. Batch test only should be done after getting positive results of type test. 5. 2 Batch test 5.2.1 Test group The test g
49、roup is composed of certain quantity of products with same construction , technique 16 SN/T 0306. 1-2006 requirement , technology conditions and within almost same production period. 5. 2. 2 Test item Test item divides into mutual inspection and display inspection. 5. 2. 3 Sampling plan Sampling plan for consumer fireworks and firecracker Consumer fireworks and firecracker ap