SN T 0865-2000 进出口食品中肉毒梭菌及其肉毒素的检验方法.pdf

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1、ls 中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫行业标准SN /T 0865-2000 进出口食品中肉毒梭菌及其肉毒毒素的检验方法Method for the determination of Clostridium botulinum and botulinum toxin in foods for import and export 2000- 06-22发布2000 -11 -01实施中华人民共和国国家出入境检验检疫局发布SN /T 0865-2000 前本标准是根据GB/T1. 1-1993标准化工作导则第1单元:标准的起草与表述规则第1部分:标准编写的基本规定对原专业标准ZBX09 005-198

2、6出口食品肉毒梭菌及其毒素检验方法进行修订的。本标准从实施之日起,同时代替ZBX09 005-19860 本标准的附录A是标准的附录。本标准由中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局提出并归口。本标准起草单位:中华人民共和国湖南出入境检验检疫局。本标准主要起草人:朱金国、欧阳健、杨建功。范围中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫行业标准进出口食品中肉毒梭菌及其肉毒毒素的检验方法Method for the determination of Clostridium botulinum and botulinum toxin in foods for import and export 本标准规定了进出口食品中肉毒梭

3、菌及其肉毒毒素的检验方法。SN /T 08652000 代替ZBX09 005一1986本标准适合于各种进出口食品及其原料中的肉毒梭菌和肉毒毒素的检验,有专门规定的检验方法除外。2 引用标准下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。本标准出版时,所示版本均为有效。所有标准都会被修订,使用本标准的各方应探讨使用下列标准最新版本的可能性。GB 4789. 261994食品卫生微生物学检验罐头食品商业无菌的检验SN 0330 1994 出口食品中微生物学检验通则公职分析化学家协会CAOAC)官方分析方法(1995)食品中的肉毒梭菌及其毒素(微生物学方法)AOAC Official

4、 Methods of Analysis (1 995) 977. 26; Clostridium Botulin旧nand Its Toxins in Foods CMicrobiological Method) 3 定义本标准采用下列定义。3. 1 肉毒梭菌clostridium botulinum 种专性厌氧生长并产生芽胞的革兰氏阳性杆菌,属厌氧性梭状芽胞杆菌属,在适宜的培养基及特定的环境条件下产生肉毒毒素。3. 2 肉毒毒素botulinum toxin 由肉毒梭菌产生的多类型的高分子不耐热蛋白质,为一类对人类、高等哺乳动物和鱼类都具有很强毒性的神经麻痹毒素。4 样品准备和制备4. 1

5、 初步检查除未打开的罐装食品外,样品要冷藏直到检验。对未打开的罐装食品,有严重膨胀和有爆裂危险的必须冷藏。检验前应记录产品名称、生产厂名、样品来源、产品的生产批号和代号以及容器的情况。对容器进行清洁并作上供鉴别的标志。4.2 固体食品中华人民共和国国家出人境检验检疫局2000-06-22批准2000 -11 -01实施SN/T 0865-2000 用无菌操作方法将固体食品样品移入灭菌研钵中,加入等量的明胶磷酸盐缓冲液,并用灭菌研样研磨,以备接种。亦可用灭菌慑子取小块的食品直接放入增菌肉汤。4.3 液体食品用灭菌吸管直接将液体食品接种到培养基中。4.4 罐装食品剥去罐头上的标签,检查外部缺陷,并


7、的纱布,以防内容物外溅。不移动罐头,立即用无菌操作取出食品放入培养基中。4. 5 样品的夕阳见和气味检查检查是否有任何腐败现象,但不得品尝样品。记录检查结果。4. 6 保存样品接种样品后,以无菌操作取至少25g样品放入灭菌样品瓶,置于18C下冷冻保存,以备后用。5 检验方法5. 1 原理当肉毒毒素与相应的抗毒素棍合后,发生特异性结合,致使毒素的毒性全被抗毒素中和而失去毒力。以含有大于1个小臼鼠最小致死量(MLD)的肉毒毒素的食品或培养物的提取液,注射于小白鼠腹腔内,在出现肉毒中毒症状之后,于96h内死亡。相应的抗毒素能中和肉毒毒素并能保护小臼鼠免于出现症状,而其他抗毒素则不能。食品中存活的芽胞

8、能在庆氧的环境和适宜的培养条件下生长并产生毒素,得以检出和定型。5. 2 培养基和试剂除特殊规定外,所有化学试剂均为分析纯,水为蒸馆水。5.2.1 确酒(腆4%,海于70%乙醇中)。5.2.2 届肉培养基。5. 2. 3 含有膜蛋白酶的膜酷蛋白陈葡萄糖酵母浸膏肉汤(TPGYT)。5.2.4 厌氧卵黄琼脂。5. 2. 5 明胶磷酸盐缓冲液,pH6.2。5.2.6 无水乙醇。5.2.7 草兰氏染色液。5.2.8 结晶紫染色液。5.2.9 美蓝染色液。5.2.10 生理盐水。5.2. 11 多价肉毒毒素抗毒素(抗A、B、C、D、E、F),可由卫生部兰州生物制品研究所和美国亚特兰大疾病控制中心获得。5

9、.2.12 膜蛋白酶溶液。5.2.13 1 mol/L氢氧化铀溶液。5.2.14 1 mol/L盐酸。2 5. 3 设备和材料5. 3. 1 细菌学开罐器。5. 3. 2 研钵和研样。5. 3. 3 吸管:1.0,5.0,10.0和25.0mL。SN /T 0865-2000 5. 3. 4 培养试管(应有一些是带螺旋帽的)。5. 3. 5 厌氧培养装置。5.3.6 恒温培养箱,(26:!:1)C及(35:!:1)C。5. 3. 7 显微镜(相差或明视野)。5. 3. 8 平皿,皿底直径为90mm或100mm。5. 3. 9 高速冷冻离心机。5. 3. 10 用于接种小白鼠的注射器,1.0mL

10、或3.0mL,带有5号针头。5. 3. 11 小白鼠,体重约1520g(每一试验批应使用同一品系和同一性别的小白鼠)。5.4 检验步骤5.4.1 肉毒梭菌的检出5. 4. 1. 1 增菌培养接种前,先将增菌培养基煮沸10min15 min,以排除溶解于培养基中的氧,并迅速冷却,切勿摇动。每15mL增菌肉汤中接种12g固体食品或12mL液体食品,接种时将接种物慢慢接入肉汤液面之下,每份样品接种两管启肉培养基,置(35土1)c培养,再按同样方法接种两管TPGYT肉汤,置(26:!:1) c培养。 培养物的检查培养5天后,检查培养物的浊度、产气、肉粒的消化并注意产生的气味。用显微镜检查

11、经革兰氏、结晶紫或美蓝染色的培养物涂片,或取培养物以温片在高倍相差显微镜下,观察菌体形态,并注意是否有典型的梭状菌、是否形成芽胞和芽胞形成的程度以及芽胞在菌体内的部位。同时对每一培养物作毒素检测。通常培养5天后是肉毒梭菌的活跃生长期,毒素的改度最高,芽胞形成也达到高峰。为了分离纯培养物,应保留芽胞形成高峰期的增菌培养物并冷藏。如果培养5天的增菌液中没有细菌生长,应再培养10天以检出可能迟缓出芽的肉毒梭菌芽胞。5.4.2 分离纯培养物5.4.2.1 前处理取(l2)mL培养液或原样品置于灭菌螺旋帽试管中,加入等量过滤除菌的无水乙醇。?昆匀,在室温下放置1h 0也可取(l2)mL增菌培养物或原样品

12、加热(80C10 min15 min)以破坏其繁殖体。但对非蛋白分解型肉毒梭菌不能加热处理。 涂平板用接种环取12环经乙醇或加热处理的培养物或原样品在厌氧卵黄琼脂上划线接种,置厌氧条件下(35土1)C培养48h。为了得到要挑取的单个菌落,必要时可将培养物稀释,为防止菌落蔓延成片,将琼脂平板表面干燥。 典型肉毒梭茵茵落的挑选在每个平皿上挑取约10个单个的典型菌落。肉毒梭菌的菌落为隆起或扁平,光滑或粗糙。般来说,它们容易蔓延生长井有不规则边缘。在卵黄培养基上用斜射光检查时,菌落表面通常呈虹彩样。亦称为珠色层。彩带通常向外延伸,继而,菌落产生不规则外形。除了珠色层外,在C

13、、D和E型肉毒梭菌菌落周围通常有个宽度为2mm4mm的黄色沉淀晕。A和B型茵茵落的沉淀晕一般较窄。由于梭状芽胞杆菌属的一些其他细菌虽不产生毒素,但能形成与肉毒梭茵的形态特征相似的菌落,挑选产毒菌落比较困难。 菌落接种3 SN /T 0865-2000 用灭菌接种环将挑选的每个菌落分别接种TPGYT肉汤和启肉培养基各一管。按5.4. 1. 1、所述的方法,将已接种的试管进行培养并作检查,然后按5.4.3中所述程序测试肉毒毒素。 确证试验取5.4. 2. 4的培养物划线涂布于两个卵黄琼脂培养基,一个平板在(35:!:1)c作厌氧培养,另一个平板则作(35:

14、!:1)C需氧培养。如果仅在厌氧培养的平板上有典型的肉毒梭菌菌落生长,而在有氧培养的平板上没有菌落生长,则培养物可能是纯的。在挑选的菌落中如果分离不出肉毒梭菌,意味着在增菌培养基里的泪合菌相中,肉毒梭菌的数量相当少。再通过增菌,反复转种,肉毒梭菌的数量可能会增加到足以使该菌分离出来。纯培养物应以芽胞状态用无菌、干燥的石英海砂或玻璃珠吸附后冷藏、冷冻或冻干。5.4.3 肉毒毒素的测定5.4.3.1 样品制备含有悬浮物的液态样品应当冷冻离心,取其上清液作毒素测定。固体食品要加等体积pH6.2明胶磷酸盐缓冲液,用预冷的研钵和研样研磨,3000r/min , 10 min20 min冷冻离心研磨的样品

15、,用其上清液作毒素测定。5.4. 3. 2 膜酶处理测毒素前,用膜蛋白酶处理一部分食物上清液、液体食品或启肉培养物。用1mol/L氧氢化纳或1 mol/L盐酸调节pH到6.2。取每种待检上清液1.8mL加0.2mL 饱和膜酶水溶液,于37C下孵育1 h,间或轻轻摇动(饱和膜酶液制备:取1g 1 : 250膜酶放入到一个洁净的试管中,加10mL蒸馆水,不时摇动,直到尽可能多的膜酶被溶解为止)。对TPGYT培养物则不用膜蛋白酶处理,因为这种培养基己含有膜酶,进一步处理会降解培养物中已经充分活化的毒素。5.4. 3. 3 测定把一部分未处理的样品液或培养物分别用明胶磷酸盐缓冲液作1: 2、1: 10

16、和1: 100精释。把每份经膜酶处理的样品液或培养物也作同样的稀释。用1.0mL或3.0mL带有5号针头的注射器,取上述未稀释的液体和已稀释的不同浓度的液体各0.5mL分别给两只小白鼠作腹腔内注射。取1.5mL未经处理的样品上清液或培养物在100C加热10min。冷却后,取0.5mL这种液体注射两只小白鼠。这两只小白鼠不应死亡,因为即便注射液中有肉毒毒素,经过加热处理已被灭活。定时观察所有小白鼠96h,检查是否有肉毒中毒症状,记录症状和死亡情况。小白鼠肉毒中毒的典型症状通常在24h内出现,典型症状是:毛发竖立、呼吸困难、四肢瘫痪;继而呼吸呈风箱式、腰部凹陷,宛若蜂腰;最终死于呼吸麻痹。小白鼠如

17、没有肉毒中毒的临床症状而死亡,不能足以证明接种材料中含有肉毒毒素,有时,死亡是由于接种液中存在其他化学物质或由于外伤所致。如出现小白鼠瘁死,以致症状不明显,或经96h的观察后,如果除那些注射了热处理的材料外的所有小白鼠均死亡,那么就要用更高稀释度的上清液或培养物重复试验。5.4. 3. 4 确证试验采用小白鼠体内中和保护试验法进行可疑毒素样品确证实验。不论是样品液或培养物,凡能致小白鼠发病、死亡者,取样进行适当稀释(检样的稀释应参考所用多价肉毒抗毒素的效价)。如果是测定经膜酶处理的样品,则需制备新鲜的经膜酶处理的被试液,因膜酶的持续作用可能破坏毒素。在给小白鼠注射可疑毒素稀释液以前30min6

18、0 min,分别取多价肉毒抗毒素0.5mL给每只小白鼠作腹腔注射。将各稀释度的可疑毒素样品液给注射了多价肉毒抗毒素的小白鼠作腹腔注射,每只小白鼠注射0.5 mL,每个稀释度注射两只小白鼠。同时用每一稀释度的样品液注射两只未注射抗毒素的小白鼠作对照。4 SN/T 08652000 观察小白鼠96h,注意注射肉毒抗毒素小白鼠和对照小白鼠的中毒症状,并记录死亡情况。注:如需对肉毒毒素作进一步的分型测定,可参照其它相关的标准方法进行测定。5. 5 结果解释实验室检验旨在鉴定食品中的肉毒毒素和(或)菌体。对肉毒梭菌的检出和鉴定必须以产毒试验的结果为依据。只有用肉毒毒素抗毒素保护的小白鼠免于肉毒中毒死亡,

19、方能证实样品中有肉毒毒素存在。如果多价肉毒抗毒素不能保护小白鼠,小白鼠可能是死于别的原因。如果经热处理和未经热处理的被试液都能使小白鼠死亡,可能是被试液中存在其他耐热毒素物质。但要特别注意耐热毒素物质掩盖肉毒毒素存在的可能性。5 SN /T 0865-2000 附录A(标准的附录)培养基和试剂的配制A1 店肉培养基新鲜牛肉蛋白陈酵母浸膏500.0 g; 30.0 g; 5.0 g; 磷酸二氢铀(NaHzP04 HzO) 5.0 g; 葡萄糖3.0 g; 可溶性淀粉2.0 g; 蒸馆水1 000.0 mL。将新鲜除脂肪和筋膜的牛肉500g切碎,加入蒸馆水。加热至沸点,再以文火煮1h。充分冷却,经

20、纱布过滤,挤出余液。加入其他成分,用蒸馆水将液体体积补足至1000 mL。调节pH至7.4,经粗滤纸过滤。可将肉汤和碎肉渣分别贮藏于冰箱内备用。在15mmX150 mm试管中先加入碎肉渣至约3cm高,然后加入肉汤,超过肉渣表面约4cm,上面覆盖一层液体石蜡,厚度为o.3 cmO. 4 cm。在121c高压灭菌20min。A2 含有膜蛋白酶的膜蛋白陈葡萄糖酵母浸膏肉汤(TPGYT)A2.1 基础液膜酷陈(trypticase)蛋白脏酵母漫膏葡萄糖50.0 g; 5.0 g; 20.0 g; 4.0 g; 硫乙醇酸纳1. 0 g; 蒸f留水1 000.0 mL。将固体成分溶于1000 mL蒸馆水中

21、,再分装15mmX150 mm试管,每管15mL。上面覆盖一层液体石蜡,厚度为O.3 cmO. 4 cmo在121c下高压灭菌10min。最终pH为7.2:!:0. 1。放冰箱内保存,若两周内不用则弃掉。临用前,将基础液用蒸气或煮沸加热10min15 min,以排除游离氧,迅速冷却,以无菌操作每15mL肉汤加入1.0 mL膜酶液。A2.2 膜酶液膜酶(1:250)1. 5g; 蒸馆水100.0 mL。将膜酶溶解于蒸馆水中,用O.45m微孔滤膜滤器过滤除菌。A3 厌氧卵黄琼脂A3. 1 琼脂基础6 酵母浸膏膜陈际陈氧化铀5.0 g; 5.0 g; 20.0 g; 5.0 g; SN/T 0865

22、-2000 琼脂20.0 g; 蒸馆水1 000.0 mL。在121C下高压灭菌15min。最终pH为7.0土0.20A3. 2 卵黄乳状液用硬刷洗刷23个鸡蛋,沥干。将鸡蛋放在0.1%氧化柔溶液里浸泡1h,取出沥干,再用70%酒精浸泡30min。取出鸡蛋,以无菌操作打开,弃去蛋白。用注射器取出蛋黄,放入灭菌容器,加等量灭菌生理盐水,充分棍合,存于4C备用。A 3. 3 培养基制备每500mL琼脂基础液(48C500C)加80mL卵黄乳状液,充分混合,制成平板。在室温下放置2天,或35C下放置24h。剔除污染的平板,将无菌平板存于冰箱。A4 革兰氏染色液A4.1 Hucker氏草酸接结晶紫液a

23、)甲液:结晶紫(染料含量90%)2.0 g; 95%乙醇20.0 mL。b)乙液:草酸接0.8 g; 蒸t留水80.0 mL。将甲液、乙液说合。放置24h,经粗滤纸过滤。c)革兰氏腆液:确1.0g; 腆化饵2.0 g; 蒸f留水300.0 mL。将腆化饵置研钵中,加入碟,用研样研磨5s10s;加1mL蒸馆水研磨;加5mL蒸馆水研磨,然后加10mL蒸馆水再研磨。将此溶液装入试剂瓶。用蒸馆水淋洗研钵和研样,并收集洗液,使溶液的总体积成为300mL。A4.2 Hucker民对比染色液(母液)沙黄2.5 g; 95%乙醇100.0 mL。将10mL母液加于90mL蒸馆水中即成。A5结晶紫染色;在A5.

24、1 结晶紫稀乙醇液结晶紫(染料含量90%)2.0g; 95%乙醇20.0 mL; 蒸馆水80.0 mLo A5.2 草酸接结晶紫(Hucker氏)液(见A4.1)以上两者都被认为是稳定的作形态学检查的染色液。A6美蓝染色液(Loeffler氏)a)甲液:美蓝(染料含量90%)0.3 g; 7 SN /T 0865-2000 95%乙醇b)乙液:稀释的氢氧化饵(0.01%)将甲液、乙液混合即成。A7 消毒剂A7. 1 腆町腆化饵确70%乙醇A7. 2 次氯酸纳溶液次氨酸铀蒸馆水A8 明胶磷酸盐缓冲液明胶30.0 mLo 100.0 mL; 10.0 g; 10.0 g; 500.0 mL。5.

25、0 g5. 25 g; 100.0 mL。2.0 g; 磷酸氢二铀(Na2HP04)4.0 g; 蒸馆水1 000.0 mL。将明胶和磷酸盐加于蒸馆水中,稍加热使溶解。121C高压灭菌20min。最终pH为6.2。A9 生理盐水氧化铀8.5 g; 蒸馆水1 000.0 mL。将氧化制溶解于蒸榴水中。在121C高压灭菌15min,冷却至室温。A 10 1 mol/L氢氧化制溶液氢氧化纳40.0 g; 溶解于蒸馆水,并加至1000 mL。用于调节培养基的pH。A 11 1 mol/L盐酸盐酸(浓)加蒸馆水至1000 mL。8 89.0 mL; SN/T 0865-2000 PREFACE This

26、 standard is a revision of ZB X09 005-1986 乱t1ethodof the determination of Clostridium bo tulinum and botulinum toxin in food for export in accordance with GB/T 1. 1-1993 Directives for the Work of Standardization-Unit 1 : Drafting and Presentation of Standards-Part 1 : General Rules fo ;r Drafting

27、Standards. This standard is intended to replace ZB X09 005-1986,starting from the date it is put into effect. Annex A of this standard is an Appendix to the standard. This standard was proposed and filed by the State Administration of Entry-Exit Inspection and Quar-. antine of the People s Republic

28、of China. This standard is drafted by Hunan Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the People s Re public of China. Main draftsmen of this standard:Zhu inguo ,Ou Yang jian ,Yang iangong. 9 Professional Standard of Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of the People s Republic of China Method

29、for the determination of Clostridium botulinum and botulinum toxin in foods for import and export 1 Scope SN /T 0865-2000 In replacement of ZB X09 005-1986 This standard lays down the method of detecting Clostridium botulinum and botulinum toxin in foods for export. This standard applies to the insp

30、ection of Clostridium botulinum and botulinum toxin in all kinds of food for export and the material for making them ,except those of which there is specified method for the inspection. 2 Standards Incorporated Clauses in standards below-mentioned, having been incorporated in this standard , become

31、its compo nent parts. Editions of the cited standards will still be effective when this standard is published. As all standards are subjected to revisions , all parties concerned should study the possibilities of using the latest editions of the following standards: GB 4879.26-1994 Microbiological e

32、xamination of food hygiene-Examination of commercial steril ization of canned food SN 0330-1994 General guidance for microbiological examination of export foods AOAC official methods of analysis (1995) 977. 26: Clostridium Botulinum and Its Toxins in Foods CMicrobiological Method) 3 Definition This

33、standard adopts the following definitions: 3. 1 Clostridium botulinum A kind of strictly anaerobic spore-generating Gram-positive bacillus which produces botulinum toxin in suitable culture media under certain circumstances. lt falls into the family of anaerobic clostridial bacilli. 3. 2 Botulinum T

34、oxin Polytypic hypermolicular heat-labile protein produced by Clostridium botulinum. A kind of nerve par alyzing toxin , highly poisonous to human beings , advanced mammals and fish. 4 Preparation of sample 4. 1 Preliminary Examination Approved by the State Administratio.n of En try-Exit Inspection

35、and Quarantine of the Peo ple s Republic of China , 06-22 200010 Implemented on11-01-2000 SN/T 0865-2000 Except for unopened canned foods ,samples must be kept refrigerated until being examined. Unopened canned foods , unless badly swollen or in danger of bursting , need not be refrigerated. Before

36、inspec tion , notes such as the product description , the name of the manufacturer , the source of the sample , the kind , size and condition of the container , the label, batch number , bale number or product code should b巳made.Containers should b巳rinsedand marks for identification mad巳.4. 2 Solid

37、foods Aseptically transfer a portion of the sample solid food to a sterile mortar , add equal amount of gel phosphate buffer and grind with a sterile pestle for inoculation. Adding small pieces of sample with sterile forceps directly into an enrichment broth is also acceptable. 4. 3 Liquid foods Ino

38、culate the food with sterile pipets directly into culture media. 4. 4 Canned foods Remove label on the can ,check for external faults and take necessary notes. Rinse the can with soap powder (or scouring disinfectant) and water. Put the clean and dried can on operation platform , which should be sco

39、ured with disinfectant solution (a NaCIO solution with a valid chlorine concentration of 100 mg/L) , number the can in the mean time. Iodine solution or other effective disinfectants are applied to the non-coded end of the can for disinfec tion. After several minutes remove the disinfectants. Then p

40、ut this end of the can on flame till com plete evaporation of the surface moisture. If the can has swelled and deformed , cool properly before opening the can. Turn the vertical side seam away from the operator. To avoid bursting ,special care must be taken when flaming the can. Disinfect the handle

41、 and blade of the specialized can-opener with cotton wool steeped in 70 % alcohol and flame the metallic part thoroughly. Make a hole of appropri ate size in the disinfected and heated part of the can with the opener (make sure not to wound the rolled rim of the cover). When opening a swollen can ,c

42、over the opening with sterile gauze to prevent spilling. Aseptically and immediately inoculate food from the can into the culture medium without moving the can. 4.5 Visual examination Examine the appearance ,odor for any evidence of decomposition. DO NOT TASTE PRODUCT under any circumstances. Make n

43、ecessary notes. 4. 6 Reserve sample After inoculation , aseptically remove at least 25 g of the sample to the sterile sample jar , preserve it below minus 18 C for further test , which may be needed later. 5 Detection Method 5. 1 Principle Botulinum toxin mixed with homologous antitoxin incurs idiot

44、ypic combinations , which result in full neutralization of the toxicity by the antitoxin. Mice injected intraperitoneally CIP) with food or extract containing 1 min. lethal dose (MLD) of botulinum toxin die 96 hr after exhibiting sequence of symp toms characteristic of botulinum intoxication. Homolo

45、gous antitoxin will neutralize the botulinum tox in and protect mic巳fromsymptoms while other antitoxins will not. Viable spores in food will grow anaerobically and in suitable cultural circumstances and produce toxin , which is detected and typed. 5. 2 Media and reagents 11 SN /T 0865-2000 Unless sp

46、ecified,all chemical reagents are of analytical pure ,and water is distilled. 5.2.1 Iodine (4% iodine dissolved in 70% alcohol). 5. 2. 2 Cooked meat broth. 5. 2. 3 TrypticaJ哩-peptone-glucose-yeastextract broth with trypsin(TPGYT). 5.2.4 Anaerobic egg yolk agar. 5.2.5 Gel-phosphate buffer , pH6. 2. 5

47、.2.6 Absolute alcohol. 5.2.7 Gram stain. 5.2.8 Crystal violet. 5. 2. 9 methylene blue. 5.2.10 physiological saline. 5.2.11 Polyvalent Clostridium botulinum antitoxin preparations (types A through F) , available in Lanzhou Biological Product Research Center of the State Department of Health or in the

48、 Atlanta Dis ease Control Center , USA. 5. 2. 12 Trypsin solution. 5.2.13 1 mol/L NaOH solution. 5. 2. 14 1 mol/L HCl. 5.3 Apparatus and Materials. 5. 3. 1 bacteriological can opener. 5. 3. 2 mortar and pestle. 5.3.3 pipets in 1. 0 mL ,5. 0 mL ,10. 0 mL and 25.0 mL. 5. 3. 4 culture t巳sttubes (some s

49、hould be with screw caps). 5. 3. 5 anaerobic jars. 5. 3. 6 incubators-(26土l).Cand (35土l)OC.5. 3. 7 microscopes (power phase contrast or bright field illumination). 5. 3. 8 Petri dishes of 90 mm or 100 mm in diameter. 12 SN/T 0865-2000 5.3. 9 high-speed ,refrigerated centrifuge. 5. 3. 10 syringes of 1. 0 mL or 3. 0 mL , with 5 gage needles , for inoculating mice. 5. 3. 11 white mice of 15 g20 g in weight. (Mice of the same breed and sex


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