GB T 11197-2003 海上船舶无线电通话标准用语.pdf

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1、ICS 47.020. 70 u 66 写主啃=If: J,、王Il王GB/T 11197-2003 代替GB/T11197 1989 Standard for marine radio communication vocabulary CIMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases, MOD) 2003-03-12发布中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检痊总局2003-09-01实施发布GB 11197-2003 目次前言. I IMO 前言.,.,.,. IT 1 范围.,. 1 2 规范性引用文件., 1 3 总则.,., 4 术语和定义. 8 5 IM

2、O标准航海通信用i吾:A部分.,. 29 5. 1 对外通信用语29 5. 2 船舶内部通信用i吾,84 6 IMO标准航海通信用语3部分. 98 6. 1 船舶操纵98 6. 2 船上安全. 109 6. 3 货物和货物装卸,国,151 6. 4 照料旅客.,. 171 附录A(规范性附录)标准GMDSS信文181 一一一一GB/T 11197-2003 前-R 本标准修改采用国际海事组织(IM0)2001年11月29日通过的A.918(22)号大会决议。MO标准航海通信用语。根据GB/T1. 1-2000的编写要求,增加了第1章范围和第2章规范性引用文件。本标准自第3章起全部中英文对照。本

3、标准代替GB/T11197 1989海上船舶无线电通话标准用i吾儿本标准与原标准相比,增加了许多航海新技术的内容。本标准的附录A是规范性附录。本标准由中华人民共和国交通部提出本标准由交通部通信导航标准化技术委员会归口。本标准起草单位g交通部上海船舶运输科学研究所、交通部科学研究院。本标准主要起草人z邱民、林青、葛龙根、金胜利本标准于1989年首次发布。I GB/T 11197-2003 IMO前言因为船岸、岸一船、船一船,以及船舶内部的航海安全通信必须准确、简洁和明了,避免模糊和错误,所以就需要使所使用的语言标准化。这对于不断增加的国际航行船舶的船员来说,是非常重要的,由于他们使用各种不同的语

4、言所带来的通信问题会引起误解,从而导致船舶、船上人员以及环境造成危害。1973年,在海上安全委员会第27次会议上,讨论研究了语言困难的问题,决定将英语作为航海的共同语言。因此,编制了标准航海英语(StandardMarine Navigational Vocabulary, SMNV),并于1977年批准采用,于1985年进行了修订。1992年,在海上安全委员会第60次会议上,考虑到现代航海的发展并应涵盖所有主要的与安全有关的口语通信,指示航行安全小组委员会编制更广泛的标准化的安全语言以取代1985年修订后的标准航海英语儿1997年,在海上安全委员会第68次会议上,批准了航行安全小组委员会编制

5、的标准航海通信用语(StandardMarine Communication Phrases,SMCP)草案。随后,该草案经过国际间的试用后,在航行安全小组委员会的第46次会议上进行修订,并参照收到的评议由海上安全委员会第74次会议进行了最后考虑。标准航海通信用语已于2001年11月被第22届IMO大会批准,并作为A.918(22)号大会决议根据1978年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约1995年修订本CSTCW78/9日,对500总吨或以上船舶负责航行值班的驾驶员发证时,要求其具有理解和使用标准航海通信用语的能力。Il GB/T 11197-2003 海上船舶无线电通话标准用语1 范围本标准

6、规定了海上船舶通话联络所使用的通话程序、船舶对外和对内用语本标准适用于海上航行、停泊和作业的一切船舶、设施以及有关的港口和搜救部门等。2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。IMO海上用语参考手册ITU无线电规则IMO搜救手册1993年IMO 国际航空及海上搜救手册1998年IMO IMDG CODE 国际海上危险货物运输规则1994年IMO STCW海员培训、发证和

7、值班标准国际公约1978年IMO SOLAS 国际海上人命安全公约1974年IMO COLREG 国际海上避碰规则3 总则GENERAL 3. 1 程序Procedure 当有必要指明打算使用IMO标准航海通信用语时,应发出以下信文tWhen 1t ts necessary to indicate that the IMO SMCP are to be used.the following message may be sent: “请使用IMO标准航海通信用语f“ Please use IMO Standard Marine Cnmmunicat1on Phrases ” “我将使用IMO标

8、准航海通信用语。”“I will use IMO Standard Marine Communicat1on Phrases. ” 3. 2 拼法Spelling 3. 2. 1 字母拼法Spelling of letters 当使用对外通信拼法时,只能使用下述拼读表见表1、表2。When spelling ts necessary,only the following spelling table should be used: 1 GB/T 11197-2003 表1字母识别码字母识别码Letter Code Letter Code A Alfa N Nov ember B Bravo 。

9、o,car c Charlie p Papa D Delta Q Que bee E Echo R Rom四F Foxtrot s Si erra G Golf T Tango H Hot el u Uniform I India v Victor J Juli et w Whisky K Kilo x X-ray L Lima y Yankee M Mike z Zulu 数字拼法Spelling of digits and numbers 3. 2. 2 少量数字的发音与一般英语相比略有变化2A few digits and numbers have a modified pronunci

10、ation compared to general English: 表2数字拼法发音Number Spelling Pronunciation 。zero ZEERO 1 one WUN 2 two TOO 3 three TREE 4 f。urFOWER 5 five FIFE 6 SIX SIX 7 seven SEVEN F才卡8 eight AIT 9 nine NINER lOOJ thousand TOUSAND 3.3 信文标iRMessage markers 在岸一船和船一岸通信中或一般的无线电通信中,可使用下述八个信文标识(可参见5.1. 6“交通管理系统(VTS)标准用语

11、”中的“信文标识应用”。In shore-to-ship and ship to shore communication or radio communicat1on in general, the follow ing eight Message Markers may be used (also see “ Application of Message Markers”. given in PART 2 GB/T 11197-2003 5. 1. 6 “ Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Standard Phrases”). a) 指示Instruction 建议

12、Advice b) 警告Warning c) 信息Information d) 询问Question e) 回答Answer f) 请求Request g) 意图Intention ) h 回答Responses 3. 4 对问题的回答是肯定的,应说“是的”,然后是适当的完整用语When the answer to a question is in the affirmative, say: “ Yes, .”一followedby the appropriate phrase in full. 3. 4. 1 对问题的回答是否定的,应说“不”,然后是适当的完整用语。When the answ

13、er to a question is in the negative, say: “ No, .”一followedby the appropriate phrase in full. 3.4.2 对需求的信息不能立即提供,可说:“请稍等飞随后不久进行发送。When the information requested is not immediately available,say, “ Stand by”一followedby the time interval within which the information will be available. 3.4.3 不能得到需求的信息,

14、可说产没有信息”。When the information requested cannot be obtained, say: 3.4.4 “ No 1nformat1on”. 当由交管站、海军船舶或其他权威人士给出指示(INSTRUCTION)或建议(ADVICE)时,给予肯定的回答,则说2“我将能”,随后是完整的指示或建议。是否定的回答,则说z“我将不不能”,随后是完整的指示或建议。When an INSTRUCTION (e.g. by a VTS Station, naval vessel or other fully authorized per-sonnel) or an ADV

15、ICE ts given, respond if in the affirmative: “ I will/ can .” followed by the instruction or advice In full;and,1f in the negative, respond: “I will not/ cannot .”一followedby the instruction or advice in full. 3.4.5 例如2“建议。不得超越你北面的船。”Example:“ADVICE. Do not overtake the vessel North of you. 3 回答g“我不

16、会超越我北面的船。”Respond:“I will not overtake the vessel to the North of me. GB/T 11197一20033.4.6 3. 5 3. 5. 1 3.5.2 3.5. 3 3. 6 3. 6. 1 在对外通信和船舶内部通信中,应答命令和回答特别重要的问题时,应使用标准用语中的语句Responses to orders and answers to questions of special importance both in external and on board communication are given in wordi

17、ng in the phrases concerned. 遇险紧急安全信文Distress, urgency and safety signals MAYDAY用于发布遇险信文。MAYDAY to be used to announce a distress message. PAN PAN用于发布紧急信文。PAN-PAN to be used to announce an urgency message. SECURITE用于发布安全信文。SECURITE to be used to announce a safety message 标准组织用语Standard organizationa

18、l phrases “你收听(我)的声音怎样?”“ How do you read( me川”3.6.1. 1 “我收听你的声音。”“ I read you . 3.6.2 3. 6. 2. 1 3.6.3 4 很差1bad/one 信号强度为1(即极弱)with signal strength one 12 信号强度为2(即很弱)poor/two with signal strength two 信号强度为3(即还好)还好3fair/three with signal strength three 信号强度为4(即较好)较好4good/four with signal str

19、ength four 很好5信号强度为5(即很好)excellent/five with signal strength five Ci. e. barely perceptible) Ci e weak) (i.e. fairly good) (i. e good) (i.e. very good) 当建议保持在某个VHF频道频率上时,说2“请在VHF.频道频率上守听”。When it is advisable to remain on a VHFchannel/frequency, say, “ Stand by on VHF channel . /frequency .”. 当同意保t辛

20、在指定的VHF频道频率上接收时,说2“在VHF.频道频率守听”When it is accepted to remain on the VHF channel/ fr呵uencyindicated, say “ Standing by on VHF channel . /frequency .”. 当建议转到另一VHF频道频率时,说:“请转到VHF.频道频率”。“请试VHF.频道I.频率”When it is advisable to change to another VHF channel/frequency,say. “ Advise(you) change to VHF channel

21、 . /frequency .”. “ Advise(you) try VHF channel . /frequency .”. 当同意转到某VHF频道频率接收时,说2“转到VHF.频道频率”。When the changing of a VHF channel/frequency is accepted,say, “ Charging to VHF channel . /frequency .”. F GB/T 11197-2003 改正3. 7 Corrections 当信文出现错误时,说z“错误”,随后说z“改正.”加t信文正确部分When a mistake is made in a

22、message, say . mistake”一followedby the word: “ Correction .” plus the corrected part of the message. 例如2“我现在的速度为14节,错误。改正,我现在的速度为12节,十二节”Example z“ My present speed is 14 knots-mistake. Correction, my present speed is 12 ,one-two, knots. ” 准备3. 8 Readin四S划11!1111j“我准备还没准备好接收你的信文”。“ I am/I am not rea

23、dy to receive your message”. 重复3.9 Repetition 如果认为信文的某部分非常重要,为确保无误,可说产重复”随后是信文的相应部分。If any part of the message is considered sufficiently important to need safeguard1ng,say: “ Repeat .”一followedby the corresponding part of the message. 3. 9. 1 例如2“我的吃水为12.6,重复,十二点六米J“不得追越一重复一不得追越”Example z“My draft

24、is 12. 6 repeat one-two decimal 6 metres ” “ Do not overtake-repeat-do not overtake. 如果信息没有确切听到,说2“请再说一遍。”When a message is not properly heard, say. 3.9.2 “ Say again (please).” 数字3. 10 Numbers 数字逐位读出2应读作z“一五。”2. 5 应读作产二点五”Numbers are to be spoken in separate digits, “ One-five-zero” for 150 150 “Tw

25、o decimal five” or “ Two point five for 2. 5 当读舵角即舵令时,应按以下示fjlj 注:注意!读,15或20,等Note, Attention! When rudder angles,e. g in wheel orders,are given, say, “ Fifteen” for 15 or “ Twenty for 20 ,etc. 位置Positions 3. 11 一一一5 l,_ GB/T 11197-2003 在使用经、纬度时,应以皮、分(如果需要,可以用分的小数)来表示,并应标出北纬或南纬;东经或西经。When latitude a

26、nd longitude are used,these shall be expressed in degrees and minutes(and decimals of a minute if necessary), North or South of the Equator and East or West of Green 3. 11. 1 wich. 061 North 口1inutes34 degrees 15 例如产警告在北纬1534,因经61。29处有危险沉船。”Example z“ WARNING. Dangerous wreck in position degrees 29

27、minutes West. 当位置涉及某一标志时,该标志必须是海图上明确的物标a的360来表示。When the position is related to a mark, the mark shall be a well-defined charted object. The bearing shall be in the 360 degrees notation from true north and shall be that of the position FROM the mark. 方位应以由物标位置的真北算起3. 11. 2 例如z“你的位置在BigHead灯塔137,2. 4

28、海里处fExample z“ Your position bearing 137 degrees from Big Head lighthouse distance 2. 4 nautical miles. 方位Bearings 3. 12 s gb n 位盯方m3. 12. 1 除相对方位的情况外,物标或船的方位是用自北(指真:It,除非另有说明)算起的按顺时针。至360。来表示。方位要么是从物标起算,要么是从船起算。The bearing of the mark or vessel concerned is the bearing in the 360 degree notation fr

29、om north (true north unless other、llisestated), except in tbe case of relative bearings may be either FROM the mark or FROM the vessel. Bearings 例如:“引航船在你船的21s方位上。”Example :“Pilot boat is bearing 215 degrees from you. ” 注船舶报告船位时,总是采用如本章3.11. 2所述的从物标到船舶的方位。Note, Vessels reportiog their position shoul

30、d always quote their bearing FROM the mark, as described tn paragraph 3. 11. 2 of this section. 相对方位Relative bearings 3. 12. 2 相对方位可以用相对于船首的度数表示。度数。Relative bearings can be expressed in degrees relative to the vessels head. More frequently this is tn relation to the port or sterboard bow. 比较常用的是从船首方

31、向起算向左舷或右舷的例如s“浮筒在你船左舷前方30”。(无线电测向的方位常用从船首方向起算按顺时针。至360。表示。)Example g“ Buoy 030 degrees on your port bow”. (Relative D/F bearings are more commonly expressed in the 360 degree notation.) 航向Coors回3. 13 要说明是驶往物航向总是采用由北(指真北,除非另有说明)算起的按顺时针。至360。来表示。、6 .牛一GB/T 11197-2003 otherwise unless north north (true

32、 notation from 标的航肉,还是驶离物标的航向Always to be expressed 1n 360 stated). Whether this is to TO or FROM a mark can be stated. degree 距离Distances 3. 14 距离用海里或链(l/10n mile)表示,所使用的单位须加以注明。To be expressed 1n nautical miles or cables (tenths of a mile), the unit always to be stated. 速度Speed 3. 15 速度用节表示。To be

33、expressed 1n knots。若无其他说明,则表示是相对于水的速度g或Without further notation.meaning speed through the water; or 3. 15. 1 rJlfllli飞JIJlililliJ(飞“对地速度”,表示相对于海底的速度。“ ground speed, meaning speed over the ground. 3. 15. 2 时间Times 3. 16 时间应以协调世界时(UTC)24h来表示,如果在港口使用地方时应清楚指明。Times should be expressed in the 24 hour UTC

34、 notation; if local time will be used in ports or barbours it should clearly be stated. 地理名称Geographical names 3. 17 使用的地名必须是海图或航路指南所使用的名称。如果不明确,应给出其经、纬度。Place names used should be those on the chart or in Sailing Directions 1n use Should these not be understood, latitude and longitude should be giv

35、en. 多义词Ambiguous words 3. 18 英语中的一些词的意思是根据其上下文而定特别是在VTS通信中经常发生误解,由此而造成事故这些词是2Some words in English have meanings depending on the context in which they appear. Misunderstandings frequently occur, especially in VTS commun1cations, and have produced accidents. Such words are: 条件句“May”,“Might”,“Should,

36、和The Conditionals“ May”,“Might, hould” and “ Could . 3. 18. 1 May 不能说:“我可以进入航道吗?”Do not say:“May I enter the fairway?” 应说“询问。允许进入航道吗?”Say: QUESTION. Do I have permission to enter the fairway?” 7 不能说2“你可以进入航道。”Do not say:“You may enter the fairway. ” 14、tljJlLGB/T 11197-2003 应说“回答。允许进入航道。”Say:“ANSWER

37、. You have permission to enter the fairway. ” Might 不能说z“我将进入航道。,Do not say:“I might enter the fairway. ” 应说“意图。我将进入航道。”Say:“INTENTION. I will enter the fairway. ” Should 不能说:“你应在B3铺地抛锚。”Do not say: “ You should anchor in anchorage B3. ” 应说“建议。在B3铺地抛锚”Say, “ ADVICE, Anchor in anchorage B3. ” Could 不

38、能说z“你可能正驶向危险。,Do not say:“You could be running into danger. ” y . d ” 。uare running into danger. 应说:“警告。你正驶向危险JSay :“WARNING. 词“Can”The word“ can” 3. 18. 2 In the “Can”既能表示做某事的可能性又能表示能力。在IMO标准航海通信用语中,元论是否涉及可能性,当使用“Can”的用语似乎使意思清晰。然而在含糊不清的上下文中,如果要求得到许可,可如例所示3“询问。在这个时间允许使用浅吃水航道吗?”而不说z“在这个时间我可以使用浅吃水航道吗?

39、”(对“May”也是同样的用法)。The word “ Can” describes either the possibility or the capab1l1ty of doing something. IMO SMCP the situations where phrases using the word “ Can” appear make 1t clear whether a possibility is referred to In an ambiguous context, however, say, for example: lllli-Lll-Ili-fJJ /( Do ti

40、口1e?”this draft fairway at shallow the use permission to I have “ QUESTION. Do not say: “ Can l use the shallow draft fairway at this time?”if you are asking for a permission (The same applies to the word “May勺注z任何情况下,都必须遵守ITU无线电规则中的无线电话通信程序Note: In all cases the radiotelephone procedures as set out

41、 n the ITU Radio Regulations have to be observed. 术语和定义Terms and glossary 4 本定义中包括了少数的技术词汇,虽然它们没有出现在标准航海通信用语正文中,但在需要修饰标准用语内容时可能有用。对应船体的部分见图1图30The Glossary includes a limited number of technical terms which do not appear in the text of the IMC) SMCP, but might be useful 1n case the content of a give

42、n standard phrase requires modification. The corresponding part of vessel see Fig 13 8 三号、GB/T 11197-2003 (。JZmh、,。否MWCO4中明咽啃正横abeam bridge 驾驶台非吉、础。右翩船中部midhip 赔楼fo 船首甜柱bcw/tcm 单Z电泪。AHm剧团远山忡嚣。AtonH握握剖缆JM咱相w阳皿阳位S生理hed line 前横缆fornd bcct line 正横abeam 左PORT tgd咽haoA汩的剧唱也悍JIpng 盟式dmdMM 艇理stem line ;, A怀

43、9 图重Itbccdth lfill-i(lt GB/T 11197-2003 水上高度ar dra,ght ,、MZd一free board 龙骨下苗格水探ndorkool clcamnco 图2革捎带筒中央导缆孔巴拿马导缆孔mooringboy centre lead/panama lead 码头QUAY 生缆head line fu巧在e导缆孔-roller frurlead t 盘mm榻川、ljiIll-llJIl-Ilk-fiL /lL 起锚机ndla 绞盘apauhunuhu 4. 1. 21 Close-coupled towing 紧销拖带船舶通过极冰的拖带方法,使被拖船的船首

44、与破冰船的特殊尾槽相接。A method of towing vessels through polar tce by means of icebreaking tugs with a special stern notch suited to receive and hold the bow of the vessel to be towed. Close up (to) 4. 1. 22 接近通过增加自己的船速减少与前面船的距离。To decrease the distance to the vessel ahead by increasing ones own speed. 4. 1.

45、23 Compatibility (of goods) (货物)兼容性不同的货物能否安全存放在同一个舱内或毗邻的舱内的性质。Indicates whether different goods can be safely stowed togeth盯inone cargo space or in an adja-cent hold. Vessel constrained by her draft 4. 1. 24 限于吃水的船舶由于船舶吃水与可航水域的水深和宽度的关系,使其偏离航向的能力严重地受到限制的船舶。A vessel severely restricted by her draft in her ability to deviate from the course followed in rela-t1on to the available depth and width of navigable water. Convoy 4. 1. 25 编队航行一13 两艘或两艘以上的船舶编排在一起航行,例如通过运河或冰区的船队。A group of vessels which sail together,e. g. through a canal or ice, 飞kllJ飞LGB/T 11197一2003Course 4. 1 . 26 航向船舶对水中运动的预定方


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