1、ICS 35.040 A 24 GB 中华人民共和国国家标准G/T 9649.32-2001 地质矿产术语分类代码固体矿产普查与勘探The terminology c1assification codes of geology and mineral resources-The prospecting and exploration of solid mineral resources 2001- 04 -29发布2001-12 -01实施中华人民共和国发布国家质量监督检验检疫总局GB/T 9649. 32 2001 目次-i1i1i1i9?。GqbA哇明说的属归围表13范仰阔类t类即山川财t
2、k勘)置与录设查附理容普的则则法管内产准原原方与表矿标围义类词码用码体川占1日范定分选编使代固4前12345678附GB/T 9649. 32-2001 前地质矿产领域实现信息化已在世界各国兴起。我国要赶上世界先进水平.引进现代信息技术,开发我国信息资源.以保证实现将要建设的各类信息系统之间的信息共享。1985年经国家标准化主管部门批准立项制定地质矿产术语分类代码国家标准,并于1988年批准、发布。GB/T 9649-1988 控制的经济基础储量lndicatcdconomic basic reserve 2Ml1 探明的(可研)边际经济基础储量Measured (through feasib
3、ility study) marginal economic basic reserve 2M21 探明的(预口J研)边际经济慕础储Measured (through prefe肘ibilitystudy) marginal ec。一+主口omicbasic reserve 2122 控制的边际经济基础储量Indicated marginal economic basic reserve 2S11 Measured (through feasibility study) Submarginal eco-nomlC reserve 2S21 探明的(预可研)次边际经济资源Measured (th
4、rough prefeasibility study) Submarginal e-量conomlc reserve 2S22 控制的次边际经济资源、量lndicated Submarginal economic reserve 333333213 |控推探制断明的的的内蕴经济资源重Measured ntrinsc reserve 内蕴经济资源量lndicated intrinsic reserve 内蕴经济资源量lnferred intrinsic reserve 10 G/T 9649. 322001 代码l 汉字名334预测的资源量PKCP固体矿产资源储量分类依据PKCPA I地质可靠程
5、度PKCPAA I探明的PKCPAB I控制的PKCPAC I推断的PKCPAD I预测的PKCPB I可行性评价PKCPBA I可行性研究PKCPBB I预可行性研究PKCPBC I概略研究PKCPC I经济意义PKCPCA I经济的PKCPCB I边际经济的PKCPCC I次边际经济的PKCPCD I内蕴经济的PKCPCE I经济意义未定的PKD I地质工作程度01 I野外踏勘10区域地质调查20预查21普查22 I详查23勘探24初步普查25 I详细普查26初步勘探27 I详细勘探30矿山开发勘探PKE矿产勘查工作阶段1普查2详查3 I勘探4初步普查5 I 详细普查6初步勘探7详细勘探P
6、KF I矿产普查PKFA 1矿产普查地质条件PKFB PKFC PKFD PKFE PKFA 普查地区类型找矿标志找矿方法普查方法矿产普查地质条件名译探一英勘一与一查普一产一矿一体一固一备注经济意见未定的资源量Reconnaissance reserve Geological assurance Measured Indicated Inferred Reconnaissance Feasibility assessment Feasibility study Prefeasibility study Geological study Degree of economic viability
7、Economic Marginal economic Submarginal economic Intrinsic economic Economic-interest undefined Field reconnaissance Regional geological survey Reconnaissance General prospecting Detailed prospecting Exploration Preliminary prospecting De tailed prospecting Preliminary exploration Detailed exploratio
8、n Productive exploration General prospecting Detailed prospecting Exploration Preliminary prospecting Detailed prospecting Preliminary exploration Detailed exploration Geological conditions for prospecting Type of prospecting area Prospecting indications and guides Mineral prospecting methods Method
9、s of mineral prospecting 地质前提-一一一一一一一一_L-一-11 GB / T 9649. 32- 2001 固体矿产普查与勘探代码汉字名英译名备注PKFAA 岩浆成因条件Magmatogenic condition 岩浆岩条件,岩浆岩准则PKFAB Iu PKFAC 变质成因条件Metamorphogenic condton 变质条件变质准则PKFAD Stratigraphic condition 地层准则PKFAE 岩相古地理条件Lithological and pelaeogeographical condtion 岩相古地理准则PKFAF 地貌条件地貌准则P
10、KFAG 地球化学条件地球化学准则PKFAH 水文地质条件Hydrogeologcal condt 水文地质准则PKFAI 地球物理条件dc 地球物理准则PKFAJ PKFC PKFCA PKFCB PKFCC PKFCD PKFCE PKFCF PKFCG PKFCH PKFCI PKFCl PKFCK PKFCL PKFCM PKFCN PKFCO PKFCP 伴生元素PKFCQ 成矿元素PKFCR 采冶遗迹PKFCR 采冶遗迹1 废老榈2 露天开采场3 废矿堆4 炼炉渣PKFD 找矿方法10 地质找矿法Geologcal prospectng method 20 路线踏勘法Reconna
11、issance method 30 地质测量Geological survey |地质填图31 大比例尺地质测量Large scale geological survey 32 中比例尺地质测量Medium scale geological survey 33 小比例尺地质测量Small scale geological survey 34 地面地质测量Surface geological survey 35 航空地质测量Aerogeological survey 12 GB/ T 9649. 32- 2001 固体矿产普查与勘探01230123 A4aaaaaaa&AF气俨气Jvphdphu
12、代码汉字名英译名备注砾石找矿法河流碎屑法冰川漂砾法重砂找矿法地球化学找矿法岩石金属量测量土壤金属量测量水化学测量Gravel method Stream gravel method Glacier boulder method Heavy-mineral prospecting method Geochemical prospecting method Rock metallometric survey 重砂测量54 I水系沉积物测量55 I气体测量56 I植被测量70 I地球物理71 I磁法找矿72 I电法找矿73 I重力找矿78 I航空电79 I航空放91 I矿点检92异常检PKG I矿床
13、勘PKGA I勘探对象PKGB PKGC PKGD I勘探工程布PKGE I勘探程度PKGF I勘探精度PKGG I勘探深度PKGH I勘探范围PKGI I勘探工程间距PKGJ矿床勘探类型PKGK I矿床地质研究PKGL I加工技术条件研究PKGM I开采技术条件研究PKGN I经济条件研究PKGO I矿床地质研究程度PKGP I加工技术条件研究程度PKGQ I开采技术条件研究程度PKGR I经济条件研究程度PKGS I矿床水文地质条件研究Investigation of economical conditions Investigation degree of geology of ore
14、deposits Investigation degree of technical conditions Investigation degree of mining-technical conditions Investigation degree of economical conditions Investigation of hydrogeologic conditions of ore de pOSltS Investigation degree of hydrogeologic conditions of ore deposits PKGT I矿床水文地质条件研究程度13 GB/
15、T 9649. 32-2001 固体矿产普查与勘探代码汉字名英译名备注PKGU 矿床工程地质条件研究Investigation of engineering-geological conditions of ore deposits PKGV 矿床工程地质条件研究程度Investigation degree of engineering-geological condi-tons of ore deposts PKGW 工作量Work load PKGA 勘探对象11 矿床Ore deposit 12 区段Part of deposit 13 矿段Ore segment 14 块段Ore bl
16、ock 21 矿体Orebody 22 主要矿体Principal orebody 23 次要矿体Secondary orebody 24 矿柱Ore pillar 31 首采区Primary mining area 32 矿石类型带Zone of ore type 33 矿石品级带Zone of ore rank 34 中段level 41 氧化带Oxidized zone 42 原生带Original zone Sl 深部Lower part S2 外国Neighbourhood PKGB 勘探方法01 剖面法Exploration method by profiles 02 采样法Exp
17、loration method by sampling 03 类比评价法Exploration method by anological evaluation 04 钻探工程法Exploration method by drilling engineerings 05 坑探工程法Exploration method by opening engineerings 06 钻坑探结合法Exploration method by combined drilling-opening engi-neenngs 07 边采边探法Exploration method by combined explorat
18、ory-exploit mg engmeenngs 08 钻探与物探结合法Exploration method by combined drilling-geophysical engmeermgs 09 坑探与物化探结合法Exploration method by combined opening-geophyscal-geochemical engineerings PKGC 勘探技术手段槽探Trenching exploration 2 井探Shallow shaft exploratio日3 钻探Drilling exploration 4 坑探Opening exploration
19、5 物探Geophysical exploration 6 化探Geochemical exploration PKGD 勘探工程布置PKGDA 勘探工程总体布置Overall arrangement of exploratary engineerings PKGDB 勘探工程系统System of exploratory engineerings 14 GB/T 9649.32-2001 代码汉字名PKGDC 勘探线PKGDD 勘探网PKGDE 勘探中段PKGDF 勘探工程类别PKGDG 工程性质PKGDA 勘探工程总体布置1 勘探线法2 勘探网法3 水平勘探法4 不规则布置法PKGDB 勘
20、探工程系统11 垂直坑道系统12 水平坑道系统13 水平和垂直坑道系统21 垂直钻探系统22 水平钻探系统23 水平和垂直钻探系统31 垂直坑钻结合系统32 |水平坑钻结合系统33 |水平和垂直坑钻结合系统PKGOC 勘探线PKGDCA 勘探线号PKGDCB 勘探线方位PKGDCC 勘探线间距PKGDCD 勘探线类型PKGDCD 勘探线类型1 主导勘探线2 基本勘探线3 辅助勘探线4 走向勘探线5 总景勘探线6 复合勘探线7 远景勘探线PKGDD 勘探网PKGDDA 勘探网类型PKGDDB 勘探网度PKGDDC 勘探网度确定方法PKGDDA 勘探网类型正方形勘探网2 矩形勘探网3 菱形勘探网4
21、 三角形勘探网PKGDDC 勘探网度确定方法b但译探一英勘一与一查一盘曰一产一矿一体一固一Exploratory line Exploratory grid Exploratory level Exploratory engineering type Engineering property Exploration line method Exploration grid method Horizontal exploration method Irregular arrangement method Vertical system of exploring openings Horizont
22、al system of exploring openings Horizontal-vertical system of exploring openings Vertical drilling system Horizontal drilling system Horizontal-vertical drilling system Vertical system of combined exploratory opening drilling Horizontal system of combined exploratory opening drilling Horizontal-vert
23、ical system exploring opening-drilling Exploratory line number Exploratory line azi日1lithExploratory line interval Type of cxploration line Leading exploration line Basic exploration line Auxiliary exploration line Strike exploration line Complete exploation line Compound system of exploration line
24、Prospective exploration line Type of exploration grid Density of exploration grid Method of determination of the exploratory grid Square exploration grid Rectangular exploration grid Rhombic exploration grid Triangular exploration grid 15 备注零散布置法勘探工程密度GB/ T 9649. 32- 2001 固体矿产普查与勘探代码汉字名英译名备注经验类比法咱An
25、JUqAU5 6 PKGDE PKGDEA PKGDEB PKGDEC PKGDF 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PKGE PKGEA PKGEB PKGEC PKGED PKGEE PKGEA I 2 3 PKGEB 1 2 3 PKGEC 2 类比法加密法稀空法探采对比法Analogy method Spacing desified method Spacing loosened method Correlation between exploration and exploitation data 法探采资料对比法数
26、理统计法主导剖面法数理统计分析法勘探剖面精度分析法勘探中段中段号中段标高中段间距勘探工程类别剥土浅井竖井暗井穿脉钻孔探槽小园井斜井天井沿脉石门采样钻探坑老窿平确水文钻孔勘探程度研究程度控制程度合理程度勘探程度不合理的原控制深度研究程度概略研究初步研究详细研究控制程度达到大致控制达到基本控制达到详细控制合理程度合理的不合理的Mathematic statistical method Preliminary study Detailed study Generally controlled Basically controlled Detailedly controlled Reasonable
27、Unreasonable 16 代码汉字名PKGED I勘探程度不合理的原因1 I地质研究程度不够2 I经济上不合理3勘探工程布置不合理4储量比例或布局不合理5 I开采条件未解决6 I冶炼技术未解决PKGF I勘探精度PKGFA I储量误差PKGFB I形态误差PKGFC I面积误差PKGFD I位置误差PKGFE I顶面误差PKGFF底面误差PKGI勘PKGIA沿走向间距PKGIB沿倾向间PKGJ I矿床1 I第一2 I第二3 I第三4 I第四5 PKGK PKGKA PKGKB PKGKC I矿区面积PKGKD I矿体形态PKGKE I矿体规模PKGKF I矿体大小PKGKG I矿体产状P
28、KGKH I矿体围岩PKGKI I矿体数PKGKJ矿体埋深PKGKK I矿体剥蚀程度PKGKL I矿体变化性PKGKM I矿体变化性质PKGKN I矿体变化程度PKGKO I矿体变化性定量指标PKGKP I矿石组成PKGKQ I矿石类型PKGKR I矿石成因类型PKGKS I矿石自然类型PKGKT I矿石工业类型PKGKU I矿石品级PKGKV I矿石牌号GB/ T 9649. 32-2001 固体矿产普查与勘探英译名Inadequate degree of geological investigation Unreasonable economic action Unreasonable a
29、rrangement of exploratory engineerings Unreasonable reserve ratio or distribution Unresulted productive condition Variation intensity of orebody Quantitative variation index of orebody Composition of ore Type of ore Genetic type of ore Natural type of ore Industrial type of ore Ore order or ore sort
30、 Ore rank 备注顶板误差底板误差勘探线距线上工程距矿区构造位置矿体个数17 GB/T 9649.32-2001 固体矿产普查与勘探代码汉字名英译名备注PKGKW 矿体编号Orebody sequential number PKGKX 矿点(床)评价Valuation of ore deposit PKGKY 子矿体号Sub-ore number PKGKZ 块段号Ore block number PKGKA 矿床构造位置PKGKAA 矿区大地构造位置Geotectonic position of the ore district 矿床大地构造位置PKGKAB 矿区区域构造位置Regio
31、nal structural position of the ore deposit 矿床区域构造位置PKGKB 矿床规模1 特大型矿床Huge-size ore deposit 2 大型矿床Large-size ore deposit 3 中型矿床Medium-size ore deposit 4 小型矿床Small-size ore deposit 矿点Mineral occurrence 6 矿化点岛1ineralizedpoint PKGKD 矿体形态PKGKDA 矿体形状Shape of orebody PKGKDB 矿体形态复杂程度Morphological complexitie
32、s of orebodies PKGKDA 矿体形状10 向延伸矿体One-dimension extended orebody 11 筒状矿体Pipe orebody 12 柱状矿体Chimney orebody 13 管状矿体Tubular orebody 20 二向延伸矿体Two-dimension extended orebody 21 层状矿体Stratiform orebody 22 似层状矿体Stratoid orebody 23 脉状矿体Vein orebody 24 透镜状矿体Lensoid orebody 25 扁豆状矿体Lentiular orebody 30 三向延伸矿
33、体Three-dimension extended orebody 31 等轴状矿体lsometric orebody 32 瘤状矿体Warty orebody 33 囊状矿体Pockety orebody 40 形状复杂矿体Complex-shaped orebody 41 网脉状矿体Stockwork 42 鞍状矿体Saddle orebody 43 不规则状矿体Irregular-shaped orebody PKGKDB 矿体形态复杂程度1 形态简单的Simple morphological 2 形态较简单的Less simple morphological 3 形态复杂的Comple
34、x morphological 4 形态很复杂的Extremely complex morphological PKGKE 矿体规模l 巨型矿体Giant orebody 2 大矿体Large orebody 18 GB/T 9649.32-2001 固体矿产普查与勘探代码汉字名英译名备注3 中等矿体Medium orebody 4 小矿体Small orebody 5 极小矿体Extremely small orebody PKGKF 矿体大小PKGKFA 矿体长度Length of orebody PKGKFB 矿体斜长lnclined length of orebody PKGKFC 矿
35、体宽度Width of orebody PKGKFD 矿体相对厚度Relative thickness of orebody PKGKFD 矿体相对厚度1 巨厚层矿体Giant-bedded orebody 2 厚层矿体Thick-hedded orebody 3 中厚矿体Medium-hedded orebody 中厚层矿体4 薄层矿体Thin-bedded orebody 5 极薄层矿体Extremely thin-hedded orehody PKGKG 矿体产状PKGKGA 矿体走向StIike of orebody PKGKGB 矿体倾向Dip of orehody PKGKGC 矿
36、体倾角Dip angle of orebody PKGKGD 矿体倾伏方向Plunge of orebody PKGKGE 矿体倾伏角Plunge angle of orebody PKGKGF 矿体侧伏方向Pitch of orebody PKGKGG 矿体侧伏角Pitch angle of orebody PKGKGH 矿体赋存部位Place of orebody occurrencing PKGKH 矿体围岩PKGKHA 上部围岩Overlying wall rock 顶板围岩PKGKHB 下部围岩Underlying wall rock 底板围岩PKGKHC 内部围岩lnterlaye
37、r rock 矿体内夹石PKGKL 矿体变化性PKGKLA 矿体结构变化Textural variation of orebody PKGKLB 矿体形态变化岛1orphologicalvariation of orebody PKGKLC 矿石品位变化Variation of ore grade 品位变化PKGKLD 矿石类型变化Variation of ore type PKGKLE 矿石品级变化Variation of ore order PKGKLF 矿石体重变化Variation of ore unit-weight PKGKLG 矿体厚度变化Variation of orebody
38、 thickness 厚度变化PKGKLH 矿体产状变化Variation of orebody occurrence 产状变化PKGKLI 沿走向变化Variation along strike direction PKGKLJ 沿倾向变化Variation along dip direction PKGKLK 垂直变化Vertical varia tion PKGKLL 水平变化Horizontal variation PKGKM 矿体变化性质11 逐渐变化Gradual variation 12 跳跃变化Jumping variation 21 连续变化Continuous variat
39、ion 22 断续变化Discontinuous variation 31 规则变化Regular variation 19 GB/ T 9649. 32- 2001 固体矿产普查与勘探代码汉字名英译名备注32 不规则变化lrregular variation 41 坐标性变化Coordinated variation |方向性变化42 偶然性变化Random variation 51 局部相依变化Dependent variation in local range 52 总体相依变化Dependent variation in general sense 53 无相依变化l完化全不相依变61
41、害组分Harmful component PKGKPK 单金属矿石Simple ore PKGKPL 单矿物矿石Monomineral ore PKGKPM 复矿矿石Multimineral ore PKGKPN 复合矿石Complex ore PKGKPO 可选矿石Milling ore PKGKPP 可采矿石Recoverable ore PKGKPQ 边际矿石Marginal ore PKGKPR 组分类别Type of compos!tion 20 G/ T 9649. 32- 2001 固体矿产普查与勘探代码汉字名英译名备注PKGKPS 组分名称Name of composition
42、 PKGKQ 矿石类型10000 类型未分矿石Type-undivided ore 31000 硫化矿石Sulfide ore |原生硫化矿石32000 混合矿石Mixed ore 33000 氧化矿石|次生氧化矿石34000 原生矿石35000 次生矿石 ISecon画画画、|风化矿石36000 石质矿石37000 砂质矿石38000 土质矿石39000 松散状矿石40000 液态矿41000 47000 48000 49000 50000 51000 块状52000 浸染53000 细脉54000 角砾55000 条带56000 网脉57000 斑杂60000 ;综合恪or. / 多金属矿
43、石,多成分矿石71000 72000 73000 74000 氟化物矿石81000 碳酸盐矿石82000 硫酸盐矿石83000 硅酸盐矿石84000 磷酸盐矿石90000 特殊类型矿石10001 铁矿石Iron ore 11001 磁铁矿矿石Magnetite ore 12001 赤铁矿矿石Hematite ore 13001 褐铁矿矿石Limonite ore 14001 菱铁矿矿石Siderite ore 15001 饥铁磁铁矿矿石V -Ti Magnetite ore 16001 饥磁铁矿矿石vanadiomagnetite ore 17001 钦磁铁矿矿石Titanomagnetite
44、 ore 18001 镜铁矿矿石Specularite ore 61001 铜铁矿石Copper-bearing iron ore 21 G/T 9649.32-2001 固体矿产普查与勘探代码汉字名英译名备注10002 锺矿石Manganese ore 11002 硬锺矿矿石Psilomelane ore 12002 软锺矿矿石Pyrolusite ore 13002 菱锤矿矿石Rhodochrosite ore 14002 黑锺矿矿石Hausmannite ore 15002 含锤灰岩Mn-bearing limestone 71002 氧化物锺矿石岛1noxide ore 73002 硫
45、化物锺矿石Mn sulfide ore 81002 碳酸盐短矿石Mn carbonate ore 10003 铅矿石Chromium ore 11003 错铁矿矿石Chromite ore 12003 续铅铁矿矿石Magnesiochromite ore 13003 铝铅铁矿矿石Alumochromite ore 10004 饥矿石Vanadium ore 12004 饥云母矿石Colomite ore 13004 含饥碳硅质岩V -bearing carbon-sliceous rock 14004 含饥磷质岩V -bearing phosphorus rock 15004 含饥沥青质岩V-
46、bearing bituminous rock 10005 铁矿石Titanium ore 12005 铁铁矿矿石Ilmenite ore 13005 金红石矿石Rutile ore 14005 钙铁矿矿石Perovskite ore 10006 铜矿石Copper ore 11006 黄铜矿矿石Chalcopyrite ore 12006 黄铁矿型铜矿石Copper ore of pyrite type 13006 辉铜矿矿石Chalcocite ore 14006 斑铜矿矿石ornite ore 31006 硫化铜矿石SlIlfidic copper ore 32006 混合铜矿石Mixe
47、d copper ore 33006 氧化铜矿石Oxidized copper ore 60006 多金属铜矿石Mu!timetallic copper ore 61006 锢铜矿石Mo-bearing copper ore 62006 钵铜矿石Zn-bearing copper ore 63006 铅铜矿石Pb-bearing copper ore 64006 金铜矿石AlI-bearing copper ore 65006 银铜矿石Ag-bearing copper ore 66006 铁铜矿石Fe-Cu ore 10007 铅矿石Lead ore 11007 方铅矿矿石Galena or
48、e 31007 硫化铅矿石SlIlfidic lead ore 32007 混合铅矿石Mixed lead ore 33007 氧化铅矿石Oxided lead ore 60007 多金属铅矿石MlIltimetallic lead ore 综合铅矿石61007 铜铅矿石Cu-bearing lead ore 62007 钵铅矿石Zn-Pb orc 63007 锡铅矿石Sn-bearing lead orc 22 GB/T 9649.32-2001 固体矿产普查与勘探代码汉字名英译名备注64007 锦铅矿石Sb-bearing lead ore 10008 钵矿石Zinc ore 30008
49、硫化铸矿石Sulfidic zinc ore 32008 混合钵矿石Mixed zinc ore 33008 氧化铮矿石Oxidized zinc ore 60008 多金属铸矿石Multimetallic zinc ore 61008 铜铸矿石Cu-bearing zinc ore 62008 铅镑矿石Pb-Zn ore 91008 硫化铅伴矿石Sulfidic Pb-Zn ore 92008 混合铅铸矿石Mixed Pb-Zn ore 93008 氧化铅铮矿石Oxided Pb-Zn ore 94008 块状铅铸矿石肌1assivePb-Zn ore 95008 浸染状铅铸矿石Disseminated Pb-Zn ore 96008 细脉浸染状铅镑矿石Netted-disseminated Pb-Zn ore 97008 角砾状铅铸矿石Brecciated Pb-Zn ore 98008 条带状铅铸矿石Bended Pb-Zn ore 10009 铝矿石Aluminium ore 11009 水型铝土矿矿石Boe