GB 3097-1982 海水水质标准.pdf

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1、C 5-0l;-8 GB UDC 55 1.463 NATIONAL ST ANDARD OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA GB 3097 - 82 Marine water quality standard . ft(且一批J Q Effective as from 1982-08-01 Promulgated on 1982-04-06 年pPromulgated_ by the National Environmental Protection Leading-group of the State Council , P NATIONAL STANDARD

2、 OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA Marine water quality standard GB 3097 - 82 This Standard is formulated in order to implement the Environmental Protection Law of the Peoples Republic of China, (try-out version) to prevent and control pollution of marine water, guarantee people s health, protect mar

3、ine biological resource, maintain ecologic equilibrium and ensure reasonable exploitation and usage of marine resource . This Standard is applicable to marine water quality management of all the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People s Republic of China 1 Classification of marine water quali

4、ty and its standards 1.1 According to the usage of marine water, the quality requirements of marine water are divided into three class. a. b c. class 1 applies to protection of marine biological resources, human safe utilization (including saltern, food processing and desalination of sea water, fish

5、ery, marine cultivation and so on) and nature reserves in ocean. class 2 applies to bathing beach and scenic or tourist spots. class 3 applies to general water for industrial usage, harbour water area and developing area in ocean. 1.2 Standards of marine water quality for different classes are given

6、 in Tab.l Tab.2. and 2 Protection provisions and measures 2.1 Environmental protection organizations in coastal provinces, autonomous regions and directly subordinate municipalities should define the protected sea areas and the class of the water quality according to the requirements for marine envi

7、ronmental protectlon. Promulgated by the Environmental Protection Leading-group of the State Council on 1982-04-06 E任与ctiveas from 1982自08-01Tab. 1. Quality requirements of marine water 二括配匾匾鄙apgeAFU、品,c1 ass 1 class 2 class 3 suspended substance man-made increment man-made increment man-made increm

8、ent shall not exceed 10 shall not exceed 50 shall not exceed 150 mgll mgll mgll colour, odour, taste marine water and its products without abnonnal marine water without colour, odour and taste abnormal colour, odour and taste E 00 obvious oil f10at substance 00 oil membrane, f10ating foam and other

9、impurity at surface mambrance, f10ating foam但ldother impurity at surface pH 7.58.4 7.38.8 6.59.0 chemical consume of 。mgll4mgll 5mgll oxygen dissolved o.-ygeo 00 less than 5 mgll at no less than 4 mgl1 at no less than 3 mgll at aoy tIme any tlme any tlme temperature of water less than 4 oC over the

10、t巳mperatureof local sea water at that time oumber of coloo less than 1000/1 (less than 700/1 for the waters in which shellfishes由atcanbacillus be eateo rawly are cultivated). pa出ogenindustriaJ waste aod domestic sewage containing pathogeo shall be treated strictly,缸ldthey drain off only after pathog

11、en is sterilized adherent growth of seeding shall not be hampered by deposit benthos on the surface of grit dissolved composition eosures marioe water quality conforming with requirements ofTab. 1 and Tab. 2. Detrimental substanc巳below the maximum allowance stipulated in Tab. 2 2.2 Direct discharge

12、of industrial waste, domestic sewage and other deleterious waste to scenic or tourist spots, bathing beaches, nature reserves area and marine cultivation areas is forbidden When pollutants are discharged to other sea area, the discharge requirements; national or local, should be met 2.3 Selecting pl

13、aces for discharge of pollutants on coast and at sea and deterrnining conditions for the discharge, characteristics、topography、hydrologicconditions, prev.iling wind direction and other natural conditions of the protected sea area should be considered 2 胃3 Tab. 2. Maximum allowable concentration of d

14、etrimental substances in marine water No names Maximum allowable concentration mg/l class 1 class 2 c1ass 3 mercury 0.0005 0.0010 0.0010 2 cadntium 0.005 0.010 0.010 3 lead 0.05 0.10 0.10 4 total chromium 。100.50 0.50 5 arsemc 0.05 0.10 。.106 copper 0.01 0.10 0.10 7 zmc 0.10 1.00 1.00 8 selenium 0.0

15、1 0.02 0.03 9 。ils0.05 0.10 0.50 10 cyanide 0.02 0.10 0.50 11 sulfide as dissolved oxygen 12 volatile phenol 0.005 0.010 0.050 13 organochlorine 0.001 0.020 0.040 pesticide 14 morgamc 0.10 0.20 0.30 rutrogenous 15 lIlorgamc 0.015 0.030 0.045 phosphorus note: The values of inorganic nitrogenous and p

16、hosphorous are limits for avoiding emergence of red tide in inner gulf areas with warm current. Radioactive material in the seawater should be below the concenlration limit in openwater source given in GBJ 8-74 Re职11ationsfor radiation protection. 3 Surveillance and implementation 3.1 The enforcemen

17、t ofthis standard should be supervised by environmental protection organizations under the coastal provinces, autonomous regions and directly sub_ordinate municipalities. 3.2 Monitoring of the quality indicators of marine water specified in this standard are conducted according to the provisions of

18、Temporary provisions for ocean pollution nvestgation Additional notes: This standard was proposed by the National Bureau of Oceanography. This standard was prepared in chief by 3-rd Research Institute of the National Bureau of Oceanography. Drafter ofthis standard: Li Shaoyou 3 品 The National Bureau of Oceanography is in charge of the interpretation of this standard This translation revision is only used for reference. In case of any discrepancy between the English translation and the original Chinese text, the latter shall prevail. 4


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