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1、2012年仁爱版初中英语七年级下册第五单元 topic1练习卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * Tom is _ English boy. He goes to _ school by bus. A a; a B an; the C an; / D a; / 答案: C -_ does Mary _ -The USA. A. When; come from B. Where; from C. How; go D. Where; come from 答案: D Its a fine day for _. A swimming B to swim C swims D a swimming 答案: A

2、 Dr. Brown buys me _ orange coat. _ coat is nice. A a; The B an; a C an; The D the; The 答案: C Id like to go there by bus. _ you A How do B What like C What about D Hows 答案: C _ people are there in your family A How much B How long C What D How many 答案: D -_ does Jim usually _ to school -After breakf

3、ast. A How; comes B What; come C How; go D When; go 答案: D Who isnt _ today -Wang Lin is. A at the school B at school C in the school D in school 答案: B Do you see Lily _ her bike A fall on B fall away C fall of D fall off 答案: D Why _ he often late for school A is B does C do D are 答案: A -_ -Yes, Id l

4、ike a cup of tea. A Can I help you B Whats on the table C How many do you want D How much is it 答案: A Do you often go to school _ bike -No, I often go there _ foot. A by; by B by; in C on; on D by; on 答案: D Can you see _ birds in the tree -Yes, I can see _. A any; any B any; some C a; any D many; an

5、y 答案: B -_ -Three. A What can you see in the sky B Is there a plane in the sky C How many planes are there D Where is the plane 答案: C We go out for a walk every evening. My grandfather goes with us _. A well B as well C as well as D very well 答案: B 完型填空 完形填空 This is a photo _1_ Roberts _2_. _3_ Robe

6、rt. He is a student _4_ Grade 1 _5_ No. 6 Middle School. The girl _6_ an orange skirt is Ann, Roberts sister. The woman behind Robert is Mrs. Shute. She is Roberts mother. She is a teacher, but she teaches in _7_ school. Mrs. Shute is standing _8_ his daughter. He is working _9_ a car factory. Rober

7、ts parents _10_ young. This is a nice picture. 【A to B about C of D for 小题1】 A family B home C house D room A Its B Hes C Heres D Thats A of B at C with D for A on B about C at D in A with B in C put on D wear A the same B same C different D a different A behind B under C on D in front of A to B for

8、 C with D in A look like B look the same C look D looks 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 D 【小题 10】 C 【小题 1】这是罗伯特的一张家庭照片, a photo of表示 .的照片。 【小题 2】一张全家福照片 a photo of family=a family photo 【小题 3】 heres=here is这儿是。 【小题 4】考查名词所有格,既可用名词 +s;也可用 of短语,他是一年级的

9、一名学生,故选 A, 【小题 5】在第几中学用介词 in 故选 D. 【小题 6】 be in+颜色 +服装,表示穿着 .的衣服,故选 B。 【小题 7】根据前面的转折连词 but可以判断不在同一所学校, 故选 C 【小题 8】根据逻辑妈妈一定站在女儿的身后,故选 A 【小题 9】在一家汽车制造厂工作,所以用介词 in,故选 D。 【小题 10】考查系动词 look的用法, look +adj看起来 .。 阅读理解 阅读理解 Wu Dong is from Guangdong. Gorge is from America. They are in No. 1 Middle School in

10、Nanjing. Now they are in their teacher, Mr. Smiths room. There are many, many English books on the bookshelf(书架) . Wu Dong and Gorge are asking some questions. There are some apples, bananas, cakes, bottles of milk and orange on the table. After questions, Mrs. Smith gives something to eat to Wu Don

11、g and something to drink to Gorge. Wu Dong would like something to drink. Gorge would like something to eat. Mr. Smith doesnt know. They put them on the table again. Now its seven thirty. Its time to go to the classroom. They must go. 根据短文判断正( T)误( F) 【小题 1】 Wu Dong is Chinese and Gorge is American.

12、 【小题 2】 Wu Dong and Gorge are in the same school. 【小题 3】 Mr. Smith has many books. 【小题 4】 Mr. Smith is a good teacher. 【小题 5】 Wu Dong and Gorge would like something to drink. 答案: 【小题 1】 T 【小题 2】 T 【小题 3】 T 【小题 4】 T 【小题 5】 F 【小题 1】根据短文的第一句可知吴东来自广东,乔治来自美国,所以该句是对的。 【小题 2】由第二句 They are in No. 1 Middle S

13、chool in Nanjing可知他们在同一所学校。 【小题 3】由第四句 There are many, many English books on the bookshelf(书架)可知 该句是正确的。 【小题 4】根据短文内容,他们问完问题后老师给他一些东西吃,故该句是对的。 【小题 5】根据 Wu Dong would like something to drink. Gorge would like something to eat可知该句是错误的。 阅读理解 Mr. Green is from England. He teaches English in a middle sch

14、ool. He speaks some Chinese, but only a little. He goes to Chinese classes every week. He likes working in China very much. He says the Chinese people are very kind to him. He has a son and a daughter. They go to school here, too. But they go to a different school. 阅读短文,用合适的单词填空 Mr. Green is _ (1).

15、He is a _ (2) of English. He can speak some _ (3), but _ (4) _ (5). He goes to Chinese classes every week. He likes working in China. He says the Chinese people are very _ (6). He has _(7) _(8). They go to school here. They _ (9) in different _ (10). 答案: 【小题 1】 English 【小题 2】 teacher 【小题 3】 Chinese

16、【小题 4】 not 【小题 5】 much 【小题 6】 friendly/ kind 【小题 7】 two 【小题 8】 children 【小题 9】 study / are 【小题 10】 schools 【小题 1】由于格林先生来自英格兰,因此他是英国人,所以填 English。 【小题 2】由 He teaches English in a middle school可知他是一名教师。 【小题 3】由 He speaks some Chinese.该句可以看出他会讲汉语。 【小题 4】会讲汉语但是会的不多 but only a little, a little=not much 【

17、小题 5】 a little=not much不多 【小题 6】根据 He says the Chinese people are very kind to him.可知 kind=friendly有好的,和蔼的。 【小题 7】 因为他有一个儿子和一个女儿,因此有两个孩子,所以填 two。 【小题 8】 children 包括一个女儿和一个儿 子。是 child的复数形式。 【小题 9】 根据最后一句话说明在不同学校学习。 【小题 10】 different不同的后面跟可数名词复数。 书面表达 书面表达 请按 Tom的作息时间表,在短文中的空格内填上一个适当的词。 Timetable 6:00

18、起床 3:50做游戏 6:20早操 5:30回家 6:50早餐 6:00晚餐 7:15上学 7:10做家庭作业 8:00上课 8:30看电视 11:45午餐 9:40就寝 My name is Tom. Im an American boy. I study at No. 2 Middle School. On weekdays I _ _ at 6:00 in the morning every day. I _ morning exercises at _ _. I _ _ _ six fifty. I _ _ _ at seven _. Classes _ at _. I _ _ at

19、_ _. We _ _ at three fifty _ the afternoon. We _ _ at five _. We _ _ at six. I _ _ _ at seven _ _ the _. I often _ _ at 8:00. I _ _ _ at nine forty. 答案: get up; do; six twenty; have breakfast at; go to school. Fifteen; begin; eight; have lunch; eleven forty-five; play games; in; go home; thirty; hav

20、e supper; do my homework; ten in; eleven; watch TV; go to bed 句型转换 根据要求变化下列各句 【小题 1】 Lucy goes to school by train every day.(对画线部分提问) _ _ Lucy _ to school every day 【小题 2】 My parents are doing cleaning now. (用 Tom做主语改写) Tom _ _ _ now. 【小题 3】 Why dont you come earlier (同义句) _ _ come early 【小题 4】 Ther

21、ere two ships on the river. (对画线部分提问) _ _ ships are there on the river 【小题 5】 -_ _ does it take by ship (根据答句填空) -It takes three hours. 【小题 6】 The boy does some cleaning in the evening. (一般疑问句) _ the boy _ _ cleaning in the evening 【小题 7】 You mustnt talk in class. (祈使句) _ _ in class. 【小题 8】 Are you

22、from China (作否定回答) _, _ _. 答案: 【小题 1】 How does; go 【小题 2】 is doing cleaning 【小题 3】 Why not 【小题 4】 How many 【小题 5】 How long 【小题 6】 Does; do any 【小题 7】 Dont talk 【小题 8】 No, Im not 【小题 1】对乘坐的交通方式进行提问用 how,一般现在时助动词 does提前谓语用原形。 【小题 2】考查主谓一致, Tom 是第三人称单数,现在进行时系动词用 is doing。 【小题 3】考查提建议的表达方式, why dont you

23、. =why not do. 【小题 4】对数量进行提问,由于 ships是复数名词所以疑问词用 how many。 【小题 5】根据答语,花了三小时说明问句对一段时间进行提问,故用 how long。 【小题 6】考查一般现在时一般疑问句,助动词 does提前后跟动词原形, some要改成 any。 【小题 7】考查祈使句的否定句,祈使句的否定句 dont +动词原形。 【小题 8】考查一般疑问句的回答,主谓要一致。 单词拼写 单词拼写 【小题 1】 What did you see when you passed by the _(小卖部) 【小题 2】 Can Lily and Lucy

24、 both play the _(钢琴) 【小题 3】 Do you like light _(音乐) 【小题 4】 What do you do every _(周末) 【小题 5】 Are you going to school by car or by _(地铁) 答案: 【小题 1】 canteen 【小题 2】 piano 【小题 3】 music 【小题 4】 weekend 【小题 5】 subway 【小题 1】 pass by the canteen经过小卖部。 【小题 2】弹奏乐器,乐器前面一定要加定冠词 the。 【小题 3】 light music轻音乐。 【小题 4】

25、每个周末你通常干什么? 【小题 5】 by+交通工具, by subway=take a subway乘地铁。 用所给动词的适当形式填空 【小题 1】 What is your father doing -He _ (make) some cakes. He _ (make) cakes every day. 【小题 2】 He _ (not do) his homework in the evening. 【小题 3】 Look! Lin Tao _ (drive) a car. He _ (drive) very well. 【小题 4】 Its six oclock. Jack _ (g

26、et) up. 【小题 5】 My brother is playing football, and Jim _ (read) a book. 答案: 【小题 1】 is making; makes 【小题 2】 doesnt do 【小题 3】 is driving; drives 【小题 4】 is getting 【小题 5】 is reading 【小题 1】考查时态,根据问句所以第一个空应用现在进行时态;根据 every day每天表示习惯性动作,因此后一句应用一般现在时主语是第三人称单数,所以用 makes。 【小题 2】考查一般现在时,根据时间状语该句用一般现在时,主语是第三人称

27、单数所以用 doesnt do。 【小题 3】 考查时态,根据 look!从而判断第一句用现在进行时; 第二句说明经常性动作用一般现在时。 【小题 4】根据时间状语,某一时刻正在干某事,用现在进行时。 【小题 5】 前后两个动作是并列关系,因此都用现在进行时。 补全对话 阅读对话,在空白处填上一个合适的单词 A: _ (1) picture is this B: Its my fathers. A: _ (2) are these boys and girls B: Theyre my fathers _(3). My father is a teacher. A: What _ (4) he

28、 _ (5) B: English. A: (6) _ (7) students are _ (8) in his class B: There are fifty-three. A: _ (9) are they from B: Some of them are from England. A: _ (10) do they like China B: They like China very much. 答案: 【小题 1】 Whose 【小题 2】 Who 【小题 3】 students 【小题 4】 does 【小题 5】 teach 【小题 6】 How 【小题 7】 many 【小

29、题 8】 there 【小题 9】 Where 【小题 10】 How 【小题 1】根据答语 Its my fathers.名词所有格,故用 whose。 【小题 2】根据下文提示应填 who,那些男孩和女孩们是谁? 【小题 3】根据下一句的提示 My father is a teacher故填 students 【小题 4】根据答语 English,说明要问教什么科目,故用 does teach 【小题 5】根据 答语 English,说明要问教什么科目,故用 does teach 【小题 6】根据答语 fifty-three问数量,所以用 how many 【小题 7】根据答语 fifty

30、-three问数量,所以用 how many 【小题 8】 there be句型表示某处有某物。 【小题 9】 根据答语用 where。 【小题 10】你觉得中国怎么样? How do you like. =What do you think of. 补充句子 根据汉语提示完成句子 【小题 1】妈妈让我快一点上学不要迟到了。 Mum tells me _ _ _ and not to _ _ for school. 【小题 2】 你最好饭前洗手。 You _ _ _ _ _ before meals. 【小题 3】 班主任对英语只知道一点。 Our _ _ knows only _ _ abo

31、ut English. 【小题 4】 每个学生都能轮流扫地。 Every students can _ _ to clean the floor. 【小题 5】我醒来的时候发现躺在一张小床上。 When I _ _, I find myself lying in a small bed. 答案: 【小题 1】 to hurry up; be late 【小题 2】 had better wash your hands 【小题 3】 head teacher; a little 【小题 4】 take turns 【小题 5】 wake up 【小题 1】考查 tell的用法,告诉某人干某事 /

32、不要干某事, tell sb to do/not to do sth。 【小题 2】考查 had better的用法,最好干某事, had better +动词原形。 【小题 3】考查 a little/little的区别, a little一点后跟不可数名词,表肯定; little表否定。 Enlish是不可数名词,故用 a little。 【小题 4】考查固定短语,轮流干某事 take turns to do sth。 【小题 5】考查固定用法, wake sb up把某人叫醒。 补全对话 根据对话内容用正确的句子完成对话 A: Good morning, Mr. Zhang. B: _(

33、1), Mr. Wang. A: _(2), Mr. Zhang B: Im from Shanghai. _(3) A: Im from Xian. Are you a worker B: Yes, I am. _(4) A: Im a teacher. Do you work in a car factory B: Yes, I do. _(5) A: I teach English. B: How many children do you have A: I have one. B: Do you have _(6) A: I have a son. B: _(7) A: Hes a s

34、tudent. B: _(8) A: Hes twelve. _(9) any children B: Yes. I have a daughter. Shes a student, too. A: _(10) B: Yes. She likes English very much. 答案: 【小题 1】 Good evening 【小题 2】 Where are you from 【小题 3】 What about you 【小题 4】 What do you do 【小题 5】 What do you teach 【小题 6】 a son or a daughter 【小题 7】 What

35、 is he/ What does he do 【小题 8】 How old is he 【小题 9】 Do you have 【小题 10】 Does she like English 【小题 1】相互问好。 【小题 2】根据答语问你来自哪里。 Where are you from? =Where do you come from 【小题 3】 What about you =How about you 你呢? 【小题 4】问一个人的身份, What do you do? =what are you? 【小题 5】 根据下一句 I teach English.问教什么课程? 【小题 6】根据

36、答语 I have a son 说明要问你有一个女儿还是一个儿子 【小题 7】 根据答语确定问身份 What is he/ What does he do? 【小题 8】 根据答语要问年龄。 【小题 9】 根据答语 Yes. I have a daughter前面一定是一般疑问句。 【小题 10】由答语 Yes. She likes English very much.判断用一般疑问句。 单词造句 连词成句 【小题 1】 in, a, here, near, I, study, middle, school _. 【小题 2】 to, a, school, go, different, the

37、 children _. 【小题 3】 Mr. Green, a, driver, is, a, worker, or _. 【小题 4】 Sam, swimming, like, singing, doesnt, or _. 【小题 5】 does, work, Zhou Nan, where _ 答案: 【小题 1】 I study in a middle school near here 【小题 2】 The children go to a different school 【小题 3】 Is Mr. Green a driver or a worker 【小题 4】 Sam doesnt like swimming or singing. 【小题 5】 Where does Zhou Nan work 【小题 1】我在附近的一所中学上学。只能做成陈述句形式。孩子们去不同的学校 【小题 2】孩子们去不同的学校,根据要求只能做成陈述句形式。 【小题 3】根据连词 or该句要做成一个选择疑问句 【小题 4】根据连词 or该句要做成一个选择疑问句,在否定句中连接两个名词用 or不能用 and。 【小题 5】根据疑问词 where所以要做成特殊疑问句。


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