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1、2012年仁爱版初中英语八年级下册第七单元 Topic3练习卷与答案(带解析) 单项选择 * Shall we go to see a film tonight ? _. A Thank you. B Thats a good idea. C Its very kind of you. D I have no time 答案: B When did you borrow the English story -book I borrowed it last week. I _it for a week. A have bought B have kept C have borrowed D ha

2、d 答案: B Theres _with your watch because it often keeps bad time. A nothing wrong B something wrong C wrong nothing D wrong something 答案: B Bob is looking at the _to find where Beihai Park is. A picture B map C card D blackboard 答案: B Light doesnt travel as fast as sound, _ A doesnt it B is it C does

3、 it D do they 答案: C We have three meals _day. We have _breakfast at 6:30 in _morning every day. A the; the; the B the;/;the C a;/;the D a; the; the 答案: C Was Tom a little ill yesterday _. A Yes, he was not ill. B Yes, but he is better now. C No, he is well. D Certainly. He was not in bed. 答案: B Do y

4、ou know where the twins are Yes. They _ Fuzhou. A have gone to B have been to C have gone D went to 答案: A Its raining heavily now. Youd better _home. A leave B not leave C to leave D not to leave 答案: B _we swim in that river No, you _. Its dangerous to swim there. A Must; cant B Can; may not C Shall

5、; dont D May; mustnt 答案: D Would you please tell me something about your travel in Sydney _. A Excuse me. I m afraid not. B It s very nice of you to say so. C Certainly. Ill be glad to. D No. I dont like it. 答案: C The teacher said to his students, “Dont forget _your dictionary to school tomorrow.” A

6、 brought B bring C bringing D to bring 答案: D Jack bought a _in a shoe shop yesterday. A pair of shoes B pairs of shoes C pair of two shoes D pair of shoe 答案: A Peter didnt go to Marys birthday party because he was _then. A free B busy C well D happy 答案: B Do you know _she came to Beijing Yes. She ca

7、me by plane. A what B why C when D how 答案: D Do you think maths is _foreign languages A more difficult B less difficult C as difficult as D the most difficult 答案: C Have you ever been to the Great Wall _. A Yes, never. B No, ever. C No, never. D Yes, I do. 答案: C Beijing won the right (权 ) of holding

8、 the 2008 Olympic Games in Moscow _the night of July 13th, 2001. A on B in C at D before 答案: A 完型填空 完形填空 What time is it There are many ways you can (1) the time. You may have a watch on your wrist(手腕 ) .You can look at a clock on the wall. You can listen to the radio or (2) a number on the telephon

9、e to get the time. I has not always been (3) to know the time. A long time ago people looked at the (4) to tell the time. They could tell the time by looking at it in the sky: morning, noon or afternoon. Around the year 1400, people began to use the hourglass(沙漏 ) . It was made (5) glass with sand i

10、n it. It was wide at both ends, (6) narrow ( 窄的 ) in the middle. The sand ran from one end to (7) in one hour. At the end of every hour people turned the glass over ant it began (8) . Hundreds of years later a machine called (9) was invented. After that people made (10) clocks so that they could (11

11、) them in their pockets. These pocket clocks were called watches. Then, during the first world war (战争 ) men started (12) their watches on their wrists. It was easier and faster to tell the time 【小题 1】 make sure B. look at C. write down D. find out 【小题2】 A call B read C count D write A different B d

12、ifficult C easy D important A earth B sun C moon D satellite A by B into C from D of A so B and C but D or A another B other C others D the other A once B more C again D too A watch B clock C radio D telephone A good B cheap C beautiful D small A take B bring C carry D get A wearing B inventing C ma

13、king D buying 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 C 【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 C 【小题 9】 B 【小题 10】 D 【小题 11】 C 【小题 12】 A 【小题 1】考查短语辨析, make sure确信; look at看; write down写下; find out发现,看时间用 look at故选 B 【小题 2】考查动词辨析, call打电话; read读; count数数; write写根据题意选 A. 【小题 3】考查形容词,没有很容易的方法知道时间,因此选 C. 【小题 4】

14、考查对短文的理解,很久以前人们是通过看太阳来知道时间的,故选 B 【小题 5】考查被动语态, be made of由 .制成,看出原材料; be made from看不出原材料,根据题意,沙漏是是由玻璃制成的看出原材料,故选 D 【小题 6】考查 both的用法,两个都 both and故选 C 【小题 7】考查代词, one. the other一个 .另一个, another另一个,用于三者以上,根据题意选 D 【小题 8】考查对短文理解能力,再一次 again故选 C 【小题 9】考查名词辨析, clock钟表, watch手表,根据下文提示故选 B. 【小题 10】考查形容词,根据段意

15、人们制作小的钟表以便放在口袋里,故选 D 【小题 11】考查动词辨析 take带走 bring带来 catch随身携带,故选 C 【小题 12】考查动词辨析,戴手表用 wear, invent发明, make制造,故选 A 阅读理解 阅读理解 Today Newtown is a very clean place. But many years ago, there were millions of rats(老鼠 )in Newtown. They attacked(袭击 ) the cats and dogs. Sometimes a lot of them knocked down a

16、man or woman walking home at night. The rats were very big in size and they hurt many people. The government (政府 ) ordered (命令 ) everybody to kill rats. Most people were lazy, so they did not kill many. Then the government decided to pay some money for each dead rat. That made the people very happy.

17、 They killed thousands of rats every day. A government officer put all the dead rats in a big pile(堆 ). Sometimes a man brought hundreds in one day. After two weeks there were not many rats in the city, but people still brought many rats to the government office. The government officer thought that

18、people were stealing (偷 ) dead rats from the pile. He ordered his men to dig a deep hole and put the rats in it. Soon there were no more rats, and the government did not pay any more money. 【小题 1】 The rats in Newtown were _. A as big as cats B as dangerous as dogs C large and many D knocked down by

19、the people there 【小题 2】 The people killed rats _. A to get some money for the dead bodies B because the rats attacked them at night C to help the government make the city clean D to pay the government as a tax(税 ) 【小题 3】 A deep hole was dug so that _. A the rats could not come out to attack people a

20、t night B people could take as many rats from the hole as they wished C the rats could not run away easily D nobody could take any rats from the pile 【小题 4】 From the passage we can see that the government officer _. A was a very rich man B was clever C was afraid of rats D liked to live in a clean h

21、ouse 【小题 5】 Which of the following is the best title (标题 ) for this passage A How to Kill Rats B Newtown - City of Rats C How Newtown People Became Rich D How Newtown Became a Very Clean Place 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 D 【小题 1】根据短文的第一段可知 Newtown在很久以前有很多大老鼠,故选 C. 【小题 2】考查对短文的理解,由

22、于人们对捕鼠的积极性不高,于是政府下令凡事捕的老鼠越多得到的钱越多,因此选 A 【小题 3】根据 The government officer thought that people were stealing (偷 ) dead rats from the pile. He ordered his men to dig a deep hole and put the rats in it.可知 【小题 4】考查对文章的理解,不难看出政府的措施调动了积极性,说明政府官员很聪明。 【小题 5】考查对短文的整体归纳,由于消灭了老鼠城市干净了,故选 D 阅读理解 In a small town, t

23、here lived a doctor. He was good and kind. He was ready to go and help people. People always went to him when they were ill. Many years later, the doctor began to forget things. People were afraid and little by little, they stopped going to him. The doctor saw his business wasnt as good as before. H

24、e thought, “Well, if I was the patient (病人 ), Id be afraid to go to me, too. Maybe its time for me to stop being a doctor. But this town has no doctor. What will the people do when they become ill ” His wife heard him talking to himself and said, “Why dont you find a young doctor to take your place

25、Then people will have another good doctor to take care of them and I will get my husband back.” The doctor liked what his wife said. He found a very good young doctor to help the people. The doctor and his wife then had time to take long walks together, go dancing, go travelling and spend the rest(剩

26、余部分 ) of their days together. 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案: 【小题 1】 Whats the story about A A husband B A wife C A small town D A doctor 【小题 2】 The people _the doctor when he forgot things. A helped B went to see C stopped going to D forgot 【小题 3】 The doctors business wasnt as good as before because _. A he was al

27、ways ready to help people B people were afraid of him and his wife C he was old and forgetful D he found a very good young doctor to help the people 【小题 4】 The expression “to take your place” in the passage means . A to take you home B instead of you C to take care of you D to take your time 【小题 5】

28、Which of the following is NOT true A The old doctor agreed with what his wife said. B The old doctor was still busy working at the doctors. C The people werent taken care of by the old doctor any more when he was old. D The doctor and his wife had more time to enjoy their lives after the young docto

29、r came. 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 B 【小题 1】由第一句 话 In a small town, there lived a doctor可知该故事是有关一位医生的,故选 D 【小题 2】根据第二段 People were afraid and little by little, they stopped going to him.可知,由于这位医生记忆力开始下降,人们不敢去找他看病了,故选 C 【小题 3】根据上句提示由于健忘生意不如以前了,故选 C 【小题 4】考查同义短语, take place=instead

30、of代替,故选 B 【小题 5】考查对文章的理解,由于医生的健忘, 医务室里不忙了,故 B 答案:是错误的。 阅读理解 My name is Chen Lan. My home is in Gulangyu. Do you know Gulangyu It is in Xiamen. It is near the sea. Gulangyu is a small place, but it is very nice and clean. There are no cars, no buses and no bikes. People only walk. So it is very quiet

31、. People, go to visit Gulangyu by ship. Our house is in the middle of Gulangyu. Behind our house there is a big tree. My grandfather tells me that the tree is very, very old. There are many birds in the tree. We call it a “bird tree” . Our house is near the sea. The sea is big and blue. There are a

32、lot of fish in the sea. After school, I go there and catch fish with my friends. It is very interesting. I like fish and I like catching fish. 根据短文判断正误 ,在正确的句子前填上 (T),在错误的句子前填上 (F) 【小题 1】 Gulangyu is an island. 【小题 2】 Chen Lan tells us a lot about her parents. 【小题 3】 There are no vehicles(车辆 )in Gul

33、angyu. 【小题 4】 Chen Lan always goes fishing by herself. 【小题 5】 Chen Lan is from Xiamen. 答案: 【小题 1】 T 【小题 2】 F 【小题 3】 T 【小题 4】 F 【小题 5】 T 【小题 1】考查地理知识和对短文理解,鼓浪屿是岛屿,故是正确的, 【小题 2】考查对短文的理解 ,从整体来看主要介绍陈兰的家乡,故该题是错误的。 【小题 3】根据 There are no cars, no buses and no bikes. People only walk可知 【小题 4】根据 I go there a

34、nd catch fish with my friends.可知和朋友一起去钓鱼。 【小题 5】根据第一段可知她来自厦门,故该句是正确的。 书面表达 看图填词 仔细观察下列五幅图,然后在下面短文的空格处填上适当的词,使短文意思完整,语法正确。 (每空限填一词 ) Last Sunday afternoon I went to West Lake. At that time, some people were _1_on the lake. Among those was perhaps a happy family. Mother was taking _2_of her daughter w

35、hen suddenly the girl _3_into the water. She was struggling(挣扎 ) and her parents cried out, “Help! Help!” It was obvious (显然 ) that they couldnt swim at all. From nearby(附近 )a _4_man _5_to the lake at once. _6_taking off his _7_, he jumped into the water and quickly _8_towards the girl. At last he c

36、arried the girl to the lake _9_. She was _10_! The parents were very happy. But before they thought of thanking the man, he had left. 答案: 【小题 1】 boating 【小题 2】 photos(如果填 photo或 photoes扣 0.5分 ), 【小题 3】 fell, 【小题 4】 young(填 strong, kind, good, nice, kind-hearted不扣分 ) 【小题 5】 ran(rushed), 【小题 6】 Withou

37、t(没有大写扣 0.5分 ), 【小题 7】 clothes(如果填 T-shirt, trousers, shoes一律扣 0.5分 ), 【小题 8】 swam, 【小题 9】 side, 【小题 10】 saved 【小题 1】考查对短文的理解,上星期天在湖里划船用过去进行时 【小题 2】考查短语, take photos,拍照。 【小题 3】考查时态,根据上下文用过去时, fell, fall into 掉入 . 【小题 4】考查形容词,答案:不唯一,可以是 young也可以是 strong, kind,good, nice, kind-hearted 【小题 5】考查时态, run

38、to向 .跑去,过去式 ran 【小题 6】考查 without用法,介词后跟动名词。没有脱衣服就跳入水中。 【小题 7】考查名词复数, clothes衣服,脱下 take off 【小题 8】考查时态,和前面的 jumped动作并列故用 swam 【小题 9】考查短语,游向湖边 lake side 【小题 10】考查被动语态, be saved被救了。 书面表达 写一篇有关你和你就读的学校开展体育活动的短文。 要求:所写短文必须包括以下提示要点;意思表 达清楚,文句通顺,连贯,单词拼写正确,标点无误;至少写出 7个句子,字数 70左右。 (不包括已经给出的句子 ) 要点: 1. 学校每年秋季

39、举办运动会,去年运动会上你获跳远第一名。 2. 同学们通常有早锻炼,做眼保健操,课后有时打篮球或踢足球。 3. 介绍你最喜欢 (favourite)参加和观看的运动项目。 4. 运动有益于身体健康 (health),你准备进行更多锻炼。 My School Sport I study at No. 2 Middle School. 答案: My School Sport I study at No. 2 Middle School. There is a sports meeting in our school every autumn/Our school holds a sports me

40、eting every autumn/A sports meeting is held in our school every autumn. I took the first place/was first in the long jump/won the long jump last year. We usually take exercise in the early morning. We do eye exercises in the afternoon. After school/class we play basketball or football. My favourite

41、sport is football/I like football best. I often watch a football match on TV on Sundays. I think(doing)sport is good for our health/(doing) sport makes us heathier and stronger. I am going to take/do more exercise/do more sport. 句型转换 句型转换 【小题 1】 He will be away for long next year. (改为否定句 ) He _ be a

42、way for long next year. 【小题 2】 This is my box. (改为复数形式 ) _are our _. 【小题 3】 The Yellow river is 5,464 kilometres long. (对画线部分提问 ) is the Yellow River 【小题 4】 Did they have a good journey home, Do you know (合并为带宾语从句的复合句 ) Do you know _they _a good journey home 【小题 5】 It took me fifteen minutes to fini

43、sh the e-mail(电子邮件 ).( 改为同义句 ) _ spent _quarter in _the e-mail. 答案: 【小题 1】 Wont 【小题 2】 These(没有大写扣 0.5分 ), boxes 【小题 3】 How(没有大写扣 0.5分 )long 【小题 4】 if(whether), had 【小题 5】 I, a(填 one不扣分 ), finishing 【小题 1】考查将来时的否定句, will not 【小题 2】考查名词单复数转换, this的复数 these,第一字母大写, box加 es 【小题 3】考查对距离提问,用 how long,首字母

44、要大写。 【小题 4】考查宾语从句,如果从句是一般疑问句,变宾语从句用 if引导,从句的语序用陈述句语序。 【小题 5】考查同义句转换,当人作主语时用 spend doing。 单词拼写 选出与所给句子画线部分意思相同或相近的选项 【小题 1】 Robert does well in playing table tennis. A is good at B is interested in C likes D hates 【小题 2】 Han Meimei lost her library book just now, didnt she A right now B long before C

45、 a moment ago D just then 【小题 3】 Mr. King told me to give him a call at nine this evening. A give him a talk B take him a message C wake him up D ring him up 【小题 4】 Mr. Brown bought a few Chinese books yesterday. A a little B a lot of C several D a bit 【小题 5】 Allan failed to answer Miss Zhaos questi

46、on in todays English class. A wasnt able to B didnt want to C was able to D would like to 【小题 6】 Is this schoolbag yours No. Mine is different from it. A smaller than B bigger than C the same, as D not the same as 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 A 【小题 6】 D 【小题 1】考查同义短语, do well in在某方面

47、干得好, be good at 擅长。故选 A 【小题 2】考查同义短语 just now刚才,相当于 a moment ago,故选 C 【小题 3】考查同 义短语 take him a message 给某人捎信, wake him up把某人喊醒, give him a talk做演讲,根据题意选 D 【小题 4】考查同义短语 a few跟可数名词复数, a little跟不可数名词, a lot of即可跟可数名词也可跟不可数名词,故选 C 【小题 5】考查同义短语 Allan不能回答老师的问题,排除 C、 D;B答案:是不想回答,故选 A. 【小题 6】考查同义短语 be different from=not the same故选 D 用所给动词的正确形式填空 【小题 1】 It is four oclock in the afternoon. Some students _ _ ( play) basketball on the playground . They _ _


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