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1、2013届陕西省三原县北城中学高三摸底考试英语试题(带解析) 单项选择 * Can those_at the back of the classroom hear me No problem. A seat B sit C seated D sat 答案: C _with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time. A Faced B Face C Facing D To face 答案: A When it was his turn to deliver his speech, _, he walked towards t

2、he microphone. A nervously and embarrassingly B nervous and embarrassedly C nervously and embarrassing D nervous and embarrassed 答案: In order to meet the demands they had to_production. A fasten up B rise up C speed up D go up 答案: C After he retired from office, Royers_painting for a while, but soon

3、 lost interest. A took up B saved up C kept up D drew up 答案: A _China has successfully launched its Shenzhou with two astronauts in it has shocked the world. A What B As C It D That 答案: Come and see me whenever_. A you are convenient B you will be convenient C it is convenient to you D it will be co

4、nvenient to you 答案: C Dont always_your own failure_others.Sometimes you yourself_. A blame; on; are to be blamed B blame; for; are to blame C blame; on; are to blame D blame; for; are to be blamed 答案: C She knows nothing about her new neighbor_he moved into the building last Sunday. A except that B

5、except C apart from D besides 答案: A Every one of us must know: _we live can we save the earth. A by changing the way only B only by changing the way C by only changing the way D by changing only the way 答案: B “Things_never come again! ” I couldnt help talking to myself. A lost B losing C to lose D h

6、ave lost 答案: A In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained_abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud. A sticking B stuck C to be stuck D to have stuck 答案: B Janes pale face suggested that she_ill, and her parents suggested that she_a medical examination. A be; should have B was; have C should be; had D

7、 was; has 答案: B This is the first time we_a film in the cinema together as a family. A see B had seen C saw D have seen 答案: D Whats the central idea of the passage , Bob Sorry , I cant make_of it.Its beyond my ability. A judgement B understanding C idea D sense 答案: D 阅读理解 What brings a nation togeth

8、er Of the four choices shared values, language, history, and religion, its shared values. In our latest poll (民意调 , seven out of 16 countries chose values as the greatest factor (因素) bringing a nation together, and six preferred language. Both choices scored high in the poll, suggesting that our val

9、ues and how we express them are closely linked .Still, history was not forgotten in some countries, particularly in Mexico and Russia. Even Canada and the United States chose national histories as the second-most important factor uniting their people. The biggest surprise Not one country picked reli

10、gion as its top choice. Respect your elders In most countries, the oldest generation considered values more important to a nation than did those who are under 45 years old. Do you speak Canadian Language scored lower in Canada than in all other countries polled, perhaps because the country speaks tw

11、o official languages, French and English. Church and state Most people polled do not connect their religious beliefs to their national pride. Religion ranked last in 13 countries with France scoring it at 1%, the lowest of all. 【小题 1】 According to the poll, what was the most important factor in brin

12、ging a nation together A Language. B Values. C History. D Religion. 【小题 2】 In which country did language score the lowest in their national pride A Canada. B Mexico. C France. D America. 【小题 3】 According to the charts, shared values and language were considered equally important in . A Australia B B

13、razil C China D India 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 D Three Boys and a Dad Brad closed the door slowly as Sue left home to visit her mother. Expecting a whole day to relax, he was thinking whether to read the newspaper or watch his favorite TV talk show on his first day off in months. “This will be l

14、ike a walk in the park,” hed told his wife. “Ill look after the kids, and you can go visit your mom.” Things started well, but just after eight oclock, his three little “good kids”Mike, Randy, and Alexcame down the stairs in their night clothes and shouted “breakfast, daddy.” When food had not appea

15、red within thirty seconds, Randy began using his spoon on Alexs head as if it were a drum. Alex started to shout loudly in time to the beat(节拍) . Mike chanted “Wheres my toast, wheres my toast” in the background. Brad realized his newspaper would have to wait for a few seconds. Life became worse aft

16、er breakfast. Mike wore Randys underwear on his head. Randy locked himself in the bathroom, while Alex shouted again because he was going to wet his pants. Nobody could find clean socks, although they were before their very eyes. Someone named “Not Me” had spilled a whole glass of orange juice into

17、the basket of clean clothes. Brad knew the talk show had already started. By ten oclock, things were out of control. Alex was wondering why the fish in the jar refused his bread and butter. Mike was trying to show off his talent by decorating the kitchen wall with his color pencils. Randy, thankfull

18、y, appeared to be reading quietly in the family room, but closer examination showed that he was eating apple jam straight from the bottle with his hands. Brad realized that the talk show was over and reading would be impossible. At exactly 11:17, Brad called the daycare centre (日托所) .“I suddenly hav

19、e to go into work and my wifes away. Can I bring the boys over in a few minutes ” The answer was obviously “yes” because Brad was smiling. 【小题 1】 When his wife left home. Brad expected to . A go out for a walk in the park B watch TV talk show with his children C enjoy his first day off work D read t

20、he newspaper to his children 【小题 2】 Which of the following did Randy do A Drawing on the wall B Eating apple jam C Feeding the fish. D Reading in a room 【小题 3】 Why did Brad ask the daycare centre for help A Because he wanted to clean up his house. B Because he suddenly had to go to his office C Beca

21、use he found it hard to manage his boys home. D Because he had to take his wife back 【小题 4】 This text is developed . A by space B by comparison C by process D by time 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 D One of the greatest contributors to the first Oxford English Dictionary was also one of its m

22、ost unusual. In 1879, Oxford University in England asked Prof. James Murray to serve as editor for what was to be the most ambitious dictionary in the history of the English language. It would include every English word possible and would give not only the definition but also the history of the word

23、 and quotations(引文 ) showing how it was used. This was a huge task, so Murray had to find volunteers from Britain, the United States, and the British colonies to search every newspaper, magazine, and book ever written in English. Hundreds of volunteers responded, including William Chester Minor. Dr.

24、 Minor was an American surgeon who had served in the Civil War and was now living in England. He gave his address as “Broadmoor, Crowthorne, Berkshire,” 50 miles from Oxford. Minor joined the army of volunteers sending words and quotations to Murray. Over the next 17 years, he became one of the staf

25、fs most valued contributors. But he was also a mystery. In spite of many invitations, he would always decline to visit Oxford. So in 1897, Murray finally decided to travel to Crowthorne himself. When he arrived, he found Minor locked in a book-lined cell at the Broadmoor Asylum(精神病院 ) for the Crimin

26、ally Insane. Murray and Minor became friends, sharing their love of words. Minor continued contributing to the dictionary, sending in more than 10,000 submissions in 20 years. Murray continued to visit Minor regularly, sometimes taking walks with him around the asylum grounds. In 1910, Minor left Br

27、oadmoor for an asylum in his native America. Murray was at the port to wave goodbye to his remarkable friend. Minor died in 1920, seven years before the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary was completed. The 12 volunteers defined 414,825 words, and thousands of them were contributions fro

28、m a very scholarly and devoted asylum patient. 【小题 1】 According to the text, the first Oxford English Dictionary _. A came out before Minor died B was edited by an American volunteer C included the English words invented by Murray D was intended to be the most ambitious English dictionary 【小题 2】 How

29、 did Dr. Minor contribute to the dictionary A He helped Murray to find hundreds of volunteers. B He sent newspapers, magazines and books to Murray. C He provided a great number of words and quotations. D He went to England to work with Murray. 【小题 3】 Which of the following best describes Dr. Minor A

30、 Brave and determined. B Cautious and friendly. C Considerate and optimistic. D Unusual and scholarly. 【小题 4】 What does the text mainly talk about A The history of the English language. B The friendship between Murray and Minor. C Minor and the first Oxford English Dictionary. D Broadmoor Asylum and

31、 its patients. 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 C Parents are a childs first teachers. But some parents never learned from good examples. In New York City, a nonprofit agency called Covenant House tries to help homeless young mothers become good parents. The twelve or so teenagers who live at t

32、he shelter attend parenting classes four days a week. The class is called Mommy and Me. Teacher Delores Clemens is a mother of five and a grandmother. She teaches basic skills, like how to give a baby a bath and how to dress a baby depending on the season. She remembers one student who learned from

33、her mother not to pick up a crying baby. The mother said that would only make the child needy and overly demanding. Delores Clemens says, “thats not true. You have to hold your baby! He is crying for a reason. If you never pick him up, hes going to keep crying. Pick your baby up. Cuddle your baby. H

34、ug him! And she started to do that. They just want a little cuddling and a little love. And it works!” Delores Clemens says her students also learn how to be good mothers by letting themselves be mothered. Around three hundred fifty teenage mothers graduate from Covenant Houses Mommy and Me class ev

35、ery year. In class, with her baby son is Natasha. She lived on the streets. She is glad not only for the warmth and shelter of Covenant House. As she told reporter Adam Phillips, she is also glad for the help they offer in seeking a more secure life. The World Health Organization says the United Sta

36、tes has forty-one births for every one thousand girls age fifteen to nineteen. That is higher than other developed countries, as well as some developing ones. By comparison, northern neighbor Canada has fourteen births and southern neighbor Mexico has eighty-two. 【小题 1】 What is the text mainly about

37、 A Parents who are a childs first teachers. B A class where teens learn mothering and are mothered. C A nonprofit agency that offers a more secure life. D A kind teacher who help homeless young mothers. 【小题 2】 Covenant Houses Mommy and Me class is intended to _. A help homeless young mothers become

38、good parents B provide homeless young mothers with a warm shelter C help mothers in New York be good parents D teach some parents how to love their children 【小题 3】 What can we know about Delores Clemens from the text A She has a mother of five and a grandmother. B She thinks a crying baby should be

39、picked up and hugged. C She teaches advanced skills on how to be good mothers. D She is very glad for the warmth and shelter of Covenant House. 【小题 4】 According to the World Health Organization, which country has the highest births for girls age fifteen to nineteen A Canada B the United States of Am

40、erica C Mexico D Britain 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 信息匹配 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 How to Make Friends Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends. Good friendship has many benefits. It offers companionship, improves self-worth and p

41、romotes good health. There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town, or changed our jobs or schools. Such changes often leaves us without a friend 71 . But for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage. Below are some helpful suggestions on how to mak

42、e and keep friends. 1. Associate with others. The first step to making friends is associating with other people. You can go to public places to meet new people. Besides, you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places. 2. Start a conversation Starting a conversation

43、is the second most important step in making new friends. 72 You can always start the conversation. Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in relating with other people. 3. 73 Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always brin

44、g you and your friend together, Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience. 4. Let it grow. It is a good thing to stay in touch. However, try not to press your new friend with calls, messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your friend. 74 . The best

45、 friendships are the ones that grow naturally. 5. Enjoy your friendship The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves. 75 Try not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be. Become the kind of friend you will want your friend to be to you. A Be che

46、erful. B Do things together. C Do not wait to be spoken to. D Try not to find fault with your friends. E. Making new friends comes easy for some people. F. For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch. G. So you will need to give your friend time to react to you. 答案: 【小题 1】 E 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3

47、】 B 【小题 4】 G 【小题 5】 D 【小题 1】 E 根据下一句 But for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage.可知对一些人来说交朋友很容易。 【小题 2】 C 根据下一句 You can always start the conversation可知你要主动的开始对话,不一样等待别人主动和你说。 【小题 3】 B 根据下一段内容可知是要求和朋友一起做事情,故 B符合要求。 【小题 4】 G 本段内容可知是给朋友回应的时间,不要过于着急联系。 【小题 5】 D 本段内容是指对朋友要有包容之心,不要苛求,

48、故 D符合要求。 书面表达 假定你是某中学的学生李华。请用英语给出版社的编辑写封信,表达你对现在使用的 英语材料的看法,内容主要包括: 优点: 1.话题广泛; 2图片丰富; 3有助于提高学习兴趣。 建议 “适当降低词汇难度。 注意: 1词数 100左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使文章连贯; 3.开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Editor, As a student reader, Im writing to talk about the English textbooks published by your house 答案: Dear editor, As a student reader, Im writing to talk about the English textbooks published by your house. These books have many advantages. One of them is that we can find a va


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