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1、河北省邢台一中 2009-2010学年度高二下学期第一次月考英语试题 其他 第一节:单词辨音:从所给的 A, B, C, D四个选项中选出划线部分与所给单词划线部分相同的选项。(每题 1 分,满分 5 分) 1. solar A. constitution B. zone C. evolution D. botany 2. institute A. variety B. iron C. collision D. sensitive 3. march A. transport B. marble C. organ D. absorb 4. economy A. belief B. phenome

2、non C. oxygen D. hesitate 5. butcher A. cube B. pure C. unique D. put 答案: 15 BCBAD 第五部分:补全对话(每题一分 共 5分) Jone: Do you mean to tell me you are not interested in spoken English Jack: _61_ Jone: Why not Jack: _62_ Jone: Im sorry I cant agree with you. Spoken English is very important if you want to real

3、ly learn English well. Jack: _63_ Jone: Did you go to the English Corner last night Jack: _64_ Jone: What a pity that you didnt join them! Why dont you start practicing it If you keep on speaking English for some time, maybe youll change your mind. Why not try Jack: _65_ A I think its of no use. B Y

4、es, I do. C No, I dont think so. D Yes, but I didnt speak a word. E. Well, I dont see any point in quarrelling about this. F. Yes, I tried my best to talk with others. G. Maybe you are right and Ill try tomorrow. 答案: 6165 BAEDG 单项选择 * If you are unable to attend the meeting, for _ _ reason, you shou

5、ld inform us immediately. A its B which C whatever D whose 答案: C Whom does the money the government spends _, the farmers, the workers or the businessmen A encourage B locate C benefit D treat 答案: C . Several weeks had gone by _ I realized the painting was missing. A as B before C since D when 答案: B

6、 The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted _ a good answer. A came up with B put up with C caught up with D kept up with 答案: A Opportunities are always _ as long as we use our minds. A available B permanent C relative D stable 答案: A Maggie has been fortunate to find a job she loves and

7、 , _ ,she gets well paid for it. A sooner or later B that is C whats more D as a result 答案: C . If they are interested, well _ further discussion. A apply B achieve C absorb D arrange 答案: D A _ with the party in power will have a bad influence on the social stability. A constitution B construction C

8、 collision D connection 答案: C . We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made _ from some wood we had. A it B one C himself D another 答案: B Words _ me when I wanted to express my thanks to him for having saved my son from the burning house. A failed B left C discouraged D disappointed 答案:

9、A In our childhood, we were often _ by Grandpa to pay attention to our table manners. A demanded B reminded C allowed D hoped 答案: B - _ that he managed to get the information 来源 :Z|xx|k.Com - Oh, a friend of his helped him. A Who was it B What it was C How was it D Why it was 答案: C The universities

10、have got bigger in size, _ many more people the chance of higher education. A so allowing B thus allowing C so to allow D thus to allow 答案: B They _ the plane, or perhaps they have been prevented from coming for some reason. A can have missed B can have lost C may have missed D may have lost 答案: C -

11、 Could you mail these letters for me please - _ letters Your friends are going to be very happy to hear from you again. A What B Some C More D Different 答案: C 完型填空 第三节:完形填空(共 20小题,每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 He must have been completely lost in something he was

12、reading because I had to tap on the windshield to get his attention. “Is your taxi 21 ” I asked when he finally looked 22 at me. He nodded, then said 23 as I settled into the back seat, “Im sorry, but I was reading a 24 .” He 25 as if he had a cold . “I am not in a hurry,” I told him. “Go ahead and

13、finish your letter.” He 26 his head. “Ive read it several times already. I guess I 27 know it by heart.” “Letters from home always mean a lot,” I said. “From a child ” “This isnt 28 ,” he replied. “Although it 29 just as well have been family. Old Ed was my oldest friend. In fact, we used to call ea

14、ch other Old Friend when wed meet. Im not much good at 30 .” “I dont think any of us keep 31 our correspondence (通信 ) too well,” I said. “I know I dont. But I take it hes someone youve 32 quite a while ” “All my life. We were kids together, went to school together and all the 33 through high school.

15、” “There are not too many people whove had such a long friendship,” I said. “ 34 ,” the driver went on, “I hadnt seen him more than once or twice a year over the past 25 or 30 years because I 35 away from the old neighbourhood and you kind of lose touch 36 you never forget.” “You said was. Does that

16、 mean. ” He nodded. “ 37 a couple of weeks ago.” “Im sorry,” I said. “Its no fun to lose any friendand losing a real o ld one is 38 tougher.” He didnt 39 to that, and we rode on in silence for a few minutes. But I realized that Old Ed was still on his mind when he spoke again, almost more to himself

17、 than to me: “I should have kept in touch.” “Well,” I agreed, “we should all keep in touch with old friends more than we do. But things 40 and we just dont seem to find the time.” When I got to my hotel room I didnt unpack right away. First I had to write a letter and mail it. 21. A.available B.acce

18、ptable C.beneficial D.occupied 22. A.down B.up C. to D. off 23. A.unexpectedly B. curiously C. apologetically D. definitely 24. A.booklet B. novel C. book D. letter 25. A.sounded B. spoke C.seemed D. continued 26. A.hung B.nodded C. shook D. kept 27. A.anyhow B.hardly C.almost D. really 28. A.friend

19、ship B.family C.leadership D. colleague 29. A.could B. might C.maybe D. would 30. A.writing B.reading C.talking D. earning 31. A.up B.with C.on D. in 32. A.found B.written C.known D. seen 33. A.curriculum B.coincidence C.life D. way 34. A.Eventually B.Actually C.Additionally D. Besides 35. A.removed

20、 B.left C.headed D. moved 36. A.even though B.as though C.when D. whereas 37. A.Died B. Suffered C.Choked D. Survived 38. A.ever B.even C.fairly D. quite 39. A.appeal B.reply C.adapt D. talk 40.A.take up B.pick up C.come up D. break up 答案: 2125 ABCDA 2630CCBBA 3135 ACDBD 3640 AABBC 阅读理解 Dinner was a

21、lmost ready when the killing happened When Don Wise walked into the living room of his home, his ten-year-old son, Mike, and a 12-year-old friend were sitting in front of a large-screen television set They were playing a video game they had rented(租赁 ), called Golden eye 007, one of the top-selling

22、titles of 2007 Standing behind the boys, Wise saw that one boy pushed the button and shot the character in the face Blood splattered(喷溅 )the lab coat of the character as he circled and fell “Youre down!”the boy said, laughing Frightened by the childs obvious fun, Wise ordered the boys to turn the ga

23、me off “This game is terrible “he said seriously “I dont want you to play with this any more ” Video games have become pervasive form of entertainment since the 1990s Today about 69 percent of American families own or rent video and computer games Most are harmless entertainment, but in far too many

24、 of the most popular ones, kids are acting out realistic violent experiences on their TV and computer screens “These are not just games any more, ”says Rick Dyer, president of the San Diego-based Virtual Image Productions.“These are learning machines Were teaching kids in the most incredible way wha

25、t its like to pull the trigger(扳机 ) The focus is on the thrill,enjoyment and reward What theyre not realizing are the real-life results.“ Such video games introduce kids to a fantasy world that features amazingly lifelike characters, detailed images of brutality(野蛮 )。 Unlike movies and television,wh

26、ere you watch the violence, the video game lets you feel the sensation(感觉) of taking violent actions When youre into the game, youre in the game “The technology is becoming more engaging(吸引人的) for kids, ”says David Walsh, president of the National Institute on Media and the Family(NIMF), a watchdog

27、group in Minneapolis, “and a part of the games features anti-social themes of violence, sex and rude language Unfortunately, its a part that seems particularly popular with kids between ages 8 to15 ” 57 Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of this passage A Video game violence is ver

28、y harmful to kids B Video game is a common form of entertainment C Video game violence is popular with children D Video game is the reflection of the reallife violence 58 We can infer from the passage that the_ A NIMF is characteristic for its social justice B NIMF is a political organization in Min

29、neapolis C NIMF promotes(推崇 ) video games and other media products D NIMF detects(侦查) the media industrys illegal actions(违法行为) 59 The underlined word“pervasive”in Paragraph 4 mos t probably means_ A worldwide B instructive C widespread n harmful 60 Which of the following statements would Rick Dyer

30、agree with A Video games with some violence teach kids to experience real life B Video games are realistic ways to learn more about the real life world C Video games with fantastic features are loved by most kids in the US D Violence video games have a negative influence on children 答案: 5760 ADCD Wh

31、ile I was waiting outside my wifes office building for her to get out of work, I saw a beggar coming my way from across the parking lot. “I hope he doesnt ask me for any money,” I thought. He didnt.He came and sat in front of the bus stop, but he didnt look like he could have enough money to ride th

32、e bus. After a few minutes he spoke. “Thats a pretty car,” he said, pointing to my car. He was ragged (衣衫褴褛 ), but he had an air of dignity(尊严 ) about himself. I gave him a smile and continued cleaning my car. He sat there quietly as I worked. The expected asking for money never came. As the silence

33、 between us widened, it seemed that a voice inside me said, “Ask him if he needs any help.” “Do you need any help ” I asked. He answered in three simple but meaningful words that I shall never forget. We often look for wisdom in great men and women, and we expect it from those of higher learning and

34、 achievements. I expected nothing but a dirty hand from him, but he said three words that shook me. “Dont we all ” he said. I was feeling high, successful and important above a beggar in the street, until those three words hit me like a shot. Dont we all I needed help. Maybe not for a bus fare or fo

35、r a place to sleep, but I needed help. I reached in my wallet and gave him not only for a bus fare, but enough to get a warm meal and shelter for the day. Those three little words still ring true. No matter how much you have, no matter how much you have achieved, you need help, too. No matter how li

36、ttle you have, no matter how loaded you are with problems, even without money or a place to sleep, you can give help. 53. The story happened _. A. outside an office building B. in front of a stor e C. near a post office D. on a bus 54. Which of the following is NOT TRUE A. The writer was waiting for

37、 his wife to get out of work. B. He thought the beggar would ask him for money. C. The beggar kept silent and didnt ask him for money. D. The writer was shocked by the three simple words. 55. “I was feeling high, successful and important above a beggar in the street.”means_. A. I thought I was bette

38、r in any way than the beggar B. I felt the beggar is as good in some ways as I am C. I felt I liked the beggar very much D. I thought U should respect the beggar 56. The best title of the passage is _. A. The Story of a Beggar B. Everyone Needs Help C. Life as a beggar D. A kind behavior 答案: 53-56 A

39、CAB HOTEL INFORMATION Baymont Inn Ft.Lauderdale 3800 W. Commercial, Ft. Lauderdale. FL 33309 Lowest Prices 110% Guaranteed (保证 ) Room Information Rooms are equipped with Double, Queen, or King bed (s), smoking or non-smoking based on location and availability. Pro vided in each spacious guest room i

40、s a hair dryer, coffee maker, iron, ironing board, 25 cable TV and guest voice mail Check-in Time: 7:00 P. M. Hotel Amenities(设施 ): Air Conditioned, Parking, 24 Hour Front Desk, Pool, Television with Cable, Coffee Maker in Room, Hairdryers Available. Beach Plaza Hotel 625 N. Fort Lauderdale Beach Bl

41、vd, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304 Room Information The oceanfront accommodations at Beach Plaza Hotel are some of the most affordable on Fort Lauderdale Beach. Each room features direct-dial telephone, cable television and daily maid service. The very affordable efficiency studios even include full kitch

42、ens! All rooms surround the private poolside garden courtyard. Check-in Time: 7:05 P. M. Hotel Amenities: Air Conditioned, Coffee Maker in Room, 24 Hour Front Desk, Free Parking, Hairdryers Available, Pool, Television with Cable. Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel 3711 N. Ocean Blvd, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 333

43、08 Room Information Guest rooms feature TVs, in-room movies, Internet access, in-room safes, alarm clock radios, hairdryers, refrigerators, microwaves, and balconies. Check-in Time: 7:00 A.M. Hotel Amenities: Parking, Heated Pool, Television with Cable, and Coffee Maker in Room. 49. Which hotel give

44、s a promise A. Baymont Inn Ft. Lauderdale. B.Beach Plaza Hotel. C. Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel D.All the three hotels. 50. In which hotel parking is the cheapest A. Baymont Inn Ft. Lauderdale. B.Beach Plaza Hotel C. Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel. D.None of the hotels 51. If you _ you will probably go

45、to Beach Plaza Hotel. A. enjoy seeing films without leaving your hotel room B. are fond of swimming in heated water C. want to eat food cooked by yourself in the hotel D. are a cigarette smoker 52. Which of the following is NOT true to the ads A. All of the three hotels provide television with cable

46、. B. You can keep your money in the room safe in Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel. C. In Beach Plaza Hotel a 24-hour maid is available. D. While staying in Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel, you can surf the lnternet. 答案: 49-52 ABCC February 24,2008 saw thieves break into the showroom of an Italian jeweler lik

47、ed by Hollywood stars and stole things worth up to 10 million dollars while its owners were in Los Angeles hosting a party to celebrate the Oscars The robbery, which took place at the Damiani showroom in Milans fashion district that morning, was compared later with the“perfect scenes”in films such a

48、s Oceans Eleven and The Italian Job The thieves had spent more than a month digging a tunnel from a disused cellar(地下室 )in a building joined to the showroom The digging had been heard for weeks but was thought to be part of continuing building works next door. The four thieves,dressed in balaclavas, sunglasses and fake uniforms of the Guards, used an inside stair to reach the first floor, thus avoiding alarms(警报器 ) and video cameras The sho


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