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1、福建省南安市南星中学 2009-2010学年度高一下学期第一次月考英语试题 其他 第二卷(共 35分) 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分 35分) 第一节 短文填空(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分) 请认真阅读下列短文 , 并根据首字母 ,汉语提示或上下文语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词 ,使短文意思完整,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确、拼写正确。 I had an _(有趣的 ) dream last night. I dreamed 76._ that I took _ in a race. At first, I could not run

2、very 77._ fast and fell b_. But I didnt lose heart and kept 78._ running. All the students on the _(操场上 ) cheer me on, 79._ “Come on!” I was so encouraged _ I ran faster and faster 80._ till I caught up _ all the other runners. I felt as if flying like 81._ a superman. _ the end, I got to the finish

3、ing line first. 82._ I won the race. I felt very p_ of myself. Many of my 83._ _(同学们 ) threw me up into the air. Just at that time 84._ I w_ up and found myself still in bed! 85._ 答案: 76. interesting 77. part 78. behind 79. playground 80. that 81. with 82. In 83. proud 84. classmates 85. woke 单项选择 *

4、 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45分) 第一节 单项填空(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分) 从 A、 B、 C和 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Did you see _ jacket on the playground just now Is it _ new one and very cool A. a; the B. the; a C. a; a D. the; the 答案: C This time next week, we _ a meeting in Beijing. A will have B are going to

5、 have C will be having D are having 答案: C Nowadays, more and more people are dedicated _ the poor in the remote areas. A to help B in helping C on helping D to helping 答案: D The speaker always talked about difficult things. His ideas hardly _ to the audience. A got over B got through C got across D

6、got down 答案: C Why are you standing here Im waiting for Shirley. She will be back _. A gradually B originally C shortly D abruptly 答案: C By the year 2020 scientists _ a lot of research on AIDS. A had done B do C are doing D will have done 答案: D The former manager of the company was said _ in an orga

7、nized crime. A to be involved B to involve C to have involved D to have been involved 答案: D _ is commonly believed that the play was written by Shakespeare. A It B That C What D As 答案: A I will buy this type of car _ the price is brought down to under 10,000 dollars. A even if B provided that C unle

8、ss D whether 答案: B C Being hard-working is of the highest _ to becoming successful. A important B to be important C importance D being importance 答案: C He made a promise_he would achieve the success that his parents were looking forward to. A what B when C that D which 答案: C The general managers _ d

9、irections confused the staff, who didnt know what to do. A ambiguous B complex C unconscious D punctual 答案: A Since everybody is clear, there is no _ in discussing the question any further. A point B possibility C wonder D doubt 答案: A _ it will do us harm or good remains to be seen. A If B Whether C

10、 That D What 答案: B Her interesting face, with a long nose and big eyes, is what makes her _. A stand by B stand for C stand up D stand out 答案: D 完型填空 第二节 完形填空(共 20小题,每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36-55 各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 My baby Rob, the youngest of my three sons, was star

11、ting kindergarten. I had already 36 this twice before, but this time it was more difficult. 来源 :Z&xx&k.Com What if he was scared What if he missed me I decided to do the grown-up thing and not tell him how I 37. I assured him that 38 would be just fine. The night 39 school started, Rob and I sat dow

12、n. I hugged him and asked if he had any questions about what he could expect tomorrow . “Im 40 excited, Mommy, but Im a little 41 about what I should do 42 I miss you,” he said sheepishly (胆怯地) . I had just the 43 for him. I 44 my hand and showed him a new, shiny penny. “This is a 45 magic penny. If

13、 youre scared or if you 46 me, just put your hand in your pocket and 47 this lucky penny. 48 you hold it and 49 me, I will know and be thinking about you , too.” It was absolutely 50. Id be thinking about him every minute. The next day as he 51 his schoolroom, he looked back at me. My baby looked so

14、 sure of himself. I smiled back at him and hoped that he didnt see the 52 in my eyes. The hours moved slowly but finally it was time to pick him 53. “I had a great day!” he 54. “There were a few times I was worried, but I held on to my lucky penny and that made me feel better.” After about a week I

15、found it on his dresser. I guessed he was secure enough in his new situation that he didnt 55 it anymore. I, on the other hand, kept it in my pocket for a few more days. 36. A. looked into B. gone through C. turned into D. brought out 37. A. escaped B. left C. arrived D. felt 38. A. everything B. no

16、thing C. someone D. something 39. A. after B. until C. before D. till 40. A. really B. seldom C. possibly D. hardly 41. A. worried B. disappointed C. pleased D. angry 42. A. unless B. whenever C. though D. if 43. A. reply B. answer C. key D. result 44. A. closed B. covered C. opened D. hid 45. A. li

17、ght B. round C. cheap D. lucky 46. A. remember B. see C. miss D. refuse 47. A. hold on to B. take away C. get back D. take care of 48. A. Some times B. Every time C. Any time D. At times 49. A. turn down B. refer to C. think of D. look up to 50. A. false B. true C. impossible D. uncertain 51. A. lef

18、t B. passed C. cleaned D. entered 52. A. blood B. water C. tears D. sweat 53. A. out B. up C. in D. away 54. A. cheered B. signed C. cried D. whispered 55. A. forget B. respect C. help D. need 答案: 36-40 BDACA 41-45 ADBCD 46-50 CABCB 51-55 DCBAD 阅读理解 E An Australian 3-year-old was described as a hero

19、 after saving his mum from an almost certain death by calling emergency services right after she collapsed(because of an epileptic attack (癫痫发作 ). Aiden McDonald amazed the doctors who arrived at Jeanine McDonalds house 10 minutes after Aiden called 000. The boy was very calm and spoke to the doctor

20、s as his mother got into an unconscious state. Sasha Lewis took the strange call and sent out an ambulance immediately. Aiden answered questions during the 19-minute call that made it clear it was a serious matter. Lewis said: “He sounded worried and was telling me things like Mummy is not awake, so

21、 I got an idea that it was a fairly serious matter.” This is part of the “conversation” they had: “Can I talk to Mummy please ” “Mummys not well.” “How old are you, sweetheart ” “I got a clock.” “Can I talk to Mummy ” “I cant get my Mummy.” “Where is she ” “On the floor. Mummys had a fit (昏厥) .” “Do

22、 you live in Kallangur ” “Weve got milk in the fridge and, um, (pause) I cant find the ambulance (crying), Mummy, Mum . Mum . Mum .” Mrs McDonald, who was making a cup of tea when she collapsed, was taken to hospital and allowed to leave the same night. “After hearing what he did I thought, no, that

23、 cant be right,” Jeanine McDonald said. “But Im so proud.” 72. In Australia, people will call 000 when t hey _. A. are diagnosed with a serious illness B. are looking for a job C. need emergency help in the event of health problem D. need to find someone to take care of their children 73. Why did Sa

24、sha Lewis talk with Aiden on the phone so long A. She tried to comfort Aiden and calm him down. B. She tried to get as much information as possible. C. Aiden was too slow in speaking on the phone. D. Aiden was too nervous to describe what was happening. 74. Jeanine McDonald received medical help abo

25、ut _ after she suddenly became unconscious. A. 10 minutes B. 20 minutes C. 30 minutes D. one hour 75. The most useful lesson that parents learn from the story is that _. A. its important to teach children to respond properly in serious situations B. its important to teach children to use the phone C

26、. they should build a parent-child relationship based on love and trust D. they should believe that children have the abilities to solve their own problems 答案: 72-75 CBCA D Communicating effectively means more than knowing what to say and when to say it. Communication involves the subtle signals you

27、r body language sends to those who are watching. Here are some common body actions and the impressions they create: Fiddling (好动 ) Playing with your watch or a pen looks like youre bored or impatient. Clock watching It looks like youre to move on to something else. Tapping Tapping your feet or finge

28、rs suggests you are impatient or nervous. Staring An unblinking ( 不眨眼的 ) stare conveys threatening or violent behaviour. Legs crossed or body hunched (弓背,耸肩 ) Closing up your body profile becoming smaller looks like you lack con fidence. Arms crossed If you keep your arms folded during communication

29、, you appear to be defending yourself against the others. Touching your face When you have your hand in front of your mouth, you appear very shy. Rubbing your nose, looking away People who are lying often rub their nose or look away when speaking. No eye contact If you wont look the other speaker in

30、 the eye, you seem to have low interest or a lack of confidence. (Dont forget staring above.) How you communicate with your body language is just as important as what you say. Watch your body language and control the unconscious messages you might be sending. 68. According to the passage, effective

31、communication includes all of the following EXCEPT _. A. knowing what to say B. sending unconscious messages to other people C. saying the right thing at the right time D. getting information from the other speakers body language 69. Which of the following people looks shy according to the passage A

32、. B. C. D. 70. If you want to show confidence when communicating, you should _. A. cross your legs or hunch your body B. avoid direct eye contact C. look the other speaker in the eye D. keep touching your face 71. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage A. How to make a good

33、impression on others B. Can you read body language C. Control your body language for effective communication D. How to send effective information through body language 答案: 68-71 BCCC C Scientists find that hard, working people live longer than average men and women Career(职业) women are healthier tha

34、n housewives Evidence shows that the jobless are in poorer health than the jobholders An investigation (调查) shows that whenever the unemployment rate increases by 1 , the death rate increases by 2 All this comes down to one point, work is helpful to health Why is work good for health? It is because

35、work keeps people busy away from loneliness and solitude (孤单) Researches show that people feel unhappy, worried and lonely when they have nothing to do Instead the happiest are those who are busy Many high achievers who love their careers feel that they are happiest when they are working hard Work s

36、erves as a bridge between man and reality By work people come into contact with each other By collective activity they find friendship and warmth This is helpful to health The loss of work means the loss of everything It affects man spiritually and makes him ill Besides, work gives one a sense of fu

37、lfillment and a sense of achievement Work makes one feel his value and status in society When a writer finishes his writing or a doctor successfully operates on a patient or a teacher sees his students grow, they are happy beyond words From the above we can come to the conclusion that the more you w

38、ork the happier and healthier you will be Let us work hard and study hard and live a happy and healthy life 64. The underlined word “average” in Paragraph1 means“ ” A. healthy B. lazy C. ordinary D. poor 65. What may be the reason why housewives are not as healthy as career women? A. Housewives are

39、poorer than career women B. Housewives have more children than career women C. Housewives have less chance to communicate with others D. Housewives eat less food than career women 66. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Paragraph 2? A. Busy people have nothing to do at home B. Hig

40、h achievers dont care about their families C. There is no friendship and warmth at home D. A satisfying job helps to keep you healthy 67. The best title for this passage may be “ ” A. People Should Find a Job B. Working Hard Is Good for Health C. People Should Make More Friends by Work D. The Loss o

41、f Work Means the Loss of Everything 答案: 64-67 CCDB B King Solomon, the most powerful and the most respected Israeli king, once said, “Kings take pleasure in honest lips; they value a man who speaks the truth.” He wrote a book called Proverbs, which is part of the Bible and studied carefully even tod

42、ay. There was a college graduate in Wuhan who shared his own experience about being truthful. It is a good lesson for everyone who reads of his experience. Mr. Lou went to work for a factory making electrical machines. On the first day of his job, he accidentally broke an electrical machine because

43、of his inexperience. Since it was very expensive, it caused Mr. Lou to become frightened about what his boss might say to him. The machine was worth his six months salary. He decided to try and repair it. After working on it for about 2 hours, he could make it function, but it didnt work as well as

44、it should. After spending a restless night, Mr. Lou felt he must tell his boss the truth. The next morning, he showed the broken machine to his boss nervously, for he didnt know what the result would be. To his great surprise, the boss praised him for being truthful and even later gave him a rise. M

45、r. Lou never forgot this dramatic experience. He had to make the choice of hiding his mistake by saying nothing or of telling the truth. The boss had found an honest new employee who would prove later to be of great value to the company. Being honest makes a person worthy of trust, which is so impor

46、tant for a family, a company, and even a country. 60. The underlined part “honest lips” (in Paragraph 1) most probably refer to “_”. A. people who speak the truth B. lips of honest people C. people loyal to their king D. lips of people loyal to the king 61. What did Mr. Lou do first after he broke t

47、he electrical machine A. He hid it in a secret place. B. He reported it to the boss at once. C. He repaired it himself. D. He replaced it with a used one. 62. What can we learn from the passage A. Mr. Lou was excited and happy to have the machine repaired. B. Mr. Lou told the boss the truth in order

48、 to get a rise later. C. The boss was disappointed and sad about the broken machine. D. The boss thought honest employees were of great value to the company. 63. By telling the story of Mr. Lou, the author wants to show that _. A. mistakes can sometimes bring good luck to a person B. being truthful is a most important character of a per


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