Java and the JVM.ppt

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1、Java and the JVM,Martin Schberl,Java and the JVM,2,Overview,History and Java features Java technology The Java language A first look into the JVM Disassembling of .class files,Java and the JVM,3,History of a Young Java,1992 Oak for a PDA on a SPARC (*7) 1995 Official release as Java Internet 1997 pi

2、coJava Suns Java processor 1998 RTSJ specification start as JSR-01 1999 split into J2SE and J2EE 2000 J2ME 2002 RTSJ final release 2002 first version of JOP ;-),Java and the JVM,4,Java features,Simple and object oriented Look and feel of C Simplified object model with single inheritance Portability

3、Java compiler generates bytecodes Runtime systems for various platforms Size and behavior of basic data types defined Write once, run/debug anywhere,Java and the JVM,5,Java features cont.,Availability Windows, Linux, Solaris, Embedded systems Compiler and runtime are free Free IDEs: Eclipse, Netbean

4、s Library Rich class library Part of the definition Standard GUI toolkit,Java and the JVM,6,Java features cont.,Built-in model for concurrency Threads at the language level Synchronization Libraries are thread-safe Safety No Pointer! Extensive compile-time checking Runtime checking Automatic memory

5、management GC,Java and the JVM,7,Java system overview,Java and the JVM,8,Java Technology,The Java programming language The library (JDK) The Java virtual machine (JVM) Instruction set Binary format Verification,Java and the JVM,9,Java Primitive Data Types,Java and the JVM,10,Objects,Everything belon

6、gs to an object (or a class) No global variables Namespace for objects Single inheritance Interfaces Allocated on the heap Shared among threads No free() garbage collector,Java and the JVM,11,What is a Virtual Machine?,A virtual machine (VM) is an abstract computer architecture Software on top of a

7、real hardware Can run the same application on different machines where the VM is available,Java and the JVM,12,The Java Virtual Machine,An abstract computing machine that executes bytecode programs An instruction set and the meaning of those instructions the bytecodes A binary format the class file

8、format An algorithm to verify the class file,Java and the JVM,13,JVM cont.,Runtime environment for Java Implementation NOT defined Runs Java .class files Has to conform to Suns specification,Java and the JVM,14,Implementations of the JVM,Interpreter Simple, compact Slow Just-in-time compilation Stat

9、e-of-the-art for desktop/server Too resource consuming in embedded systems Batch compilation Hardware implementation Our topic!,Java and the JVM,15,JVM Data Types,No boolean, char, byte, and short types Stack contains only 32-bit and 64-bit data Conversion instructions,Java and the JVM,16,Memory Are

10、as for the JVM,Method area Class description Code Constant pool Heap Objects and Arrays Shared by all threads Garbage collected,Java and the JVM,17,Memory Areas for the JVM,Stack Thread private Logical stack that contains: Invocation frame Local variable area Operand stack Not necessary a single sta

11、ck Local variables and operand stack are accessed frequently,Java and the JVM,18,JVM Instruction Set,32 (64) bit stack machine Variable length instruction set Simple to very complex instructions Symbolic references Only relative branches,Java and the JVM,19,JVM Instruction Set,Load and store Arithme

12、tic Type conversion Object creation and manipulation Operand stack manipulation Control transfer Method invocation and return,Java and the JVM,20,Dissassembling Java,Compile javac Run java Hello Dissassemble javap -c Hello,Java and the JVM,21,A Bytecode Example,public class X public stati

13、c voidmain(String args) add(1, 2);public static intadd(int a, int b) return a+b; ,public static void main(java.lang.String);Code:0: iconst_11: iconst_2/Method add:(II)I2: invokestatic #2; 5: pop6: returnpublic static int add(int,int);Code:0: iload_01: iload_12: iadd3: ireturn,Java and the JVM,22,Cod

14、ing: Avoiding garbage,System.out.println(“Result = “+i);getstatic #3; / Field System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream; new #4; / class StringBuffer dup invokespecial #5; / StringBuffer.“:()V ldc #6; / String Result = invokevirtual #7; / StringBuffer.append:(LString;)LStringBuffer iload_1 invokevirtual #8; /

15、 StringBuffer.append:(I)LStringBuffer; invokevirtual #9; / StringBuffer.toString:()LString; invokevirtual #10;/ PrintStream.println:(LString;)V,Java and the JVM,23,Coding: Avoiding garbage,System.out.print(“Result = “); System.out.println(i);getstatic #3; /Field System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream; ldc

16、#4; /String Result = invokevirtual #5; /Method PrintStream.print:(LString;)V getstatic #3; /Field System.out:LPrintStream; iload_1 invokevirtual #6; /Method PrintStream.println:(I)V,Java and the JVM,24,Java for Embedded Systems?,+ Simpler than C/C+ + Safer than C/C+ + Threads are part of the languag

17、e - Interpreting JVM is slow - JIT needs a lot of memory - GC and real-time?,Java and the JVM,25,Summary Java/JVM,Java language definition Class library The Java virtual machine (JVM) An instruction set the bytecodes A binary format the class file An algorithm to verify the class file,Java and the J

18、VM,26,Summary Java Features,Safe OO Language No pointers Type-safety Garbage Collection Built in model for concurrency Platform independent Very rich standard library,Java and the JVM,27,More Information,Java James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele, and Gilad Bracha. The Java Language Specification, Addison-Wesley, 2000, JavaSpec. JVM Tim Lindholm and Frank Yellin. The Java Virtual Machine Specification. Addison-Wesley, 1999, JVMSpec.,


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