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1、 初一英语 第一学期阶段检测 题 一、 用适当形式填空( 20%) 1. The teachers in our school are_(help) to us. 2. Daniel wears_(glass). 3.You can call_(I) Millie. 4.My cousin loves_(swim) and _(dance). 5. Do you know _(it) name? 6. Mr Wu _(teach) us English. 7. Jim and Sam_(be) at school today. 8. I_(come) from the USA. 9. Andy

2、 is busy. She has no time_(chat). 10.Ann is 12 _ (year) old. 11.Tom and Jim are both volleyball_(play) in the school team. 12. Lets_(go )home together. 13. The supermarket _(close) On Tuesday. 14. They are very clever at_(draw). 15.Sandy enjoys _(listen) to music. 16. May I _(借 ) your bike? 17. His

3、_(祖父母 ) are living with them. 18._(九月 ) 10th is Teachers Day. 19. I like _(聊天 ) with my friends on the phone. 二、 将下列词组翻译成英语( 10%) 喜欢跑步 擅长于 他最喜欢的足球队 互相帮助 在电话里与同学聊天 世界上 想当住在中国 看起来强壮 在游泳池里 帮助我们在网上寻找东西 三、 单项选择( 15%) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1. There is _ “ h ” and _ “ u” in the word “house”. A.

4、 a a B. an a C. an an D. a an 2. I take my dog_ a walk every day. A. to B. on C. for D. at 3. There _ a pen and four pencils in the pencil case. A. are B. is C. has D. have 4. Do you like_? A. play football B. playing football C. play the football D. to play the football 5. Would you like_ a kite wi

5、th me this afternoon? A. to fly B. flying C. fly D. flies 6. Does Daniel _after school? A. walk home B. walk to home C. go to home on foot D. go home on feet 7. Where _you _? A. do from B. are from C. do come from D. B and C 8. There is some _in the box. A. food B. eggs C, apples D. rices 9. Please_

6、 my mother. She is ill today. A. look for B. look after C. look like D. look at 10. Your father often_ for things in his room. A. watches B. talk C. look D. looks 11. _mothers bike isnt blue. _is red. A. I hers B. My Hers C. My She D. I Her 12. -_everyone here today? Yes. We _all here. A. Are are B.

7、 Is .are C. Has are D. Are arent 13._you know the answer_ the question? A. Are to B. Are at C. Do to D. Does at 14. Excuse me, how do you _ that in English? A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell 15. I dont want a red pen, I want_. A. blue colour B. blue C. a blue one D. one blue 四、 按要求改写句子,每空不限词数。( 10%) 1

8、. Eddie doesnt go to sleep after breakfast. (改为肯定句) Eddie _ _ _ after breakfast. 2. I go fishing for half an hour at the weekend. (对画线部分提问 ) fishing at the weekend? 3. The children watch TV on Saturday. (改为单数) The TV On Saturday. 4. Simon does his homework every evening. (改为否定句 ) Simon his homework

9、every evening. 5. Tom often helps his classmates learn English. (同义句) Tom often his classmates English. 6. Amy is from Shanghai. (同上) Amy Shanghai. 7. Its time for lunch. (同上) Its time lunch. 8. Li Hua is in the Huanghe Football Team. (同上 ) Li Hua is the Huanghe Football Team. 9. My sister loves dan

10、cing. (改为一般疑问句 ) sister ? 10. Jim and Tony are in Grade Seven. (对画线部分提问 ) Jim and Tony ? 五、 改错,在题目上画出错误,把正确答案写在题后横线上。( 5%) 1. The twins comes from English. 2. He is good at play computer games. 3. There are lot of things to do at the weekend. 4. I and Kate are in the same class. 5. How many bottle o

11、f water are there on the playground? Theres only one. 六、 完型填空( 10%) Xiao Lin has a good friend. _1_ name is Lucy. Shes from the_2_. Shes American. Xiao Lin and Lucy are in _3_ same class. They go to school five days a _4_. They stay _5_ home on Saturday and Sunday. Lucy _6_ China and Chinese food. H

12、er favourite food is rice and cake. At school they play football_7_ class. Xiao Lin and Lucy like _8_ things. Now they like flying planes_9_ Saturday and Sunday. Lucy can _10_ Chinese. They are good friends. ( )1. A. She B. Her C. Hers D. Shes ( )2. A. USA B. UN C. UK D.SAR ( )3. A. a B. an C. the D

13、. / ( )4. A. month B. year C. hour D. week ( )5. A. in B. on C. at D. of ( )6.A. like B. likes C. liking D. is liking ( )7. A. at B. for C. after D. in ( )8. A. make B. making C. do D. doing ( )9.A. at B. from C. on D. in ( )10 A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak 七、 阅读理解( 10%) Monday is the first work d

14、ay of the week and the first school day of the week. Its 7:30 on Monday morning. And it is raining. It often rains at this time of year. Men and women are going to work. Children are going to school. Some of them are in their cars. Some of them are walking, taking buses or riding their bikes. There

15、are many cars, buses and bikes in the streets. Some of the cars are going to other cities. People in this city are very busy. 根据短文判断正 (T)误 (F) ( )1. People are busy on Monday morning. ( )2. It often rains at &:30 on Monday morning. ( )3. Some children are walking to school. ( )4. There are many people in the street at 7:30. ( )5. All the cars and buses are taking people to work in the city. 八、 翻译句子( 10%) 1. 我体育不好。 2. 你妈妈喜欢看世界杯吗? 3. 他们不是校篮球队的队员。 4. 我堂兄在周末经常打羽毛球。 5. 这些发夹是谁的? 九、 作文( 10%) 介绍你的朋友 要点:姓 名:李平;性别:男;年龄: 14 外貌:高个子,大眼睛,短的黑发,很强壮 爱好:打篮球,跳舞,玩电脑游戏 特长:游泳,是学校游泳俱乐部的成员 性格:待人有礼貌,爱帮助别人


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