新目标九年级英语Unit2 I think that mooncakes are deliciousSection A 3a公开课教案.doc

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1、公 开 课 教 案 普定县猴场中 冯树梅 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! The Second Period Section A 3a 一、教学目标 1. 知识与技能 a. Master the key words Folk , goddess, steal, lay, lay out, dessert, garden, admire, tradition b. Learn something about Mid-Autumn Festival. c. Improve students reading and comprehension

2、 skills. 2. 过程与方法 a. Learn by reading a passage about Mid-Autumn Festival. b. Autonomous and cooperative approach. 3. 情感、态度与价值观 Lead students to learn about Chinese culture and treasure the time with family members 4. 法制渗透 全国年节及纪念日放假办法 第二条 全体公民放假的节日 新年,放假 1 天 (1 月 1 日 ) 春节,放假 3 天 (农历正月初一、初二、初三 ) 清明节

3、,放假 1 天 (农历清明当日 ) 劳动节,放假 1 天 (5 月 1 日 ) 端午节,放假 1 天 (农历端午当日 ) 中秋节,放假 1 天 (农历中 秋当日 ) 国庆节,放 假 3 天 (10 月 1 日、 2 日、 3 日 ) 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点 a. Master the new words and target language. b. Learn something about Mid-Autumn Festival. c. Improving students reading and compresenhive skills. 2. 教学难点 a. Master th

4、e new words and target language. b. Improving students reading and compresenhive skills. 三、教材分析及学生分析 1. 教材分析 This class is about Mid-Autumn Festival in Section A 3a of Unit 2 in Grade 9. By studying this part, I will enable the students to knoe the basic knowledge about the festival and how people c

5、elebrate it. Besides, I will introduce other festivals around the world. If students learns well, they will learn how to give a personal reaction and know more about different cultures all over the world. 2. 学生分析 The students will be interested in this part, because the topic is related to our real

6、life. And after studying, they will make great progress in reading, speaking and writing. 四、教学方法 The multimedia method and cooperative approach. The teacher will give students some time to read the passage individually and finish the task in pairs. Their reading ability will be improved by group wor

7、k. 五、教具 A projector, handouts 六、教学过程 Step I : Warm up 1. Greetings. T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: Welcome back to my class. 2. Revision. T: How many festivals we have learned in 1a to 2d? S1: The Spring Festival T: What are they? S2: They are mooncakes. T: What do you know ab

8、out the festival? S3: Eat mooncakes and rnjoy the moon Step II : Teaching new words Folk , goddess, steal, lay, lay out, dessert, garden, admire, tradition Step III : Presentation Teach activity 3a. Before reading a. Explain the reading strategies. b. Students are given three munites to read the pas

9、sage and answer the following two questions. How do people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival? What story is the reading about? While reading a. Read Para. 1 and answer the questions below. What do we eat on Mid-Autumn Festival? Whats mooncakes look like b. Read Para. 2 and write T for true or F for

10、false. ( )There is only one traditional folk story about Mid- Autumn Festival. ( )A goddess gave Hou Yi magic medicine befor he shot down the nine suns ( ) One night, Hou Yi found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there. ( ) Change quickly laid out her favorite fruits

11、and desserts in the garden. c. Explain the language points have been celebrating 现在完成进行时 for centuries 几百年 shoot down 射击 lay out 放置 the tradition of 的传统 fly up 飞上 refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 admire sb./sth. 欣赏某人 /某物 admire sb. for sth 为某事而欣赏某人 Step IV: Group work After reading a. Retell the story of Cha

12、nge according to the words and phrases below. Change, Hou Yi, the nine suns, a magic medicine, live forever, a bad man, steal, refuse, fly up, sad, lay out, wish b. Invite several students to present their works to class. Comparing which group is the best. Step V: Estension of knowledge a. Tell stud

13、ents the traditional festivals of China. b. 法制渗透 全国年节及纪念日放假办法 StepVI: Summary Summarize the important words and phrases the shape of, shoot down, plan to do sth., try to do sth., refuse to do sth., fly up, so that ,call out, lay out, the tradition of Step VII: Homework 1. Learn the new words and exp

14、ressions by heart. 2. Make a card about Mid-Autumn Featival 七、板书设计 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! The Second Period Section A 3a Folk , goddess, steal, lay, lay out, dessert, garden, admire, tradition 八、教学反思 本节 是一节阅读课,旨在通过一则嫦娥奔月的故事 介绍中秋节的由来,带领学生了解中国的神话传说,同时感悟中华文化的内涵。通过阅读练习,也感悟了学生的阅读能力和归纳整合信息的能力。由于话题使学生非常感兴趣的,所以整堂课气氛非常的活跃,学习积极性强,很顺利的完成了教学任务。 冯树梅 2015年 5月 12日


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