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1、科技論文寫作,Research in Technology,技職教育研究所 主講人莊貴枝中華民國九十五年十二月三十日,科技(Technology) 研究(Research) 寫作(Writing),Whats Technology ?,Manufacturing,Communication,Construction,Transportation,?,Bio-Tech,Power & Energy,Whats Research?,Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitati

2、ve Research by John W. Cresswell (2002),Manufacturing,Communication,Construction,Transportation,Discussion ?,Bio-Tech,Power & Energy,一、Discussion is:,Why is research important? What are problems worth researching? What is educational research? What steps are required for research? What ethical issue

3、s should we consider when conducting research? What special skills do you have that will help you become an excellent researcher?,二、Research is:,Empirical: derived from sense experience. We can experience it within our mortal existence Systematic in process. Use the scientific method to ensure syste

4、matic process Valid: Truthful Reliable: Can be repeated,二、 8-Characteristics of Research :,Asks an important question The study is goal directed-there is a clear purpose for the activity There is a research design-plan of action There are operational questions It is guided by a problem statement and

5、 research questions It accepts critical assumptions Data is collected and interpreted The study can be replicated to verify findings,三、 Quantitative and Qualitative,Quantitative = counting, numbers Qualitative = watching, listening, understanding, words One study can collect both types of data, call

6、ed mixed-methods design. Typically, the researcher will choose one paradigm and become a master of that method.,Two Paradigms, Two Worldviews,(1). Important People in Quantitative Research,Thorndike (1900) Campbell and Stanley (1963) Kerlinger (1964) Cook and Campbell (1979) Lipsey (1990),(2). Vocab

7、ulary for Quantitative Paradigm,Experiment Quasi-experiment Correlation Descriptive Survey Control Treatment Subject,Statistics Empirical,(3). Important People in Qualitative Research,Guba and Lincoln (1988) Strauss & Corbin (1990) Patton (1990) Cresswell (1994) Stake (1995) Weitzman & Miles (1995)

8、Miles & Huberman (1994) Denzin & Lincoln (2002),(4). Vocabulary for the Qualitative Paradigm,Naturalistic inquiry Constructivism Looking for meaning of event that people hold Within context Holistic,(5). What Paradigm Do I Choose?,Your research question drives your method Choose the best method for

9、answering your research question Choose the methods that best suits your values and skills,(6-1). Choosing the best paradigm for your study,Does your problem require description or exploration? Is there a lot already known about your problem or is this a new frontier? Do you want to get a specific a

10、nd narrow view of your problem or a broad perspective?,(6-2). Choosing the best paradigm for your study,Do you have predetermined instruments or will your protocol emerge as you progress through the study? Will you use statistical analysis or text analysis? Will you report your results using a stand

11、ard protocol or will you write in the first person using emerging themes and narrative style?,(7). Quantitative Data Collection,Quantitative research requires a specific protocol for collecting data. Protocol is specified in advance of any data collection and does not change once the study has begun

12、. Population and sample should be large, more than 30. The larger the better.,(8). Qualitative Data Collection,Data collection protocols are determined before the study, but open to change as needed. Emergent design. Data is words, actions, texts, documents, conversations, media, photographs. Number

13、 of sample is small but meaningful. Purposive sampling. Each person is chosen specifically because s/he can bring a unique perspective to the study.,(9). Instruments,Quantitative Paper and pencil Standardized tests Surveys,Qualitative You are the instrument Eyes Ears Hands,(10). Data Analysis,Quanti

14、tative Statistical analysis Describe trends, compare groups, relate variables Compare your results with past research,Qualitative Text analysis Describe themes and patterns Determine meaning for the group,(11). Reporting Research,Quantitative Introduction Review of literature Methods Findings Summar

15、y, conclusions, recommendations, implications References,Qualitative Story telling narrative Descriptive and thematic development Reflexivity, researchers voice enters the story Written to give reader a thick, rich description of the case so that s/he feels immersed in the context of the study Varia

16、ble format, no strict rules for presentation of research, creativity is encouraged,8 Research Designs: A Short Introduction,The protocol for conducting your study,(1-1). Experimental Designs,Two randomly selected groups that are similar Controlled setting One group is manipulated (given a treatment)

17、 The other is not given anything (control) Two groups are compared for differences in outcomesR O X OR O - O,(1-2). Quasi-Experimental Designs,Two non-randomly selected groups that are similar Controlled setting One group is manipulated (given a treatment) The other is not given anything (control) T

18、wo groups are compared for differences in outcomesG O X OG O - O,(2). Correlational Design,What is the relationship between two variables within one group? Use correlational statistic to calculate relationship. R = a number between zero and 1. (0 1) R value would be stated as a percent. (%) If the r

19、 = 1.0 there is a 100% relationship between A and B. (A/B= 100%),(3). Survey Design,Describe trends in large populations Describe attitudes, behaviors, opinions, or characteristics of the population Make claims about trends in the population Typically in pencil and paper survey Can be telephone surv

20、ey or face-to-face oral survey * A telephone or oral survey is not an interview.,(4). Grounded Theory Design,Original observation In-depth study of an event to form an understanding (theory) of the causal elements (why it happened) Cause and effect logic Data rich Descriptive Thematic (主題論文),(5). Et

21、hnographic Design (民族史誌學),“Describing, analyzing, and interpreting a cultural groups shared patterns of behavior, beliefs, and language that develop over time” Detailed picture of group Studies group within context Explores themes that emerge over time,(6). Narrative (故事敘述) Research Design,Describe

22、lives of individuals Storytelling about peoples experiences Biography style of research,(7). Mixed Method Design,Using both Quantitative and Qualitative to answer the research question For example, mail a survey to 200 people, then select 10 to be interviewed.,(8). Action Research Design,Uses both Q

23、uantitative and Qualitative methods to answer research question Applied research, specific only to the sample under consideration Used to improve practice at the local level Not generalizable to anyone beyond those who participated in the study,科技論文(Technology paper),從事科技工作者 對其創造性之研究成果,進行理論分析與科學的驗證結

24、果,並公開發表或通過答辨的科技寫作文章。,科學論文(Scientific paper),科學論文 是一篇書面和出版的研究報告(Research paper),描述原始與實驗的結果,其創造性之研究成果,進行理論分析與科學的驗證結果,並依據某種特定的專業的形式撰寫和出版。,科技論文寫作,科技論文寫作就是將科學研究的成果透過把我們的想法藉由文字的表達而傳遞給讀者。在論文中傳達知識,以具有獨特性訊息表達方式傳遞給讀者。,如何撰寫科技論文?,撰寫一篇論文就是把我們的想法藉由文字的表達而傳遞給讀者。在論文中傳達知識,以具有獨特性、且為人接受的重要思考理念來呈現出來,所以論文的內容必須豐富、而且論點必須紮實

25、、寫法必須簡單。,撰寫一篇科技論文應包含下列內容:,1.題目 (Title) 2.摘要 (Abstract,中、英摘要,包括關鍵字 ) 3.導論 (Introduction) 4.文獻探討(Literature review. ) 5.研究方法(Method) 6.實證結果(Results) 7.討論(Discussion ) 8.結論(Conclusions) 9.參考文獻(References) 10.附錄(Appendices )(1)圖(Figure)(2)表(Table)(3)作者(Author),一、題目 (Title):,一篇論文的題目,旨在告訴讀者這篇論文在談論些什麼事,並為其

26、主要研究成果提出暗示,因此題目就是你論文的招牌。好的招牌可以引起讀者的注意,最起碼會讓讀者有興趣來閱讀你的論文,所以題目的訂定非常重要,即使有好的內容而沒有好的題目,也會使得整篇論文的價值大打折扣。而題目的訂定必須貼切、兼具新鮮感和創意且能確實反映論文內容,題目長短及字詞精準度的掌握,要有減一字則太少,多一字則太多的拿捏,要使讀者在看到題目時,就能深受吸引並對內容有所期待。切忌題目太長,因為這會大大的減低了你論文的吸引力。因此訂定一個好的題目便是吸引讀者來閱讀這篇文章的第一步。,二、摘要(Abstract-250字 ):,摘要等於是整篇論文的縮影 (1) 陳述主要目標及研究範圍 (2) 描述你

27、使用方法 (3) 概述你的結果 (4) 陳述主要的結論 (5) 摘要須要包括中、英文之描述。,三、導論(Introduction):,閱讀一篇論文只要讀完摘要、導論與結論就可以清楚知道這篇論文在做什麼 (1) 清楚地說明你研究的問題之本質及範圍。 (2) 使讀者了解你研究的問題, 主要的文獻須檢討 (3) 說明研究方法及為何使用此方法的理由。 (4) 本研究的目的。,四、文獻探討(Literature review-1):,How to conduct a literature search The resources you can use include books, journals,

28、and web. Journal articles are the easiest to locate and duplicate. Especially, on-line electronic journal is becoming more popular. Web site articles and research studies are also easy to obtain. However, they are usually not referred and reviewed for quality. The followings are the general steps to

29、 conduct a search:(1)Begin by key words. (2)Start search in a library or on-line to find books and articles.(3)Look over the abstract and skim the article or chapters to makesure the search result matches your research topic. (4)Print out or gather your search results and construct a literature map

30、or categorize your results.,四、文獻探討(Literature review-2):,Where is it included? Literature review is usually included in a beginning section of a proposal and a scientific or a technical report (journal paper, thesis, dissertation, etc.). In a journal paper, the review content can be either mixed int

31、o the introduction section where statement of the problem is presented, or it can be in a separate section. For proposal, thesis and dissertation, literature review is usually more extensive and it should be in a separate section. The length of the review can range from several pages to more than 10

32、 pages. In the latter case, it is suggested that the review material should be categorized into different headings, so the readers can have a clear picture of how your study relates to the larger literature on the topic.,四、文獻探討(Literature review-3):,How to organize your literature review? When large

33、 amount of literature information is obtained, group these studies into a literature map to organize them. When you write the literature review, group the same category under a subtitle.,四、文獻探討(Literature review-4):,文獻探討是回顧一些相關的研究成果,同時提出比較對象. What needs to be written up? When writing the content of

34、review of the literature, the author needs to consider what material to extract from a research. For a detailed literature review in large scale proposal, thesis and dissertation, the review summary might include: Problem being addressed in the literature Briefly state information about the setup of

35、 the study (samples, conditions) Review key results and conclusions that relate to the studyFor a short version of literature review, such as used in journal publications and smaller scale proposals, usually key results or conclusions that are related to the topic are summarized.,五、研究方式(Method):,論文主

36、體之研究架構是將論文中所提出的研究方法呈現出來,是整篇論文的核心在導論中已陳述過所使用的研究方法及為何使用此一方法,在本節中必須詳述論文的研究方法, 而且須詳細到令讀者也能複製本論文的實驗或模擬數據。 如果本論文的方法是創新的或未發表的話,你必須詳述此一創新方法。 反之,若該方法已經發表則衹要引用參考文獻即可。,六、實證結果(Results)-1:,實證結果是以提出一些實驗數據來證明理論分析的正確性與優越性,也可在理論分析不夠強而有力的情形下,佐以實驗數據來加以證明。然而實驗數據必須客觀,如果能多與一些有名的實驗數據比較則效果更好,而且實驗數據不能太少,否則便失去其客觀性。事實上,實驗數據對一

37、些研究數學的人而言並不是非常客觀的,因為我們通常只能做幾個例子的實驗數據,然後再由這些數據來做比較與推論。對於一個方法而言,數理證明可以強而有力地說服讀者這個方法對於每一個情況都成立,相形之下實驗數據跟數學證明顯然弱了許多。所以在做實驗的時候,如果能多列舉一些實驗數據是比較好的。總之,實驗數據越多,則別人越能夠接受我們所提出的方法。應切記的是,實驗數據越多當然越好,但千萬不能夠偽造數據。一旦偽造數據便犯了嚴重的江湖大忌。,六、實證結果(Results)-2:,首先你必須給一個有關實驗或模擬的整體的描述, 但是不能重覆“方法“一節中所述的細節,然後介紹你的數據。 要注意的是只提具代表性之數據而不

38、是把所有的數據甚至重覆的數據都拿出來。 結果須簡潔清楚,不要覺得因為有圖有表就不必再累述你的結果(圖表不會自己說明)。 不要說:“圖一顯示追蹤誤差隨時間增加而遞減“, 正確方法是:“追蹤誤差隨時間增加而遞減(圖一)“。,七、討論(Discussion)-1:,討論以針對 (理論分析與實驗)的結果做一些討論,研究後所觀察到的現象或者提出研究後的心得與看法,也可以加入一些批判的意見,也可以併入分析與討論及實驗與討論之方式進行。討論內容必須客觀,不可有所偏頗或者故意隱瞞事實,更不可誇大其詞,也就是有幾分證據就講幾分事實。例如說:你的研究方法執行效率比其他的方法好,但可能你事先已經先做過某些前置處理(

39、preprocessing)的工作,而這些前置處理可能帶來的其他影響為何,亦須交代清楚,這樣才能算是一個客觀的分析,否則會讓人覺得你的分析很不客觀,因此對於所提出的方法的價值就大打折扣了。,七、討論(Discussion)-2 :,(1)介紹由結果所顯示的原理, 關係及延伸意義, 但不是 結果之重述。 (2)點出任何特殊現象,或者關連性。 (3)顯示你的結果與前人所發表是相符或相背? (4)討論你的研究在理論上的意義及任何可能的應用。 (5)清楚地陳述你的結論。 (6)概述每個結論的証據。 (7)最重要的事是別忘了討論你的結果有何意義?,八、結論(Conclusion):,結論是整篇論文的收尾


41、列出的參考文獻必須完整,以便讀者能很容易的找到他想參考的文獻。參考文獻的寫法有許多種,通常只要選擇某一種常見的規格來模仿便可,如IEEE的格式;此外,在列舉參考文獻的時候必須注意幾件事,首先,每一篇被列舉的文獻必須位置正確,舉例來說,當文中告訴讀者8是RSA加密法,但參考文獻中8卻是DES加密法,這是不對的。此外,當你參考到一個方法,而這個方法在許多文獻中都出現過的時候,選擇最有名的那一篇當作你所要列舉的參考文獻,如此才能拉高這篇論文的價值,而參考文獻中盡量不要列舉到本地的會議論文 (Local Conference Paper)或非英文書寫的文章,一般而言這類型的論文國際化的程度較低,不僅將

42、會造成讀者未來根據文獻所列去查資料的困難,而且無形中整篇論文的水平也會被降低。,十、附錄(Appendices):,附錄這部分通常是一些在論文中提到的定理證明,或者是一些在論文中所使用到的圖表,而定理證明或圖表亦可直接置於文中適當之處,因此可以不用在附錄中出現,通常是定理證明過程太長,或者圖表太大,我們才將其移至附錄中。因此定理證明或圖表要直接置放在文中或放在附錄中,作者可以自由選擇。,圖(Figure) & 表(Table):,圖表描述可以直接置放論文當中,也可以放在附錄中,當然必須注意的是圖表的描述必須前後一致,也就是說當你以 Fig. 1 來描述研究的圖一時,就不能夠在描述圖二的時候變成

43、 Figure 2,這兩種寫法在文章當中會被認為是前後不一致,因此圖表的描述必須自始至終,完全一致,要用縮寫的就從頭到尾都縮寫,例如:Fig. 1,Fig. 2, Fig.10,或者從頭到尾都不縮寫,如:Figure 1,Figure 2,Figure 10。同理,Table 1, Table 2.此外,描述圖表的文句不能有句點,因為它不是一句完整的句子,如下所示:,圖(Figure) & 表(Table):,圖表的描述是一個圖或一個表的時候,對於描述圖或表的句子放置的位置是不一樣的,而且都是有固定格式的,當你描述一個圖的句子,例如 Fig. 1 Public Key Cryptosystem

44、,這段文字一定要放在圖的下方,而描述一個表的句子則一定要放在表的上方,如下所示:,關鍵字(Key words):,關鍵字通常是指這篇論文主要牽涉到一些知識,通常都是放在摘要與導論之間,而所列出的關鍵字不要太多,以不超過五或六個字詞。,作者(Author):,作者,一篇論文的作者可能不只一位,有時會有二位、三位或更多,在作者名字的排列上通常以對論文的貢獻度來排列順序,最有貢獻的排在第一位,其次有貢獻的排在第二位,並依此類推,而通常是以想出idea的人放在第一位,因此名字的排列順序也是有一定的規則,不能夠亂排。,撰寫論文必須注意的事項-1:,撰寫論文1.最基本的要求就是文句通順,文法、拼字要正確,

45、2.句子簡單,不複雜的句子來描述,“Simple is Good ”就是寫論文的一種藝術,3.英文寫作以運用過去學過的英文單字與句型,簡捷的敘述,以達詞意,4.每一個句子結尾都應該有句點,而且公式的結束也應該有句點,這一點是寫作時常犯的錯誤必須注意。,撰寫論文必須注意的事項-2 :,撰寫論文5.論文中所用到的符號必須大小一致,例如:以大寫的E來代表效率 ,6.上下標必須清楚,而且符號要有意義,例如:以E來代表Efficiency效率的意思,7.以n-letter word 描述符號的方法,其中以3-letterword 的使用最為普遍,例如:WWW代表了World Wide Web,CRT就代

46、表了Chinese Remainder Theorem 的意思 ,8.文章中出現的每一個符號都要事先定義,不能突然冒出一個未經定義的符號。,撰寫論文必須注意的事項-3 :,撰寫論文9. 如何使用符號?(1) 儘量使用大家公認的符號,如d代表微分, t代表時間, r代表位置向量。(2) 符號宜與其英文名稱有關, 如 f 代表(force), I代表 intertia, M代表mass。(3) 向量以小寫粗體字表示,如f,其元素用平體與下標如fi, fj, fk等。 矩陣以大寫粗體字表示,如M,其元素用平體雙下標如 mij表示。避免使用l (el)及d以表示變量,因為1(el)與1(one)分不清

47、楚, d則保留為微分。(4) 分式儘量以標準式表示而非1/2表示。(5) 取符號時用單一字母,避免使用如BW, CE等,容易造成混淆。,知識工作,Peter Drucker的話(引用天下度拉克精選個人篇、遠見知識工作者必備手冊)台灣未來希望之所繫知識經濟社會中,建構:1. 以智慧財產私有化為核心的後資本主義,以及2. 知識創造(主要是教育系統)和知識加值(主要是企業)之間的有效連結介面,我的經驗,海外留學增加國際觀 我就讀的美國碩、博士學位美國俄亥俄州立大學(The Ohio State University)工業技術和科技教育研究所(Industrial Technology & Technology Education) 4H=艱Hard, 心Heart, 熱Hot, 樂Happy 5T=音Pronunciation、字Letter、詞Word、句Sentence、文Article 5L=聽Listening、說Speaking、讀Reading、寫Writhing、想Thinking,好奇青年步起步,Q & A,聯絡方式: e-mail: chuangkcyuntech.edu.tw 電話:05-534-2601 ext.3407 教學網站:http:/nslt.yuntech.edu.tw/sts/ 個人網站:http:/nslt.yuntech.edu.tw/kc/,


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