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1、BSI Standards Publication Systems and software engineering High-level Petri nets Part 2: Transfer format BS ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011 Incorporating corrigendum December 2013BS ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011 BRITISH STANDARD National foreword This British Standard is the UK implementation of ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011, i

2、ncorporating corrigendum December 2013. The start and finish of text introduced or altered by corrigendum is indicated in the text by tags. Text altered by ISO/IEC corrigendum December 2013 is indicated in the text by . The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee IST

3、/15, Software and systems engineering. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. The British Standards

4、Institution 2014. Published by BSI Standards Limited 2014 ISBN 978 0 580 85819 2 ICS 35.080 Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations. This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 30 April 2011. Amend

5、ments/corrigenda issued since publication Date Text affected 31 July 2014 Implementation of ISO/IEC corrigendum December 2013BS ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011Reference number ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011(E) ISO/IEC 2011INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 15909-2 First edition 2011-02-15 Systems and software engineering Hi

6、gh-level Petri nets Part 2: Transfer format Ingnierie des systmes et du logiciel Rseaux de Petri de haut niveau Partie 2: Format de transfert BS ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011 ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this

7、file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobes licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretari

8、at accepts no liability in this area. Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure

9、that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publicati

10、on may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20

11、 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland ii ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved BS ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011 BS ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011 ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011(E) Contents 1 Scope. 1 2 Conformance. 1 2.1 PNMLDocuments 1 2.2 PNMLPlace/Transition

12、NetDocuments 1 2.3 Textuallyconformant PNMLHigh-levelPetriNetDocuments 1 2.4 Structurallyconformant PNMLHigh-levelPetriNetDocuments. . 2 2.5 Place/TransitionNetDocumentinHigh-levelNotation . 2 2.6 SymmetricNetDocuments. 2 3 Normativereferences. 2 4 Terms,denitionsandabbreviations . 3 4.1 Termsandden

13、itions. 3 4.2 Abbreviations 5 5 Concepts. . 6 5.1 GeneralPrinciples . . 6 5.2 PNMLCoreModel 7 5.2.1 PetriNetDocuments,PetriNets,andObjects 8 5.2.2 Pages andReferenceNodes 8 5.2.3 Labels. 8 5.2.4 GraphicalInformation. 9 5.2.5 ToolSpecicInformation.11 5.2.6 DataTypes . .11 5.3 PetriNetTypeMetaModelsan

14、dtheirBuilt-inSorts. 12 5.3.1 Place/TransitionNets .12 5.3.2 High-LevelCoreStructure13 5.3.3 Dots 16 5.3.4 Multisets16 5.3.5 Booleans18 5.3.6 FiniteEnumerations. 19 5.3.7 CyclicEnumerations19 5.3.8 FiniteIntegerRanges.20 5.3.9 Partitions .20 5.3.10 SymmetricNets.21 5.3.11 High-LevelPetriNetGraphs 21

15、 5.3.12 Place/TransitionNetsasHigh-levelNetGraphs 24 6 MappingbetweenPart 1andPart 2.27 6.1 GraphicsandStructuring.27 6.2 Annotationsof HLPNGs .27 7 PNMLSyntax.29 7.1 PNMLDocuments29 7.1.1 PNMLElements. 29 7.1.2 Labels.29 7.1.3 Graphics30 7.1.4 MappingofXMLSchemaDataTypesconcepts. 31 7.1.5 Example.

16、31 7.2 MappingPetriNetTypeDenitionsto XMLSyntax 33 7.3 Mappingfor High-Level Nets .33 7.3.1 MappingHigh-LevelNetsmetamodelelementstoPNMLsyntax .33 AnnexA (normative) RELAXNGGrammarfor the PNMLCoreModel.37 c ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved iiiBS ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011 BS ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011 ISO/IEC 1

17、5909-2:2011(E) Contents 1 Scope. 1 2 Conformance. 1 2.1 PNMLDocuments 1 2.2 PNMLPlace/TransitionNetDocuments 1 2.3 Textuallyconformant PNMLHigh-levelPetriNetDocuments 1 2.4 Structurallyconformant PNMLHigh-levelPetriNetDocuments. . 2 2.5 Place/TransitionNetDocumentinHigh-levelNotation . 2 2.6 Symmetr

18、icNetDocuments. 2 3 Normativereferences. 2 4 Terms,denitionsandabbreviations . 3 4.1 Termsanddenitions. 3 4.2 Abbreviations 5 5 Concepts. . 6 5.1 GeneralPrinciples . . 6 5.2 PNMLCoreModel 7 5.2.1 PetriNetDocuments,PetriNets,andObjects 8 5.2.2 Pages andReferenceNodes 8 5.2.3 Labels. 8 5.2.4 Graphical

19、Information. 9 5.2.5 ToolSpecicInformation.11 5.2.6 DataTypes . .11 5.3 PetriNetTypeMetaModelsandtheirBuilt-inSorts. 12 5.3.1 Place/TransitionNets .12 5.3.2 High-LevelCoreStructure13 5.3.3 Dots 16 5.3.4 Multisets16 5.3.5 Booleans18 5.3.6 FiniteEnumerations. 19 5.3.7 CyclicEnumerations19 5.3.8 Finite

20、IntegerRanges.20 5.3.9 Partitions .20 5.3.10 SymmetricNets.21 5.3.11 High-LevelPetriNetGraphs 21 5.3.12 Place/TransitionNetsasHigh-levelNetGraphs 24 6 MappingbetweenPart 1andPart 2.27 6.1 GraphicsandStructuring.27 6.2 Annotationsof HLPNGs .27 7 PNMLSyntax.29 7.1 PNMLDocuments29 7.1.1 PNMLElements. 2

21、9 7.1.2 Labels.29 7.1.3 Graphics30 7.1.4 MappingofXMLSchemaDataTypesconcepts. 31 7.1.5 Example. 31 7.2 MappingPetriNetTypeDenitionsto XMLSyntax 33 7.3 Mappingfor High-Level Nets .33 7.3.1 MappingHigh-LevelNetsmetamodelelementstoPNMLsyntax .33 AnnexA (normative) RELAXNGGrammarfor the PNMLCoreModel.37

22、 c ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved iiiBS ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011 AnnexB (normative) RELAXNGGrammarsfor specialtypes . 49 B.1 Place/TransitionNets . 49 B.1.1 Thelabels. 49 B.1.2 TokenGraphics. 50 B.1.3 TheGrammar.51 B.2 High-levelPetriNets. 52 B.2.1 CorestructureofHLPNGs52 B.2.2 Dots 61 B.2.3 Multisets

23、. .62 B.2.4 Booleans. .64 B.2.5 FiniteEnumerations. 66 B.2.6 CyclicEnumerations. .68 B.2.7 FiniteIntegerRanges. 69 B.2.8 Partitions . 71 B.2.9 Integers . 73 B.2.10 Strings. .77 B.2.11 Lists80 B.2.12 ArbitraryDeclarations 82 B.2.13 P/TNetsasrestrictedHLPNGs . 84 B.2.14 SymmetricNets. 85 B.2.15 HLPNGs

24、. 86 AnnexC (informative) PNMLExampleofaHigh-levelNet. 88 AnnexD (informative)The PNMLFramework: Easingtheimplementationof PNML . 95 D.1 Introduction. 95 D.2 Methodology. .95 D.2.1 Overview. .95 D.2.2 Generatingthe APIfromamodel96 D.3 Featuresofthe PNMLFramework . .96 D.4 ApplicationtoaPetrinetsCASE

25、tool. 97 D.4.1 ExportingPetrinetsmodelsto PNML . 98 D.5 ImportingPetrinetsmodelsfrom PNML . 98 D.6 Timeandeffortrequiredtodevelopandintegratea PNMLplugin. .99 D.7 Conclusion. .99 D.7.1 Synthesis. 99 D.7.2 Therelease. .100 Bibliography. .101 iv c ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved BS ISO/IEC 15909-2:20

26、11 ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011(E) BS ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011 Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC par- ticipate in the

27、development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organizationtodealwithparticulareldsoftechnicalactivity. ISOandIECtechnicalcommitteescollaborateinelds of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaiso

28、n with ISO and IEC,alsotakepartinthework. Intheeldofinformationtechnology, ISOandIEChave establishedajointtechnical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of the joint technical committee is to

29、 prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the national bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibili

30、ty that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO/IEC15909-2waspreparedbyJointTechnicalCommitteISO/IECJTC1,Informationtechnology,Subcommittee SC 7, ISO/IEC15909consistsofthef

31、ollowingparts,underthegeneraltitleSystemsandsoftwareengineeringHigh-level Petri nets: Part 1: Concepts, denitions and graphical notation Part 2: Transfer format “Extensions” will form the subject of a future Part 3. c ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved v Software and systems engineering. BS ISO/IEC 15

32、909-2:2011 ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011(E)BS ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011 AnnexB (normative) RELAXNGGrammarsfor specialtypes . 49 B.1 Place/TransitionNets . 49 B.1.1 Thelabels. 49 B.1.2 TokenGraphics. 50 B.1.3 TheGrammar.51 B.2 High-levelPetriNets. 52 B.2.1 CorestructureofHLPNGs52 B.2.2 Dots 61 B.2.3 Multisets. .62

33、 B.2.4 Booleans. .64 B.2.5 FiniteEnumerations. 66 B.2.6 CyclicEnumerations. .68 B.2.7 FiniteIntegerRanges. 69 B.2.8 Partitions . 71 B.2.9 Integers . 73 B.2.10 Strings. .77 B.2.11 Lists80 B.2.12 ArbitraryDeclarations 82 B.2.13 P/TNetsasrestrictedHLPNGs . 84 B.2.14 SymmetricNets. 85 B.2.15 HLPNGs. 86

34、AnnexC (informative) PNMLExampleofaHigh-levelNet. 88 AnnexD (informative)The PNMLFramework: Easingtheimplementationof PNML . 95 D.1 Introduction. 95 D.2 Methodology. .95 D.2.1 Overview. .95 D.2.2 Generatingthe APIfromamodel96 D.3 Featuresofthe PNMLFramework . .96 D.4 ApplicationtoaPetrinetsCASEtool.

35、 97 D.4.1 ExportingPetrinetsmodelsto PNML . 98 D.5 ImportingPetrinetsmodelsfrom PNML . 98 D.6 Timeandeffortrequiredtodevelopandintegratea PNMLplugin. .99 D.7 Conclusion. .99 D.7.1 Synthesis. 99 D.7.2 Therelease. .100 Bibliography. .101 iv c ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved BS ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011 IS

36、O/IEC 15909-2:2011(E) BS ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011 Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC par- ticipate in the devel

37、opment of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organizationtodealwithparticulareldsoftechnicalactivity. ISOandIECtechnicalcommitteescollaborateinelds of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison wit

38、h ISO and IEC,alsotakepartinthework. Intheeldofinformationtechnology, ISOandIEChave establishedajointtechnical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of the joint technical committee is to prep

39、are International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the national bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility th

40、at some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO/IEC15909-2waspreparedbyJointTechnicalCommitteISO/IECJTC1,Informationtechnology,Subcommittee SC 7, ISO/IEC15909consistsofthefollow

41、ingparts,underthegeneraltitleSystemsandsoftwareengineeringHigh-level Petri nets: Part 1: Concepts, denitions and graphical notation Part 2: Transfer format “Extensions” will form the subject of a future Part 3. c ISO/IEC 2011 All rights reserved v Software and systems engineering. BS ISO/IEC 15909-2

42、:2011 ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011(E)BS ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011 Introduction ISO/IEC 15909 is concerned with dening a modelling language and its transfer format, known as High-level Petri Nets. ISO/IEC15909-1providesthemathematicaldenitionofHigh-levelPetriNets,calledthesemanticmodel,the graphical form of the t

43、echnique, known as High-level Petri Net Graphs (HLPNGs), and its mapping to the semantic model. It also introduces some common notational conventions for HLPNGs. This part of ISO/IEC 15909 denes a transfer format for High-level Petri Nets in order to support the exchange of High-level Petri Nets amo

44、ng different tools. This format is called the Petri Net Markup Language (PNML). Since therearemanydifferentversionsofPetrinets inadditiontoHigh-levelPetriNets,thispartofISO/IEC15909denes the core concepts of Petri nets along with an XML syntax, which can be used for exchanging any kind of Petri net.

45、 Based on this PNML Core Model, this part of ISO/IEC 15909 also denes the transfer syntax for the three versions of Petri nets that are dened in ISO/IEC 15909-1: Place/Transition Nets, Symmetric Nets 1 , and High-level Petri Nets, where Place/Transition Nets and Symmetric Nets can be considered to b

46、e restricted versions of High-level Petri Nets. For Place/Transition Nets, this part of ISO/IEC 15909 introduces two different transfer formats: one is a format specically tuned to Place/Transition Nets, the other is a format that represents Place/Transition Nets as a restricted version of High-leve

47、l Petri Nets as dened in ISO/IEC 15909-1. The basic level of conformance to this part of ISO/IEC 15909 is to the PNML Core Model. The other levels are accordingtotheparticulartypeofthePetrinet;for High-levelPetriNets therearetwolevelsofconformance: textual conformance ignores the exact syntax and st

48、ructure of the labels; structural conformance requires that labels are givenintheexactsyntaxasdenedhere. SinceSymmetricNetsaredesignedforanalysability,textualconformance does not make any sense for Symmetric Nets; therefore, there is only structural conformance for Symmetric Nets. Note that this par

49、t of ISO/IEC 15909 introduces some concepts that are not dened in ISO/IEC 15909-1. These conceptsarenotrelatedtothemathematicalconceptsofPetrinetsandtheirsemantics. Theyconcernthegraphical representationofnetsandthestructuringoflargePetrinet models. Theseconceptsneedtobedened,alongwith a transfer format for Petri nets, in order to ensure that the graphical appearance of a Petri net in different tools is similar. This part of ISO/IEC 15909 is structured as follows: Clause 1 describes the scope, the areas


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