ACI 343R-1995 Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Structures《钢筋混凝土桥梁结构的分析和设计》.pdf

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ACI 343R-1995 Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Structures《钢筋混凝土桥梁结构的分析和设计》.pdf_第1页
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1、 1ACI 343R-95 became effective March 1, 1995 and supersedes ACI 343R-88. Forthe 1995 revision, Chapters 6 and 12 were rewritten.Copyright 1995, American Concrete Institute.All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by anymeans, including the making of copies by any p

2、hoto process, or by any electronic ormechanical device, printed or written or oral, or recording for sound or visual repro-duction or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission inwriting is obtained from the copyright proprietors.ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard

3、 Practices, and Commentariesare intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing, and inspectingconstruction. This document is intended for the use of individuals whoare competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of itscontent and recommendations and who will accept responsibility

4、 for theapplication of the material it contains. The American Concrete Institutedisclaims any and all responsibility for the stated principles. The Instituteshall not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom.Reference to this document shall not be made in contract documents. Ifitems found

5、in this document are desired by the Architect/Engineer to be apart of the contract documents, they shall be restated in mandatorylanguage for incorporation by the Architect/Engineer.ACI 343R-95(Reapproved 2004)Analysis and Design of ReinforcedConcrete Bridge StructuresReported by Joint ACI-ASCE Comm

6、ittee 343These recommendations, reported by Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 343 onConcrete Bridge Design, provide currently acceptable guidelines for theanalysis and design of reinforced, prestressed, and partially prestressedconcrete bridges based on the state of the art at the time of writing the report.

7、The provisions recommended herein apply to pedestrian bridges, highwaybridges, railroad bridges, airport taxiway bridges, and other special bridgestructures. Recommendations for Transit Guideways are given in ACI 358R.The subjects covered in these recommendations are: common terms;general considerat

8、ions; materials; construction; loads and load combina-tions; preliminary design; ultimate load analysis and strength design;service load analysis and design; prestressed concrete; superstructuresystems and elements; substructure systems and elements; precastconcrete; and details of reinforcement.The

9、 quality and testing of materials used in construction are covered byreference to the appropriate AASHTO and ASTM standard specifications.Welding of reinforcement is covered by reference to the appropriate AWSstandard.Keywords: admixtures; aggregates; anchorage (structural); beam-columnframe; beams

10、(supports); bridges (structures); cements; cold weatherconstruction; columns (supports); combined stress; composite construction(concrete and steel); composite construction (concrete to concrete);compressive strength; concrete construction; concretes; concrete slabs;construction joints; construction

11、 materials; continuity (structural); cover;curing; deep beams; deflection; earthquake-resistant structures; flexuralstrength; footings; formwork (construction); frames; hot weatherconstruction; inspection; lightweight concretes; loads (forces); mixing;mixture proportioning; modulus of elasticity; mo

12、ments; placing; precastconcrete; prestressed concrete; prestressing steels; quality control; rein-forced concrete; reinforcing steels; serviceability; shear strength; spans;specifications; splicing; strength; structural analysis; structural design;T-beams; torsion; ultimate strength method; water; w

13、elded-wire fabric.Note: In the text, measurements in metric (SI) units inparentheses follow measurements in inch-pound units.Where applicable for equations, equations for metric (SI)units in parentheses follow equations in inch-pound units.CONTENTSChapter 1Definitions, notation, and organizations, p

14、. 343R-41.1Introduction1.2Definitions1.3Notation1.4Referenced organizationsChapter 2Requirements for bridges, p. 343R-122.1IntroductionJohn H. ClarkChairOm P. DixitVice ChairHossam M. Abdou H. Everett Drugge Angel E. Herrera Paul N. RoschkeJohn H. Allen William H. Epp Thomas T. C. Hsu M. Saiid Saiid

15、iGerald H. Anderson Noel J. Everard Ti Huang Bal K. SananF. Arbabi Anthony L. Felder Ray W. James Harold R. SandbergCraig A. Ballinger John L. Carrato Richard G. Janecek John J. SchemmelJames M. Barker Ibrahim A. Ghais David Lanning A. C. ScordelisOstap Bender Amin Ghali Richard A. Lawrie Himat T. S

16、olankiT. Ivan Campbell Joseph D. Gliken James R. Libby Steven L. StrohJerry Cannon C. Stewart Gloyd Clellon L. Loveall Sami W. TabshClaudius A. Carnegie Nabil F. Grace W. T. McCalla Herman TachauGurdial Chadha Hidayat N. Grouni Antoine E. Naaman James C. TaiW. Gene Corley C. Donald Hamilton Andrzej

17、S. Nowak Marius B. WeschslerW. M. Davidge Allan C. Harwood John C. Payne J. Jim Zhao2 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BRIDGE STRUCTURES (ACI 343R-95)American Concrete Institute Copyrighted Materialwww.concrete.org2.2Functional considerations2.3Esthetic considerations2.4Economic considerat

18、ions2.5Bridge types2.6Construction and erection considerations2.7Legal considerationsChapter 3Materials, p. 343R-263.1Introduction3.2Materials3.3Properties3.4Standard specifications and practicesChapter 4Construction considerations,p. 343R-374.1Introduction4.2Restrictions4.3Goals4.4Planning4.5Site c

19、haracteristics4.6Environmental restrictions4.7Maintenance of traffic4.8Project needs4.9Design of details4.10Selection of structure type4.11Construction problems4.12Alternate designs4.13ConclusionsChapter 5Loads and load combinations,p. 343R-515.1Introduction5.2Dead loads5.3Construction, handling, an

20、d erection loads5.4Deformation effects5.5Environmental loads5.6Pedestrian bridge live loads5.7Highway bridge live loads5.8Railroad bridge live loads5.9Rail transit bridge live loads5.10Airport runway bridge loads5.11Pipeline and conveyor bridge loads5.12Load combinationsChapter 6Preliminary design,

21、p. 343R-666.1Introduction6.2Factors to be considered6.3High priority items6.4Structure types6.5Superstructure initial section proportioning6.6Abutments6.7Piers and bents6.8Appurtenances and details6.9FinishesChapter 7Strength design, p. 343R-797.1Introduction7.2Considerations for analysis, design, a

22、nd review7.3Strength requirementsChapter 8Service load analysis and design, 343R-968.1Basic assumptions8.2Serviceability requirements8.3Fatigue of materials8.4Distribution of reinforcement in flexural members8.5Control of deflections8.6Permissible stresses for prestressed flexural members8.7Service

23、load design8.8Thermal effectsChapter 9Prestressed concrete, p. 343R-1029.1Introduction9.2General design consideration9.3Basic assumptions9.4Flexure, shear9.5Permissible stresses9.6Prestress loss9.7Combined tension and bending9.8Combined compression and bending9.9Combination of prestressed and nonpre

24、stressed rein-forcementPartial prestressing9.10Composite structures9.11Crack control9.12Repetitive loads9.13End regions and laminar cracking9.14Continuity9.15Torsion9.16Cover and spacing of prestressing steel9.17Unbonded tendons9.18Embedment of pretensioning strands9.19Concrete9.20Joints and bearing

25、s for precast members9.21Curved box girdersChapter 10Superstructure systems and elements, p. 343R-11310.1Introduction10.2Superstructure structural types10.3Methods of superstructure analysis10.4Design of deck slabs10.5Distribution of loads to beams10.6Skew bridgesChapter 11Substructure systems and e

26、lements,p. 343R-12311.1Introduction11.2Bearings11.3Foundations11.4Hydraulic requirements11.5Abutments11.6Piers11.7Pier protectionChapter 12Precast concrete, p. 343R-14212.1Introduction12.2Precast concrete superstructure elements12.3Segmental construction12.4Precast concrete substructuresANALYSIS AND

27、 DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BRIDGE STRUCTURES (ACI 343R-95) 3American Concrete Institute Copyrighted Materialwww.concrete.org12.5Design12.6ConstructionChapter 13Details of reinforcement for design and construction, p. 343R-14913.1General13.2Development and splices of reinforcement13.3Lateral rein

28、forcement for compression members13.4Lateral reinforcement for flexural members13.5Shrinkage and temperature reinforcement13.6Standard hooks and minimum bend diameters13.7Spacing of reinforcement13.8Concrete protection for reinforcement13.9Fabrication13.10Surface conditions of reinforcement13.11Plac

29、ing reinforcement13.12Special details for columns4 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BRIDGE STRUCTURES (ACI 343R-95)American Concrete Institute Copyrighted Materialwww.concrete.org1.1IntroductionThis chapter provides currently accepted definitions, nota-tion, and abbreviations particular to

30、 concrete bridge designpractice which have been used in the preparation of thisdocument.Concrete bridge types commonly in use are describedseparately in Chapter 2, Requirements for Bridges, inChapter 6, Preliminary Design, and in Chapter 11, Super-structure Systems and Elements.1.2DefinitionsFor cem

31、ent and concrete terminology already defined,reference is made to ACI 116R. Terms not defined in ACI116R or defined differently from ACI 116R are defined forspecific use in this document as follows:aggregate, normal weightaggregate with combineddry, loose weight, varying from 110 lb. to 130 lb/ft3(a

32、pprox-imately 1760 to 2080 kg/m3).compressive strength of concrete (fc)specifiedcompressive strength of concrete in pounds per square inch(psi) or (MPa).Wherever this quantity is under a radical sign, the squareroot of the numerical value only is intended and the resultantis in pounds per square inc

33、h (psi) or (MPa).concrete, heavyweighta concrete having heavyweightaggregates and weighing after hardening over 160 lb/ft3(approximately 2560 kg/m3).concrete, shrinkage-compensatingan expansivecement concrete in which expansion, if restrained, inducescompressive strains that are intended to approxim

34、ately offsettensile strains in the concrete induced by drying shrinkage.concrete, structural lightweightconcrete containinglightweight aggregate having unit weight ranging from 90 to115 lb/ft3(1440 to 1850 kg/m3). In this document, a light-weight concrete without natural sand is termed “all-light-we

35、ight concrete,” and lightweight concrete in which all fineaggregate consists of normal weight sand is termed “sand-lightweight concrete.”design loadapplicable loads and forces or their relatedinternal moments and forces used to proportion members.For service load analysis and design, design load ref

36、ers toloads without load factors. For ultimate load analysis andstrength design, design load refers to loads multiplied byappropriate load factors.effective prestressthe stress remaining in concrete dueto prestressing after all losses have occurred, excluding theeffect of superimposed loads and weig

37、ht of member.load, deadthe dead weight supported by a member(without load factors).load, livethe live load specified by the applicable docu-ment governing design (without load factors).load, servicelive and dead loads (without load factors).plain reinforcementreinforcement without surfacedeformation

38、s, or one having deformations that do not conformto the applicable requirements for deformed reinforcement.pretensioninga method of prestressing in which thetendons are tensioned before the concrete is placed.surface waterwater carried by an aggregate except thatheld by absorption within the aggrega

39、te particles themselves.Complex highway interchange in California with 15 bridge structuresCHAPTER 1DEFINITIONS, NOTATION, AND ORGANIZATIONSANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BRIDGE STRUCTURES (ACI 343R-95) 5American Concrete Institute Copyrighted Materialwww.concrete.org1.3NotationPreparati

40、on of notation is based on ACI 104R. Where thesame notation is used for more than one term, the uncom-monly used terms are referred to the Chapter in which theyare used. The following notations are listed for specific usein this report:a = depth of equivalent rectangular stress blocka = constant use

41、d in estimating unit structure deadload (Chapter 5)a = compression flange thickness (Chapter 7)ab= depth of equivalent rectangular stress block forbalanced conditionsai= fraction of trucks with a specific gross weightav= ratio of stiffness of shearhead arm tosurrounding composite slab sectionA = eff

42、ective tension area of concrete surroundingthe main tension reinforcing bars and having thesame centroid as that reinforcement, divided bythe number of bars, or wires. When the mainreinforcement consists of several bar or wiresizes, the number of bars or wires should becomputed as the total steel ar

43、ea divided by thearea of the largest bar or wire usedA = axial load deformations and rib shortening usedin connection with t-loads (Chapter 5)Ab= area of an individual barAc= area of core of spirally reinforced compressionmember measured to the outside diameter of thespiralAe= area of longitudinal b

44、ars required to resisttorsionAe= effective tension area of concrete along side faceof member surrounding the crack control rein-forcement (Chapter 8)Af= area of reinforcement required to resist momentdeveloped by shear on a bracket or corbelAg= gross area of sectionAh= area of shear reinforcement pa

45、rallel to flexuraltension reinforcementAl= total area of longitudinal reinforcement to resisttorsionAn= area of reinforcement in bracket or corbelresisting tensile force NucAps= area of prestressed reinforcement in tensionzoneAs= area of tension reinforcementAs = area of compression reinforcementAsa

46、= area of bonded reinforcement in tension zoneAse= area of stirrups transverse to potential burstingcrack and within a distance seAsf= area of reinforcement to develop compressivestrength of overhanging flanges of I- and T-sectionsAsh= total area of hoop and supplementary cross tiesin rectangular co

47、lumnsAst= total area of longitudinal reinforcement (incompression members)At= area of one leg of a closed stirrup resistingtorsion within a distance sAv= area of shear reinforcement within a distance s,or area of shear reinforcement perpendicular toflexural tension reinforcement within a distances,

48、for deep flexural membersAvf= area of shear-friction reinforcementAvh= area of shear reinforcement parallel to the flex-ural tension reinforcement within a distance s2Aw= area of an individual wireA1= loaded area, bearing directly on concreteA2= maximum area of the portion of the supportingsurface t

49、hat is geometrically similar to, andconcentric with, the loaded areab = width of compressive face of memberb = constant used in estimating unit structure deadload (Chapter 5)b = width or diameter of pier at level of ice action(Chapter 5)b = width of web (Chapter 6)b = width of section under consideration (Chapter 7)be= width of concrete section in plane of potentialbursting crackbo= periphery of critical section for slabs and foot-ingsbv= width


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