ANSI AGMA ISO 17485-A08-2008 Bevel Gears - ISO System of Accuracy.pdf

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1、ANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08Identical to ISO 17485:2006Reaffirmed March 2014American National StandardBevel Gears - ISO System ofAccuracyANSI/AGMAISO17485-A08iiBevel Gears - ISO System of AccuracyANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08ApprovalofanAmericanNationalStandardrequiresverificationbyANSIthattherequire-ments for

2、 due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by thestandards developer.Consensusisestablishedwhen,inthejudgmentoftheANSIBoardofStandardsReview,substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests.Substantialagreementmeansmuchmorethanasimplema

3、jority,butnotnecessarilyuna-nimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that aconcerted effort be made toward their resolution.TheuseofAmericanNationalStandardsiscompletelyvoluntary;theirexistencedoesnotin any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the stand

4、ards or not, frommanufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures notconforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in nocircumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, noper

5、son shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation ofan American NationalStandardinthenameoftheAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute. Requestsforinterpre-tation of this standard should be addressed to the American Gear ManufacturersAssociation.CAUTION NOTICE: AGMA technical publications a

6、re subject to constant improvement,revision, or withdrawal as dictated by experience. Any person who refers to any AGMAtechnicalpublicationshouldbesurethatthepublicationisthelatestavailablefromtheAs-sociation on the subject matter.Tablesorotherself-supportingsectionsmaybereferenced. Citationsshouldr

7、ead: SeeANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08, Bevel Gears - ISO System of Accuracy, published by theAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association, 500 Montgomery Street, Suite 350,Alexandria, Virginia 22314, http:/ May 20, 2008ABSTRACTThis International Standard establishes a classification system

8、 that can be used to communicate geometricalaccuracyspecificationsofunassembledbevelgears,hypoidgearsandgearpairs.Itdefinesgeartoothaccura-cyterms,specifiesthestructureofthegearaccuracygradesystem,andprovides allowablevalues.Thestan-dard provides the gear manufacturer and the gear buyer with a mutua

9、lly advantageous reference for uniformtolerances.Tengradesaredefined,numbered2to11inorderofdecreasingprecision.Equationsfortolerancesand their ranges of validity are provided for bevel and hypoid gearing.Published byAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association500 Montgomery Street, Suite 350, Alexandria,

10、 Virginia 22314Copyright 2008 by American Gear Manufacturers AssociationAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronicretrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaISBN: 978-1-5

11、5589-926-4AmericanNationalStandardANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDiii AGMA 2008 - All rights reservedContentsPageForeword iv.1 Scope 1.2 Normative references 1.3 Terms, definitions and symbols 1.4 Application of the classification system 5.5 Tolerances 6.6 Application of measurement

12、 methods 8Bibliography 23.AnnexesA Example tolerance tables 10.B Single flank composite measuring method 12.C Accuracy of small module bevel gears 16D Interpretation of composite data 18Figures1 Pitch deviations 2.2 Tolerance diameter 33 Pitch data from single probe device 4.Tables1 Alphabetical tab

13、le of symbols with terms, by symbols 42 Alphabetical table of terms with symbols, by terms 53 Minimum number of measurements 8.4 Accuracy grades and measurement methods 9.ANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDiv AGMA 2008 - All rights reservedForewordThe foreword, footnotes and annexes,

14、if any, in this document are provided forinformational purposes only and are not to be construed as a part of ANSI/AGMA ISOStandard 17485-A08, Bevel Gears - ISO System of Accuracy.Themeasurementandtolerancespecificationofbevelgearsareverycomplexsubjectsthatwere in need of international standardizati

15、on. For these and other reasons, ISO/TC 60approvedtheprojectbasedonaproposeddocument,ANSI/AGMA2009-B01,BevelGearClassification, Tolerances, and Measuring Methods.At an early stage it was decided to develop two documents; this standard with accuracygrades and definitions, and a separate Technical Rep

16、ort, ISO/TR 10064-6, containinginspection practice and measuring methods. These practices and measuring methodsincluded topics such as manufacturing considerations, CMM measurements, contactpattern checking, and advance topics such as bevel gear flank form analysis.Prior to the development of ISO 17

17、485, the accuracy grades described in ISO 1328, forcylindrical gears, were often used for bevel gears. However, this use was not alwaysconsistent with the specific requirements and general practices followed within the bevelgearindustry. ISO17485containsitemsthataredistinctlydifferentfromISO1328-1:1

18、995:- The definitions, tolerance diameter and measuring directions are specifically for bevelgears;- Accuracy grade tolerances are based on equations and not on tables;- There is approximately one grade difference in tolerance level between bevel andcylindrical gears, similar to that used by the DIN

19、 system of tolerances.The use of the definitions and accuracy grades within this standard should improve theconsistent application of bevel gear geometrical tolerances for the general benefit ofindustry.ANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08 represents an identical adoption of ISO 17485:2006.ThefirstdraftofANSI/AG

20、MAISO17485-A08wasmadeinJune,2007. ItwasapprovedbytheAGMAmembershiponMarch8,2008andapprovedasanAmericanNationalStandardon May 20, 2008.Suggestionsforimprovementofthisstandardwillbewelcome. TheyshouldbesenttotheAmericanGearManufacturersAssociation,500MontgomeryStreet,Suite350,Alexandria,Virginia 22314

21、.ANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDv AGMA 2008 - All rights reservedPERSONNEL of the AGMA Gear Accuracy CommitteeChairman: Edward Lawson, Gleason-Mmmnis mean normal module;z is number of teeth.See clause 6 for required and optional measuringmethods. As tolerances are calculated from t

22、heactual dimensions of a bevel gear, tolerance tablesare not provided. In order to get an overview,example values of tolerances and graphs are givenin annex A.This standard does not apply to enclosed gear unitassemblies,includingspeedreducersorincreasers,gear motors, shaft mounted reducers, high spe

23、edunits, or other enclosed gear units which aremanufactured for a given power, speed, ratio orapplication.Gear design is beyond the scope of this Standard.Theuseoftheaccuracygradesforthedeterminationof gear performance requires extensive experiencewith specific applications. Therefore, the users oft

24、his standard are cautioned against the directapplicationoftolerancevaluestoaprojectedperfor-manceofunassembled(loose)gearswhentheyareassembled.Tolerancevaluesforgearsoutsidethelimitsstatedinthis standard will need to be established by deter-mining the specific application requirements. Thiscould req

25、uire the setting of a tolerance other thancalculated by the formulas in this standard.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispens-able for the application of this document. For datedreferences, only the edition cited applies. Forundated references, the latest edition of th

26、e refer-enced document (including any amendments) ap-plies.ISO1122-1:1998,Vocabularyofgearsterms -Part1: Definitions relating to geometryISO 23509:2006, Bevel and hypoid gear geometry3 Terms, definitions and symbols3.1 DefinitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms anddefinitions given in I

27、SO 1122-1, ISO 23509 and thefollowing terms, definitions and symbols apply.Some of the symbols and terminology contained inthis document could differ from those used in otherdocuments and standards. Users of this standardshould assure themselves that they are using thesymbols, terminology and defini

28、tions in the mannerindicated herein.3.1.1 Index deviation, FxDisplacement of any tooth flank from its theoreticalposition, relative to a datum tooth flank.ANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD2 AGMA 2008 - All rights reserved3.1.2 Mean normal module, mmnRatioofthemeanpitchdiameterinmill

29、imeterstothenumber of teeth in a normal plane at the mean conedistance.mmn=dmzcos m=RmRemetcosm(1)wheredmis mean pitch diameter;z is number of teeth;mis mean spiral angle.Rmis mean cone distance;Reis outer cone distance;metis outer transverse module;3.1.3 Reference gearGearofknownaccuracythatisdesig

30、nedspecificallyto mesh with the gear to be inspected for compositedeviation and contact marking tests.3.1.4 Runout deviation, total, FrDifference between the maximum and minimumdistance perpendicular to the pitch cone, of a probe(ball or cone) which is placed successively in eachtooth space,with the

31、 probe contacting both the rightand left flanks at the tolerance circle approximatelymid tooth-depth.NOTE: Tolerances are provided in Tooth mesh component single flankcomposite deviation, fisValue of the greatest single flank composite devi-ationoveranyonepitch(360/z),afterremovalofthelo

32、ngtermcomponent(sinusoidaleffectofeccentrici-ty), during a single flank composite test, when thegear is moved through one revolution.NOTE: This standard specifies the tolerance directionfor tooth mesh component single flank compositedevi-ationtobealongthearcofthetolerancediametercirclein a transvers

33、e section. Tolerances are provided in5. Total single flank composite deviation,FisTotal deviation, measured from minimum to maxi-mum,duringasingleflankcompositetest,whenthegear is moved through one revolution.NOTE: This standard specifies the tolerance directionfortotalsingleflankcomposited

34、eviationtobealongthearc of thetolerancediameter circleinatransversesec-tion. See annex B. Tolerances are provided in Single pitch deviation, fptDisplacement of any tooth flank from its theoreticalposition relative to the corresponding flank of anadjacenttooth,measuredbyaprobefromapointon

35、a flank,to a pointon theadjacentflank,on thesamemeasurement circle, see figure 1.NOTE1: Distinctionismadeastothealgebraicsignofthemeasuredvalue. Thus, aconditionwherein theac-tualtoothflankpositionwasnearertotheadjacenttoothflank than the theoretical position would be considereda minus (-) deviation

36、. A condition wherein the actualtooth flank position was farther from the adjacent toothflank than the theoretical position would be considereda plus (+) deviation.NOTE 2: This standard specifies the tolerance direc-tion of measurement for single pitch deviation to bealong the arc of the tolerance d

37、iameter circle in thetransverse section. Tolerances are provided in 5.4.2.Theoreticalcircular pitch+fptActual toothflank positionTheoretical toothflank positionMeasurementcircle- fptFigure 1 - Pitch deviationsANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD3 AGMA 2008 - All rights reserved3.1.8 Tol

38、erance diameter, dTDiameter where the mean cone distance, Rm, andthe midpoint of the working depth intersect (seefigure 2).NOTE: Themidpointof themeanworkingdepthisonehalf the depth of engagement of the two gears at themean cone distance. The value of dTcan bedetermined by equations 2 or 3.= dm1+ham

39、1 ham2cos1(2)dT1= dm1+ 20.5 hmw ham2cos1= dm2+ham2 ham1cos2(3)dT2= dm2 20.5 hmw ham2cos2wheredm1, 2is mean pitch diameter (pinion, gear);hmwis mean working depth;ham1, 2is mean addendum;1, 2is pitch angle (pinion, gear).These values can be obtained from manufacturingsummary sheets or by calculations

40、 shown in ISO10300 or in ISO 23509.3.1.9 Total cumulative pitch deviation, FpLargest algebraic difference between any two indexdeviation values for a specified flank (left or right),without distinction as to the direction or algebraicsign of this reading. See figure 3.NOTE: This standard specifies t

41、olerance direction fortotalcumulativepitchdeviationtobealongthearcofthetolerancediametercircleinthetransversesection. Tol-erances are provided in Transmission error, eDeviation of the position of the driven gear, for agiven angular position of the driving gear, from theposition that the

42、 driven gear would occupy if thegears were geometrically perfect.NOTE: See annex B for discussionof transmissioner-ror and single flank composite deviations.3.2 Fundamental terms and symbolsThe terminology and symbols used in this standardare listed alphabetically by symbol in table 1, andalphabetic

43、ally by term in table 2. To convey themaximum amount of information, however, thenamesofseveraltermshavebeenrearrangedsotheprinciple characteristics will be grouped together.hmw/2Figure 2 - Tolerance diameterANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD4 AGMA 2008 - All rights reserved+0-123456

44、78910+fpt- fptFpzFxFigure 3 - Pitch data from single probe deviceTable 1 - Alphabetical table of symbols with terms, by symbolsSymbol Terms Wherefirst useddm1, 2Pitch diameter, mean (pinion or gear) 3.1.2dTDiameter, tolerance 1FisSingle flank composite deviation, total 3.1.6FisTSingle flank composit

45、e tolerance, total 5.4.6FpCumulative pitch deviation, total 3.1.9FpTCumulative pitch tolerance, total 5.4.3FrRunout deviation, total 3.1.4FrTRunout tolerance 5.4.4FxIndex deviation 3.1.1fisSingle flank composite deviation, tooth mesh component 3.1.5fis(design)Single flank composite deviation, design

46、 tooth mesh component 5.4.5fisTSingle flank composite tolerance, tooth mesh component 5.4.5fptSingle pitch deviation 3.1.7fptTSingle pitch tolerance 5.4.2hamAddendum, mean 3.1.8hmwWorking depth, mean 3.1.8metModule, outer transverse 3.1.2mmnModule, mean normal 1ReCone distance, outer 3.1.2RiCone dis

47、tance, inner Figure 2RmCone distance, mean 3.1.2z1, 2Number of teeth (pinion or gear), tooth number 1mSpiral angle, mean 3.1.21, 2Pitch angle (pinion or gear) 3.1.8eTransmission error 3.1.10Characteristic symbols as subscriptsSymbol Subscript termsm MeanT Tolerance1 Pinion2 GearANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A

48、08AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD5 AGMA 2008 - All rights reservedTable 2 - Alphabetical table of terms with symbols, by termsSymbol Terms Wherefirst usedhamAddendum, mean 3.1.8RmCone distance, mean 3.1.2ReCone distance, outer 3.1.2RiCone distance, inner Figure 2FpCumulative pitch deviation, total 3.1.9F

49、pTCumulative pitch tolerance, total 5.4.3dTDiameter, tolerance 1FxIndex deviation 3.1.1mmnModule, mean normal 1metModule, outer transverse 3.1.2z1, 2Number of teeth (pinion or gear) 11, 2Pitch angle (pinion or gear) 3.1.2dm1, 2Pitch diameter, mean (pinion or gear) 3.1.2FrRunout deviation, total 3.1.4FrTRunout tolerance 5.4.4fis(design)Single flank composite deviation, design tooth mesh component 5.4.5fisSingle flank composite deviation, tooth mesh component 3.1.5fisTSingle flank composite

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