ANSI AIIM 10197-1993 Micrographics Readers - Printers for transparent microforms Characteristics.pdf

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1、Micrographics Readers -Printers fortransparentmicroforms Characteristics1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 1100Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 USATel: 301-587-8202www.aiim.orgA Publication ofANSI/AIIM/ISO 10197-1993ANSI/AIIM/ISO 10197-1993G115G116G97G110G100G97G114G100G115G116G97G110G100G97G114G100G65G112G112G1

2、14G111G118G101G100G32G97G115G68G101G99G101G109G98G101G114G32G49G52G44G32G49G57G57G57G65G109G101G114G105G99G97G110G32G32G78G97G116G105G111G110G97G108G83G116G97G110G100G97G114G100G115G32G73G110G115G116G105G116G117G116G101G32G40G65G78G83G73G41G83G116G97G110G100G97G114G100G115INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0

3、ull97 First edition 1993-l 2-l 5 Micrographics - Reader-printers for transparent microforms - Characteristics Micrographic - Lecteurs-reproducteurs de microformes transparentes - Caractkistiques Reference number IS0 10197.1993(E) IS0 10195:4993(E) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Sta

4、ndardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the righ

5、t to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft Internat

6、ional Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard IS0 10197 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 171, Microg

7、raphics and optical memories for document and image recording, storage and use. Q IS0 1993 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without per- mission in writing from t

8、he publisher. International Organization for Standardization Case Postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland Printed in Switzerland ii INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 10197:1993(E) Micrographics - Reader-printers for transparent microforms - Characteristics 1 Scope This International Standard specifies

9、 the essential performance characteristics of reader-printers de- signed for viewing and making hard copies from microfilm with a maximum width of 35 mm, whether in microfilm strips or in roll form, in open reels, car- tridges or cassettes, microfiche, jackets and image cards. It applies to reader-p

10、rinters with a magnification less than or equal to 5O:l. The requirements for the functions of readers, as specified in IS0 6198, are summarized in clause 4 for convenience of the users of this International Stan- dard. This International Standard establishes minimum cri- teria for the hard copy pri

11、nts produced by reader- printers based on the use of microtest charts IS0 No. I and IS0 No. 2 or from microforms with a specified minimum quality, either an original or a duplicate. This International Standard does not apply to special reader-printers that produce colour or other types of specialize

12、d microforms or prints. In addition, it does not necessarily apply to enlarger-printers. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publi- cation, the editions indicated

13、 were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most re- cent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of cur- rently valid Int

14、ernational Standards. IS0 216:1975, Writing paper and certain classes of printed matter - Trimmed sizes - A and B series. IS0 446:1991, Micrographics - IS0 character and IS0 test chart No. I - Description and use. IS0 1116:1975, Microcopying - 16 mm and 35 mm microfilms, spools and reels. IS0 3272-l

15、 :I 983, Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents - Part 1: Oper- a ting procedures. IS0 3334:1989, Micrographics - IS0 resolution test chart No. 2 - Description and use. IS0 6196-I : 1993, Micrographics - Vocabulary - Part 01: General terms. IS0 6196-2:1993, Micrographi

16、cs - Vocabulary - Part 02: Image positions and methods of recording. IS0 6196-3:1983, Micrographics - Vocabulary - Part 03: Film processing. IS0 6196-4:1987, Micrographics - Vocabulary - Part 04: Materials and packaging. IS0 6196-5: 1987, Micrographics - Vocabulary - Part 05: Quality of images, legi

17、bility, inspection. IS0 6196-6:1992, Micrographics - Vocabulary - Part 06: Equipment. IS0 6196-7:1992, Micrographics - Vocabulary - Part 07: Computer micrographics. IS0 6196-8:-l), Micrographics - Vocabulary - Part 08: Application. IS0 6198:1993, Micrographics - Readers for traks- parent microforms

18、- Performance characteristics. I) To be published. 1 IS0 10197:1993(E) IS0 7565: 1993, Micrographics - Readers for trans- parent microforms - Measurement of characteristics. IS0 7761-I :-l), Micrographics - Sing/e-core car- tridge for 16 mm processed microfilm - Dimensions and operational constraint

19、s - Part 1: Open-type car- tridge. IS0 7762:-l, Micrographics - Cassette for 16 mm processed microfilm - Dimensions and operational constraints. I EC 417H: 1987, Graphical symbols for use on equip- ment. Index, survey and compilation of the single sheets. Eighth supplement, IEC 950:1991, Safety of i

20、nformation technology equipment including electrical business equipment. 4.2 Image quality 4.2.1 Image resolution With the appropriate microtest chart in the film gate, the character or pattern resolved on the screen shall be, at a minimum, that specified in column 2 of table 1 or 2. The test image

21、used shall be capable of resolving at least four patterns higher than specified in table2 for the appropriate magnification. 4.2.2 Image distortion Image distortion shall be less than 0,5 % due to curvilinear effects and 2 % for geometric effects. 3 Definitions 4.3 Screen luminance and contrast For

22、the purposes of this International Standard, the definitions given in IS0 6196 and the following defi- nitions apply. 3.1 reader-printer: Device which serves both as a reader and a printer and implies the provision of a viewing screen large enough to display a full-size, or nearly full-size, image o

23、f the original document. Reader-printers are usually designed for image and print sizes up to A3 or A2. 3.2 enlarger-printer: Device intended primarily for printing possibly having a limited viewing facility for image alignment and verification but not for detailed reading. These devices, sometimes

24、also known as production printers, are usually designed for sizes in the range A2 to AO. 4 Performance characteristics of the reader portion The essential performance characteristics are speci- fied in IS0 6198. For the convenience of the user, the requirements of the reader portion which pertain to

25、 reader-printers are summarized below. For methods of verifying the compliance with these requirements, see IS0 7565. 4.1 Magnification The magnification shall be within + 5 % of the nom- inal value indicated by the manufacturer. If multiple lenses are available for different magnifications, they sh

26、all be appropriately marked. 4.3.1 Screen luminance At all points in the useful (measurement) area of the screen, the luminance shall not be less than 3.5 cd/m*. The minimum luminance at the centre of the screen shall be 140 cd/m. For rear projection readers, the luminance between the maximum value

27、and the minimum value shall not exceed a ratio of 10 except for those reader portions of reader-printers with very large screens. Screens having a diagonal greater than 540 mm are considered very large and the luminance ratio shall not exceed 15. Table 1 - Minimum sized IS0 microtest chart No. 1 cha

28、racters (reduced 1:20) to be resolved in the screen image and in the hardcopy (Values based upon prepared microtest chart) I Character of IS0 No. 1 microtest chart to be read I Nominal magnification I Screen Hard copy IO:1 15:l 2O:l 25:l 3O:l 35:l 4O:l 45:l 5O:l 125 112 100 iz: 71 1) 63) 56) 50) 140

29、 125 112 100 90 7:) 63) 56) II The difficulty in obtaining such fine characters on the microtest chart can make the measurements incor- rect 2 IS0 10197:1993(E) Table 2 - Minimum sized IS0 microtest chart No. 2 pattern to be resolved in the screen image and in the hard copy (Values based upon specif

30、ically made microtest chart which can require calculations to give true values) Pattern of IS0 No. 2 microtest chart to be read) Nominal magnification IO:1 15:l 2O:l 25:l 3O:l 35:l 4O:l 45:l 5O:l Screen b/mm 63 4,5 4.0 38 32 231:, 2:51) 2,5) 2,511 2,5) 2,51) NOTE - Calculations involving the reducti

31、on used to make the microtest chart can be necessary to determine the actual resolution specified in table 2 I) The difficulty in obtaining such fine characters on the microtest chart can make the measurements incor- rect. For front projection readers, the luminance between the maximum value and the

32、 minimum value shall not exceed a ratio of 5. 4.3.2 Screen contrast The screen contrast expressed as a luminance ratio shall be a minimum of 10. The light leakage from the reader portion of the reader-printer shall be restricted so that neither direct nor reflected rays will reduce the image quality

33、. 4.4 Film accommodation The reader portion of the reader-printer shall accom- modate the specific microform type(s) and size(s) for which the reader portion of the reader-printer was designed and display the images in an upright and right:reading manner. The screen size shall be large enough to acc

34、ommo- date the image size for which it was designed. The reader portion of roll film readers shall be designed so as to minimize abrasion of the film image area during transport of the film through the reader portion of the reader-printer. The film carrier or other film positioning mechanism shall b

35、e designed to accom- modate a reel, cartridge or cassette as specified in IS0 I I 16, IS0 7761-l or IS0 7762 and so that it will not abrade the film. 4.5 Focus A suitable and easily accessible means shall be pro- vided for adjusting the focus of the image for any of the microforms for which the read

36、er portion of the reader-printer was designed. The image shall remain in focus when a large frame is scanned or when the reader-printer is moving images from one frame to another on the same microform, unless roll microfilm is being transported at high speed, in which case when any image is viewed,

37、it shall appear in best fo- cus. 4.6 Controls All operator controls shall be readily accessible and easy to use from the normal operating position. The controls shall be marked in the language which is acceptable to the country in which the devices will be sold or marked with lSO/lEC standard symbol

38、s (see IEC 417H). 5 Performance characteristics of the printer portion 5.1 Paper requirement 5.1.1 Paper sizes The printer portion of the reader-printer shall accom- modate one or more of the paper sizes specified in IS0 216. By agreement between manufacturers and users, other paper sizes are accept

39、able. If the paper is supplied in roll form, the cut length from the roll shall have a f 3 mm tolerance from the length or width specified. 5.1.2 Paper handling The paper feeding system shall be easy to load and thread. A sketch showing the threading path and any instructions for clearing a paper ja

40、m shall be in a con- spicuous place. If a temperature of above 40 “C is re- quired to process the hard copy, the heating chamber shall be labelled with a warning (e.g. “CAUTION-HOT”) or with the appropriate lSO/lEC symbol. The paper driving mechanism shall not cause misalignment of the paper by more

41、 than 5 mm/m when the paper is properly threaded. NOTE 1 Misalignment applies to either sideways or twisting displacement. The hard copy prints should be available for use within 30 s from the time the print cycle is activated. 5.1.3 Paper characteristics The paper surface after processing shall be

42、capable of being marked with conventional writing instru- ments such as pencils, ballpoint pens, etc. 3 IS0 10197:1993(E) 5.2 Controls 5.4 Temperature The paper and printer shall be labelled to indicate if they can operate in a bimodal manner, i.e. make positive-appearing prints from either negative

43、- or positive-appearing film images. The necessary con- trols for such ooerations shall be clearly labelled. 5.4.1 Film gate temperature The temperature in the film gate shall not exceed 72 “C after 60 min of continuous operation with the reader in focus and the lame ooeratina at its hiaher In addit

44、ion to a print cycle start control, there shall be a graduated exposure control to compensate for film density variations. If multicopy capability is a feature, a counter selector shall be orovided. These controls . . :ting permitted by the-reader when :cordance with IS0 7565. brightness se1 measure

45、d in ac 5.4.2 Case temperature shall be clearly labelled. The focus of the image during printing shall be the same as the focus of the image that is viewed (i.e. best focus). For reader-printers which have screens larger than the projected frame, there shall be indi- cators to show where the image i

46、s to be located so that it will be centred on the hard copy. Some reader-printers permit variable width prints, in which case width controller and indicators shall be clearly labelled. 5.3 Image quality 5.3.1 Image size With the exception of technical documents (engin- eering drawings), the image pr

47、inted on the paper shall correspond to the image displayed on the screen with a tolerance of 4 %. For print enlargement ratio and sizes of technical documents, see IS0 3272-l. 5.3.2 Image resolution The case temperature shall meet the requirement given in IS0 6198. 5.5 Safety Reader-printers that ar

48、e designed to stand on a flat and horizontal surface shall not tip over when tested in accordance with the methods described in IEC 950. Materials used in the construction of reader-printers shall be such that if the device catches fire, they pre- vent the spread of flames and do not emit toxic fume

49、s. Devices shall be constructed in accordance with the appropriate requirements of IEC 950. Reader-printers shall be constructed so there is no mechanical or electrical risk to the operator when the device is operated under the severest conditions for which it was designed (see IS0 6198). All processing supplies shall be in noncorrosive, spillproof reservoirs and meet the legal requirement of toxicity. Replenishment methods shall be designed to prevent contact with the operator. All supplies in- cluding paper shall be labelled with an expiration date, if applicable, and stora

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