1、REAFFIRMED July 7, 2016ANSI/ANS-57.10-1996 (R2016)July 6, 2006ANSI/ANS-57.10-1996 (R2006) This standard has been reviewed and reaffirmed with the recognition that it may reference other standards and documents that may have been superseded or withdrawn. The requirements of this document will be met
2、by using the version of the standards and documents referenced herein. It is the responsibility of the user to review each of the references and to determine whether the use of the original references or more recent versions is appropriate for the facility. Variations from the standards and document
3、s referenced in this standard should be evaluated and documented. This standard does not necessarily reflect recent industry initiatives for risk informed decision-making or a graded approach to quality assurance. Users should consider the use of these industry initiatives in the application of this standard. ERRATUM ISSUED Find erratum inside front cover. If erratum is missing, contact the ANS Standards Department at Standardsans.org or 708-579-8269 for replacement copy