ANSI ASA S1.14-1998 American National Standard Recommendations for Specifying and Testing the Susceptibility of Acoustical Instruments to Radiated Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic F.pdf

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2、York, New York 10005-3993ANSI / ASA S1.14-1998ANSI/ASAS1.14-1998Reaffirmed by ANSIon 28 February 2003Reaffirmed by ANSI April 25, 2008Reaffirmed by ANSI June 26, 2013 The American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI) is the na-tional coordinator of voluntary standards development and the clear-

3、inghouse in the U.S. for information on national and internationalstandards.The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) is an organization of sci-entists and engineers formed in 1929 to increase and diffuse theknowledge of acoustics and to promote its practical applications.American National StandardRec

4、ommendations for Specifyingand Testing the Susceptibilityof Acoustical Instruments to RadiatedRadio-frequency Electromagnetic Fields,25 MHz to 1 GHzSecretariatAcoustical Society of AmericaApproved 7 July 1998American National Standards Institute, Inc.AbstractThis Standard provides recommendations fo

5、r specifying and testing the susceptibility of acousticalinstruments to radiated radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. This Standard does not containrecommendations regarding the susceptibility of an instrument to conducted electromagnetic fields, orrecommendations to limit the emission of electro

6、magnetic fields from instruments. The Standard coverstwo ranges of radio frequencies for the carrier signal: 25 MHz to 500 MHz, and an extended range from 25MHz to 1 GHz. Recommended maximum electric field strengths for the radio-frequency field are 3 V/m,10 V/m, and 61.4 V/m. An electric field stre

7、ngth greater than 61.4 V/m may be selected for specificapplications. The Standard recommends limits, relative to the overall performance category of anacoustical instrument, of allowable deviation from nominal performance in the absence of aradio-frequency field.ANSI S1.14-1998AMERICAN NATIONAL STAN

8、DARDS ON ACOUSTICSThe Acoustical Society of America (ASA) provides the Secretariat for AccreditedStandards Committees S1 on Acoustics, S2 on Mechanical Vibration and Shock,S3 on Bioacoustics, and S12 on Noise. These committees have wide represen-tation from the technical community (manufacturers, co

9、nsumers, and general-interest representatives). The standards are published by the Acoustical Society ofAmerica through the American Institute of Physics as American National Stan-dards after approval by their respective standards committees and the AmericanNational Standards Institute.These standar

10、ds are developed and published as a public service to providestandards useful to the public, industry, and consumers, and to Federal, State,and local governments.Each of the Accredited Standards Committees operating in accordance with pro-cedures approved by American National Standards Institute (AN

11、SI) is responsiblefor developing, voting upon, and maintaining or revising its own standards. TheASA Standards Secretariat administers committee organization and activity andprovides liaison between the Accredited Standards Committees and ANSI. Afterthe standards have been produced and adopted by th

12、e Accredited StandardsCommittees, and approved as American National Standards by ANSI, the ASAStandards Secretariat arranges for their publication and distribution.An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially con-cerned with its scope and provisions. Consensus is establis

13、hed when, in thejudgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement hasbeen reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreementmeans much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consen-sus requires that all views and objections be consid

14、ered and that a concertedeffort be made towards their resolution.The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary. Their existencedoes not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he or she has approved thestandards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products,pr

15、ocesses, or procedures not conforming to the standards.NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at anytime. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require thataction be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this Standard.Standards Secreta

16、riatAcoustical Society of America120 Wall Street, 32nd FloorNew York, New York 10005-3993USATelephone: 11 212 248 0373Telefax: 11 212 248 0146E-mail: asastdsaip.orgInternet: http:/ 1998 by the Acoustical Society of America. This Standard may not be reproduced inwhole or in part in any for

17、m for sale, promotion, or any commercial purpose, or any purposenot falling within the provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976, without prior written permissionof the publisher. For permission, address a request to the Standards Secretariat of theAcoustical Society of America.ContentsPageForeword .

18、ii0 Introduction 11 Scope . 12 Definitions . 13 Maximum deviation of acoustical signal indication 24 Electromagnetic field parameters . 45 Instruction Manual 5AnnexesA Recommendations for tests to verify conformance of acousticalinstruments to specifications for immunity to radio-frequencyelectromag

19、netic fields . 6B Bibliography . 11Tables1 Recommended limits for the maximum deviation of the signal levelindicated, or produced, by an acoustical instrument . 32 Recommended maximum field strengths for radio-frequencyfields 4A.1 Recommended maximum step increase in the frequency ofsteady-state rad

20、io-frequency fields 10FiguresA.1 Generalized block diagram of equipment for radio-frequencyelectromagnetic-susceptibility tests of a sound-measuringinstrument in a transverse electromagnetic (TEM) cell 7A.2 Generalized block diagram of equipment for electromagnetic-susceptibility tests of a sound-me

21、asuring instrument in a radio-frequency anechoic chamber 8iForewordThis Foreword is for information only and is not an integral part of American NationalStandard Recommendations for Specifying and Testing the Susceptibility of AcousticalInstruments to Radiated Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Fields,

22、 25 MHz to 1 GHz,ANSIS1.14-1998.This Standard was developed under the jurisdiction of Accredited Standards Com-mittee S1, Acoustics, which has the following scope:Standards, specifications, methods of measurement and test, and terminologyin the fields of physical acoustics including architectural ac

23、oustics, electro-acoustics, sonics and ultrasonics, and underwater sound, but excluding thoseaspects which pertain to biological safety, tolerance, and comfort.At the time this Standard was submitted to Accredited Standards Committee S1,Acoustics, for final approval, the membership was as follows:J.

24、 P. Seiler, ChairG. S. K. Wong, Vice ChairA. Brenig, SecretaryAcoustical Society of America J.P.SeilerG. S. K. Wong (Alt.)Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Institute ARI . S.WangS. Sanders (Alt.)American Industrial Hygiene Association L.H.RoysterJ. F. Meagher (Alt.)AT Fax 11 212 248 0146.iiiAmerica

25、n National StandardRecommendations forSpecifying and Testingthe Susceptibility ofAcoustical Instruments toRadiatedRadio-frequencyElectromagnetic Fields,25 MHz to 1 GHz0 Introduction0.1 Acoustical instruments are used to measureor generate sound in situations such as occupa-tional exposure to noise,

26、laboratory experiments,instrument calibrations, and noise control assess-ments. The instrument should operate properly un-der the prevailing environmental conditions,including the presence of radio-frequency electro-magnetic fields.0.2 Electromagnetic fields are produced by fixedsources and by devic

27、es such as hand-held radiotransceivers or radio telephones. Exposure to asignificant electromagnetic field can result in erro-neous data, unwanted results, false alarms, oreven complete shutdown of an instrument.0.3 The electromagnetic susceptibility of an in-strument depends on the frequency, ampli

28、tude,and modulation of the electromagnetic field. Instru-ments showing no effect from electromagnetic sig-nals at one frequency may behave differently atanother frequency. An instruments physical di-mensions, electrical characteristics, internalshielding, and positioning all influence the fre-quency

29、 dependence. The microphone cable on anacoustical instrument can act as an antenna andcouple a radio-frequency electromagnetic field tothe instrument.0.4 The specifications recommended in thisStandard were considered to provide reasonableprotection against interference from radiated elec-tromagnetic

30、 fields. However, in some situations,an acoustical instrument that conforms to the ap-plicable specifications may still be adversely af-fected by a particular radio-frequency field.1 Scope1.1 This Standard provides recommendations forspecifying and testing the susceptibility of acousti-cal instrumen

31、ts to radiated electromagnetic fields.The instruments may be powered by batteries orfrom a public supply of electric power. Recommen-dations related to testing an instruments suscep-tibility to electromagnetic radiation are given inannex A. Annex B contains a bibliography of back-ground information.

32、1.2 The Standard does not contain recommenda-tions for specifying and testing the susceptibilityof an acoustical instrument to conducted electro-magnetic fields. The Standard does not containrecommendations to limit the radio-frequencyelectromagnetic fields that may be radiated by anacoustical instr

33、ument. It does not provide recom-mendations for the influence of radio-frequencyfields on optional external cabling or ancillary de-vices. The Standard is not applicable to audio-meters or hearing aids.1.3 This Standard provides recommendations forelectric and magnetic field strengths and for radio-

34、frequency and acoustical test signals.1.4 The Standard covers the range of radio fre-quencies from 25 MHz to 500 MHz, and an ex-tended range from 25 MHz to 1 GHz (correspond-ing to wavelengths from 12 m to 0.333 m).1.5 The recommendations of this Standard maybe used to develop radio-frequency electr

35、omag-netic susceptibility requirements for specificacoustical instruments. For individual instrumentstandards, the recommended specifications forelectromagnetic test-signal frequencies, and maxi-mum field strengths, or any other recommendationof this Standard, may be modified as appropriate.2 Defini

36、tionsSome definitions were adopted from ANSI/IEEE100-1984, IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electricaland Electronic Terms or ANSI C63.14-1992,American National Standard Dictionary for Tech-nologies of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC),Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), and ElectrostaticDischarge (ESD). In s

37、ome cases, the definitionswere edited to apply to this Standard.AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ANSI S1.14-19981 1998 Acoustical Society of America2.1 acoustical instrument. Instrument, or sys-tem of instruments, that principally operates bymeasuring or generating a sound pressure orsome other property o

38、f a sound field.NOTES1 Examples of acoustical instruments includesound level meters, sound exposure meters andnoise dosimeters, measuring amplifiers, acousticalcalibrators, and other measurement systems contain-ing microphones.2 Most acoustical instruments contain microphones(or other transducers) t

39、hat are an integral part of theinstrument.3 Recommendations in this Standard may be ap-plied to acoustical instruments used to measurevibration if a different signal is applied to a differenttransducer and with modification of the specified lim-its on degradation.2.2 amplitude modulation. Process by

40、 which acontinuous wave (carrier wave) is caused to varyin amplitude by the action of another wave contain-ing information.2.3 continuous wave. Wave for which succes-sive oscillations are identical under steady-stateconditions and which can be interrupted or modu-lated to convey information.2.4 degr

41、adation. When an instrument is ex-posed to a radio-frequency electromagnetic field,exceedance of allowed tolerance limits for a speci-fied condition or parameter.2.5 deviation. When an instrument is exposedto a radio-frequency electromagnetic field, changein an indicated output signal relative to th

42、e signalindicated in the absence of the radio-frequencyelectromagnetic field.2.6 electric field strength; electric field inten-sity. Magnitude of the electric field component ata point in an electromagnetic field. Unit, volts permetre (V/m).2.7 electromagnetic compatibility. (1) Capa-bility of a dev

43、ice, instrument, or system to operatein its intended electromagnetic environment with-out suffering or causing unacceptable degradationas a result of electromagnetic interference. (2)Condition whereby a device, instrument, or systemis able to function in its intended electromagneticenvironment witho

44、ut introducing intolerable distur-bances to that environment or to other devices.2.8 electromagnetic immunity. Ability of a de-vice, unit of equipment, or system to perform with-out unacceptable degradation in the presence ofan electromagnetic disturbance.2.9 electromagnetic interference. (1) Electr

45、o-magnetic disturbance, whether intentional or not,that interrupts, obstructs, or otherwise degradesthe performance of a device, instrument, or sys-tem, or (2) degradation of the performance of adevice, instrument, or system caused by an elec-tromagnetic disturbance.2.10 electromagnetic susceptibili

46、ty. Inabilityof a device, equipment, or system to perform with-out degradation in the presence of an electromag-netic disturbance.NOTE Susceptibility is a lack of immunity.2.11 linear operating range. On each levelrange, the particular range between specifiedlower and upper boundaries specified in t

47、heInstruction Manual and over which the level non-linearities are within specified tolerance limits.Unit, decibel (dB).2.12 magnetic field strength; magnetic fieldintensity. Magnitude of the magnetic field com-ponent at a point in an electromagnetic field. Unit,amperes per metre (A/m).2.13 radio fre

48、quency. Frequency in the portionof the electromagnetic spectrum useful for radiotransmission. Unit, hertz (Hz).2.14 radio-frequency interference. Electro-magnetic disturbance with components in the ra-dio-frequency range.2.15 reference level range. Level range speci-fied in the Instruction Manual fo

49、r testing the elec-troacoustical characteristics of an acousticalinstrument and containing the reference soundpressure level. Unit, decibel (dB).2.16 reference sound pressure level. Soundpressure level specified in the Instruction Manualfor testing the electroacoustical characteristics ofan acoustical instrument. Unit, decibel (dB).3 Maximum deviation of acousticalsignal indication3.1 Maximum deviation of signal indicationshould be specified for a steady sound signal atthe reference sound pressure level, and stated fre-quency spectrum. The sound signal should be ap-plied in a spec

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