ANSI ASABE 3776-2-2016 Tractors and machinery for agriculture - Seat belts - Part 2 Anchorage strength requirements.pdf

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1、 ASABE/ISO 3776-2:2013 FEB2016 Tractors and machinery for agriculture Seat belts Part 2: Anchorage strength requirements American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers ASABE is a professional and technical organization, of members worldwide, who are dedicated to advancement of engineering

2、 applicable to agricultural, food, and biological systems. ASABE Standards are consensus documents developed and adopted by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers to meet standardization needs within the scope of the Society; principally agricultural field equipment, farmstead

3、 equipment, structures, soil and water resource management, turf and landscape equipment, forest engineering, food and process engineering, electric power applications, plant and animal environment, and waste management. NOTE: ASABE Standards, Engineering Practices, and Data are informational and ad

4、visory only. Their use by anyone engaged in industry or trade is entirely voluntary. The ASABE assumes no responsibility for results attributable to the application of ASABE Standards, Engineering Practices, and Data. Conformity does not ensure compliance with applicable ordinances, laws and regulat

5、ions. Prospective users are responsible for protecting themselves against liability for infringement of patents. ASABE Standards, Engineering Practices, and Data initially approved prior to the society name change in July of 2005 are designated as “ASAE”, regardless of the revision approval date. Ne

6、wly developed Standards, Engineering Practices and Data approved after July of 2005 are designated as “ASABE”. Standards designated as “ANSI” are American National Standards as are all ISO adoptions published by ASABE. Adoption as an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the

7、requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by ASABE. Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means muc

8、h more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward their resolution. CAUTION NOTICE: ASABE and ANSI standards may be revised or withdrawn at any time. Additionally, procedures of ASA

9、BE require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw each standard. Copyright American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. All rights reserved. ASABE, 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, Ml 49085-9659, USA, phone 269-429-0300, fax 269-429-3852, ASABE/ISO37

10、76-2:2013 FEB2016 Copyright American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 1 ASABE/ISO 3776-2:2013 FEB2016 Approved February 2016 as an American National Standard Tractors and machinery for agriculture Seat belts Part 2: Anchorage strength requirements These materials are subject to copyr

11、ight claims of ISO and ASABE. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, including an electronic retrieval system, without the prior written permission of ASABE. All requests pertaining to ASABE/ISO 3776-2:2015 FEB2016 standard should be submitted to ASABE. This standard was reviewed

12、 for adoption by the ASABE Agricultural Machinery Common Tests and ATSC ROPS committees. ISO 3776-2:2013 identically adopted by ASABE and approved as an American National Standard September 2015; standard withdrawn as an ANS September 2015; re-initiation of ISO 3776-2:2013 identical adoption approve

13、d by ASABE and ANSI February 2016. Keywords: Anchorage, Seat-belt, Tractors 0 Foreword 0.1 ASABE/ISO 3776-2:2013, Tractors and machinery for agriculture Seat belts Part 2: Anchorage strength requirements, is an adoption without modification of the identically titled ISO standard ISO 3776-2:2013, Tra

14、ctors and machinery for agriculture Seat belts Part 2: Anchorage strength requirements. 0.2 This part of ISO 3776 specifies the strength requirements of the anchorages for pelvic restraint (seat) belts intended to be used by the operators of agricultural tractors and self-propelled machinery. 0.3 Th

15、ere are no normative references in ISO 3776-2:2013. 0.4 This standard has been approved as an American National standard by ANSI (American National Standards Institute). Text of ISO 3776-2:2013, Tractors and machinery for agriculture Seat belts Part 2: Anchorage strength requirements, follows. 1 Sco

16、pe This part of ISO 3776 specifies the strength requirements of the anchorages for pelvic restraint (seat) belts intended to be used by the operators of agricultural tractors and self-propelled machinery. 2 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following definitions apply. 2.1

17、 anchorage provision to transfer forces applied to the seat belt assembly to the structure of the tractor or the machine ASABE/ISO3776-2:2013 FEB2016 Copyright American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 2 2.2 seat belt assembly belt, including any buckle, length adjustor, retractor, a

18、nd means for securing to an anchorage, that fastens across the pelvic area to provide pelvic restraint during operation and roll-over conditions 2.3 seat belt system seat belt assembly with anchorages 2.4 seat mounting all intermediary fittings (slides, etc.) used to secure the seat to the appropria

19、te part of the tractor 2.5 applicable seat components all components of the seat whose mass could contribute to loading of the seat mounting (to the vehicle structure) during a roll-over event 3 Anchorage testing 3.1 Test procedure type Only static tests for the anchorages are given in this procedur

20、e. 3.2 General 3.2.1 If, for a given protective structure, a manufacturer provides more than one seat with identical components which transfer the load from the seat belt anchorage to the seat mounting on the ROPS floor or tractor chassis, the testing station is authorised to test only one configura

21、tion, corresponding to the heaviest seat. 3.2.2 The seat shall be in position during the tests, fixed to the mounting points on the tractor using all intermediary fittings (such as suspension, slides, etc.) specified for the complete tractor. No additional non-standard fittings contributing to the s

22、trength of construction shall be used. 3.2.3 The anchorages shall be capable of withstanding the loads applied to the seat belt system using a device as shown in Figure 1. The seat belt anchorages shall be capable of these test loads applied with the seat adjusted in the worst position of longitudin

23、al adjustment to ensure that the test condition is met. If a worst position among the possible seat adjustments is not recognised by the testing station, the test loads shall be applied with the seat in the mid-position of longitudinal adjustment. For a suspended seat, the seat shall be set to the m

24、idpoint of the suspension travel, unless this is contradictory to a clearly stated instruction by the seat manufacturer. Where special instructions exist for the seat setting, these shall be observed and specified in the report. ASABE/ISO3776-2:2013 FEB2016 Copyright American Society of Agricultural

25、 and Biological Engineers 3 Insert figure 1 hereFigure 1 Traction device 3.2.4 After the load is applied to the seat system, the load application device shall not be repositioned to compensate for any changes that could occur to the load application angle. The horizontal distance between the point a

26、t which the load generation apparatus is attached to the test rig and the nearest seat belt anchorage shall not be less than 1 000 mm. 3.3 Forward loading A tensile force shall be applied in a forward and upward direction at an angle of 45 2 to the horizontal, as shown in Figure 2. The seat belt anc

27、horages shall be capable of withstanding a force of 4 450 N. In the event that the force applied to the seat belt assembly is transferred to the vehicle chassis by means of the seat, the seat mounting shall be capable of withstanding this force plus an additional force equal to four times the weight

28、 of all applicable seat components applied 45 2 to the horizontal in a forward and upward direction, as shown in Figure 2. ASABE/ISO3776-2:2013 FEB2016 Copyright American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 4 Figure 2 Load application in the upward and forward direction 3.4 Rearward loa

29、ding A tensile force shall be applied in a rearward and upward direction at an angle of 45 2 to the horizontal, as shown in Figure 3. The seat belt anchorages shall be capable of withstanding a force of 2 225 N. In the event that the force applied to the seat belt assembly is transferred to the vehi

30、cle chassis by means of the seat, the seat mounting shall be capable of withstanding this force plus an additional force equal to two times the weight of all applicable seat components applied 45 2 to the horizontal in a rearward and upward direction, as shown in Figure 3. Both tensile forces shall

31、be equally divided between the anchorages. 3.5 Seat belt buckle release force At the request of the manufacturer, measure the force required to open the seat belt buckle. The seat belt buckle shall open with a maximum force of 140 N following the load applications. This requirement is fulfilled for

32、seat belt assemblies that satisfy the requirements of ECE-R161or 77/541/EEC2as last amended. Figure 3 Load application in the upward and rearward direction ASABE/ISO3776-2:2013 FEB2016 Copyright American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 5 4 Acceptance conditions Permanent deformation

33、 of any system component and anchorage area is acceptable under the action of the forces specified in 3.3 and 3.4. However, there shall be no failure allowing release of the seat belt system, seat belt assembly, or the seat adjustment locking mechanism. NOTE The seat adjuster or locking device need

34、not be operable after application of the test load. 5 Test report 5.1 A test report shall be prepared. Annex A provides an acceptable test report format. Should a different test report format be used, it shall, at a minimum, contain the information required in Annex A. 5.2 The results of a test perf

35、ormed on an identical “operator restraint system” may be included in more than one test report provided that this system is fitted exactly in the same conditions. ASABE/ISO3776-2:2013 FEB2016 Copyright American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 6 Annex A (informative) Test report for

36、seat-belt anchorage strength A.1 Anchorage performance A.1.1 Loading in the forward and upward direction Driver Seat Make/Model/Type Gravity force (Fg = seat mass 9.81) N Required force (4 450 + 4 Fg) N Applied force N A.1.2 Loading in the rearward and upward direction Driver Seat Make/Model/Type Gr

37、avity force (Fg = seat mass 9.81) N Required force (2 225 + 2 Fg) N Applied force N A.1.3 Curves, drawings, and photos A copy of the force/deflection curves derived during the tests shall be included. Drawings and/or photos of the seat mounting and anchorages have to be added. A.1.4 Statement (if ne

38、cessary) The testing station certifies that the tested seat is the worst variant among the seats listed below that are identical regarding the make, range, and fixing on the protective structure. Statement: During the test, no structural failure or release of seat, seat adjuster mechanism, or other

39、locking service occurred. The seat and safety belt anchorage tested fulfill the requirement of ISO 3776-2:2013. ASABE/ISO3776-2:2013 FEB2016 Copyright American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 7 Annex B (informative) Designation of Maintenance Agency A Maintenance Agency has been est

40、ablished by the ISO Technical Management Board (TMB) to ensure that technical harmonization can be maintained between ISO/TC 23/SC 2 Standards and OECD Tractor Test Codes. It operates through guidelines approved by the TMB, accessible at http:/, that entrust it to the f

41、ollowing functions: a) to receive the requests for changes from recognized ISO/TC23/SC 2 P-members; b) to evaluate and resolve the requests for changes; c) to publish the approved changes. Changes to this International Standard will be announced by the MA Secretariat to ISO/TC 23/SC 2 and will be ma

42、de publicly available at http:/ They constitute authoritative amendments to Clauses 1 to 5 and to the annexes of this part of ISO 3776. ASABE/ISO3776-2:2013 FEB2016 Copyright American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 8 Bibliography 1 ECE Regulation No.

43、16, Uniform provisions concerning the approval of: I. Safety-belts, restraint systems, child restraint system and ISOFIX child restraint system for occupants of power driven vehicles II. Vehicles equipped with safety-belts, safety-belt reminder, restraint systems. Child restraint systems and ISOFIX

44、child restraint systems 2 77/541/EEC, Council Directive 77/541/EEC of 28 June 1977 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to safety belts and restraint systems of motor vehicles 3 OECD Code 4:July 2012, OECD Standard Code for the official testing of protective structures on a

45、gricultural and forestry tractors (static test) 4 OECD Code 6:July 2012, OECD Standard Code for the official testing of front mounted roll-over protective structures on narrow-tracked wheeled agricultural and forestry tractors 5 OECD Code 7:July 2012, OECD Standard Code for the official testing of rear mounted roll-over protective structures on narrow-tracked wheeled agricultural and forestry tractors

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