ANSI ASHRAE 164.2-2012 Method of Test for Residential Self-Contained Humidifiers.pdf

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1、ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 164.2-2012Method of Testfor ResidentialSelf-ContainedHumidifiersApproved by the ASHRAE Standards Committee on January 21, 2012; by the ASHRAE Board of Directors on January 25, 2012;and by the American National Standards Institute on January 26, 2012.ASHRAE Standards are schedule

2、d to be updated on a five-year cycle; the date following the standard number is the year ofASHRAE Board of Directors approval. The latest edition of an ASHRAE Standard may be purchased on the ASHRAE Web site( or from ASHRAE Customer Service, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2

3、305. Fax: 404-321-5478. Telephone: 404-636-8400 (worldwide) or toll free 1-800-527-4723 (for orders in US andCanada). For reprint permission, go to 2012 ASHRAE ISSN 1041-2336SPECIAL NOTEThis American National Standard (ANS) is a national voluntary

4、 consensus standard developed under the auspices of ASHRAE.Consensus is defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), of which ASHRAE is a member and which has approved thisstandard as an ANS, as “substantial agreement reached by directly and materially affected interest categories. T

5、his signifies the concurrenceof more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that aneffort be made toward their resolution.” Compliance with this standard is voluntary until and unless a legal jurisdiction makes compl

6、iancemandatory through legislation.ASHRAE obtains consensus through participation of its national and international members, associated societies, and public review.ASHRAE Standards are prepared by a Project Committee appointed specifically for the purpose of writing the Standard. The ProjectCommitt

7、ee Chair and Vice-Chair must be members of ASHRAE; while other committee members may or may not be ASHRAE members, allmust be technically qualified in the subject area of the Standard. Every effort is made to balance the concerned interests on all ProjectCommittees.The Manager of Standards of ASHRAE

8、 should be contacted for:a. interpretation of the contents of this Standard,b. participation in the next review of the Standard,c. offering constructive criticism for improving the Standard, ord. permission to reprint portions of the Standard.DISCLAIMERASHRAE uses its best efforts to promulgate Stan

9、dards and Guidelines for the benefit of the public in light of available information andaccepted industry practices. However, ASHRAE does not guarantee, certify, or assure the safety or performance of any products, components,or systems tested, installed, or operated in accordance with ASHRAEs Stand

10、ards or Guidelines or that any tests conducted under itsStandards or Guidelines will be nonhazardous or free from risk.ASHRAE INDUSTRIAL ADVERTISING POLICY ON STANDARDSASHRAE Standards and Guidelines are established to assist industry and the public by offering a uniform method of testing for rating

11、purposes,bysuggestingsafepracticesindesigningandinstallingequipment,byprovidingproperdefinitionsofthisequipment,andbyprovidingother information that may serve to guide the industry.The creation of ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines is determined by the need for them,and conformance to them is completel

12、y voluntary.In referring to this Standard or Guideline and in marking of equipment and in advertising, no claim shall be made, either stated or implied,that the product has been approved by ASHRAE.ASHRAE STANDARDS COMMITTEE 20112012Carol E. Marriott, Chair Krishnan Gowri Janice C. PetersonKenneth W.

13、 Cooper, Vice-Chair Maureen Grasso Douglas T. ReindlDouglass S. Abramson Cecily M. Grzywacz Boggarm S. SettyKarim Amrane Richard L. Hall James R. TaubyCharles S. Barnaby Rita M. Harrold James K. VallortHoy R. Bohanon, Jr. Adam W. Hinge William F. WalterSteven F. Bruning Debra H. Kennoy Michael W. Wo

14、odfordDavid R. Conover Jay A. Kohler Craig P. WraySteven J. Emmerich Frank Myers Eckhard A. Groll, BOD ExOAllan B. Fraser Ross D. Montgomery, COStephanie C. Reiniche, Manager of StandardsASHRAE Standard Project Committee 164CognizantTC:TC 5.11, Humidifying EquipmentSPLS Liaison: Steven F. Bruning*De

15、notes members of voting status when the document was approved for publicationGary L. Berlin, Chair* Patricia T. Graef*Daryl M. Stauffer, Secretary* Byron F. Horak*Bruce Billedeaux* Larry J. Hughes*Eric L. Brodsky* Earl K. Lewis, II*James M. Bucholtz* Roger M. Pasch*Scott Eliason* Michael E. Shows AS

16、HRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs prior written permission.CONTENTSANSI/ASHRAE Standard 164.2-2012,Method ofTest for Residential Self-Contained HumidifiersSECTION PAGEF

17、oreword. 21 Purpose 22 Scope . 23 Definitions. 24 Units of Measurement 25 Instruments and Methods of Measurement 26 Equipment and Setup. 37 Observations and Conduct of Test. 48 Calculations 59 Report and Results of Test. 610 Normative References 6Informative Annex A: References 6NOTEApproved addenda

18、, errata, or interpretations for this standard can be downloaded free of charge from the ASHRAEWeb site at 2012 ASHRAE1791 Tullie Circle NEAtlanta, GA 30329www.ashrae.orgAll rights reserved. ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribut

19、ion, or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs prior written permission.2 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 164.2-2012(This foreword is not part of this standard. It is merelyinformative and does not contain requirements necessaryfor conformance to the standard. It has not

20、beenprocessed according to the ANSI requirements for astandard and may contain material that has not beensubject to public review or a consensus process.Unresolved objectors on informative material are notoffered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.)FOREWORDThis standard provides rules for the tes

21、ting of self-contained system humidifiers for residential applications.It was prepared by ASHRAE Standard Project Committee(SPC) 164. The cognizant technical committee is ASHRAETC 5.11, Humidifying Equipment.The purpose of this standard is to provide a uniformmethod for testing in a laboratory envir

22、onment. Although themethod of test originated in ANSI/AHRI Standard 620-2004,Performance Rating Of Self-Contained Humidifiers For Res-idential Applications, the committee has developed this sepa-rate method of test to be used independently of the AHRIrating standard so manufacturers, specifiers, ins

23、tallers, andusers of central system residential humidifiers can test ahumidifiers capacity under a variety of conditions with uni-form results.This method of test was prepared in cooperation withthe Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute toutilize with ANSI/AHRI Standard 620-2004.1.

24、PURPOSEThis standard establishes a method of test for the humidifica-tion rate and power input of self-contained humidifiers forwhole house applications.2. SCOPE2.1 The scope of this standard covers a method of test for thehumidification rate of residential self-contained humidifiersthat do not requ

25、ire other mechanical devices and are not con-nected to the central heating/ventilation system.2.2 This method of test describes the test apparatus, conductof the test, and information to be recorded.2.3 Tests covered include methods for measuring energyinput, water flow rate, water temperature, and

26、water pressureto the test humidifier.3. DEFINITIONShumidification rate: a measure of the ability of a humidifierto add moisture to its surrounding atmosphere, expressed as aunit of weight of water evaporated per unit of time.humidifier: a device designed to add moisture to the air.portable humidifie

27、r: a type of humidifier that has the charac-teristics described inAHAM-HU-1, Household Humidifiers.1self-contained humidifier: a humidifier that adds moisture tothe air without the need of other mechanical devices and is notconnected to the central heating/ventilation system.shall: the word shall is

28、 to be understood as indicating require-ments of this standard.4. UNITS OF MEASUREMENT4.1 Systems of Units. The International System of Units (leSystme International dUnits)2is employed in this stan-dard. Values shall be based on the National Institute of Stan-dards and Technology values, which in t

29、urn are based on thefundamental values of the International Bureau of Weightsand Measures. Inch-pound units appear in parentheses (I-P)after SI units. Where necessary, equivalent I-P formulas areprovided.4.2 Basic Units.The unit of length is either the metre (foot),designated m (ft), or the millimet

30、re (inch), designated mm(in.). The unit of mass is the kilogram (pound mass), desig-nated kg (lbm).The unit of time is the minute, designated min,or the second, designated s. The unit of temperature is degreeCelsius (Fahrenheit), designated C (F).4.3 Flow Rate and Velocity. The unit for the flow rat

31、e forair is litres per second (cubic feet per minute), designated L/s(cfm). The unit for the flow rate for water is kilograms perhour (pounds mass per hour), designated kg/h (lbm/h). Theunit for velocity is meters per second (feet per minute), des-ignated m/s (fpm).4.4 Pressure.The unit of pressure

32、is the pascal or kilopascal(pounds per square inch, inch water gage, or the inch mercurycolumn), designated Pa (psi, in. wg, or in. Hg). The inch mer-cury column shall be based on a one-inch column of mercuryat 0C (32F), under standard gravity (in vacuo).4.5 Power and Energy. In this standard, the u

33、nit of poweris the kilowatt, designated kW.5. INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS OFMEASUREMENT5.1 Pressure. Pressure at a point shall be measured on anindicator, such as a manometer, a transducer, or an oil-filledgage. The instrument that is selected for a particular measure-ment shall meet the requirements of

34、 this standard.5.1.1 Manometers and Other Air-Pressure-IndicatingInstruments. Air pressure and atmospheric pressure shall bemeasured with electronic instruments, such as transducers orwith manometers of the liquid column type using inclined orvertical legs, or with other instruments that provide a m

35、axi-mum error of 1% of the maximum observed reading or 1 Pa(0.005 in. wg), whichever is larger. Averaging. Since the flows and the pressuresmeasured in this standard are not expected to be steady, thepressure readings indicated on the instrument that is used canfluctuate with time. In order t

36、o obtain a true reading, either theinstrument shall be damped or the readings shall be averagedin a suitable manner. Mental averaging is permitted if the fluc-tuations are small and regular. Multipoint or continuousrecord averaging shall be accomplished with instruments andanalyzers designed for thi

37、s purpose. ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs prior written permission.ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 164.2-2012 Corrections. Manometer readings shall be cor-rected for

38、 any difference in density of gage fluid from stan-dard, for any difference in gas column balancing effect fromstandard, or for any change in length of the graduated scaledue to temperature. However, corrections are not required fortemperatures between 14C (58F) and 26C (78F), for lati-tudes between

39、 30 and 60, and for elevations up to 1500 m(5000 ft).5.1.2 Water-Pressure-Indicating Instruments. Waterpressure shall be measured with oil-filled gages, electronictransducers, or other instruments that provide a maximumerror of no more than 2% of the maximum observed readingor 3.5 kPa (0.5 psi), whi

40、chever is larger. Averaging. Since the flows and the pressuresmeasured in this standard are not expected to be steady, thepressure reading indicated on any instrument can fluctuatewith time. In order to obtain a true reading, either the instru-ment shall be damped or the readings shall be ave

41、raged in asuitable manner. It is acceptable to accomplish averagingmentally if the fluctuations are small and regular.Note: Multipoint or continuous record averaging can beaccomplished with instruments and analyzers designed forthis purpose.5.2 Airflow Rate. Airflow rate shall be determined usingANS

42、I/ASHRAE Standard 51 or ANSI/AMCA Standard 210,Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Certified Aerody-namic Performance Ratings.35.3 Power5.3.1 Watt-Hour Meters. Power shall be measured usinga watt-hour meter connected to the humidifier over the dura-tion of the test. Watt-hour meters shall have an

43、 accuracy of1.0% of the observed reading. Calibration. Watt-hour meters shall be cali-brated and certified traceable to the National Institute of Stan-dards and Technology (NIST) or other national physicalmeasures recognized as equivalent to NIST.5.4 Water Flow5.4.1 Scale andWeighTanks.Water

44、flow for evaporationshall be measured using a scale, a pressurized water supplytank to the humidifier, and a waste water tank, as shown inFigure 1.A chronometer shall be used to determine the rate ofwater flow. The scale shall have an accuracy of 0.0045 kg(0.01 lb). Calibration. The scale sha

45、ll be calibrated andcertified traceable to the National Institute of Standards andTechnology orother national physical measuresrecognized asequivalent to NIST.5.4.2 Chronometer. A timepiece that displays time inseconds and keeps time accurate to 2 min per day or bettershall be used for all time meas

46、urements.5.5 Air Density. Air density shall be calculated from mea-surements of wet-bulb temperature, dry-bulb temperature,and atmospheric pressure, or any other parameters if the max-imum error in the calculated density does not exceed 0.5%.5.5.1 Temperature. Both wet- and dry-bulb air tempera-ture

47、s shall be measured in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAEStandard 41.1, Standard Method for Temperature Measure-ment.4A measurement accuracy of 0.5C (1.0F) or bettershall be obtained. The smallest scale division of the instru-ment shall be no greater than 0.25C (0.5F).All other air temperature measurements

48、 shall have anaccuracy of 0.25C (0.5F) or better.The smallest scale divi-sionoftheinstrumentshallbenogreaterthan0.12C(0.25F). Calibration. Temperature sensors shall be cali-brated over the range of temperatures to be encountered dur-ing the test against a thermometer with a calibration that i

49、straceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technol-ogy or other national physical measures recognized as equiv-alent to NIST. Wet-Bulb Temperature. The wet-bulb tem-perature sensors shall have an air velocity over the water-moistened, wick-covered bulb of 3.5 to 10 m/s (700 to2000 fpm). The dry-bulb sensor shall be mounted upstreamof the wet-bulb sensor so that its reading will not bedepressed. Water Temperature. Water temperature shallbe measured using a submerged well, an insulated wrap of thesupply line, or any other

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