ANSI ASHRAE 185.1-2015 Method of Testing UV-C Lights for Use in Air-Handling Units or Air Ducts to Inactivate Airborne Microorganisms.pdf

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1、ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 185.1-2015Method of Testing UV-C Lightsfor Use in Air-Handling Units orAir Ducts to InactivateAirborne MicroorganismsApproved by ASHRAE on March 31, 2015, and by the American National Standards Institute on April 1, 2015.ASHRAE Standards are scheduled to be updated on a five-yea

2、r cycle; the date following the standard number is the year ofASHRAE approval. The latest edition of an ASHRAE Standard may be purchased on the ASHRAE website ( orfrom ASHRAE Customer Service, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305. E-mail: Fax: 678-539-2129.

3、 Telephone: 404-636-8400 (worldwide) or toll free 1-800-527-4723 (for orders in US and Canada). For reprint permission,go to 2015 ASHRAE ISSN 1041-2336SPECIAL NOTEThis American National Standard (ANS) is a national voluntary consensus Standard developed under the auspices

4、 of ASHRAE. Consensus is definedby the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), of which ASHRAE is a member and which has approved this Standard as an ANS, as“substantial agreement reached by directly and materially affected interest categories. This signifies the concurrence of more than a sim

5、ple majority,but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that an effort be made toward their resolution.”Compliance with this Standard is voluntary until and unless a legal jurisdiction makes compliance mandatory through legislation. ASHRAE obta

6、ins consensus through participation of its national and international members, associated societies, and public review.ASHRAE Standards are prepared by a Project Committee appointed specifically for the purpose of writing the Standard. The ProjectCommittee Chair and Vice-Chair must be members of ASH

7、RAE; while other committee members may or may not be ASHRAE members, allmust be technically qualified in the subject area of the Standard. Every effort is made to balance the concerned interests on all Project Committees. The Senior Manager of Standards of ASHRAE should be contacted fora. interpreta

8、tion of the contents of this Standard,b. participation in the next review of the Standard,c. offering constructive criticism for improving the Standard, ord. permission to reprint portions of the Standard.DISCLAIMERASHRAE uses its best efforts to promulgate Standards and Guidelines for the benefit o

9、f the public in light of available information and acceptedindustry practices. However, ASHRAE does not guarantee, certify, or assure the safety or performance of any products, components, or systemstested, installed, or operated in accordance with ASHRAEs Standards or Guidelines or that any tests c

10、onducted under its Standards or Guidelineswill be nonhazardous or free from risk.ASHRAE INDUSTRIAL ADVERTISING POLICY ON STANDARDSASHRAE Standards and Guidelines are established to assist industry and the public by offering a uniform method of testing for rating purposes, bysuggesting safe practices

11、 in designing and installing equipment, by providing proper definitions of this equipment, and by providing other informationthat may serve to guide the industry. The creation of ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines is determined by the need for them, and conformanceto them is completely voluntary.In ref

12、erring to this Standard or Guideline and in marking of equipment and in advertising, no claim shall be made, either stated or implied,that the product has been approved by ASHRAE.ASHRAE Standard Project Committee 185Cognizant TC: 2.9, Ultraviolet Air and Surface TreatmentSPLS Liaison: Wayne H. Stopp

13、elmoor, Jr.Dean A. Saputa,* Chair William Fowler Shelly L. Miller*Katja D. Auer, Secretary Jaak Geboers Richard Vincent*Eric Chen* Henry T. Greist* Derald WellsRobert Coleman Samuel Guzman David L. Witham*Charles E. Dunn, Jr. Ganeson Kandasamy* Teri WytkoStuart Engel* Rick A. Larson* Karin K. Foarde

14、Forrest B. Fencl David S. Marciniak* David R SkeltonStephen B. Martin, Jr. Benoit Despatis-Paquette Elliott HornerUri Rainisch Robert Scheir John PutnamJosephine Lau Jaak GeboersBrian Hafendorfer Matt Middlebrooks* Denotes members of voting status when the document was approved for publicationASHRAE

15、 STANDARDS COMMITTEE 20142015Richard L. Hall, Chair James W. Earley, Jr. Mark P. ModeraDouglass T. Reindl, Vice-Chair Steven J. Emmerich Cyrus H. NasseriJoseph R. Anderson Patricia T. Graef Heather L. PlattJames Dale Aswegan Rita M. Harrold Peter SimmondsCharles S. Barnaby Adam W. Hinge Wayne H. Sto

16、ppelmoor, Jr.Donald M. Brundage Srinivas Katipamula Jack H. ZarourJohn A. Clark Debra H. Kennoy Julia A. Keen, BOD ExOWaller S. Clements Malcolm D. Knight Bjarne Wilkens Olesen, CODavid R. Conover Rick A. LarsonJohn F. Dunlap Arsen K. MelkovStephanie C. Reiniche, Senior Manager of Standards ASHRAE (

17、 For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs prior written permission.CONTENTSANSI/ASHRAE Standard 185.1-2015,Method of Testing UV-C Lights for Use in Air-Handling Units or Air Ductsto

18、Inactivate Airborne MicroorganismsSECTION PAGEForeword .21 Purpose.22 Scope23 Definitions .24 Test Apparatus and Procedures .35 Apparatus Qualification Testing 36 Bioaerosol Testing 37 Determination of Performance 68 Reporting Results .79 Normative References .7Informative Annex A: Test Organism .8I

19、nformative Annex B: Limitations.9Informative Annex C: Safety10Informative Annex D: Environmental Considerations11Informative Annex E: Microorganism Susceptibility to UV-C Irradiation12Informative Annex F: Technical Issues Regarding Aerosol.13Informative Annex G: Dosage Calculation 14Informative Anne

20、x H: Poisson Distribution15Informative Annex I: Informative References 16NOTEApproved addenda, errata, or interpretations for this standard can be downloaded free of charge from the ASHRAEWeb site at 2015 ASHRAE1791 Tullie Circle NE Atlanta, GA 30329 All rig

21、hts reserved.ASHRAE is a registered trademark of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.ANSI is a registered trademark of the American National Standards Institute. ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or t

22、ransmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs prior written permission.2 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 185.1-2015(This foreword is not part of this standard. It is merelyinformative and does not contain requirements necessaryfor conformance to the standard. It has not been pro-

23、cessed according to the ANSI requirements for a standardand may contain material that has not been subject topublic review or a consensus process. Unresolved objec-tors on informative material are not offered the right toappeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.)FOREWORDTest standards form the foundation for air-cl

24、eaner selectionin the ventilation industry. Recent U.S. Environmental Protec-tion Agency (EPA) literature states that the most importantneed in the area of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI)is industry standards to rate installed devices. Standards fortesting and reporting on products under c

25、ontrolled conditionsare essential to users and specifiers so that they can compareproducts, predict levels of performance under specified oper-ating conditions with reasonable certainty, and determineappropriate UVGI efficiencies for specific situations.Historically, standards for testing air cleane

26、rs have beendeveloped in response to the needs of the day. Protection ofmachinery and coils came first, then reduction of soiling.Recent concerns about indoor air quality and respirable parti-cles, protection of products during manufacture, and protectionof HVAC equipment prompted development of tes

27、t standardsbased on particle size. Current interest in controlling airborneinfectious contaminants or viable species that produce chemi-cal contaminants as metabolic byproducts has created the needto provide a test standard for UVGI equipment.Standards Project Committee (SPC) 185.1 was organizedin 2

28、005 to develop a method of test to determine inactivationrates of airborne microorganisms in air-handling units andair ducts.This is a test-method standard, and its results are to beused to directly compare UVGI equipment on a standardizedbasis irrespective of their application. Results are also use

29、dto give the design engineer an easy-to-use basis for specifyingUV devices or estimating the relative performance of UVGIfor a given application. It is possible that an industry organi-zation may use this test method as the basis for an applicationstandard, in which they might require testing at con

30、ditionsdifferent than those required here.Informative notes are used throughout this standard toprovide nonmandatory guidance for the user in addition tothe nonmandatory guidance found in informative appendices.Informative notes are not part of the standard.1. PURPOSEThis standard establishes a test

31、 method for evaluating the effi-cacy of UV-C lights for their ability to inactivate airbornemicroorganisms.2. SCOPE2.1 This standard describes a method of laboratory testing tomeasure the performance of UV-C lights used in general ven-tilating systems.2.2 The method of test measures the performance

32、of UV-Clights to inactivate selected indicator microorganisms in theairstream. The standard defines procedures for generating thebioaerosols required for conducting the test. It also provides amethod for counting the airborne bioaerosols upstream anddownstream of the UV-C light in order to calculate

33、 inactiva-tion efficiency for each microorganism.2.3 This standard also establishes performance specificationsfor the equipment required to conduct the tests, defines meth-ods of calculating and reporting results obtained from the testdata, and establishes a reporting system to be applied to UV-Clig

34、hts covered herein.3. DEFINITIONS3.1 Definitions. Terms specific to the use of this standard aredefined below. Where definitions for a term are not provided,common usage shall apply.burn-in time: a period of time that UV lamps are powered onprior to putting the lamps into service, typically 100 hour

35、s.fluence: time integral of the fluence rate at a given point overa given duration, typically reported in microjoules per squarecentimetre (J/cm2).fluence rate: quotient of the radiant flux incident on the outersurface of an infinitely small sphere centered at a given point,divided by the cross-sect

36、ional area of the sphere, typicallyreported in microwatts per square centimetre (W/cm2).irradiance: the power of electromagnetic radiation incidenton a surface per unit surface area, typically reported in micro-watts per square centimetre (W/cm2).radiant flux: power emitted, transmitted, or received

37、 in theradiant energy per unit time, or total power of ultravioletlight, typically reported in watts (W).reflectivity: the fraction of incident UV-C radiation reflectedby a surface.ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI): the use of ultravi-olet C (UV-C) energy, through a system designed to delive

38、rUV-C, to kill or inactivate microorganisms.ultraviolet (UV) light: ultraviolet electromagnetic radiation,which has a wavelength in the range 10 to 400 nm. It can besubdivided into ultraviolet A (400 to 320 nm); near (400 to300 nm); ultraviolet B (320 to 280 nm); ultraviolet C, or ger-micidal (280 t

39、o 100 nm); far UV (200 to 122 nm); andextreme (121 to 10 nm).ultraviolet C (UV-C): electromagnetic wavelength between280 and 100 nm, also called short wave or germicidal. Thegermicidal UV wavelength (commonly 253.7 nm when gen-erated using a mercury vapor lamp) falls into this UV bandUV dose: the pr

40、oduct of UV irradiance and exposure time ona given microorganism or surface, typically reported in milli-joules per square centimetre (mJ/cm2).UV-C device: a complete assembly consisting of lamps, bal-lasts, and supporting fixture. Also called UV-C lights in theconfigurations, as specified by the eq

41、uipment provider. ASHRAE ( For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs prior written permission.ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 185.1-2015 3UV light baffle: a device used to block UV irradiation a

42、nd letair pass.wavelength: the distance between repeating units of a wavepattern commonly measured in nanometres and designated bythe Greek letter lambda ().4. TEST APPARATUS AND PROCEDURES4.1 Test Duct. The test duct shall comply with the require-ments of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2, Method of Testin

43、gGeneral Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Effi-ciency by Particle Size,1except as noted in this section. Thefollowing items are not required: dust feed pipe, dust feeder,and final filter.4.1.1 A means of viewing the lamps to verify operationshall be included and consist of ultraviolet (U

44、V) absorbingmaterials to ensure that exposure to radiation does not occurduring viewing.4.1.2 Temperature within the test duct shall be 21C 2.2C(70F 4F), relative humidity shall be between 40% to 60%,and air velocity shall be 2.39 0.1 mps (470 20 fpm). Test airshall be discharged outdoors, indoors,

45、or recirculated.Informative Note: A slight temperature increase with acorresponding decrease in relative humidity will occur as theroom air passes through the blower. HEPA filtration of theexhaust flow is recommended when discharging indoorsbecause test aerosol and loading dust may be present.4.1.3

46、The test aerosol shall be injected into the ductbetween the inlet filter bank and the upstream mixing orifice.The aerosol injection system shall produce an upstream chal-lenge that meets the qualification criteria of Section 5.3. Theinjection system design is described in Section The tes

47、t duct shall be isolated from vibration causedby the blower or other sources of vibration.4.1.5 The test apparatus shown in Figure 1 is designed fortest devices with nominal face dimensions of 610 610 mm(24 24 in.) and a length of 1 m (39.4 in.) before and 1 m(39.4 in.) after the test section. A baf

48、fle on the upstream endof the reflective duct section shall be flat black with less than5% reflectivity and optional baffle on the downstream end ofthe reflective duct section of the same reflectivity. A UV lightbaffle must be added 1 m (39.4 in.) upstream; a downstreamUV light baffle is optional. I

49、f the postexposure samplingoccurs greater than 1 m (39.4 in.) downstream from the UVdevice, the downstream UV light baffle is required. For pur-poses of this test, the duct walls for the section between thebaffle and the downstream sampling point must be con-structed with a reflectivity of 50% to 60% (e.g., a typical gal-vanized duct material). The reflectivity measurements of theduct wall shall be included in the report. A radiometer mea-surement shall be made to determine the effectiveness of theUV light baffle.4.2 Installation of UV-C Device. Ins

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