1、ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2013(Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2010)Includes ANSI/ASHRAE addenda listed in Appendix MThermalEnvironmentalConditions forHuman OccupancySee Appendix M for approval dates by the ASHRAE Standards Committee, the ASHRAE Board of Directors, and the AmericanNational Standard
2、s Institute.This standard is under continuous maintenance by a Standing Standard Project Committee (SSPC) for which the Standards Com-mittee has established a documented program for regular publication of addenda or revisions, including procedures for timely,documented, consensus action on requests
3、for change to any part of the standard. The change submittal form, instructions, anddeadlines may be obtained in electronic form from the ASHRAE Web site (www.ashrae.org) or in paper form from the Managerof Standards. The latest edition of an ASHRAE Standard may be purchased from the ASHRAE Web site
4、 (www.ashrae.org) or fromASHRAE Customer Service, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305. E-mail: ordersashrae.org. Fax: 678-539-2129.Telephone: 404-636-8400 (worldwide), or toll free 1-800-527-4723 (for orders in US and Canada). For reprint permission, go towww.ashrae.org/permissions. 2013
5、ASHRAE ISSN 1041-2336SPECIAL NOTEThis American National Standard (ANS) is a national voluntary consensus standard developed under the auspices of ASHRAE.Consensus is defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), of which ASHRAE is a member and which has approved thisstandard as an ANS
6、, as “substantial agreement reached by directly and materially affected interest categories. This signifies the concurrenceof more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that aneffort be made toward their resolution.
7、” Compliance with this standard is voluntary until and unless a legal jurisdiction makes compliancemandatory through legislation.ASHRAE obtains consensus through participation of its national and international members, associated societies, and public review.ASHRAE Standards are prepared by a Projec
8、t Committee appointed specifically for the purpose of writing the Standard. The ProjectCommittee Chair and Vice-Chair must be members of ASHRAE; while other committee members may or may not be ASHRAE members, allmust be technically qualified in the subject area of the Standard. Every effort is made
9、to balance the concerned interests on all ProjectCommittees.The Manager of Standards of ASHRAE should be contacted for:a. interpretation of the contents of this Standard,b. participation in the next review of the Standard,c. offering constructive criticism for improving the Standard, ord. permission
10、 to reprint portions of the Standard.DISCLAIMERASHRAE uses its best efforts to promulgate Standards and Guidelines for the benefit of the public in light of available information andaccepted industry practices. However, ASHRAE does not guarantee, certify, or assure the safety or performance of any p
11、roducts, components,or systems tested, installed, or operated in accordance with ASHRAEs Standards or Guidelines or that any tests conducted under itsStandards or Guidelines will be nonhazardous or free from risk.ASHRAE INDUSTRIAL ADVERTISING POLICY ON STANDARDSASHRAE Standards and Guidelines are es
12、tablished to assist industry and the public by offering a uniform method of testing for ratingpurposes,bysuggestingsafepracticesindesigningandinstallingequipment,byprovidingproperdefinitionsofthisequipment,andbyprovidingother information that may serve to guide the industry.The creation of ASHRAE St
13、andards and Guidelines is determined by the need for them,and conformance to them is completely voluntary.In referring to this Standard or Guideline and in marking of equipment and in advertising, no claim shall be made, either stated or implied,that the product has been approved by ASHRAE.ASHRAE St
14、anding Standard Project Committee 55CognizantTC: 2.1, Physiology and Human EnvironmentSPLS Liaison: Steven F. BruningGwelen Paliaga*, Chair Richard de Dear Michael P. ORourke*Lawrence J. Schoen*, Vice Chair Josh Eddy* Abhijeet Pande*Peter F. Alspach*, Secretary Yanzheng Guan Julian Rimmer*Sahar A. F
15、ard* Thomas B. Hartman* Stefano SchiavonEdward A. Arens* Daniel Int-Hout, III* Peter Simmonds*Richard M. Aynsley* Michael A. Humphreys John L. StoopsRobert Bean* Essam E. Khalil* Stephen C. Turner*Atze Boerstra Baizhan LiGail S. Brager Brian M. Lynch*Denotes voting member at time of publicationASHRA
16、E STANDARDS COMMITTEE 20132014William F. Walter, Chair John F. Dunlap Rick A. LarsonRichard L. Hall, Vice-Chair James W. Earley, Jr. Mark P. ModeraKarim Amrane Steven J. Emmerich Cyrus H. NasseriJoseph R. Anderson Julie M. Ferguson Janice C. PetersonJames Dale Aswegan Krishnan Gowri Heather L. Platt
17、Charles S. Barnaby Cecily M. Grzywacz Douglas T. ReindlSteven F. Bruning Rita M. Harrold Julia A. Keen, BOD ExOJohn A. Clark Adam W. Hinge Thomas E. Werkema, Jr., COWaller S. Clements Debra H. KennoyDavid R. Conover Malcolm D. KnightStephanie C. Reiniche, Manager of Standards ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org)
18、. For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs prior written permission.CONTENTSANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2013,Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human OccupancySECTIONPAGEForeword. 21 Purpose 22 Scope
19、. 23 Definitions. 24 General Requirements . 45 Conditions that Provide Thermal Comfort 46 Design Compliance 137 Evaluation of Comfort in Existing Buildings 138 References . 15Normative Appendix A: Methods for Determining Operative Temperature 16Normative Appendix B: Computer Program for Calculation
20、of PMV-PPD17Informative Appendix C: Conditions that Provide Thermal Comfort 19Informative Appendix D: Use of Metabolic Rate Data 20Informative Appendix E: Clothing Insulation.21Informative Appendix F: Analytical and Graphic Comfort Zone Methods.23Informative Appendix G: Procedure for Evaluating Cool
21、ing Effect of Elevated Air Speed Using SET .25Informative Appendix H: Local Discomfort and Variations with Time .31Informative Appendix I: Occupant-Controlled Naturally Conditioned Spaces.34Informative Appendix J: Sample Design Compliance Documentation36Informative Appendix K: Measurements, Surveys,
22、 and Evaluation of Comfortin Existing Spaces: Parts 1 and 239Informative Appendix L: Bibliography and Informative References46Informative Appendix M: Addenda Description.49NOTEApproved addenda, errata, or interpretations for this standard can be downloaded free of charge from the ASHRAEWeb site at w
23、ww.ashrae.org/technology. 2013 ASHRAE1791 Tullie Circle NE Atlanta, GA 30329 www.ashrae.org All rights reserved.ASHRAE is a registered trademark of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.ANSI is a registered trademark of the American National Standards Ins
24、titute. ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs prior written permission.2 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2013(This foreword is not part of this standard. It is merelyinformative
25、and does not contain requirements necessaryfor conformance to the standard. It has not been pro-cessed according to the ANSI requirements for a standardand may contain material that has not been subject topublic review or a consensus process.)FOREWORDANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2013 is the latest editio
26、n ofStandard 55. This edition incorporates eighteen addenda tothe 2010 edition that were written with a renewed focus onapplication of the standard by practitioners and use of clear,enforceable language.The core of the standard in Sections 4 and 5 specifiesmethods to determine thermal environmental
27、conditions (tem-perature, humidity, air speed, and radiant effects) in buildingsand other spaces that a significant proportion of the occu-pants will find acceptable at a certain metabolic rate andclothing level. The comprehensive analytical method to deter-mine these conditions uses calculation alg
28、orithms included inthe standard and appendices, all of which are implemented inthe ASHRAE Thermal Comfort Tool.4The standard contains a graphical method of compli-ance, which is familiar to many users, yet is permitted to beused only in limited circumstances. Given the widespread andeasy accessibili
29、ty of computing power and third-party imple-mentations of the analytical method, it is expected that moreusers will favor the comprehensive analytical methods overthe graphical method.Section 6 contains requirements for demonstrating that adesign of an occupied space or building meets the comfortreq
30、uirements in Sections 4 and 5. Section 7 includes require-ments for the measurement and evaluation of existing thermalenvironments and is also applicable to commissioning.Since the two personal characteristics of occupants (met-abolic rate and clothing level) vary, operating setpoints forbuildings a
31、re not mandated by this standard.Standard 55 was first published in 1966 and republishedin 1974, 1981, and 1992. Beginning in 2004, it is nowupdated using ASHRAEs continuous maintenance proce-dures. According to these procedures, Standard 55 is continu-ously revised by addenda that are publicly revi
32、ewed,approved by ASHRAE and ANSI, and published and postedfor free on the ASHRAE website.The eighteen addenda published since 2010 are summa-rized in detail in Informative Appendix M, and the most note-worthy changes are summarized here:a. The normative body of the standard, comprising Sections3 thr
33、ough 8, have been rewritten and reorganized.Requirements are more clearly stated, definitions areadded to Section 3, and informative supporting informa-tion has been moved from the body to informative appen-dices.b. Procedures are clarified and appear in a more sequentialmanner. For example, a “repr
34、esentative occupant” withrepresentative “clothing insulation” and “metabolic rate”shall be defined as input into thermal comfort calculations.c. The cooling effect of air movement now applies to natu-rally conditioned spaces as well as mechanically condi-tioned spaces, and in each case correction fa
35、ctors aregiven that adjust the comfort boundaries when air move-ment is present.d. A new alternate procedure for estimating occupant cloth-ing insulation based on outdoor weather was added. Thisprocedure is based on extensive field research and can beused for design calculations, annual simulations,
36、 andcontrol of occupied spaces.e. Major revisions to Section 7 procedures for measuringcomfort in existing spaces including survey and physicalmeasurement methods and a new section on evaluatingand reporting results.f. The standard now says that two of the key comfort param-eters, air speed and air
37、temperature, must be calculatedas an average that the occupant experiences at threeheights across the body and over a period of time.1. PURPOSEThe purpose of this standard is to specify the combina-tions of indoor thermal environmental factors and personalfactors that will produce thermal environmen
38、tal conditionsacceptable to a majority of the occupants within the space.2. SCOPE2.1 The environmental factors addressed in this standard aretemperature, thermal radiation, humidity, and air speed; thepersonal factors are those of activity and clothing.2.2 It is intended that all of the criteria in
39、this standard beapplied together since comfort in the indoor environment iscomplex and responds to the interaction of all of the factorsthat are addressed.2.3 This standard specifies thermal environmental conditionsacceptable for healthy adults at atmospheric pressure equiva-lent to altitudes up to
40、3000 m (10,000 ft) in indoor spacesdesigned for human occupancy for periods not less than 15minutes.2.4 This standard does not address such nonthermal environ-mental factors as air quality, acoustics, and illumination orother physical, chemical, or biological space contaminantsthat may affect comfor
41、t or health.3. DEFINITIONSadaptive model: a model that relates indoor design tempera-tures or acceptable temperature ranges to outdoor meteoro-logical or climatological parameters. Note: Adaptive model isanother name for the method described in Section 5.4,“Determining Acceptable Thermal Conditions
42、in Occupant-Controlled Naturally Conditioned Spaces.”)air speed: the rate of air movement at a point, without regardto direction.air speed, average (Va): the average air speed surrounding arepresentative occupant. The average is with respect to loca-tion and time. The spatial average is for three he
43、ights asdefined for average air temperature (ta). The air speed is aver-aged over an interval not less than one and not more thanthree minutes. Variations that occur over a period greater thanthree minutes shall be treated as multiple different air speeds. ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use o
44、nly. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs prior written permission.ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2013 3climate data: hourly, site-specific values of representativemeteorological data, such as temperature, wind, speed, solar
45、radiation, and relative humidity. (See Chapter 14 of ASHRAEHandbookFundamentals3for data sources.) For cities orurban regions with several climate data entries, and for loca-tions where climate data are not available, the designer shallselect available weather or meteorological data that best rep-re
46、sents the climate at the building site.clo: a unit used to express the thermal insulation provided bygarments and clothing ensembles, where 1 clo = 0.155 m2C/W(0.88 ft2hF/Btu).comfort, thermal: that condition of mind that expresses satis-faction with the thermal environment and is assessed by sub-je
47、ctive evaluation.draft: the unwanted local cooling of the body caused by airmovement.environment, acceptable thermal: a thermal environmentthat a substantial majority (more than 80%) of the occupantsfind thermally acceptable.environment, thermal: the thermal environmental conditionsthat affect a per
48、sons heat loss.exceedance hours: the number of occupied hours within adefined time period in which the environmental conditions inan occupied space are outside the comfort zone.garment: a single piece of clothing.generally accepted engineering standard: see ASHRAE/IESStandard 90.1.7humidity: a gener
49、al reference to the moisture content of theair. It is expressed in terms of several thermodynamic vari-ables, including vapor pressure, dew-point temperature, wet-bulb temperature, humidity ratio, and relative humidity. It isspatially and temporally averaged in the same manner as airtemperature. Note: Any one of these humidity variables mustbe used in conjunction with dry-bulb temperature in order todescribe a specific air condition.insulation, clothing (Icl): the resistance to sensible heattransfer provided by a clothing ensemble (expressed in unitsof clo). (