ANSI ASME B30.5 INTERPRETATIONS-2013 Interpretations to B30.5 Mobile and Locomotive Cranes (Includes Interpretations April 1993 thru May 2013).pdf

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ANSI ASME B30.5 INTERPRETATIONS-2013 Interpretations to B30.5 Mobile and Locomotive Cranes (Includes Interpretations April 1993 thru May 2013).pdf_第5页
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1、ASME B30.5 INTERPRETATIONSASME B30.5 INTERPRETATIONSReplies to Technical InquiriesMay 2011 Through May 2013FOREWORDThis publication includes all of the written replies issued between the indicated dates by theSecretary, speaking for the ASME B30 Committee, Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes,Derri

2、cks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings, to inquiries concerning interpretations to technicalapsects of ASME B30.5, Mobile and Locomotive Cranes.These replies are taken verbatim from the original letters, except for any typographical correc-tions and some minor editorial corrections made for the purpo

3、se of improved clarity.These interpretations were prepared in accordance with the accredited ASME procedures.ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of these interpretations when or if additionalinformation is available which the inquirer believes might affect the interpretation. Further,persons

4、 aggrieved by this interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee orSubcommittee. ASME does not “approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction,proprietary device, or activity.I-1ASME B30.5 INTERPRETATIONSInterpretation: 5-96Subject: ASME B30.5-2007, Para. 5-3.1.2(b)(3)D

5、ate Issued: May 27, 2011Question: Does the B30.5 committee believe that the use of calculators is inappropriate?Reply: Paragraph 5-3.1.2(b)(3) does not specify what tools are to be used to demonstrate theability to read, write, comprehend, and use arithmetic and a load capacity chart.Interpretation:

6、 5-97Subject: ASME B30.5-2007, Para. 5- and ASME B30.22-2005, Para. 22-3.3.1Date Issued: June 3, 2011Background: The ASME B30.22-2010 update to this Volume contains requirements and terminol-ogy that are identical to B30.5-2007. Both Volumes apply to overhead electric power lines, regardlesso

7、f whether they are used for transmission, distribution, or other purposes. Both Volumes applyto manufactured insulated conductors and conductors with temporary insulating material. NeitherVolume addresses conductors that are encased in conduit or raceways.Question (1): Does the phrase “coverings of

8、wires” include both manufactured insulated cableand temporary insulating material?Reply (1): The Volume does not draw any distinction between manufactured insulated cableand temporary insulating material. Paragraph 5- states “Crane operators shall not rely onthe coverings of wires for their p

9、rotection.”Question (2): If so, is it a requirement of B30.5-2007 that cranes must maintain the clearancesof Table 2 when operating or transiting near insulated energized power lines?Reply (2): Yes, unless there is compliance with B30.5-2007, para. 5- (3): Does the word “coverings” (

10、above) include conduit or other raceways that areencasing one or more energized power lines?Reply (3): B30.5-2007 does not address wires encased in conduit or raceways.Question (4): All four illustrations in Figure 18 of Reference (a) refer to Table 1. Should thesereferences be to Table 2?Reply (4):

11、 Yes. This was corrected in a previous ballot and will be in the next publication ofthe Volume.I-2ASME B30.5 INTERPRETATIONSInterpretation: 5-98Subject: ASME B30.5-2004, Paras. 5-3.1.3(c) and 5-3.1.3(d), ASME B30.5-2007, Paras. 5-,5-, and 5- Issued: January 31, 201

12、2Question (1): ASME B30.5-2004 (Revision of ASME B30.5-2000), para. 5-3.1.3(c) provides thatthe crane operator “shall respond to signals from an appointed signal person.” Does this meana crane operator may conclude there are no safety concerns with respect to the activities ofsubcontractors in the c

13、rane operators blind area while the crane is in operation?Reply (1): The cited paragraph requires the operator to respond to the appointed signal person.The signal persons responsibility is to direct the operator to move the load safely.Question (2): ASME B30.5-2004 (Revision of ASME B30.5-2000), pa

14、ra. 5-3.1.3(d) provides thatwhenever there is any doubt as to safety, the operator shall consult with the supervisor beforehandling the loads. Is the “doubt as to safety” referenced in the standard meant to extend toconcerns that employees of another subcontractor engaged in disconnecting the load f

15、rom thecrane are not wearing fall protection?Reply (2): The operator is not responsible for hazards or conditions that are not under hisdirect control. This Volume does not address fall protection requirements.Question (3): ASME B30.5-2007 (Revision of ASME B30.5-2004), para. 5- provides

16、that a Site Supervisors responsibilities include “ensuring that crane operations are coordinatedwith other jobsite activities that will be affected by or will affect lift operations.” Where a craneis engaged in hoisting roof trusses does this mean the Site Supervisor, as opposed to the craneoperator

17、, is responsible for formulating a plan to land the trusses so they are secured and stabilizedbefore the trusses are disconnected from the crane?Reply (3): This Volume does not address formulating a plan to land the trusses so they aresecured and stabilized before the truss is disconnected from the

18、crane.Question (4): ASME B30.5-2007 (Revision of ASME B30.5-2004), para. 5- providesthat a Lift Directors responsibilities include “stopping crane operations if alerted to an unsafecondition affecting those operations.” Does this unsafe condition include situations where subcon-tractors

19、involved in disconnecting loads from the crane are not wearing fall protection?Reply (4): The Volume does not detail the “unsafe conditions” that could cause the lift directorto stop crane operations. This Volume does not address fall protection requirements.Question (5): Do crane operators responsi

20、bilities under ASME B30.5-2007 (Revision of ASMEB30.5-2004), para. 5- include verifying whether employees of another subcontractor in ablind area engaged in disconnecting load from the crane are wearing fall protection?Reply (5): No.I-3ASME B30.5 INTERPRETATIONSInterpretation: 5-99Subject: AS

21、ME B30.5-2007, Para. 5-3.1.3, Responsibilities; Para. 5-, Responsibilities of SiteSupervisor and Lift Director; Para. 5-, Responsibilities of Crane Operators; Para. 5-,Size of LoadDate Issued: October 10, 2012Question (1): Does para. 5- require that the owner of a crane s

22、upply a qualified riggerfor the cranes lifting operations?Reply (1): No.Background: Subparagraph (l), informing the crane operator of the weight of loads to be lifted,as well as the lifting, moving, and placing locations for these loads.Question (2): Does para. 5- mean that a crane opera

23、tor is allowed to accept as accuratethe load weight information provided to him by the site supervisor, provided there is no otherinformation (visible/written/historic) to create a doubt as to the provided load weights accuracy,and to initiate the actions outlined in para. 5- (2): Yes.B

24、ackground:(a) Subparagraph (n), ensuring that a cranes load rigging is performed by designated person-nel as defined in para. 5-0.2.2.(b) Subparagraph (o), ensuring that the load is properly rigged and balanced before it islifted more than a few inches.Question (3): Do paras. 5- and (o)

25、mean that, for lifts where a crane operator hasneither physical access to a loads rigging-location nor visibility of the actions taken in attachingthe rigging to a load, the crane operator is not the person at the site intended to accomplish theseresponsibilities?Reply (3): Yes, paras. 5-

26、) and (o) fall within the role of the Lift Director.Question (4): Does the statement “The crane operator shall not be responsible for hazards orconditions that are not under his direct control and that adversely affect the lift operation” meanthat a crane operator is not responsible for the improper

27、 rigging of a load, which is out of theoperators view, accomplished by qualified riggers?Reply (4): Yes; see para. 5- Subparagraph (r), ensuring that the load and rigging weight(s) have been provided.Question (5): What does the word “ensure” mean in para. 5-, in t

28、erms of the “actions”to be taken by a crane operator, in order for the operator to be considered as having met therequirements of this paragraph?Reply (5): See para. 5-0.2.2; “ensure: term used when the meaning take steps to see that ormake sure is intended.”I-4ASME B30.5 INTERPRETATIONSBackground:

29、Subparagraph (c), when loads that are not accurately known are to be lifted, thedesignated person responsible for supervising the lifting operations shall ascertain that the weightof the load does not exceed the crane ratings at the maximum radius at which the load is to behandled.Question (6): Does

30、 para. 5- mean that if a crane operator is provided the weight ofthe load by the site supervisor and the crane operator sets the crane up so that the providedload weight and rigging is 66% of the cranes capacity at the maximum radius at which the loadis to be handled, the requirements of t

31、his paragraph are met?Reply (6): When the weight of the load to be handled has been determined by the personresponsible for supervising the lifting operations and the weight is determined to be within thecranes rated capacity, para. 5- has been met.I-5ASME B30.5 INTERPRETATIONSInterpretati

32、on: 5-100Subject: ASME B30.5-2011, Paras. 5-1.7.3(b) and (d)Date Issued: February 15, 2013Question: Does ASME B30.5-2011 address the requirement as to when wire rope clips shall beused?Reply: The use of wire rope clips is not mandated in ASME B30.5-2011.Interpretation: 5-101Subject: ASME B30.5-2011,

33、 Para. 5-1.3.1(c), Boom Hoist MechanismsDate Issued: May 31, 2013Question (1): In a closed looped hydraulic system, is the hydrostatic system considered abraking device?Reply (1): Yes, if the system was designed as a braking device and meets the requirements ofa brake in para. 5-0.2.2.Question (2):

34、In an open loop hydraulic system, is the counterbalance valve considered abraking device?Reply (2): Yes, if the system was designed as a braking device and meets the requirements ofa brake in para. 5-0.2.2.Question (3): Assuming the counterbalance valve fits the definition of a primary braking devic

35、e,would a spring-applied, hydraulic pressure release brake fit the definition of a locking device;would a boom hoist system with a counterbalance valve and a spring-applied, pressure releasebrake comply with para. 5-1.3.1(c)?Reply (3): No, a brake does not meet the requirement for a locking device a

36、s specified in para.5-1.3.1(c).I-6ASME B30.5 INTERPRETATIONSASME B30.5 INTERPRETATIONSReplies to Technical InquiriesFebruary 2009 Through February 2011FOREWORDThis publication includes all of the written replies issued between the indicated dates by theSecretary, speaking for the ASME B30 Committee,

37、 Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes,Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings, to inquiries concerning interpretations to technicalapsects of ASME B30.5, Mobile and Locomotive Cranes.These replies are taken verbatim from the original letters, except for any typographical correc-tions and some mi

38、nor editorial corrections made for the purpose of improved clarity.These interpretations were prepared in accordance with the accredited ASME procedures.ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of these interpretations when or if additionalinformation is available which the inquirer believes migh

39、t affect the interpretation. Further,persons aggrieved by this interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee orSubcommittee. ASME does not “approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction,proprietary device, or activity.I-1ASME B30.5 INTERPRETATIONSInterpretation: 5-84Su

40、bject: ASME B30.5-2007, Para. 5- Issued: February 18, 2009Question: When is it acceptable for an operator to leave a crane unattended with the enginerunning?Reply: Refer to para. 5- 5-85Subject: ASME B30.5-2007, Para. 5-, Crane Operations Within

41、the Prohibited Zone Withthe Electric Power Lines EnergizedDate Issued: February 18, 2009Question (1): Do all boom lengths apply to para. 5- (1): Yes.Question (2): In reference to para. 5-, does an operator have to maintain the minimumrequired clearances from an energized power

42、 line as established in Table 2 if an insulated barrieris installed on the power line and an insulating link is installed on the crane?Reply (2): Yes.Interpretation: 5-86Subject: ASME B30.5-2004, Para. 5-2.1.3, Periodic InspectionDate Issued: February 18, 2009Background: Paragraph 5-2.1.3 states tha

43、t, “Complete inspection of the crane shall be performedby a qualified person at intervals as generally defined in para. 5-2.1.1(b)(2), depending on thecranes activity, severity of service, and environment, or as specifically indicated below.”Question (1): Can someone within the equipment owners comp

44、any determine who is qualifiedto perform an inspection?Reply (1): Yes.Question (2): Should a third party (someone outside the equipment owners company) deter-mine who is qualified to perform an inspection?Reply (2): B30.5 does not require a third party to determine who is qualified to perform aninsp

45、ection. The Volume only requires that the person performing a periodic inspection meets thedefinition of a “Qualified Person.”I-2ASME B30.5 INTERPRETATIONSInterpretation: 5-87Subject: ASME B30.5-2007, Para. 5-3.4.6, FootingDate Issued: February 18, 2009Question (1): Is there a specific standard requ

46、iring cribbing to be used on dirt set-ups?Reply (1): ASME B30.5 does not cover cribbing requirements for specific ground conditions.Question (2): Does para. 5-3.4.6, Footings, mean the operator must verify the allowable soilbearing capacity prior to setting up the crane and use their own judgment re

47、garding cribbing?Reply (2): No, the operators responsibilities are addressed in para. 5- 5-88Subject: ASME B30.5-2007, Paras. 5-3.1.2(a)(6), 5-3.1.3, and 5- Issued: June 29, 2009Question (1): In para. 5-3.1.2(a)(6), does the term “level of testing” refer to the freq

48、uency thatthe test is to be performed or to the substances that are being tested for?Reply (1): In para. 5-3.1.2(a)(6), the “level of testing” refers to the standard practice of theindustry or jurisdiction where the crane is employed. The detail of the level of testing is outsideof the scope of this

49、 Standard.Question (2): In para. 5-, are there situations where the lift director and the crane operatormay be the same person?Reply (2): Yes, in para. 5-3.1.3, “a single individual may perform one or more of these roles.”Question (3): In para. 5-, if there are several cranes and associated rigging crews workingon a job site, does the standard require that each crane and associated rigging crew have its ownunique lift director?Reply (3): No.Interpretation: 5-89Subject: ASME B30.5-2007, Para. 5-3.1(3)Date Issued: October 21, 2009Question: If maintenance personn

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