ANSI ASME B73.2-2016 Specification for Vertical In-Line Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical Process.pdf

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1、AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ASME B73.2-2016Revision of ASME B73.2-2003 (R2008)Specification for Vertical In-Line Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical ProcessASME B73.2-2016Revision of ASME B73.2-2003 (R2008)Specification forVertical In-LineCentrifugal Pumps forChemical ProcessAN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDA

2、RDTwo Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 USADate of Issuance: April 14, 2017This Standard will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a new edition. There willbe no written interpretations of the requirements of this Standard issued to this edition.Periodically certain actions of the ASME

3、B73 Committee may be published as Cases. Cases arepublished on the ASME Web site under the B73 Committee Page at asthey are issued.Errata to codes and standards may be posted on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages toprovide corrections to incorrectly published items,

4、 or to correct typographical or grammatical errorsin codes and standards. Such errata shall be used on the date posted.The B73 Committee Page can be found at There is an option availableto automatically receive an e-mail notification when errata are posted to a particular c

5、ode or standard.This option can be found on the appropriate Committee Page after selecting “Errata” in the “PublicationInformation” section.ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the

6、criteria for American NationalStandards. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals fromcompetent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was madeavailable for public review and comment that

7、 provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia,regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent r

8、ights asserted in connection with anyitems mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability forinfringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assume any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expresslyadvised that determination o

9、f the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, isentirely their own responsibility.Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted asgovernment or industry endorsement of this code or standard.AS

10、ME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the establishedASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval system or

11、otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher.The American Society of Mechanical EngineersTwo Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990Copyright 2017 byTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSAll rights reservedPrinted in U.S.A.CONTENTSForeword vCommittee Roster viiCorrespondence Wi

12、th the B73 Committee . viii1 Scope 12 References . 13 Alternative Design 34 Nomenclature and Definitions 44.1 Definition of Terms . 44.2 Additional Definitions 45 Design and Construction Features 45.1 Pressure and Temperature Limits 45.2 Flanges . 45.3 Casing 45.4 Impeller 55.5 Shaft . 55.6 Shaft Se

13、aling 65.7 Driver and Coupling Design 95.8 Materials of Construction . 145.9 Corrosion Allowance 145.10 Direction of Rotation 145.11 Dimensions . 145.12 Miscellaneous Design Features 146 General Information . 176.1 Application . 176.2 Tests and Inspections 206.3 Nameplates . 217 Documentation . 217.

14、1 General . 217.2 Requirements . 217.3 Document Description 217.4 Specially Requested Documentation . 23Figures1 Shaft Sleeve Runout 62 Cylindrical Seal Chamber . 73 Tapered Seal Chamber 84 Face Runout . 95 Register Concentricity 96 Packing Box 117 Sample Outline Drawing . 22Tables1 Pump Dimensions

15、22 Universal Cover Dimensions . 10iii3 Nominal Shaft Extension and Mounting Dimensions for Vertical Solid ShaftP-Base In-Line Pump Motors . 124 Motor Horsepower Selection 135 Pump Material Classification Code . 156 Material of Construction . 167 Minimum Requirement for Auxiliary Piping Materials 178

16、 Approximate Performance of Standard Pumps (60 Hz) 189 Approximate Performance of Standard Pumps (50 Hz) 1910 Minimum Continuous Flow 20Mandatory AppendicesI ASME Centrifugal Pump Data Sheet 25II Mechanical Seal and Packing Configuration Codes 34Nonmandatory AppendixA Electronic Data Exchange . 36iv

17、FOREWORDThe vertical in-line style of centrifugal pump was introduced for chemical process use. Thesepumps have certain advantages that have led to growing acceptance of this configuration forchemical process applications. In January 1969, in response to this interest, the ManufacturingChemists Asso

18、ciation (MCA) requested that the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)develop a standard. In 1971, the scope of B73 was expanded to include vertical in-line pumps,using the MCA draft of February 1971 as a basis.American National Standard B73.2 was developed and was approved by the B73 Standar

19、dsCommittee; final approval by ANSI was granted on April 21, 1975.Shortly thereafter, the American National Standards Committee B73 revised the Standard,introducing new information on critical speed, bearing housing design, vibration, bearing frameadapter, and bearings. The 1984 edition included, fo

20、r the first time, an appendix that covereddocumentationofpumpanddriveroutlinedrawing,averticalin-linepumpdatasheet,mechanicalseal drawing, stuffing box piping plans, and cooling/heating piping plans.That edition was approved by letter ballot of the B73 Main Committee on April 25, 1983.Following acce

21、ptance by the Sponsor, the revision was referred to ANSI for designation as anAmerican National Standard. Designation was granted on March 23, 1984.In 1986, the Committee began discussing revisions that resulted in changes to the sectionon jackets. Additionally, the information on the stuffing box a

22、nd seal chamber was expanded.Modifications were also made to the appendix drawings and plans.These revisions were approved by the B73 Committee. Following B73 approval, the proposalwas submitted to ANSI for recognition as an American National Standard. Approval was grantedon January 22, 1991.With th

23、e expanding utilization of ASME B73 pumps in the chemical process industry and theirgrowing acceptance in the hydrocarbons processing industry, the B73 Committee has continuedto improve the B73.2 Standard. The 2003 revision of the Standard incorporated the addition of thetechnical documentation of t

24、he pump as a mandatory portion of the Standard, which previouslyappeared as a nonmandatory appendix. The incorporation was partly in response to the needsof the user community for compliance to U.S. government regulations covering chemical processequipment and pumps, specifically OSHA Process Safety

25、 Management, 29 CFR 1910.119. Recentpublications by the Hydraulic Institute (HI) in areas such as preferred operating region andNPSH margin were incorporated into this revision. Additionally, the materials of constructionsectionwas expandedtoinclude readilyavailablecorrosion-resistant alloy.Intotal,

26、 theserevisionsto the Standard were intended to better serve process industries and expand the use of ASME B73pumps worldwide.The2016editionoftheStandardincludesanumberofrevisions.ReferenceismadetothecurrentAPIpractices formechanical sealconfigurations andcooling andheating plans.A mechanicalsealcon

27、figuration code that is aligned with the API sealing standard and a material classificationcode have been added to B73.2. A universal cover has been offered as an option to the Standardas an alternate sealing cover. Requirements for the bearing frame have been revised to ensuremore robust pumps. Nom

28、enclature for the pump sizes has been added to align with the morecommonlyusedsizesidentifiedinB73.1.ApproximatehydraulicperformancefortheB73.2pumpshas been established. The default performance test acceptance grade has been revised to reflectthe new HI/ISO performance test standard. More detail was

29、 added to the required drawings,curve, and documentation that should be included with the pump. A new data sheet commonto the B73.1 and B73.2 Standards has been developed and added. This Standard endorses theElectronic Data Exchange standard, which was developed by the Hydraulic Institute and Fiatec

30、hAEX project. These revisions have been made to further improve the reliability of the B73.2pumps. These changes also better align with the HI and API pump standards.vSuggestions for improvement to this Standard are welcome and should be sent to the Secretary,B73 Main Committee, The American Society

31、 of Mechanical Engineers, Two Park Avenue,New York, NY 10016-5990.This revision was approved as an American National Standard on November 16, 2016.viASME B73 COMMITTEEChemical Standard Pumps(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)STANDARDS COMMITTEE OF

32、FICERSK. R. Burkhardt, ChairR. W. Estep, Vice ChairA. R. Amaral, SecretarySTANDARDS COMMITTEE PERSONNELA. R. Amaral, The American Society of Mechanical EngineersK. R. Burkhardt, DupontD. Clark, HMD Sealless Pumps, Ltd.G. C. Clasby, Flowserve Corp.M. Coussens, Peerless Pump Co.R. W. Estep, The Dow Ch

33、emical Co.J. A. Wilson, Alternate, The Dow Chemical Co.J. Hubbard, ITT Goulds PumpsviiM. B. Huebner, Flowserve Corp.I. S. James, Amec Foster WheelerB. S. Myers, Bayer Crop ScienceG. W. Sabol, Flint Hills ResourcesC. K. van der Sluijs, Flowserve Corp.E. Eylat, Alternate, Flowserve Corp.A. E. Stavale,

34、 ITT Goulds PumpsE. J. Kupp, Alternate, ITT Goulds PumpsD. W. Wood, ChemoursCORRESPONDENCE WITH THE B73 COMMITTEEGeneral. ASME Standards are developed and maintained with the intent to represent theconsensus ofconcerned interests. Assuch, users ofthis Standard mayinteract with theCommitteeby proposi

35、ng revisions or a case, and attending Committee meetings. Correspondence shouldbe addressed to:Secretary, B73 Standards CommitteeThe American Society of Mechanical EngineersTwo Park AvenueNew York, NY 10016-5990http:/ Revisions. Revisions are made periodically to the Stan

36、dard to incorporate changesthatappearnecessaryor desirable,asdemonstratedbytheexperience gainedfromtheapplicationof the Standard. Approved revisions will be published periodically.The Committee welcomes proposals for revisions to this Standard. Such proposals should beas specific as possible, citing

37、 the paragraph number(s), the proposed wording, and a detaileddescription of the reasons for the proposal, including any pertinent documentation.Proposing a Case. Cases may be issued to provide alternative rules when justified, to permitearly implementation of an approved revision when the need is u

38、rgent, or to provide rules notcovered by existing provisions. Cases are effective immediately upon ASME approval and shallbe posted on the ASME Committee Web page.Requests for Cases shall provide a Statement of Needand Background Information. The requestshould identify the Standard and the paragraph

39、, figure, or table number(s), and be written as aQuestion and Reply in the same format as existing Cases. Requests for Cases should also indicatethe applicable edition(s) of the Standard to which the proposed Case applies.Attending Committee Meetings. The B73 Standards Committee regularly holds meet

40、ingsand/or telephone conferences that are open to the public. Persons wishing to attend any meetingand/ortelephoneconferenceshouldcontacttheSecretaryoftheB73StandardsCommittee.FutureCommittee meeting dates and locations can be found on the Committee Page B73.2-201

41、6SPECIFICATION FOR VERTICAL IN-LINE CENTRIFUGAL PUMPSFOR CHEMICAL PROCESS1 SCOPEThis Standard is a design and specification standardthat covers metallic centrifugal pumps of vertical shaftsingle-stage design with suction and discharge nozzlesin-line. This Standard includes dimensional inter-changeab

42、ility requirements and certain design featuresto facilitate installation and maintenance and enhancereliability and safety of B73.2 pumps. It is the intent ofthis Standard that pumps of the same standard dimen-sion designation from all sources of supply shall beinterchangeable with respect to mounti

43、ng dimensions,size, and location of suction and discharge nozzles (seeTable 1). Maintenance and operation requirements arenot included in this Standard.2 REFERENCESThe following documents form a part of this Standardto the extent specified herein. The latest edition shallapply:ANSI B11.19, Performan

44、ce Requirements forSafeguardingPublisher: Association for Manufacturing Technology(AMT), 7901 Westpark Drive, McLean, VA 22102-4206( 9, Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for BallBearingsANSI/ABMA 11, Load Ratings and Fatigue Life forRoller BearingsPublisher: American Bearing M

45、anufacturers Association(ABMA), 2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington,DC 20036 ( 1.1-1.2, Rotodynamic Centrifugal Pumps forNomenclature and DefinitionsANSI/HI 1.3, Rotodynamic Centrifugal Pumps forDesign and ApplicationANSI/HI 1.4, Rotodynamic Centrifugal Pumps for

46、Manuals Describing Installation, Operation andMaintenanceANSI/HI 9.1-9.5, Pumps General Guidelines forTypes, Applications, Definitions, SoundMeasurements, and DocumentationANSI/HI 9.6.1, Rotodynamic Pumps Guideline forNPSH MarginANSI/HI 9.6.2, Rotodynamic Pumps for Assessment ofApplied Nozzle Loads1

47、ANSI/HI 9.6.4, Rotodynamic Pumps for VibrationMeasurements and Allowable ValuesANSI/HI 14.6, Rotodynamic Pumps for HydraulicPerformance Acceptance TestsPublisher: Hydraulic Institute (HI), 6 Campus Drive,Parsippany, NJ 07054-4406 ( MG 1, Motors and GeneratorsPublisher: Nationa

48、l Electrical ManufacturersAssociation (NEMA), 1300 North 17th Street, Suite900, Arlington, VA 22209 ( 610, Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum,Petrochemical and Natural Gas IndustriesAPI 682, Pumps-Shaft Sealing Systems for Centrifugaland Rotary PumpsPublisher: American Petroleum Institu

49、te (API),1220 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005( B16.5, Pipe Flanges and Flanged FittingsASME B16.11, Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding andThreadedASME B16.42, Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and FlangedFittings, Classes 150 and 300Publisher: The American Society of MechanicalEngineers (ASME), Two Park Avenue, New York, NY10016-5990 ( A48/A48M, Standard Specification for Gray IronCastingsASTM A105/A105M, Standard Specification for CarbonSteel Forgings for Piping ApplicationsASTM A106/A106M, Standard Specification forSeamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Tem

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