ANSI ASME BTH-1-2017 Design of Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices.pdf

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1、Design of Below-the-Hook Lifting DevicesAN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDASME BTH-12017(Revision of ASME BTH-12014)ASME BTH-12017(Revision of ASME BTH-12014)Design ofBelow-the-HookLifting DevicesAN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDTwo Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 USADate of Issuance: March 15, 2017The next e

2、dition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2020. This Standard will becomeeffective 1 year after the Date of Issuance.ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of thisStandard. Interpretations are published on the ASME Web site under the Co

3、mmittee Pages athttp:/ as they are issued.Errata to codes and standards may be posted on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages toprovide corrections to incorrectly published items, or to correct typographical or grammatical errorsin codes and standards. Such errata shall be us

4、ed on the date posted.The Committee Pages can be found at http:/ There is an option available toautomatically receive an e-mail notification when errata are posted to a particular code or standard.This option can be found on the appropriate Committee Page after selecting “Errata” i

5、n the “PublicationInformation” section.ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American NationalStandards. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard w

6、as balanced to assure that individuals fromcompetent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was madeavailable for public review and comment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia,regulatory agencies, and

7、 the public-at-large.ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with anyitems mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insu

8、re anyone utilizing a standard against liability forinfringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assumes any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expresslyadvised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, isentirely th

9、eir own responsibility.Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted asgovernment or industry endorsement of this code or standard.ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with

10、the establishedASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher.The American Society of Mechanical E

11、ngineersTwo Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990Copyright 2017 byTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSAll rights reservedPrinted in U.S.A.CONTENTSForeword vCommittee Roster . viCorrespondence With the BTH Committee . viiSummary of Changes ixChapter 1 Scope, Definitions, and References . 11-1

12、Purpose . 11-2 Scope . 11-3 New and Existing Devices . 11-4 General Requirements . 11-5 Definitions 21-6 Symbols . 61-7 References . 9Chapter 2 Lifter Classifications. 112-1 General . 112-2 Design Category . 112-3 Service Class 11Chapter 3 Structural Design . 123-1 General . 123-2 Member Design . 12

13、3-3 Connection Design 173-4 Fatigue Design 203-5 Other Design Considerations . 22Chapter 4 Mechanical Design 354-1 General . 354-2 Sheaves . 354-3 Wire Rope . 364-4 Drive Systems . 364-5 Gearing . 364-6 Bearings . 384-7 Shafting . 394-8 Fasteners 404-9 Grip Support Force 414-10 Vacuum Lifting Device

14、 Design . 414-11 Fluid Power Systems 42Chapter 5 Electrical Components . 435-1 General . 435-2 Electric Motors and Brakes . 435-3 Operator Interface . 435-4 Controllers and Auxiliary Equipment . 445-5 Grounding 455-6 Power Disconnects . 455-7 Batteries . 45Chapter 6 Lifting Magnet Design . 466-1 Pur

15、pose . 466-2 Design Requirements 466-3 Selection and Design 46iiiFigures1-5.5-1 Magnetic Lifters . 54-2.6-1 Sheave Dimensions 354-2.7-1 Sheave Gap 354-9.2-1 Illustration of Holding and Support Forces . 41Tables2-3-1 Service Class 113-2.2-1 Limiting WidthThickness Ratios for Compression Elements 143-

16、3.4.2-1 Minimum Effective Throat Thickness of Partial-Penetration Groove Welds . 193-3.4.3-1 Minimum Sizes of Fillet Welds . 203-4.3-1 Allowable Stress Ranges, ksi (MPa) . 213-4.4-1 Fatigue Design Parameters . 234-5.3-1 Strength Factors for Calculating Load Capacity (American Standard ToothForms) 37

17、4-6.2-1 L10Bearing Life 384-7.5-1 Key Size Versus Shaft Diameter (ASME B17.1) 404-7.5-2 Key Size Versus Shaft Diameter (DIN 6885-1) . 404-7.6.1-1 Fatigue Stress Amplification Factors 40Nonmandatory AppendicesA Commentary for Chapter 1: Scope, Definitions, and References 49B Commentary for Chapter 2:

18、 Lifter Classifications . 53C Commentary for Chapter 3: Structural Design 55D Commentary for Chapter 4: Mechanical Design . 64E Commentary for Chapter 5: Electrical Components . 67F Commentary for Chapter 6: Lifting Magnet Design . 69ivFOREWORDThere have been many formal requests for interpretation

19、of the limited structural design criteriastated within ASME B30.20, Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices, a safety standard. As a consequence,industry has for quite some time expressed a need for a comprehensive design standard forbelow-the-hook lifting devices that would complement the safety requirement

20、s of ASME B30.20.All editions of ASME B30.20 have included structural design criteria oriented toward the industrialmanufacturing community requiring a minimum design factor of 3, based on the yield strengthof the material; recent editions have also included design criteria for the fatigue failure m

21、ode.However, members of the construction community expressed the need for design criteria moresuitable to their operating conditions, including a lower design factor, and the necessity to addressother failure modes such as fracture, shear, and buckling, and design topics such as impact andfasteners.

22、A Design Task Group was created in 1997 to begin work on a design standard as a companiondocument to ASME B30.20. The ASME BTH Standards Committee on the Design of Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices was formed out of the Design Task Group and held its organizationalmeeting on December 5, 1999.ASME BTH-1

23、2005, Design of Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices, contained five chapters: Scopeand Definitions, Lifter Classifications, Structural Design, Mechanical Design, and ElectricalComponents. This Standard, intended for general industry and construction, set forth two designcategories for lifters based on th

24、e magnitude and variation of loading, and operating and environ-mental conditions. The two design categories provided different design factors for determiningallowable static stress limits. Five Service Classes based on load cycles were provided. The ServiceClass establishes allowable stress range v

25、alues for lifter structural members and design parametersfor mechanical components. ASME BTH-12005 was approved by the American National Stan-dards Institute (ANSI) on October 18, 2005.ASME BTH-12008 incorporated editorial revisions and two new mechanical design sectionsfor grip ratio and vacuum lif

26、ting device design. ASME BTH-12008 was approved by ANSI onSeptember 17, 2008.ASME BTH-12011 incorporated revisions throughout the Standard and the addition of a newmechanical design section for fluid power systems. ASME BTH-12011 was approved by ANSIon September 23, 2011.ASME BTH-12014 incorporated

27、into Chapter 4 a section on lifting magnets. Other technicalrevisions included new requirements for fluid pressure control and electrical system guarding.Along with these technical changes, the nonmandatory Commentary for each chapter was movedto its own respective Nonmandatory Appendix. ASME BTH-12

28、014 was approved by ANSI onJune 24, 2014.This revision of ASME BTH-1 includes the addition of Chapter 6: Lifting Magnet Design, anaccompanying Nonmandatory Appendix with commentary for the new chapter, and other revi-sions. Following the approval by the ASME BTH Standards Committee, ANSI approved th

29、isedition as an American National Standard, with the new designation ASME BTH-12017, onJanuary 6, 2017.vASME BTH STANDARDS COMMITTEEDesign of Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)STANDARDS COMMITTEE OFFICERSD. R. Verens

30、ki, ChairD. Duerr, Vice ChairG. Bolan, SecretarySTANDARDS COMMITTEE PERSONNELB. B. Bacon, Tennessee Valley AuthorityG. Bolan, The American Society of Mechanical EngineersG. A. Bond, Woods Powr-Grip Co., Inc.P. W. Boyd, The Boeing Co.D. Duerr, 2DM Associates, Inc.J. D. Edmundson, Konecranes/P however

31、, they should not contain proprietary names orinformation.Requests that are not in the format described above may be rewritten in the appropriate formatby the Committee prior to being answered, which may inadvertently change the intent of theoriginal request.viiASME procedures provide for reconsider

32、ation of any interpretation when or if additionalinformation that might affect an interpretation is available. Further, persons aggrieved by aninterpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee or Subcommittee. ASME does not“approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, pr

33、oprietary device, or activity.Attending Committee Meetings. The BTH Standards Committee regularly holds meetingsand/or telephone conferences that are open to the public. Persons wishing to attend any meetingand/or telephone conference should contact the Secretary of the BTH Standards Committee.viiiA

34、SME BTH-12017SUMMARY OF CHANGESFollowing approval by the ASME BTH Standards Committee and ASME, and after public review,ASME BTH-12017 was approved by the American National Standards Institute on January6, 2017.ASME BTH-12017 includes editorial changes, revisions, and corrections identified by a mar

35、ginnote, (17).Page Location Change25 1-5.1 (1) Definitions of applied load(s), dead load,load cycle, maximum stress, minimumstress, and rated load added(2) Definitions of cycle, load; load(s),applied; load, dead; load, rated; rigginghardware; sling; stress, maximum; andstress, minimum deleted(3) Def

36、initions of shall and should andlocation where design factor is firstused revised1-5.3 (1) Definitions of equalizing sheave andrunning sheave added(2) Definitions of sheave, equalizing andsheave, running deleted(3) Location where back-driving, L10bearing life, and vacuum pad are firstused revised1-5

37、.4 (1) Definitions of electrical power supply,electric motor, externally poweredelectromagnet, and master switch added(2) Definitions of electromagnet, externallypowered; motor, electric; power supply,electrical; and switch, master deleted(3) Location where brake, control system,rectifier, and senso

38、r(s) are first usedrevised1-5.5 AddedFig. 1-5.5-1 Added610 1-6.1 (1) Units for a, Dp, and H9278 andnomenclature for hc, hp, My, Sxc,andSxtadded(2) Nomenclature for Fr, Fyf, and Fywdeleted(3) Nomenclature for nirevised1-6.2 (1) Units for A and H9258 added(2) Nomenclature for Suand Syrevised1-6.3 Adde

39、d1-7 References updatedixPage Location Change11 2-2 Revised2-2.3 Added1215 3-1.2 Revised3-1.3.1 Design Category C lifters added3-1.3.2 Subparagraph (c) added3-1.7 Added3-2.1 Nomenclature for Furevised3-2.2 Revised3-2.3.2 RevisedTable 3-2.2-1 Revised in its entirety3-2.3.3 Revised17 3-3.2 (1) In para

40、graph following eq. (3-40), lastsentence added(2) Nomenclature for Furevised18 3-3.3.1 Nomenclature for H9278 added21, 22 3-4.6 Nomenclature for Cfq revised2334 Table 3-4.4-1 Description for 5.2, Potential Crack SiteInitiation for 6.2, and Stress Categoryfor 8.5 revised36 4-5.4 Reference updated3940

41、 4-7.5 Nomenclature for Surevised4-7.6 Reference updated4-7.6.3 Nomenclature for Syfollowing eq. (4-15)revised41 4-9.2 First paragraph revisedFig. 4-9.2-1 In illustration (b), second graphic added42 4-10.4 Added4-12 Deleted43 5-2.1 Revised44 5-4.6 Subparagraph (c) added45 5-5 Editorially revised5-6

42、(1) In paras. 5-6.2 and 5-6.3, subpara. (c)added(2) Paragraph 5-6.4 Deleted4648 Chapter 6 Added49 A-4.2 Revised5052 A-4.7 Reference updatedA-7 References updated54 B-2.3 AddedxPage Location Change5557 C-1.3 First, eighth, and last paragraphs revisedC-1.7 AddedC-2 First paragraph revisedC-2.2 Referen

43、ces in second paragraph updated58 C-2.3.2 Third paragraph and last two sentencesin last paragraph addedC-2.3.3 Last sentence addedC-2.4 First paragraph revised59 C-2.6 Reference to AISC tables updated60, 61 C-3.2 Second paragraph revisedC-3.3.1 Third paragraph revised63 C-5.2 References updated64 D-

44、2.6 Reference updated65 D-5.4 Reference updated69 Nonmandatory Appendix F AddedxiINTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKxiiASME BTH-12017DESIGN OF BELOW-THE-HOOK LIFTING DEVICESChapter 1Scope, Definitions, and References1-1 PURPOSEThis Standard sets forth design criteria forASME B30.20, Below-the-Hook Lifting Devi

45、ces. ThisStandard serves as a guide to designers, manufacturers,purchasers, and users of below-the-hook lifting devices.1-2 SCOPEThis Standard provides minimum structural andmechanical design and electrical component selectioncriteria for ASME B30.20, Below-the-Hook LiftingDevices.The provisions in

46、this Standard apply to the designor modification of below-the-hook lifting devices. Com-pliance with requirements and criteria that may beunique to specialized industries and environments isoutside the scope of this Standard.Lifting devices designed to this Standard shall complywith ASME B30.20, Bel

47、ow-the-Hook Lifting Devices.ASME B30.20 includes provisions that apply to themarking, construction, installation, inspection, testing,maintenance, and operation of below-the-hook liftingdevices.The provisions defined in this Standard address themost common and broadly applicable aspects of thedesign

48、 of below-the-hook lifting devices. A qualifiedperson shall determine the appropriate methods to beused to address design issues that are not explicitlycovered in the Standard so as to provide design factorsand/or performance consistent with the intent of thisStandard.1-3 NEW AND EXISTING DEVICESThe

49、 effective date of this Standard shall be one yearafter its date of issuance. Lifting devices manufacturedafter the effective date shall conform to the requirementsof this Standard.When a lifter is being modified, its design shall bereviewed relative to this Standard, and the need to meetthis Standard shall be evaluated by the manufacturer ora qualified person.11-4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS1-4.1 Design ResponsibilityLifting devices shall be designed by, or under thedirect supervision of, a qualified person.1-4.2 Units of MeasureA dual unit format is used. Values a

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