ANSI ASME MFC-10M-2000 Method for Establishing Installation Effects on Flowmeters《确定流量计安装效果的方法》.pdf

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ANSI ASME MFC-10M-2000 Method for Establishing Installation Effects on Flowmeters《确定流量计安装效果的方法》.pdf_第1页
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2、nce: October 31, 2001The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2006. Therewill be no addenda issued to this edition.ASME will issue written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations oftechnical aspects of this Standard.ASME is the registered trademark of The American So

3、ciety of Mechanical Engineers.This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria forAmerican National Standards. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standardwas balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had anop

4、portunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was made available for public reviewand comment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia,regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction,

5、proprietary device,or activity.ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted inconnection with any items mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyoneutilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable letters p

6、atent, nor assumeany such liability. Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of thevalidity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely theirown responsibility.Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliat

7、ed with industry is not tobe interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this code or standard.ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued inaccordance with the established ASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuanceof interpretations by

8、 individuals.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher.The American Society of Mechanical EngineersThree Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990Copyright 2001 byTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECH

9、ANICAL ENGINEERSAll Rights ReservedPrinted in U.S.A.FOREWORDThis Standard was prepared by Subcommittee 15 of the ASME Committee on Measurementof Fluid Flow in Closed Conduits. The Committee is indebted to the many engineers whocontributed to this work.The need for a document that describes how to de

10、termine the effects of installationconditions on the performance of a flowmeter has been recognized for some time. ThisStandard was prepared in response to that need. It presents a procedure for establishingthe performance of a flowmeter under reference conditions as well as a method for determining

11、the changes in perfomance caused when a disturbing element is installed upstream ordownstream of the flowmeter.This Edition of ASME MFC-10M was approved by letter ballot by both the ASME MFCStandards Committee and Subcommittee 15 on June 28, 2000.This Standard was approved as an American National St

12、andard on October 23, 2000.iiiASME MFC COMMITTEEMFC Measurement of Fluid Flow in Closed Conduits(The following is the Roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)OFFICERSZ. D. Husain ChairR. J. DeBoom, Vice ChairR. L. Crane, SecretaryCOMMITTEE PERSONNELN. A. Alston, Daniel Meas

13、urement and ControlC. J. Blechinger, ConsultantR. W. Caron, Ford Motor Co.G. P. Corpron, ConsultantR. L. Crane, The American Society of Mechanical EngineersR. J. DeBoom, Micro Motion, Inc.P. G. Espina, Controlotron Corp.D. Faber, Badger Meter, Inc.R. H. Fritz, Saudi AramcoF. D. Goodson, Daniel Measu

14、rement and ControlZ. D. Husain, Texaco, Inc.E. H. Jones, Jr., Chevron Petroleum TechnologiesT. M. Kegel, Colorado Engineering Experiment Station, Inc.D. R. Keyser, Aircraft SubsystemsC. G. Langford, Cullen G. Langford, Inc.W. M. Mattar, Foxboro Mhowever, they should not contain proprietary names or

15、information.Requests that are not in this format will be rewritten in this format by the Committeeprior to being answered, which may inadvertently change the intent of the original request.ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of any interpretation when or if additionalinformation that might a

16、ffect an interpretation is available. Further, persons aggrieved byan interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee or Subcommittee. ASMEdoes not “approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device,or activity.Attending Committee Meetings. The MFC Standa

17、rds Committee regularly holds meetings,which are open to the public. Persons wishing to attend any meeting should contact theSecretary of the MFC Standards Committee.viCONTENTSForeword . iiiCommittee Roster . ivCorrespondence With the MFC Committee viIntroduction 11 Scope . 12 References and Related

18、 Documents 13 Definitions 24 General Guidelines . 25 Standard Reference Conditions 36 Method for Establishing Installation Effects on Flowmeters . 57 Documentation of Results and Test Conditions . 68 Interpolation and Extrapolation 6viiIntentionally left blank ASME MFC-10M2000METHOD FOR ESTABLISHING

19、 INSTALLATION EFFECTS ONFLOWMETERSINTRODUCTIONUnder certain circumstances, flowmeter coefficientshifts and calibration errors caused by installation effects(pipe flow phenomena), i.e., flow pattern, pulsations,etc., can be significant. These changes can be mostsevere when a flowmeter is moved from a

20、n installationin which there are long lengths of straight pipe upstreamand downstream of the meter, to an installation wherethe meter is mounted close to a disturbing pipelineelement such as an elbow, valve, or pump. Becausedifferent types of flowmeters can be affected differentlyby the same flow pa

21、ttern, it becomes important to knowthe flow pattern sensitivity of a given flowmeter inorder to properly use it. This pattern sensitivity isestablished by first determining the performance of ameter in a reference installation and then determiningthe variations in the meters performance caused byoth

22、er installation conditions.When preparing programs to test for installationeffects, it should be realized that the purpose of thetests is to uncover effects that change the meteringperformance. These effects may be stated as a functionof the flow profile at the meter, the pertinent parameterssuch as

23、 Reynolds number, relative roughness, etc., andthe type of disturbing element, the flow conditionentering it, and the distance separating it from themeter.When analyzing installation effects, the changes inthe metering performance of a flowmeter are obtainedby evaluating the signature (e.g., flow co

24、efficient versusReynolds number), bias, and precision of a meter whenit is flow calibrated in reference and nonreferencepiping.1 SCOPEThis Standard establishes methods for determiningthe influence of installation conditions or flow patternson the performance of flowmeters in closed conduits(i.e., pi

25、pe, ducts, etc.).This Standard also addresses(a) means and terminology for defining a reference1condition for flow calibration of a particular flow-meter; and(b) guidelines for extrapolation and interpolation ofinstallation effects to untested piping conditions.This Standard does not supersede or ot

26、herwise replacequalification tests or installation tests that are specifiedby other standards such as ISO 9951.2 REFERENCES AND RELATED DOCUMENTSASME B46.1-1985, Surface Texture (SurfaceRoughness, Waviness, and Lay)Fluid Meters, Their Theory and Application. 1971.6th ed.ASME MFC-1M, Glossary of Term

27、s Used in the Mea-surement of Fluid Flow in PipesASME MFC-2M, Measurement Uncertainty for FluidFlow in Closed ConduitsASME PTC 11, Testing of FansPublisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME International), Three Park Avenue, NewYork, NY 10016-5990; Order Department: 22 LawDrive, Box 230

28、0, Fairfield, NJ 07007Bendat, J. S. and Piersol, A. G. Random Data: Analysisand Measurement Procedures. 2nd ed. New York:John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1981.Bogue, D. C. and A. B. Metzner. Velocity Profilesin Turbulent Pipe Flow. I & EC Fundamentals, 2(2). 1963.Coles, D. E., The Turbulent Boundary Layer In

29、 ACompressible Fluid. The Rand Corporation: ReportR-403-PR. 1962.Hinze, J. O. Turbulence. New York: McGraw HillBook Co. 1977. 2nd ed.ISO 3966 Measurement of Fluid Flow in Closed Con-duits Velocity Area Method Using Pitot-StaticTubesISO 7066-1 Assessment of Uncertainty in the Calibra-tion and Use of

30、Flow Measurement Devices Part1: Linear Calibration RelationshipsMETHOD FOR ESTABLISHING INSTALLATIONEFFECTS ON FLOWMETERSASME MFC-10M2000ISO 7066-2 Assessment of Uncertainty in the Calibra-tion and Use of Flow Measurement Devices Part2: Non-Linear Calibration RelationshipsISO 7194 Measurement of Flu

31、id Flow in Closed Con-duits Velocity Area Methods of Flow Measurementin Swirling or Asymmetric Flow Conditions by Meansof Current-Meters or Pitot-Static TubesISO 9951 Measurement of Gas Flow in Closed Con-duits Turbine MetersPublisher: International Organization for Standardization(ISO), 1 rue de Va

32、rembe, Case Postale 56, CH-1211, Geneve, Switzerland/SuissePao, R. H. F. Fluid Mechanics. Ch. 7. New York:John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1961.Schlichting, H. Boundary-Layer Theory. Ch. XX. NewYork: McGraw Hill Book Co. 1968.Taylor, B. N. and C. E. Kuyatt. NIST Technical Note1297, Guidelines for Evaluating

33、and Expressing theUncertainty of NIST Measurement Results. UnitedStates Department of Commerce.Tennekes, H. and J. L. Lumley. A First Course InTurbulence. Cambridge: The MIT Press. 1972.3 DEFINITIONSThe following definitions are given for terms usedin some special sense or whose meaning seems useful

34、to emphasize. A more comprehensive list of definitionsand symbols applicable to the measurement of fluidflow in closed conduits can be found in ASME MFC-1M and ASME MFC-2M.bias limit (B): the estimate of the upper limit of thetrue bias error, H9252 (see ASME MFC-2M for furtherdetails on this subject

35、).fully developed axial flow profile: an axial velocitydistribution that does not change with axial positionalong a pipe of constant cross-section.identical: differing by less than the uncertainty intervalfor the measurements. It is assumed that every reason-able effort is made to eliminate signific

36、ant bias andprecision errors.precision (also known as random error): the closenessof agreement between the results obtained at the sameinstallation by applying the experimental procedureseveral times under prescribed conditions. The smallerthe random part of the experimental errors which affect2the

37、results, the more precise the procedure (see ASMEMFC-2M).precision index: an estimate of the standard deviationof repeated measurements of the same thing, e.g., meteroutput at constant flowing conditions. It is given by:precision index p S pH20906H20858Ni p 1H20849Xi X)2N 1whereN p number of measure

38、ments madeX p average of individual measurements Xi(seeASME MFC-2M)single flowmeter: any meter of a specified design bya specified manufacturer in a specified line size, modelnumber, etc. Two flowmeters of identical mechanicaldesign and, where applicable, using identical signalprocessing algorithms

39、are a single flowmeter.uncertainty interval (U): an estimate of the error band,centered about the measurement, within which the truevalue must fall with a stated probability. The uncertaintyinterval is given by:U p kucp 2H20906u2A+ u2BwhereuAp determined with statistical methodsuBp determined with m

40、ethods other than statisticaluCp the combined uncertaintyk p the coverage factor taken to be 2 for 95%confidenceU p the expanded uncertainty at 95% confidence(See NIST Technical Note 1297)In the preceding equation, u2Aand u2Bare the root sumsquare of type A and type B uncertainties, respectively.4 G

41、ENERAL GUIDELINESThe following guidelines should be adhered to inestablishing installation effects on flowmeters.(a) Care must be taken to achieve a proper andrepeatable alignment between the meter and the adjacentpiping at both inlet and outlet of the meter. Alignmentof the meter per appropriate st

42、andards such as ASMEMFC-12M or AGA9, etc., or according to manufacturersrecommendations is recommended.(b) The flow condition should be one of a conduitrunning full and steady with a homogeneous, singlephase fluid. Flow is considered steady if, within theMETHOD FOR ESTABLISHING INSTALLATIONEFFECTS O

43、N FLOWMETERS ASME MFC-10M2000measurement uncertainty, it is constant in time asidefrom variations related to turbulence generated withinthe piping.(c) The tests outlined in this Standard should coverthe pertinent range of fluid flow rates, Reynolds num-bers, etc., of the meter to be evaluated.NOTE:

44、This requirement can be satisfied by stating the range ofpertinent nondimensionalized parameters over which the data wereobtained (see Section 7).(d) To avoid missing periodic spatial flow variations,measurements should be made at pipe lengths that arenot integer multiples of each other.(e) All cali

45、brations should be performed at the sameflow conditions or as close as practical to the sameconditions when comparing different test runs. Whenreducing data, corrections can be made via an indepen-dent parameter such as Reynolds number when it canbe shown that the overall effects of the different fl

46、uidconditions (temperature, pressure, etc.) and/or the fluidproperties (density, viscosity, etc.) on the tested flow-meter size and type are known and have been ac-counted for.(f) All raw calibration data should be recorded andretained.5 STANDARD REFERENCE CONDITIONS5.1 DescriptionThe process of est

47、ablishing installation effects in-volves the comparison of the performance to that ob-tained in a standard reference condition. This documentallows for two standard reference conditions. One isbased on having specific, well-defined flow patterns inthe test installation (Basic Reference Condition), a

48、ndthe other is based on the constancy of flowmeterperformance along the pipe (Working Reference Con-dition).5.1.1 Basic Reference Condition. The Basic Ref-erence Condition exists when the fluid velocity patternat the flowmeter is identical to that which would existif the meter were installed in a co

49、nduit running fulland steady with unlimited lengths of straight upstreamand downstream pipe. Such a flow pattern is character-ized by zero time-averaged radial and azimuthal fluidvelocity components and an axisymmetric axial velocityprofile that is independent of axial position. Thesecomponents can be considered to be zero if their averagevalues are zero to within the measurement uncertaintyor if they are negligible to within 0.01% of the average3flow velocity. The exact axial velocity profile dependson the inner wall roughness of the pipe (see ASMEB46.1-1985) and the Re

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