ANSI ASME Y14.1M-2012 Metric Drawing Sheet Size and Format《米制绘图纸规格和格式》.pdf

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1、AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ASME Y14.1M-2012Revision of ASME Y14.1M-2005 (R2010)Metric Drawing Sheet Size and FormatEngineering Drawing and Related Documentation PracticesASME Y14.1MADOPTION NOTICEASME Y14.1M, “Metric Drawing Sheet Size and Format,” was adopted on 10 March 1995 for use by the Depa

2、rtmentof Defense (DoD). Proposed changes by DoD activities must be submitted to the DoD Adopting Activity:Commander, U.S. ARDEC, ATTN: RDAR-QES-E, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000 or emailed Copies of this document may be purchased from theAm

3、erican Society of Mechanical Engineers, Two Park Avenue, New York, New York, United States, 10016.http:/ Adopting Activity:Army AR Army ARNavy SA (Project DRPR-2013-001)Air Force 16DLADHReview Activities:Army AV, CR, MI, PT, TE, TMNavy AS, CG, CH, MC, NPAir Force 04, 13, 99DL

4、AISOSDSEOther CM, MP, DC2, NSNOTE: The activities listed above were interested in this document as of the date of this document. Sinceorganizations and responsibilities can change, you should verify the currency of the information above usingthe ASSIST Online database at https:/ N

5、/A AREA DRPRDISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.ASME Y14.1M-2012Revision of ASME Y14.1M-2005 (R2010)Metric DrawingSheet Size andFormatEngineering Drawing and RelatedDocumentation PracticesAN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDTwo Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 USA

6、Date of Issuance: March 15, 2013This Standard will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a new edition.Errata to codes and standards may be posted on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages toprovide corrections to incorrectly published items, or to correct typographical or gramma

7、tical errorsin codes and standards. Such errata shall be used on the date posted.The Committee Pages can be found at http:/ There is an option available toautomatically receive an e-mail notification when errata are posted to a particular code or standard.This option can be found o

8、n the appropriate Committee Page after selecting “Errata” in the “PublicationInformation” section.ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American NationalStandards. T

9、he Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals fromcompetent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was madeavailable for public review and comment that provides an opportunity for additional pu

10、blic input from industry, academia,regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with anyitems

11、 mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability forinfringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assumes any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expresslyadvised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,

12、 and the risk of infringement of such rights, isentirely their own responsibility.Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted asgovernment or industry endorsement of this code or standard.ASME accepts responsibility for only those

13、interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the establishedASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without the prior written permi

14、ssion of the publisher.The American Society of Mechanical EngineersTwo Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990Copyright 2013 byTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSAll rights reservedPrinted in U.S.A.CONTENTSForeword ivCommittee Roster . vCorrespondence With the Y14 Committee vi1 General . 12 Re

15、ferences 23 Terms and Definitions 24 Drawing Sheet Sizes . 45 Formats . 46 Title Blocks 57 Revision History Block . 58 Revision Status of Sheets Block 69 Associated Lists . 610 Additional Data Blocks . 611 Additional Drawing Number Blocks 6Figures4-1 Basic Sheet Size Formats, A0 Through A4 Sizes 74-

16、2 Elongated Sheet Size Formats, A1.0, A2.1, A2.0, A3.2, A3.1, and A3.0 Sizes . 84-3 System Size Overview 95-1 Title Block for A2, A3, and A4 Sizes . 95-2 Title Block for A0 and A1 Sizes . 105-3 Continuation Sheet Title Block for A2, A3, and A4 Sizes . 105-4 Continuation Sheet Title Block for A0 and

17、A1 Sizes 115-5 Microfilm Arrowheads 115-6 Microfilm Identification Block . 127-1 Revision History Block . 128-1 Revision of Status of Sheets Block . 1210-1 Tolerance and Projection Blocks . 1310-2 Application Block 1311-1 Margin Drawing Number Block . 14Tables4-1 Basic Sheet Sizes 154-2 Elongated Sh

18、eet Sizes . 15iiiFOREWORDThis Standard establishes a series of recommended metric drawing sizes and the basic formatfor engineering drawings. It provides a basis for uniformity in engineering drawing size andformat that industry and government can utilize. It is not the intent of this Standard to pr

19、eventindividual organizations from designing specific formats that meet their individual needs, butrather to provide common engineering delineation standards to aid the interchange of drawingsbetween industry, government, and other users.This Standard is a revision of ASME Y14.1M-2005, Metric Drawin

20、g Sheet Size and Format. Ithas been prepared in alignment with the United States Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Actof 1988, Section 5164, Metric Usage.This Standard utilizes International Standard ISO 5457 as the basis for recommended metricengineering drawing size and format.This Standard has be

21、en developed to lend itself with the least amount of variation from thepresently recognized International Standard, and has been structured to support the United StatesDepartment of Defense (DoD) metrication policy and objectives.Work on the revision of this Standard began in October 2010 in Tucson,

22、 Arizona by the membersof Subcommittee 1.The following is a summary of the significant changes that were incorporated into this revision:(a) Added ASME Y14 Series Conventions section.(b) Revised various definitions to match those listed in ASME Y14.100.(c) Added definition for field of drawing and u

23、pdated Figs. 4-1 and 4-2.(d) Clarified para. 4.2 (formerly para. 2.2) regarding how the lengths of elongated sheets aredetermined.(e) Expanded zoning practices to address continuous and repetitive zoning methods.(f) Microfilming practices are now listed as optional.(g) Introduced (design activity id

24、entification) DAI, replacing CAGE Code.(h) Addressed revision status of sheet block for multiple-sheet drawings with maintained atthe same revision level.(i) Made the location of the angle of projection block optional (within or adjacent to the titleblock).(j) Changed reference to ASME Y14.5 in Fig.

25、 10-1.Where this Standard is specified as a requirement in a document, its defined requirements areassumed to be consistent with the needs of the user. Therefore, each user provides appropriateinterpretations, as the need arises, consistent with the environment in which it is applied.The successful

26、revision of this Standard is attributed to the subcommittee members and theirrespective companies, and the Department and Agencies of the U.S. Government.Suggestions for the improvement of this Standard are welcome. They should be sent to TheAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers, Attn: Secretary,

27、 Y14 Standards Committee, Two ParkAvenue, New York, NY 10016-5990.This revision was approved by American National Standard Institute (ANSI) as an AmericanNational Standard on December 19, 2012.ivASME Y14 CommitteeEngineering Drawing and RelatedDocumentation Practices(The following is the roster of t

28、he Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)STANDARDS COMMITTEE OFFICERSF. Bakos, Jr., ChairW. A. Kaba, Vice ChairF. Constantino, SecretarySTANDARDS COMMITTEE PERSONNELA. R. Anderson, Dimensional Control Systems, Inc.F. Bakos, Jr., ConsultantJ. V. Burleigh, ConsultantF. Constantino, The A

29、merican Society of Mechanical EngineersD. E. Day, TEC_EASE, Inc.K. Dobert, SiemensC. W. Ferguson, WM Education ServicesB. A. Harding, Purdue UniversityD. H. Honsinger, ConsultantW. A. Kaba, Sprint AeroSystems, Inc.A. Krulikowski, Effective TrainingE. McCarthy, Ratheon Co.P. J. McCuistion, Ohio Unive

30、rsityJ. D. Meadows, James D. Meadows Order Department: 22 Law Drive,P.O. Box 2900, Fairfield, NJ 07007-29003 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS3.1 Assemblyassembly: a number of parts, or any combination thereof,joined together to perform a specific function, and sub-ject to disassembly without degradation of any

31、 of theparts (e.g., power shovel-front, fan assembly, audio-frequency amplifier) (ASME Y14.100).NOTE: The distinction between an assembly and a subassemblyis determined by individual application. An assembly in oneinstance may be a subassembly in another instance where it formsa portion of a higher

32、assembly.3.2 Associated Listassociated list: a tabulation of engineering informationpertaining to an item depicted on an engineering draw-ing or by a set of drawings (e.g., parts list, data list,index list, wire list, and application list) (ASME Y14.34).3.3 Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Co

33、deCommercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code: a five-character code that provides a unique activity identifierthatis usedbythe governmentfor activityidentification.This method of activity identification has also beenwidely adopted by industry. (CAGE Codes are listed inCataloging Handbook H4/H8) (A

34、SME Y14.100).3.4 Contractcontract: amutually binding legalrelationship obligatingthe seller to furnish the supplies or services, includingconstruction, and the buyer to pay for them. It includesall types of commitments that obligate the procuringactivity to an expenditure of appropriated funds andth

35、at, except as otherwise authorized, are in writing. Inaddition to bilateral instruments, contracts include, butare not limited to, awards and notices of awards; joborders or task letter issued under basic orderingagreements; letter contracts; orders, such as purchaseASME Y14.1M-2012orders, under whi

36、ch the contract becomes effective bywritten acceptance or performance; and bilateral con-tract modifications (ASME Y14.100).3.5 Contractorcontractor: anindividual,partnership,company,corpora-tion, association, or other service having a contract forthe design, development, manufacture, maintenance,mo

37、dification, or supply of items under the terms of acontract (ASME Y14.100).3.6 Copycopy: any reproduction or duplication, in any media, ofan original (ASME Y14.100).3.7 Design Activitydesign activity: an organization that has, or has had,responsibility for the design of an item (ASME Y14.100).3.7.1

38、Current Design Activitycurrent design activity: the design activity currentlyresponsible for the design of an item. This may be theoriginal design activity or a design activity to which thedesign responsibility has been transferred.3.7.2 Original Design Activityoriginal design activity: the design a

39、ctivity originallyresponsible for the design and identification of an itemwhose drawing number and activity identification isshown in the title block of the drawings and associateddocuments.3.8 Design Activity Identification (DAI)design activity identification (DAI): the application of auniqueidenti

40、fierthatdistinguishesanactivityororgani-zation from another activity or organization. Examplesof activity identification include activity name, activityname and address, or CAGE Code (ASME Y14.100).3.9 Digital Datadigital data: data stored on a computer system thatemploys a display on which the user

41、 and the computerinteract to create or alter entities for the production oflayouts, drawings, numerical control tapes, or otherengineering data (ASME Y14.100).3.10 Documentdocument: a term applicable to the specifications; draw-ings; lists; standards; pamphlets; reports; and printed,typewritten, or

42、otherwise created information, relatingto the design, procurement, manufacture, testing, oracceptance inspection of items or services(ASME Y14.100).3.11 Drawingdrawing: an engineering document or data set that dis-closes directly or by reference, by means of graphic or3textual presentations, or comb

43、inations of both, the phys-ical or functional requirements of an item(ASME Y14.100).3.12 Drawing Formatdrawing format: the arrangement and organization ofinformation within a drawing. This includes such fea-tures as the size and arrangement of blocks, notes, lists,revision information, and use of op

44、tional or supplemen-tal blocks (ASME Y14.100).3.13 Engineering Dataengineering data: engineering documents such as draw-ings, associated lists, accompanying documents, specifi-cations, standards, or other information prepared orused by a design activity and relating to the design,manufacture, procur

45、ement, testing, or inspection ofitems (ASME Y14.100).3.14 Field of Drawingfield of drawing: the area of the drawing that containsthe product definition of an item (ASME Y14.100).3.15 Itemitem: a nonspecific term used to denote any unit or prod-uct, including materials, parts, assemblies, equipment,a

46、ccessories, and computer software (ASME Y14.100).3.16 Originaloriginal: the current design activitys reproducible draw-ing or data set on which is kept the revision recordrecognized as official (ASME Y14.100).3.17 Partpart: one item, or two or more items joined together,that is not normally subject

47、to disassembly withoutdestruction or impairment of designed use (e.g., transis-tor, composition resistor, screw, transformer, and gear)(ASME Y14.100).3.18 Procuring Activityprocuring activity: the customer (ASME Y14.100).3.19 Referenced Documentsreferenced documents: design activity standards, draw-

48、ings, specifications, or other documents referenced ondrawings or lists (ASME Y14.100).3.20 Standardstandard: a document that establishes technical criteria,methods, processes, and practices (ASME Y14.100).3.20.1 Company Standardcompany standard: a document produced by a companythat establishes engi

49、neering and technical limitationsASME Y14.1M-2012and applications for items, materials, processes, meth-ods, designs, and engineering practices unique to thatcompany.3.21 Standardization Documentstandardization document: a document developed for thepurpose of standardizing items, materials, processes, orprocedures (ASME Y14.100).4 DRAWING SHEET SIZESDrawing sheet size designations are listed inTables 4-1 and 4-2 and graphically shown in Figs. 4-1and 4-2. The sizes shown are the overall size of the sheetsexcluding protective or binding margins. See para. 4.1.Ro

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